Gun grabbing atheist ACLU Democrat woman spreading lies about me???This cartoon remembers me of a problem I am currently having with an atheist, gun grabbing ACLU woman who is a heavily involved in the Democratic Party who seems to hate me because I am a Libertarian.The woman seems to be slandering my by twisting my words around and accusing me of being a p*d*ph*le. I have always thought that all victimless crimes should be legalized. And one of those victimless crimes is statutory rape where an 18 year old who has consensual sex with a 17 year old can be thrown into prison for decades. I think that's complete BS!!!! I have said a number of times that I think it's wrong for the government to throw people in prison who have consensual sex. I believe this woman is twisting my words around from the above statement which says I think consensual sex acts should be legal and claiming that I think it's OK for a 60 year old man to rape a 2 year old baby, under the guise the baby consented and didn't say NO. I have never said that, and I don't agree with that. But I think that's the BS this hateful atheist gun grabbing Democrat woman is telling people about me. And this lady isn't a dummy either. She is a wealthy college educated socialite. Sadly, just getting a college degree doesn't give you any common sense.
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The government isn't going to overthrow itself!!!!What the hell are you waiting for??? The government isn't going to overthrow itself!!!! |
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Victimless Crimes???Why does that make me think of Jennifer White???Maybe it's because she seems to think I am a pervert for saying it's wrong to lock people up in prison for consensual sex acts!!!! F*ck you Jennifer, you are a big time hypocrite.
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Cellphone Gun???New gun folds up to look like a cellphone |
New gun folds up to look like a cellphone? A Minnesota company is making national headlines for a gun that's not even on the market yet. It brings a whole new meaning to the term "concealed carry." The weapon is designed to look just like a cell phone. It's about the size of a Samsung Galaxy and it even has a clip to wear it on your belt like a dad. Called Ideal Conceal, the gun is a double-barreled .380 caliber pistol that folds up to look just like a smartphone. Creator Kirk Kjellberg has a concealed carry permit and said he got the idea when he was walking through a restaurant and a young boy saw his pistol. His Minnesota company plans to have a prototype by the end of May for the NRA's annual meeting in Louisville and to sell the guns for $395 later this year, according to the website. "The idea for Ideal Conceal follows the present-day demand for handguns that people can carry on a day-to-day basis, in a manner that makes carrying a gun easy to do. From soccer moms to professionals of every type, this gun allows you the option of not being a victim," the website reads. Protesters on Mill defy Tempe anti-sitting law with sit-inJust love that Safer Arizona t-shirt that says:Marijuana is safer then cops |
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These are the *sshole on the
Tempe City Council
who voted for the law and who want to run homeless people out of
These government tyrants need to be booted out of office. Mark Mitchell, Mayor Gun Grabbers on Tempe City CouncileGun grabbers on Tempe City Council.Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression!!!!But don't tell that to Jennifer White and HSGPNow this sounds like something Jennifer White would disagree with.I'm not 100% sure on this but I think Jennifer White kicked me off or had me kicked off of several atheist groups (HSPG, ASU FFRF) on Facebook because she disagrees with my Libertarian views and seems to want to shut me up.
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Judge sentences 'serial child molester' Hastert to 15 monthsMore of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our religious leaders, government masters and police???If Dennis Hastert was raping these kids I would have a problem with him. But from what I have read is the sex was consensual. My view is the government shouldn't be throwing people in prison for having consensual sex. Ex-CEO Stephen Banta sues Valley Metro for $1.65 millionSome people are just crooks. Valley Metro's CEO Stephen Banta seems to be not just a crook, but a sleazy crook!!!!This *sshole was screwing the taxpayers taxpayers with $600 hotel rooms in Europe and $400 meals at yuppie restaurants. Instead of firing him the crooks at Valley Metro terminated his contract and gave him a free years pay of $264,493. And now the jerk comes back and sues Valley Metro for $1.65 million. Oh, well, at least Valley Metro hired a "world class" crook. Valley Metro CEO Stephen Banta screws taxpayers out of $315,000Valley Metro CEO Stephen Banta screws taxpayers out of $315,000.
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Using fake IDs in Arizona can lead to serious consequencesDon't these pigs have any REAL criminals to hunt down???You know other then teenagers using fake IDs to get into bars??? Also the penalties for a teenager trying to get some illegal liquor sound rather draconian. Preventing a teenager from becoming a lawyer or a nurse sounds rather draconian for the trivial crime of using a fake ID to buy booze. It also sounds like a big waste of tax dollars for all these bars that seize fake ids from teenagers to turn them over to the cops. Don't the cops have any REAL criminals to hunt down??? Don't tell that to the pigs that get paid overtime to collect the fake ids. I bet they love the waste of tax dollars as they deposit their pay checks every week with all that over time pay from popping kids with fake ids. Money talks, Mill Avenue 'rats' walkMy wife and I were watching a news story on who the people in Tempe call “Mill rats.” Tragically funny, really, as it wasn’t two years ago the Tempe City Council said they had no problem with transients panhandling on Mill Avenue. Now that the merchants complain, up go the signs banning this activity. Amazing, money talks and you know what walks.US Supreme Court LOVES government crooksI have seen a blurb on Facebook that says something likeExpecting government to reform it's self is like expecting cancer to cure it's self.Sounds like it applies here. I think what they are saying here is if I give an elected official a $10,000 "bribe" to get something done for me, that's wrong, while if I give an elected official a $10,000 "campaign contribution" to get something done for me, that's OK. Once a person is in office they should not be allowed to accept bribes, campaign contributions or any thing of value from anybody. At least that's my view. Gun grabbers on Tempe City CouncilI had some problems with the gun grabbers on the Tempe City Council.The royal rulers of the city of Tempe are doing the best they can to flush the Second Amendment down the toilet. It's time to boot these government tyrannts out of office. Mark Mitchell, Mayor Tucson restaurant takes its guests to the world of narcoticsHere is an interesting article about the El Berraco Resturant in Tucson. It's at:El Berraco Resturant |
Ex-CEO accused of misspending slaps Valley Metro with $1.65 million claimSome people are just crooks. Valley Metro's CEO Stephen Banta seems to be not just a crook, but a sleazy crook!!!!This *sshole was screwing the taxpayers taxpayers with $600 hotel rooms in Europe and $400 meals at yuppie restaurants. Instead of firing him the crooks at Valley Metro terminated his contract and gave him a free years pay of $264,493. And now the jerk comes back and sues Valley Metro for $1.65 million. Oh, well, at least Valley Metro hired a "world class" crook. Arizona Supreme Court bars DUI blood tests without warrantSadly Arizona's DUI implied consent law is still constitutional???Sadly I was wrong and Arizona's implied consent DUI law was NOT ruled unconstitutional.Jason Medar pointed out my mistake on Facebook. Arizona Supreme Court bars DUI blood tests without warrantSadly Arizona's DUI implied consent law is still constitutional???Sadly I was wrong and Arizona's implied consent DUI law was NOT ruled unconstitutional.Jason Medar pointed out my mistake on Facebook. Think the Mexican cops are crooked??American cops are just as crooked as Mexican copsAfraid to go to Mexico because you think the Mexican cops> are crooked.Well lot's of MexicansAmerican copsMexican pig can be. And of course those of us who live in the Phoenix area know that Sheriff Joe is one of the most corrupt cops in the nation. I am sure Sheriff Joe will put any crooked Mexican cop to shame. Every week in the 10 or so free Spanish newspapers and magazines I read you will see a number of ads like this which say. Did the cops steal your car?That's my translation, the Spanish is a bit politer and says: Te quito tu carro la policia? |
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Here is the full ad: |
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Stealing cars by the police in Arizona has become a big business. If you get stopped by the cops for a number of trivial traffic violations, Arizona law allows the cops to steal your car and you can't get it back unless you give them a bunch of money. I suspect if George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were alive today they would consider the modern American police state thousands of times worse then that petty tyrants King George which they over threw in the American colonies. Stephen Banta & Valley Metro took taxpayers for a rideRoberts: Valley Metro took taxpayers for a rideAnother day, another shameful frittering away of the public’s money. An audit of Valley Metro paints a picture of a free spending CEO Stephen Banta, a rubber stamping CFO and a pair of boards that were AWOL when it comes to oversight. The result: $315,000 in disallowed or undocumented expenses – all paid for by youknowwho. DEA creates lots of "Do Nothing" jobs for cops!!! |
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I saw this ad on Facebook. Instantly I suspected it was an ad run by cops to create high paying do nothing jobs for cops. You know kind of like those "school resources officers" who get paid $25 to $50 and hour to baby sit children in grade schools and high schools. But in this case the cops hand out in stores, malls, and government building and get paid $25 to $50 an hour to collect prescription drugs which people didn't use. Here in the Phoenix area most cops start out at around $50,000 a year which is about $25 an hour before benefits. And many cops easily make over $100,000 which is $50 an hour.
Sure enough when I clicked on the ad it directed me to a US Department of Justice and DEA or Drug Enforcement Administration web page. you go there you will have to click on it a second time because it claims to have "timed out". The DEA web pages seems to create jobs for local cops by having the local cops hang out at stores, malls, and in government building where they collect people unused drugs. And of course where the cops are paid between $25 and $50 and hour to collect the unused drugs. This link will show you areas in Phoenix where cops are being paid $25 to $50 and hour to collect unused prescription drugs from people. you think that instead of hunting down criminals that are a danger to society, that cops should be paid $25 to $50 and hour to hang out in malls and collect unused drugs from old people? And of course check out the babes while they work at this do nothing, overpaid job. One good question is how much MONEY does all of this cost??? I suspect Uncle Sam is paying for these wasteful do nothing jobs that local cops do. It might be fund to send a "request for public records" to local governments like Maricopa Count, the city of Phoenix, the city of Tempe, the city of Scottsdale and the city of Mesa and see how many hundreds of thousands of dollars a year we are paying cops to collect unused prescription drugs.
Daniel Shaver widow wants Mesa police video releasedwidow wants released.Police body cameras are absolutely worthless if the cops and prosecutors won't show the videos to the public when cops who are wearing body cameras commit crimes. The cops give us the line of BS that the body cameras will stop police crimes. And that's complete rubbish when the cops refuse to release videos of cops who are accused of committing crimes. The other problem is cops are NOT required to turn the body cameras on 24/7, so most police crimes are not videotaped. Remember back before the LAPD beat the living sh*t out of Rodney King. Back in those days the cops gave us the line of BS that all cops were 100% honest and it was impossible for cops to commit crime. And the public was dumb enough to buy that line of BS. After Rodney King's beating was video taped, now the police just give us the usual lie that the cops had to do it because they "feared for their lives" and then refuse to release the videos. Valdez: Is Arizona overmedicating foster kids?More of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our religious leaders, government masters and police???Give you kids drugs and you will go to prison. Well, except when your with the government and you dope up foster children to shut the buggers up. It's kind of hard for kids to behave like obnoxious jerks when you dope them up with Thorazine or what ever the current drug the folks that run foster homes love. Of course if you a medical marijuana patient and you accidentally leave your medical marijuana edibles where the kiddies can see them, the *ssholes at CPS will call you a bad parent and try to take your kids away from you. But hey, it's OK for them to give those problem children a few hundred milligrams of Thorazine to shut the little buggers ups. Deputies: McCain fundraiser arrived as they searched home, found meth labDeputies: McCain fundraiser arrived as they searched home, found meth lab.Kinda interesting, Republicans are just as big of dopers as Democrats are. Restaurante de Tucson lleva a sus comensales al mundo de las narcoseriesRestaurante de Tucson lleva a sus comensales al mundo de las narcoseriesEl Berraco Resturant Tucson restaurant takes its guests to the world of narcoticsHere is an interesting article about the El Berraco Resturant in Tucson. It's at:El Berraco Resturant Is Montgomery being prudent on freeway shooting case, or is he embarrassedSadly most politicians are not "public servants" who work for us. They are sell serving blowhards who work for themselves and the special interest groups who help get them elected.In the case of Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery that is the cops and police unions who support him and shovel cash to him to help him get elected. And you can bet that Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery is going to do everything he can to keep the pigs who falsely arrested and jailed Leslie Allen Merritt Jr. for 7 months from getting punished. About the only thing Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery is good at doing is arresting medical marijuana patients and medical marijuana caregivers on bogus charges and railroading them. Idiot Montgomery: Phoenix freeway shooting probe continuesI think what Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery is saying is that him and is buddies at the Arizona DPS didn't f*ck up royal and falsely arrest Leslie Allen Merritt Jr., slander him in the media, and illegally lock him up for 7 months.I think Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery wants us to believe the fantastic line of BS that Leslie Allen Merritt Jr. is guilty as charged and as soon as him and his incompetent clowns can find, or make up the evidence he will be charged with the crime and convicted. Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery sounds a lot like OJ, that's OJ Simpson who said a cocaine dealer from Columbia killed Nicole, and don't worry the cocaine dealer would soon be busted and prove OJ didn't do it. Come on Mr. Bill Montgomery we are not the morons you think we are. DPS investigators ignored evidence in Phoenix freeway shootingsPersonally I don't think the Arizona DPS cops that bungled the Leslie Merritt were incompetent morons.I suspect they are corrupt cops who would frame their mothers if that's what it took to make them and their agency look like crime fighting super heroes like Batman and Robin. Same goes for the prosecutors that work for Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery. And sadly that's how most cops operate. This case reminds me of the August 10, 1991 botched Wat Promkunaram Buddhist Temple murders in the West Valley. The cops made most of the same mistakes. They made in the Freeway Shooter case. In both cases the cops ignored evidence that proved the arrested people were innocent. And in both cases the cops fudged evidence that didn't fit to make the evidence fit. And I think the mistakes were INTENTIONAL made in both cases so the cops could take credit for being crime fighting super heroes like Batman and Robin. The Wat Promkunaram Buddhist Temple murders where the worst murders in the history of Maricopa County, and maybe in the state of Arizona (outside of where the government murdered large numbers of Indians in the territorial days.). In the botched Wat Promkunaram Buddhist Temple murders 4 kids form Tucson were falsely arrested and coerced into confessing. Mike McGraw, a patient in at Tucson mental hospital called the cops in Phoenix and said he might have some information on who committed the murders. Yea, the cops took seriously a call from a guy in a NUT HOUSE in Tucson who said he could help them solve the worst murders in the history of Maricopa County. And for those of you who are not from Arizona, Tucson is about 100 miles south of Phoenix. It's not like they drove from Scottsdale to Tempe to commit the crime. And that ended up with the Maricopa County Sheriff coercing confessions out of Mike McGraw, Leo Bruce, Mark Nunez and Dante Parker all who had NEVER been to Phoenix. Like the Freeway Shooter case there wasn't a shred of evidence that the Tucson Four, Mike McGraw, Leo Bruce, Mark Nunez and Dante Parker did it, other then a bogus confession that was coerced out of them, which they all recanted. The Tucson Four sat in the Maricopa Jail for almost a year until the cops discovered evidence that Johnathan Doody and Alessandro Garcia did it. And then the case of Johnathan Doody and Alessandro Garcia was handled pretty much the same. It seems the cops illegally cohered confessions from both of them. Although I suspect that there is a good chance that Johnathan Doody and Alessandro Garcia are guilty. But that doesn't make coercing confessions out of them right or legal. Phoenix City Councilman Daniel Valenzuela shovels us a pile of 100% self serving BSIt sure sounds like Phoenix City Councilman Daniel Valenzuela is shoveling us a pile of 100% self serving BS and lies in this editorial or "My Turn" column.Phoenix and other city elections are normally scheduled at the worse possible time to make sure that "normal voters" don't show up and allow the special interest groups, like the police unions and the firemen unions> to swing the elections. Normally city elections have the WORST turn out in percent of registered voters that actually show up and vote, while Presidential elections have the highest percentage of registered voters that come out and vote. In most city government the cops get about 40% of the budget, and the firemen get the next 20% of the budget, giving the cops and firemen control of about 60% of most city government budgets. And the elected officials tend to worship those cops and firemen, because they can usually swing the election. Audit of Valley Metro finds $315k in questionable CEO, staff expensesWhat do you get when you screw Valley Metro out of $315,000??? A years paid vacation which amounts to about $265,000 in cold hard case.Criminals in the private sector go to prison, government criminals like Valley Metro CEO Stephen Banta, get rewarded. Protesters on Mill defy Tempe anti-sitting law with sit-inThese are the *sshole on the Tempe City Council who voted for the law and who want to run homeless people out of Tempe.These government tyrants need to be booted out of office. Mark Mitchell, MayorAbout 30 people participated in a "sit-in" on Mill Avenue in Tempe Friday night in opposition to a new law that makes it illegal to sit or lie down on Tempe sidewalks. |
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Mini Camera Spy cam Pen HD 1280 x 960 |
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Mini Camera Spy cam Pen HD 1280 x 960 Supreme Court says cops can't lie about your Constitutional rights.Arizona Supreme Court says cops can't lie and tell you that you don't have any stinking Constitutional rights.Sadly most cops are pathological liars and will say anything to flush your Constitutional rights down the toilet and get a conviction. Canada aims for pot legalization in 2017Canada aims for pot legalization in 2017Scottsdale screws medical-marijuana usersScottsdale screws medical-marijuana users.I have posted numerous articles like this which show city governments HATE medical marijuana and pass very restrictive laws to screw medical marijuana users. You can bet if the phoney baloney MPP or Marijuana Policy Project initiative to legalize recreational marijuana is passed, most city governments will pass draconian laws to limit growing and possession of marijuana in their cities. You can buy meth from John McCain Republicans too????So you can buy meth from John McCain Republicans too????When we were circulating petitions to legalize marijuana at the Tempe Festival of Arts, John McCain also has his people circulating petitions to get him on the ballot. I loved it when several of the McCain petition circulaters discretely came to us and signed our petitions to legalize marijuana. I guess there are Republican pot smokers in the closet. Crooked Muskogee County return $53,000 they stole from a Christian rock bandCrooked Muskogee County Police return $53,000 they stole from a Christian rock band.Crooked Muskogee County cops get a guilty conciseness and return over $53,000 in cash they stole from a Christian rock band, a church and an orphanage. I seriously doubt these crooked cops have gone straight. It just looks bad for your department when the media reports that your group of police thieves stole $53,000 from a church rather then a bunch of suspected drug dealers. San Diego cop fired him for exposing misuse of federal grantThe only difference between the police and the Mafia is that the Mafia will admit they are criminals.Ex-San Diego officer says department fired him for speaking up about misuse of federal grant Events California state lawmakers went to for freeI suspect it's pretty much like this in Arizona.Bottom line is our elected officials in government are NOT public servants who serve us. The elected officials in government who pretend to serve us are self-employed pimps who work for themselves and serve the corporations and other special interest groups that give them bribes. I'm sorry did I say "bribes", I meant campaign contributions. Merritt attorneys ask judge to unseal court documents in Phoenix freeway shooter caseThese sleaze bag prosecutors in Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery office would probably frame their mother for murder if they could carve a notch in their guns for convicting her.Sadly sleaze bag Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery treats marijuana users the same way. Ever since Prop 203 or Arizona's medical marijuana act has been passed he has been making up imaginary laws to arrest and jail medical marijuana patients and medical marijuana care takers for. Judge shouldn't let prosecutors hide in freeway shooting caseSadly Department of Public Safety Director Frank Milstead seems to be a patholotical liar just like Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery.Sadly Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery routinely does this rubbish when he arrests medical marijuana patients and medical marijuana care takes on imaginary laws. I got a gun and badge and that means you ain't got no Constitutional rights!!!Sadly when you tell the police that you want them to honor your constitutional rights, most cops are pathological liars who will give you a line of BS that you Constitutional rights don't apply in the current case.Every time I am stopped by the police I tell them I want them to exercise my 6th Amendment right and have my lawyer present during any questioning. They always ignore my request and continue questioning me. When the start questioning me, I am like a broken records and tell them I am taking the 5th and refusing to answer their questions. In almost every case the police give me a line of BS, that "in this case" I don't have any 5th Amendment right to refuse to answer questions. Which is a lie. Miranda v Arizona says that when a person takes the 5th the police shall immediately cease questioning the person. But the cops almost always continue to question me, and make threats that if I don't answer their questions bad, bad, bad things will happen to me. Since I won't tell the cops my name the pigs usually illegally search my wallet looking for ID. And that's the reason I don't carry ID. Because I don't want some mutherf*cking crooked pig to search it in my wallet when he illegally searches me. That's why we hate the police!!!! Now in my case I am always on foot, so I don't need a driver's licens Judge dismisses case against Leslie Merritt Jr.Judge dismisses case against Leslie Merritt Jr.This case reminds me of the August 10, 1991 botched Wat Promkunaram Buddhist Temple murders in Waddell where 4 kids form Tucson were falsely arrested and coerced into confessing. Mike McGraw, a patient in at Tucson mental hospital called the cops in Phoenix and said he might have some information on who committed the murders. And that ended up with the Maricopa County Sheriff coercing confessions out of Mike McGraw, Leo Bruce, Mark Nunez, Dante Parker, all who had NEVER been to Phoenix. Like the Freeway Shooter case there wasn't a shred of evidence that the Tucson Four, Mike McGraw, Leo Bruce, Mark Nunez, Dante Parker did it, other then a bogus confession that was coerced out of them, which they all recanted. The Tucson Four sat in the Maricopa Jail for almost a year until the cops discovered evidence that Johnathan Doody and Alessandro Garcia did it. The Brady List is a list or corrupt cops Nationwide |
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The image or photo says We need a National Blacklist Database so any police officer who has broken the law cannot be hired elsewhere.We already have a list like that. It's called the Brady List!!!!The Brady list is a list of corrupt cops nationwide who are considered too corrupt to testify in court. The only problem is it doesn't work. Almost all of the cops who are on the Brady List are still working for their police departments getting paid big time salaries. The only difference between these crooked cops and the other normal cops is the crooked cops on the Brady list are not allowed to testify in court. The name "Brady List" stems from the 1963 U.S. Supreme Court case Brady vs. Maryland which found that a defendant's right to due process is violated if a prosecutor withholds certain exculpatory evidence from the accused's lawyer. What Your Poo Says About Your Athletic PerformanceWhat Your Poo Says About Your Athletic Performance.Here is an article written Dr. Alison Chen, ND which is all about poop. Yea, poop, krap, sh*t, or whatever you want to call it. I wouldn't doubt it if Jennifer White comes up with some reason to call me a bad, bad, person for reposting this article. What the Classroom Didn’t Teach Me About the American EmpireWhen I grew up and went to the government schools or the public schools as most people call them, they conveniently over looked all of the facts the books author talks about in my history classes.I didn't know about most of this stuff until I read it on my own in non-government history books. In the government schools, or the public schools as the government calls them they teach you that government is great and can do no wrong. But when you read the history books you quickly discover that the American Empire is just as evil as all the other empires that have existed in the world. Obamacare disaster will be Obama’s enduring domestic legacyObamacare disaster will be Obama’s enduring domestic legacyI have said this before, but government is NOT the solution to the problem, government is usually the cause of the problem. President Obama promised Obamacare would provide “more choice, more competition, lower costs.” Instead, Americans have less choice, less competition and higher costs. Seattle Will Have Shut Down About 100 MMJ Dispensaries By JulyAgain government is the cause of the problem, not the solution to the the problem.Well, actually in the case the MPP or Marijuana Policy Project is the cause of the problem. Well, Marijuana Policy Project working in conjunction with the government. While MPP, like NORML, started out years ago to help end the evil draconian laws against marijuana both groups were taken over by some very smart businessmen who are using the groups to work in conjunction with the government and pass laws that help make special interest groups rich by giving them government monopolies on selling recreational marijuana. Here in Arizona, the marijuana community was screwed by Prop 203 which is Arizona's Medical Marijuana Act and was written by MPP. MPP is pretty well hated by the marijuana community and we are doing the best we can to shut down their phoney baloney law to legalize recreational marijuana in Arizona. My understanding is that in Washington state their laws were also written by MPP and the marijuana community in Washington State hates them. SWC Medical Marijuana DispensaryThe SWC Medical Marijuana Dispensary is at 2009 E. 5th Street #11, which is near Smith & 5th Street. It's in an industrial park. If you go there at night you might not feel safe.M.E.R.C. Medical Marijuana DispensaryA friend of mine went to several medical marijuana dispensaries in Tempe. This one was:M.E.R.C.The M.E.R.C. Medical Marijuana Dispensary is at 1811 E Southern, which is on the southeast corner of McClintock and Southern in a strip mall. Unlike the other medical marijuana dispensaries, it's not in an industrial park and you probably will feel safe there during the normal business hours of the dispensary. iPhone hack cost FBI about $1 millioniPhone hack cost FBI about $1 millionSadly if you p*ss off the government, or some government *sshole wants to f*ck with you for all practical purposes they have almost unlimited resources to use to screw you over with. My point is don't say anything on the internet or on your telephone that you wouldn't mind the pigs hearing. Even if you encrypt it the pigs have almost unlimited resources to attack you with. And it's not THEIR money they are spending, it's YOUR tax dollars they are spending. So they could care less how much it costs other people to f*ck with you. Laws against marijuana cause 8 murders in Ohio?Laws against marijuana cause 8 murders in Ohio?Marijuana DOESN'T cause crime. The laws against marijuana cause crime. And it looks like the laws against marijuana caused these 8 murders in Ohio. If marijuana were 100% legal, a pound of pot would cost the same as a pound of tomatoes and people would not be murdering each other over it. More on the old tired line of how the government is not the solution to the problem, but government is the cause of the problem. Home-sharing rentals shouldn't be a crimeHome-sharing rentals shouldn't be a crimeThese silly laws are just as dumb as the phoney baloney MPP (Marijuana Policy Project) initiative which claims to legalize marijuana. Under the MPP initiative it's legal for you to buy an ounce of marijuana from one of the 160 legal marijuana stores, but it's a FELONY if you sell the unused marijuana to your friend. Tempe City Council screws medical marijuana usersHere are some LIES the royal members of the Tempe City Council passed about medical marijuana.If you really want to f*ck up something and drive up a business's cost just get government involved. These cold hearted *ssholes on the Tempe City Council need to be booted out of office.
Montini: Freeway shooting fiasco - 'We got him!' or We got duped?Sadly it sounds like Arizona Government Doug Ducey was just using the false arrest of Leslie Merritt Jr. to get himself re-elected in 2016 or 2018.On the other hand politicians typically are parasites and crooks who prey on the rest of us, so it's not that odd. But like the millions the taxpayers have shelled out to cover Sheriff Joe's crimes, the taxpayers will be paying for Arizona Governor Doug Ducey's lies. Montini thinks it will cost the taxpayers $10 million. And of course Leslie Merritt Jr. deserves every penny of it. He was falsely arrested and locked in a cage for 7 months. And also demonized in the media. Letter: Phoenix freeway shootings were a hoaxLetter: Phoenix freeway shootings were a hoax.I don't know if this is true, but Kevin Walsh does bring up some very good points!!!! Bloom Medical Marijuana DispensaryBloom Medical Marijuana Dispensary14 S 41st Place Phoenix It's just north of Sky Harbor International Airport and a short walk from the Valley Metro light rail stop at 44th Street & Washington. Their phone number is (602)396-5757. Their website is
Anti-Joe Arpaio Artists Find Inspiration in Arizona Sheriff's MisdeedsAnti-Joe Arpaio Artists Find Inspiration in Arizona Sheriff's MisdeedsRob McElwain has some cool Sheriff Joe cartoons!!!! A new super-sized oriental grocery store in MesaAZ International Marketplace, from the owners of Mekong Market.A gigantic oriental grocery store is opening in Mesa near the Mekong Market. This store is in the old K-Mart store which was just east of Dobson on Broadway in Mesa. It's a half mile south of the Mekong Market. Arizona marijuana-legalization campaign could fail if voted on todayPoll: Arizona marijuana-legalization campaign could fail if voted on todayI don't have ANY faith in the polls the Arizona Republic takes. Over the years they always have seem biased and when the elections come around the Arizona Republic predictions rarely come true. So I don't have any faith in this poll. Reefer Madness crowd should take a breathReefer Madness crowd should take a breath.The history of anti-marijuana activity is replete with falsehoods, distortion and scandalous propaganda. It must be so, because the argument can never be won using reality and reason. Roberts: Freeway shooting case sounds like a total botch jobRoberts: Freeway shooting case sounds like a total botch job.Sounds like??? Always has been, always will be. And don't count on the cops and prosecutors be punished for their crime. They never are and never will be. Phoenix city council f*cks over medical marijuana users.Phoenix city council f*cks over medical marijuana users.My opinion is that the members of the Phoenix City Council are owned by the police and the police unions. And when the 3,000 or so Phoenix cops tell them to keep the "War on Drugs" running at full speed the member of the Phoenix City Council do it. The a href="legalize/z_99887.php">Phoenix City Council voted unanimously to approve this. Well except for police state thug Sal DiCiccio who is owned by the cops did not vote for some reason. Not did these *sshole vote unanimously to approve them, they voted to pass the new regulations with an emergency clause, making them effective immediately. All the jerks on the Phoenix City City Council are out of touch with the people and need to be booted out of office. Police are Creating Fake Facebook Accounts to Monitor YouThe police are creating fake Facebook accounts to spy on you.MCSO seizes 600 pot plants from Phoenix warehouseSheriff Joe's goons railroad these medical marijuana caretakers???I suspect there is a good change none of these people were breaking ANY laws. The police seem to single out and arrest medical marijuana care givers or care takers who grow marijuana and charge them with imaginary crimes because of the large amounts of marijuana they grow. I think caretakers or caregivers can grow 12 plants for each of the patients they have. I went to a court case that sounds like this for a guy in Tempe named Rex. The cops lied to get the search warrant and everything that came up in court seem to say he was in compliance with Prop 203 or the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act. Despite that the guy was not released on bail and I suspect he is still in jail on those bogus charges. Montini: I’m not buying new marijuana poll. It’s ‘Reefer Madness’ all over againEJ Montini is right. Yavapai County Attorney Shelia Polk and the other drug war nut jobs will use every trick in the book to prevent marijuana from being legalized. Let's face it, the "War on Drugs" is just a jobs program for cops and prosecutors and YavapaiCounty Attorney Shelia Polk doesn't want that to change. The so-called Arizonans for Responsible Drug Policy, led in part by Yavapai County Attorney Shelia Polk, have already demonstrated that they’re willing to use the kind of “evidence” to make their argument that would never hold up in court. Police are Creating Fake Facebook Accounts to Monitor YouInteresting the police are creating fake Facebook accounts to monitor you.Gun Grabbersguns_hsgp_ffrf_augp.html guns_hsgp_ffrf_augp.html The people that are trying to take away our guns are planning on keeping theirs. Makes me think of ACLU, atheist, Democrat gun grabber Jennifer White. I know Jennifer White from HSGP (Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix), AU-GP (Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Greater Phoenix) and FFRF (Freedom From Religion Foundation). |
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Microsoft stock drops signals Nadella's honeymoon may be endingI have never like Microsnot because of their flaky MS/DOS which they cloned from Unix. And their flaky Windows, which they stole from Apple, who stole it from Xerox.But you gotta hand it to Bill Gates for turning this absolutely sh*tty operating system into a billion dollar success for himself and Microsoft. Sure Bill Gates couldn't code his way out of a page page, but he has done a fantastic job as a businessman. I'm sure I can code circles around Bill Gates, but I admit wouldn't have turned MS/DOS and Windows into a billion dollar or maybe even trillion dollar success story. Years ago I ridiculed Bill Gates for giving the finger to IBM. But Bill Gates was right on that and I was wrong. Arizona drone law flushes 1st Amendment down the toiletArizona drone law flushes 1st Amendment down the toilet:Makes it a felony to use a drone to intentionally photograph or loiter over or near a critical facility such as a dam, prison, railroad or power lineIt also seems to be a law written specially for Amazon and Google, which is a violation of the 14th Amendment and the "equal protection" clause in the Arizona Constitution. I got a gun and badge and can murder anyone I want!!!!Cops can get away with MURDER. And cops routinely get away with murder.Here is another case. This is the standard line of BS when the county attorneys refuse to prosecute crooked cops for the crimes they commit: The Maricopa County Attorney's Office declined to prosecute Howard for two counts of aggravated assault and two counts of aggravated assault with serious physical injury because there was no reasonable likelihood of conviction, according to police reports.If you are a civilian *sshole that loves to terrorize and murder people, don't do this!!!! You will go to prison. So remember before behaving like a complete and total *sshole criminal, you must first become a POLICE OFFICER. That will protect you from being thrown in jail for your crimes. Remember the old gun and badge means: "I got a gun and a badge and I'm above the law. Leslie Allen Merritt Jr was being framed by the Arizona DPS.I have said all along that I thought Leslie Allen Merritt Jr was being framed by the Arizona DPS.State moves to drop charges against Leslie Merritt Jr.State moves to drop charges against Leslie Merritt Jr.I have said all along that it seemed like the Arizona DPS was framing Leslie Merritt Jr. so they can brag to the public that they are superheroes like Batman and Robin and deserve pay raises. Looks like I was right. Even Arizona Governor Doug Ducey was part of that insanity when he tweeted something like "We got him", hoping to look like a Super Government because of the false arrest his DPS thugs made of Leslie Merritt Jr.. Anti-Joe Arpaio Artists Find Inspiration in Arizona Sheriff's MisdeedsRob McElwain has some cool Sheriff Joe cartoons!!!!The English word faggot means "a bundle of sticks"The English word faggot means "a bundle of sticks".Back when Europe was ruled by the Catholic Church being gay was a capital crime and gays were executed by burning them at the stake. When the Catholic church murdered people for the victimless crime of being gay, first they were tied to the stake. Next a few "bundles of sticks" or firewood are thrown at their feet. These "bundles of sticks" or firewood are used to burn them to death. A cruel sadistic punishment for the victimless crime of being gay. The English word "faggot" originally meant a "bundle of sticks". And it still does mean a "bundle of sticks" when used in England. |
Bloom Medical Marijuana DispensaryThe Bloom Dispensary or Bloom Medical Marijuan Dispensary reminded my friend of a sleazy rip off used car lot with some sleazy high pressure salesmen who are more concerned with taking all the money out of your wallet then helping you find something that will satisfy your needs and solve your problems. Sadly medical marijuana seems to be mostly about shaking down people for money and almost nothing to do with helping sick people solve their medical problems with marijuana.Sheriff Joe Arpaio gets heat for Prince tweetSheriff Joe Arpaio gets heat for Prince tweet.First drugs don't cause crime, the laws against drugs cause crime. Second a good number of the drug overdoses and deaths are caused by the laws against drugs. If drugs were legal people would have access to drugs of a know quality and that would reduce the number of over doses. People would also have a better knowledge of how a given drug would affect them, and again that would reduce overdoses. Third the laws against drugs only benefit the people involved in arresting, jailing and sending people to prison who commit victimless drug war crimes. And that includes Sheriff Joe, who is one of the biggest *ssholes in the world. Sheriff Joe is wrong with his statement "Drugs destroying our nation”. Drugs are NOT destroying our nation. The laws making drugs illegal are destroying our nation. And *ssholes like Sheriff Joe who enforce the laws against drugs are the people responsible for destroying our nation. The sweet spot for building drug tunnels? It's in San Diego's Otay Mesa neighborhoodThe sweet spot for building drug tunnels? It's in San Diego's Otay Mesa neighborhood.In Arizona, on the border between Nogales Arizona and Nogales, Sonora we have more drug tunnels then in the San Diego, California, Tijuana, Baja California area. Bottom line Arizona is number one!!!! I suspect it probably because land is a lot cheaper then in a medium sized remote Arizona city then in the expensive San Diego metro area. Deputy Fire Commissioner John McNicholas was drunk at time of crash??Deputy Fire Commissioner John McNicholas was drunk at time of crash???More of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our religious leaders, government masters and police??? Kicked off of Facebook for using the f***** wordKicked off of Facebook for using the f***** word.The English word "f*****" means "a bundle of sticks".
Is AZfmr going to make it in 2016?Is AZfmr going to make it in 2016?How goes RAD and any news on if AZfmr has enough signatures? As all the news talks about is the mpp initiative. Right now I am pretty p*ssed off about Jason Hein and Jason Medar for treating me like sh*t, so it's best not to ask me about AZfmr!!! Report: Sheriff Joe Arpaio is slow to make changes in racial-profiling caseReport: Sheriff Joe Arpaio is slow to make changes in racial-profiling case???Do you really think the government is going to force Sheriff Joe to obey the law??? The only people that are forced to obey the law is us serfs. Sheriff Joe will continue for decades to give us the usual cop line of "Look m*ther f*cker, I got a gun and a badge and am above the law". FBI doing the best they can to keep us from getting fair trails.FBI doing the best they can to keep us from getting fair trails.So us tax payers pay these FBI agents big bucks, but they want to keep the illegal tactics they use to frame criminals secret from us. F*ck the criminals in the FBI. That's one of the reasons I am an anarchist and know that government doesn't work as advertised. Montini: 'Dear Suns and Coyotes: Build your own damn arena. Respectfully, Phoenix'Don't you love it when the city of Phoenix gives your tax dollars to millionaire owners of professions sports teams so they can afford a vacation on the Rivera with their mistresses???The only problem I have with Larry Naman is the guy can't shoot straight. When he was in prison I offered to give the guy some free target shooting lessons but the warden didn't let my letter go thru to him. Larry Naman is the guy who gave Mary Rose Wilcox the name Mary Rose "Bullet in the Butt" Wilcox, when he tried to assassinate her at a Maricopa County Supervisors meeting. Police make arrests in Gilbert LDS church parking lot shootingLegalize drugs and all the crimes like this that are associated with drugs will disappear overnight.You don't hear about being being robbed for 2 aspirin tablets or a 2 vitamin C pills. Legalize drugs and all these stupid murders, shootings and robberies associated with illegal drugs will go away. Safe pot? Tell that to the 62 kids who diedSafe pot? Tell that to the 62 kids who died from marijuana overdoses.Lies from Sheila Polk. Arizona Republic asks people do sign the evil MPP petitionArizona Republic asks people do sign the evil MPP (Marijuana Policy Project) petition and doesn't even mention AZfmr (Arizonans for Mindful Regulation).Roberts: Freeway shooting case sounds like a total botch jobRoberts: Freeway shooting case sounds like a total botch job.Sounds like??? Always has been, always will be. And don't count on the cops and prosecutors be punished for their crimes. They never are and never will be. In this case Leslie Allen Merritt Jr. is being railroaded by the Arizona Department of Public Safety!!! Leslie Allen Merritt Jr. is being railroaded by the Arizona DPS!!!It sure looks like Leslie Allen Merritt Jr. is being railroaded by the Arizona DPS!!! Sadly it happens all the time and most cases are not as obvious.Judge says no jail time trigger happy NYPD Officer Peter LiangJudge says no jail time trigger happy NYPD Officer Peter Liang.Sadly even when a jury nails a trigger happy cop for manslaughter, you can count on the judge reversing the verdict and letting the cop go. April 19 - Got nailed on Facebook for using the word f*aggot!!!!!!Was kicked off for 24 hours.I wrote a blurd that gave this history of the word and mention that it means a "bundle of sticks" and the reason it is currently used to describe gay folks is because at the time being gay was a capital offense by the church and gay people were burned to death at the stake. Roberts: Does Phoenix really have the money to build a new arena?The answer from Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton point is WHO cares.I sure Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton will gets lots of bribes from the special interest groups in the Phoenix Suns and Arizona Coyotes which will make it well worthwhile for him. Of course the public will get screwed over the deal. I'm sorry, did I say "bribes"??? Sorry I meant campaign contributions. Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton wants to give corporate welfare to both the Suns and CoyotesHow do you spell LIAR???Stanton said his support will be contingent on ... it is built without raising taxesHow about the letters Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton also seems to forget he is a public servant and thinks he is a royal ruler. Mayor Greg Stanton seems to forget or not care that all the power the city of Phoenix has comes from being an entity in the state of Arizona. Stanton specifically referenced a bill Gov. Doug Ducey has signed into law that allows state leaders to withhold state-shared revenue from cities if the attorney general determines a city or county has passed a regulation that conflicts with state law. Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema shovels the BSKyrsten Sinema - The Senior Act is a commonsense solutionIdentity theft scam???No, this sounds like a scam by Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema to use your tax dollars to get herself re-elected to the US Congress. US Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema send me this junk mail on April 15. I suspect hoping to get my vote in the next election. Don't worry I won't. Personally I think US Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema is one the worst elected officials I have ever know. When it comes to taxing and spending she has never met a tax she didn't love. When it comes to micro-manageing our lives she is an expert at that. And this phoney baloney ex-anti-war protester routinely votes for the police state and military industrial complex. Sadly where ever our elected officials come up with at "commonsense solution" that's usually a code word for unconstitutional law that flushes either the Constitution or the bill of rights down the toilet. Gary Treistman screwed by NY Family Court SystemGary Treistman screwed by CPS in Ulster County in New YorkThis is a sad story of Gary Treistman.A loving Dad who just wanted to be a father to his daughter and have the courts get out of his life. This is an example of how when a court makes up their mind as to which way a case is going to go, they dig their heels in and regardless of the evidence before it, stick with their initial decision. The Abolition of CashThe government wants to make paper money illegal???The government wants to abolish cash and make you purchase everything with electronic money. Now isn't that a nice 1984 police state idea.I guess when the happens, only criminals will have cold hard cash. Here is the first page of an interesting article titled In the April 11, 2016 issued of the National Review. Phoenix mayor set to call for a new downtown arena for Suns, CoyotesSounds like a great opportunity for Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton and the members of the Phoenix City Council to line their wallets up with bribes. I'm sorry, did I say bribes, I meant "campaign contributions".Year's ago the Phoenix voters got tired of the city of Phoenix giving our hard earned tax dollars to the Phoenix Suns as corporate welfare and passed a law requiring any new sports facilitates for professions sports teams to be approved by the voters. I wonder how the members of the Phoenix City Council will get around that law??? Probably schedule the election at a time that make it hard for people who are against the stadium to vote. Do the cops put on these events to get overtime???I wonder how much cops and the police unions have to do with all the concerts, festivals and other events that are held at city parks??? Such as at the Phoenix Steele Indian School Park or Tempe Town Toilet (Tempe Town Lake as the royal rulers of Tempe call it).And I say that because the cops LOVE these events because they can make big bucks at the event, doing pretty nothing while at the same time getting paid time and a half Caffeine vs THC: The Double Standards of AddictionI am addicted to this drug. If I don't get my daily morning dose of 44 ounces of Mountain Dew I go into withdraw symptoms.I also used to be addicted to a far worse drug, tobacco. Some studies say tobacco is almost as addictive as heroin. I wouldn't doubt that. It was hell when I kicked my 3 and 1/2 pack a day habit of cigarettes. Actually for an addictive substance to cause major problems in your life the addictive substance needs to be made illegal. Drugs don't cause problems, it's the laws against drugs cause the problems. “for something to be considered an addiction, it needs to be truly disruptive - causing problems in personal relationships, for example, or interfering with the ability to work,” the story continued.While some studies say tobacco is almost as addictive as heroin, tobacco doesn't cause people the problems that heroin does, because a tobacco addict can always walk into a Circle or 7/11 and buy a pack of cigarettes to get their tobacco fix. Same is true for caffeine. Every morning I go to Circle K and pay 90 cents to get my caffeine fix with 44 ounces of Mountain Dew. I can't see my marijuana is even mentioned in this article. Marijuana is NOT a physically addictive drug like caffeine, tobacco or heroin. A lot of government propaganda implies marijuana is an addictive drug like heroin, but when you question their logic they quickly admit that marijuana is not physically addictive like heroin. They also admit that according to their claims only 10% of the people that use marijuana on a regular basis meet their definition of being addicts. That's opposed to 100% of the people that use heroin on a regular basis. April 17 - Turned in 38 petitions to legalize marijuanaTurned in 38 petitions today to AZfrm or Arizonans for Mindful Regulation. That brings my total up to about 163 petitions.Last time I turned in stuff I was around 125 and these 38 bring me up to 163. And the time before that I was around 92 If you assume each petition has 15 signatures on it, the total is 2,445 signature. But I suspect I have turned in at least 10 petitions from counties outside of Maricopa County so that probably brings the count down to 2,295. If I was being paid by MPP I would have been paid $1 for each signature or almost $2,300. But since everybody doing this is working for free, I didn't get one cent for collecting those signatures.
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How to murder children: Bible style |
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Arizona's Week in Weed: Legalization Measure Hits MilestoneIf you ask me the Phoenix New Times seems biased against the AZfrm (Arizonans for Mindful Regulation) initiative and biased for the MPP (Marijuana Policy Project) initiative. Of course who am I to say. I am biased for the AZfrm initiative.I suspect the Phoenix New Times will lose a lot of money in display advertizing if the AZfrm initiative passes because marijuana will go from being a specialty item marketed by a cartel of 85 or so medical marijuana dispensaries to a generic commodity like tomatoes or potatoes sold by 1,600 retail recreational marijuana stores. These 1,600 new recreational marijuana stores won't run the display ads that the cartel of 85 or so medical marijuana stores run every week in the Phoenix New Times. On the other hand if the MPP initiative passes the size of the medical marijuana cartel in Arizona will double to include a recreational marijuana cartel with from 85 to 160 cartel members. And of course those cartel members will probably continue to run display advertizing in the Phoenix New Times. And of course 85 of the new recreational marijuana cartel members will be the same as the 85 medical marijuana cartel members because the 85 or so medical marijuana cartel members get automatic membership in the recreational marijuana cartel. La Flower - "Hanging Naked Men"This is a flower called "hanging naked men".I wonder if Jennifer White is going to accuse me of some evil crime for posting it here. I'm not sure but I think Jennifer White has falsely accused me of being a p*d*ph*le for my statement saying it's wrong for the government to throw people in jail for consensual sex. I think it's wrong for the government to throw an 18 year old kid in prison who has consensual sex with a 17 year old kid. For some reason atheist, ACLU Democrat gun grabber Jennifer White disagrees with that strongly |
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Does Phoenix want ownership of Chase Field?Does Phoenix want ownership of Chase Field or Bank One Ballpark?I suspect that the Arizona Diamondbacks attempt to shift the operation of the taxpayer owned Chase Field stadium they play in from Maricopa County to the city of Phoenix is just another attempt to screw the taxpayers of Phoenix out of millions of dollars in corporate welfare. The only reason Maricopa County built the stadium was because the voters of Phoenix passed a law requiring voter approval of any corporate welfare the city of Phoenix gives professional sports teams. The Phoenix voters were tired of shoveling corporate welfare to erry Colangelo and his Phoenix Suns. And that caused Jerry Colangelo and his gang of millionaire owners of professional sports team owners that prey on the taxpayers for government welfare to shake down Maricopa County instead of Phoenix. 'Baby Gabriel' mom Elizabeth Johnson admits probation violation'Baby Gabriel' mom Elizabeth Johnson admits probation violationI support Elizabeth Johnson 100%. I think she was screwed by the system and had her constitutional rights violate. Bill Montgomery blames marijuana for spike in heroin deathsMaricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery blames marijuana for spike in heroin deaths"every single one of them, when they were discussing their own addiction or someone else's, referenced beginning with marijuana use."Using that logic you could say using mother's milk leads not only to marijuana use, but to heroin addiction. Hell, same goes for H2O or water. I have never met a marijuana user or heroin addict who didn't at some time in his or her life down a few swigs of water. Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery makes me think of H. L. Mencken "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." Is Phoenix New Times biased for MPP and against AZfrm???Does the Phoenix New Times have a financial interesting in the MPP initiative or Marijuana Policy Project initiative which will create a marijuana monopoly or really a marijuana oligopoly for 85 or so recreational marijuana dealers in Arizona???Is Phoenix New Times biased against AZfrm (Arizonans for Mindful Regulation) and their initiative which will turn recreational marijuana into a generic product like tomatoes or potatoes??? Is Phoenix New Times biased for MPP and against AZfrm???Does the Phoenix New Times have a financial interesting in the MPP initiative or Marijuana Policy Project initiative which will create a marijuana monopoly or really a marijuana oligopoly for 85 or so recreational marijuana dealers in Arizona???Is Phoenix New Times biased against AZfrm (Arizonans for Mindful Regulation) and their initiative which will turn recreational marijuana into a generic product like tomatoes or potatoes??? Is Phoenix New Times biased for MPP and against AZfrm???Does the Phoenix New Times have a financial interesting in the MPP initiative or Marijuana Policy Project initiative which will create a marijuana monopoly or really a marijuana oligopoly for 85 or so recreational marijuana dealers in Arizona???Is Phoenix New Times biased against AZfrm (Arizonans for Mindful Regulation) and their initiative which will turn recreational marijuana into a generic product like tomatoes or potatoes??? Glendale officials want light-rail extension near downtown to cross Grand AvenueLight rail is outrageously expensive compared to bus service. I think that's mainly because of the high construction costs.It sounds like the royal rulers of Glendale want p*ss away our money like drunken sailors and make it even more expensive by having the light rail cross Grand Avenue and the BNSF Railway line. Sorry to insult drunken sailors and compare them to members of the Glendale City Council. The good think about drunken sailors is they don't p*ss away other peoples money. According to this article light rail costs $15,000 to $25,000 for each foot of light rail, and of course the things wanted by the royal rulers of Glendale will increase that. Arizona cops arrest Mesa man for having phone sex with teenagers in Kansas???Don't these pigs have any REAL criminals to hunt down???It sounds like this guy in the Phoenix metro area (Mesa) was arrested for having an electronic discussion about sex with some underage girls in Kansas??? If the guy was having REAL, PHYSICAL sex with these girls in Kansas I can understand the cops arresting him for statutory rape. But it's ridiculous for the cops to arrest a man in Arizona and charge him with a FELONY for having a conversation about sex with some under aged girls in Kansas. Congressman Jim Moron can't live on $174,000Representative Congressman Jim Moron said that members of the US Congress can't live decently on $174,000.Representative Congressman Jim Moron wants to give Congress a raise!!! If it were legal, I would say that Congressman Jim Moron doesn't need a raise, but needs to be tared and feathered and strung up from a street light pole to show elected officials how we feel about the crooks in the US Congress that constantly screw us.
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Arizona House Speaker David Gowan is a vindictive hateful *ssholeArizona House Speaker David Gowan is a corrupt politician who banned one reporter from reporting on the Arizona Legislator because one reporter wrote a negative article that showed Arizona House Speaker David Gowan is a crook who tried to rip the state of Arizona off for $12,000. That reporter is Hank Stephenson of the Arizona Capitol Times.This incident make me think of gun grabbing ACLU atheist Democrat Jennifer White who has been busy censoring me because I am a Libertarian, rather then the only correct political party which is a Democrat. I know Jennifer White from HSGP (Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix), AU-GP (Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Greater Phoenix) and FFRF (Freedom From Religion Foundation).
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Some *sshole stole my bike on Sunday, April 10, 2016Some *sshole stole my bike on Sunday, April 10, 2016. |
My religion is dumber then your religion?
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Police Lies!!!!! Police Murders!!!!Hell, whoever wrote this originally was clueless.Juries never hear police murder cases. Corrupt prosecutors never charge crooked cops with murder. But still the theme is correct. The police routinely murder us and always get away with it. Repeat after me. I thought he had a gun.Those 3 phrases will ensure that you can kill anyone you want and no jury will convict you.
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Mount Rushmore National Memorial |
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Chicago Police Corrupt to the Core!!!!Please don't make me laugh by telling me the Chicago PD is going to reform itself. That's like telling me the Mafia is going to reform itself.The reason the Founders gave us the Second Amendment is because they know government would evolve into this. But sadly the corrupt elected officials in Chicago and Illinois, also know that, which is why they flushed the 2nd Amendment down the toilet in Chicago and Illinois. Roberts: Why was Winslow officer still on the streets?Why wasn't the crooked cop fired???Same reason crooked cops are NEVER fired. The police are corrupt to the core!!!! Well, ever now and then a crooked cop is fired. But it's usually when the crooked cop p*sses off his crooked masters. The Founders gave us the 2nd Amendment for this reason. If we don't use the Second Amendment, we are going to lose it. Everytime I think of Winslow cop Austin Shipley murdering Loreal Tsingine I think of my friend Yazzi being murdered by a crooked cop because he has brown skin. Yazzi is a Navajo Indian like Loreal Tsingine. I asked Yazzi, if he knows Loreal Tsingine. He said he didn' Marijuana ballot initiative is a doobie, doobie, done deal - Wrong!!!!Sadly EJ Montini has fallen hook, line and sinker for the MPP or Marijuana Policy Project mouse trap.The phoney baloney MPP initiative to legalize marijuana is 99% about making millionaires out of the owners of the 85 or so medical marijuana dispensaries by giving them a second monopoly on growing and selling recreational marijuana. And of course it's a measly 1% about actually legalizing marijuana, which it doesn't really do. While EJ Montini claims it's a "done deal" we are going to do the best we can to shoot down the phoney baloney MPP initiative, just like the voters of Ohio shot down their phoney baloney marijuana initiative which would have given a marijuana monopoly to 10 or so companies. Sadly EJ Montini seems more excited about the tax revenue, rather then ending the draconian police state laws which jail millions for the victimless crime of using marijuana. Phoney baloney Marijuana Policy Project campaign has 200,000 signaturesThis is 100% bullsh*t!!!! When people find out that the phoney baloney MPP (Marijuana Policy Project) initiative doesn't completelly legalize marijuana, they are angry that J.P. Holyoak's gang of carpet baggers misrepresentated the issue to them.Family of Mesa man killed by police files $10 million lawsuit against cityAn attorney representing the family of a Mesa man who was shot by police inside his gated community in December has opened a $10 million civil case against the city of Mesa.Troy Hendrickson, an attorney representing Ivan Krstic's surviving family members, said he filed the lawsuit Monday in Maricopa County Superior Court. Roberts: Gowan, unmasked, cries uncle on reporter banSounds like the end of Western Civilization as we know it.Reporters with trespassing convictions (i.e. Hank Stephenson of the Arizona Capitol Times) will now be able to cover the news in the Arizona House of Representatives. No, make that reporters who have written articles pointing out that House Speaker David Gowan is a sleazy corrupt government tyrant and crook will be allowed to continue to cover the news in the Arizona House of Representatives. Hateful vindictive David Gowan reminds ACLU atheist Democrat Jennifer WhiteFor some reason Arizona House Speaker David Gowan reminds me of gun grabbing, ACLU atheist Democrat Jennifer White.I know Jennifer White from HSGP (Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix), AU-GP (Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Greater Phoenix), and the FFRF (Freedom From Religion Foundation). Jennifer White seems to hate me because I am a Libertarian, and because I think it's wrong to throw people in prison for having consensual sex). jennnifer_white_david_gowan_001.htmlSome articles on legalizing marijuana in Arizona Here is the very first article on legalizing marijuana. Here are some articles on legalizing marijuana in Arizona. And here are some more articles on legalizing marijuana in Arizona. 5 Unconditional Demands On Legalizing MarijuanaHere is a list of 5 unconditional demands we need to make in any petition that attempts to legalize marijuana in Arizona.Facebook Test AreaI used this url which is facebook.html to make test images for my facebook web pages.Falsely Arrested by Chandler Police - Friday, October 17, 2014 7:50 am to 8:10 amHere is the UTube video which I uploaded about my false arrest in Chandler this morning between about 7:50 am and 8:10 am. are the key words which I put as tags on the video: Falsely arrested by 4 Chandler, Arizona Police Officers on Friday, October 17, 2014 - Two of the piggies were Ariel Werther #649 and Joshua Cohen #629. The other two pigs refused to give me their name or their card. I was falsely arrested about 7:50 am to 8:10 amTwo of the cops that falsely arrersted me gave me their business cards. They are: Ariel Werther badge number 649I will put more on that false arrest by the Chandler Police Department on this link.
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Arizona DUI implied consent law WAS NOT RULED unconstitutional
No DUI charges for marijuana metabolites in ArizonaWhen Prop 203 which is Arizona's Medical Marijuana Act was written it specificly says that medical marijuana patients can not be arrested for DUI because they have marijuana metabolites in their body.Despite the fact that Prop 203 specicaly says a medical marijuana patient can't be arrested for DUI because they have marijuana metabolites in their body, the police not wanting to end the "War on Drugs", which is really a "jobs program for cops" have continued to arrest medical marijuana patients for DUI when there is no evidence whatsoever that they are driving stoned, solely because they have marijuana metabolites in their body. According to this article the Arizona Supreme Court says those arrestes are unconstitutional and that the police must stop arresting medical marijuana patients for DUI simply because they have marijuana metabolites in their bodies. finish the blog 2) do blog on how we suspect Andrew M**** reported rain & john 3) do this on the article about surveys check out this book and no it's not about marijuana!!!!! the weed agency by jim geraghty a funnynovel about a fiction out of control federal bureaucracy which you guessed it controls weeds for the federal govenrment last this is from the napkin of notes with stuff to do i have stuff in my laptop 0) kathy is on ernies show!!!!! ---- DONE 1) post unconditional & no compromise demands on legalizing marijuana to facebook 2) email rules to norml leaders & friends (mike) 3) write up david dorn stuff and email to AI 4) finish stuff on surveys, andrew myers & arizona govenror stuff Reminds me of some people with closed minds I know |
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Why does this photo make me think of Jennifer White???
Marc Victor's law firmsVictor & HallMarc J Victor P.C.Attorney for Freedom![]() I hope that I can prevent you from making the same mistake I did. When it comes to talk Marc Victor's law firm is fantastic when it comes to shoveling the talk. Marc Victor loves to tell you his law firm is a freedom fighting Libertarian law firm.
Both of my cases were with Marc Victor's old legal firm Victor & Hall.I have also had one bad experience with Marc Victor's new law firm Marc J Victor P.C.In Marc Victor's old firm I dealt with both Marc Victor himself and Marc Victor's old partner Mark Hall. And of course I wouldn't recommend either of them to anybody. Unless you base your results on talk. In that case both Marc Victor and Mark Hall delivered fantastic results.
grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab thograb tgrab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email hose articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email rticles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 PIXLR image editor - Free like GIMPOnline web based image editor like GIMP or PhotoShop - pixlr - is a cool online image editor that is like GIMP or PhotoShop which is online and you can use for free.The image editor is pixlr will allow you to edit local files or images on your computer. It will also allow you to edit images on websites. I have not played with it a lot, but it's definitely nice when I don't have a copy of GIMP or PhotoShop on the machine I am using. You are required to report murders to the policeI should sue the police over this law which says that you are required to report murders and other deaths to the police.I would be terrified to report a murder to the police because they would probably attempt to blame it on me if I did report the murder. The same goes for reporting the discovery of a dead body. If I found a dead body I would be terrified to report it to the police, again because I would be afraid the police would blame the death on me. Sue the government over these laws1) They have passed several laws that require you report crimes and dead bodies. Sue over them. Those laws are almost certainly a violation of the 5th Amendment (self incrimination) and 13th Amendment (slavery).2) The law requiring taxi drivers to take drug tests. Despite Prop 203 which says in ARS 36-2802 that medical marijuana patients can't be busted for DUI because of marijuana metabolites in their system, the cops are arresting medical marijuana patients for DUI per ARS 28-1381 But Prop 203 which is Arizona's medical marijuana law in ARS 36-2802.D, clearly says if you are a medical marijuana patient you can not be arrested for DUI because you have marijuana metabolites in you body: ARS 36-2802.D Operating, navigating or being in actual physical control of any motor vehicle, aircraft or motorboat while under the influence of marijuana, except that a registered qualifying patient shall not be considered to be under the influence of marijuana solely because of the presence of metabolites or components of marijuana that appear in insufficient concentration to cause impairment. 3) Law that limits light rail fare to 5 cents or is that 25 cents or a quarter. Where was that photos shot at????At this web site they will use the GPS metatags embedded in you photos to tell you the location that your photo was shot at.Most modern cell phones will allow you to record the location of any photos you shoot by embedding meta tags which contain the GPS location the photo was shot in the photo's files. Will some people, like those phony baloney libertarians, David, Ernie and Mike will accuse me of giving this information to the cops, I am sure the cops already have this information and know how to extract the GPS information from you photos. A few months back software billionaire John McAfee made the news on this issue when he was a fugitive and was releasing photos to the media. Some hacker took the photos and extracted the GPS information and determined that John McAfee was lying about the location he claimed the photos were shot at. Tempe City Logo???Check out this cool city of Tempe logo I found!!!!! |
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Tempe Town Lake causes nothing but problems for local residentsThe Tempe Town Toilet causes nothing but problems for local Tempe residents according to this article.Messy yard cops shake down Tempe barber Dan Armijo![]() Dan Armijo runs Nash’s Valley Fair Barber Shop which is over on Southern and Mill Avenue at 115 E. Southern Ave in Tempe. Hey Dan Armijo, I would come by your shop and get a haircut, but hell, I haven't gotten a hair cut since the early 1990's. I don't need a hair cut any more then you need a jackbooted messy yard cop at your barber shop. Jack Lowell's got a peace sign in his front yard![]() I suspect it is driving the Tempe messy yard cops nuts. My WillOK, in case I get run over by a truck, or killed by government goons here is a copy of my will.Spanish language magazines & newspapersThese are the free Spanish language newspapers and magazines I read every week.Spanish Ordinal NumbersOne, two three, uno, dos, tres. First, second, third, primero, segundo, and tercero. OK here are the Spanish Ordinal Numbers.Libertarian Party Platform April 5, 2011This is the Libertarian Parties Platform which I copied on April 5, 2011 from this site Table of Contents for Homeless in ArizonaA toc for Homeless in Arizona?Anne Mardick - Universal Atheist Event Web SiteHere is a blurb about when I was talking to Anne Mardick about doing an atheist web site to list atheist web events around the planet.Marc Victor Friend Barry CooperHere is an alleged friend of Marc Victor named Barry Cooper.Barry Cooper is an ex-narcotics agent who used to arrest people for victimless drug war crimes. Marc Victor - FacebookMarc Victor FacebookThe Hand NotesThe Hand NotesI am a rock? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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I am a Rock
More articles on Kyrsten SinemaSome previous articles on Kyrsten Sinema.Here are some other articles on Kyrsten Sinema - Kyrsten Sinema. 1 2 3 4 If you love taxes and hate guns you will probably love Kyrsten Sinema. If you think most people are too stupid to run their own lives and that most people need a government nanny to tell then how to live you will probably get along with Kyrsten Sinema real well. If you think that marijuana should be effectively illegal by taxing the krap out of it you will probably love Kyrsten Sinema and her proposed 300 percent tax on medical marijuana.
![]() Some old links on Kyrsten Sinema 1 2. 3. 4 5 6 7 8. 9 10 11 Andrew Myers - Arizona Dispensaries AssociationProp 203 - Arizona Medical Marijuana Act![]() Ernest Hancock - Self Proclaimed LibertarianErnie Hancock - Self Proclaimed LibertarianDavid DornScott Henderson Tempe Amnesty InternationalGlasses PrescriptionHere is a link to my glasses prescription. Use to get dirt cheep mail order glasses.Auto Insurase for MexicansHere is a link to a place that I can get auto insuranse for my car. A lot of Mexicans love this place because they won't jack you around. Plus they will give you ccheep auto insuranse.Julie Smith works for the Phoenix Police - She is on FacebookJulie Smith works for the Phoenix Police!!!!I just discovered that one of my Facebook friends is a cop that works for the Phoenix Police. Here name is Julie Smith and here is a photo on her Facebook page which says she works for the PhoenixPolice. The photo I found on her Facebook page says she is a Detective with the Phoenix Police. She works with the LGBTQ Liason and Gay Camp. While in this case it is pretty obvious that Julie Smith is a cop you should assume that ANYBODY you meet on the Internet is a cop. And for that reason you should NEVER, NEVER, NEVER mention any thing illegal on the internet, even if it is a victimless crime that hurts NO one. |
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No Shopping Carts Allowed In Phoenix ParksI suspect there is a mean spirited *sshole who is a high ranking official in the City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department who hates homeless people and will do anything either legal or illegal to run the homeless people out of the parks in the City of Phoenix.I have discovered that somebody in the city of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department has been spending our tax dollars to post signs that cite and imaginary laws that doesn't exist and use it to run homeless people out of Phoenix Parks. Oddly this isn't new, my Libertarian friend Ricky Duncan discovered a number of other signs in Phoenix Parks which cited imaginary laws which the tyrants in the Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department were using to terrorize people they dislike. Here is a list of all those parks in the City of Phoenix which have imaginary laws posted in them to run homeless people out of Phoenix Parks. Note I have expanded the full list which includes other cities such as Tempe and Guadalupe which also have imaginary laws posted in their parks. James Wood - Atheist running for U.S. CongressJames Wood - Atheist Gun Grabber for U.S. Congress |
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James Woods
gun grabber
running for Congress.
I will usually vote for an atheist any day of the year over a religious person, because I know they won't be passing laws forcing their religion on me. A long time ago I sent James Woods a message on Facebook asking for his position on the "War on Drugs" and on legalizing marijuana. I was kind of p*ssed because he never responded to my message. Since James Wood didn't respond to my message I suspect he is one of those politicians who will try and keep REAL positions secret he thinks it will cause him to lose your vote. I call those people hypocrites. I don't know if James Wood is a hypocrite or not. But he never responded to my questions, so I am guessing he is a hypocrite. I also think that James Woods is against the Second Amendment and wants to take our guns away from use. He mentioned something along those lines at either a Phoenix Freedom From Religion Foundation meeting or a Phoenix Americans United for Separation of Church and State (Phoenix AU) meeting. An just because James Woods has sun glasses on in this photo, it doesn't mean he is a druggie. James Wood is blind. U.S. Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema is the only other atheist I know in govenrment. I am not too happy with her either because when she was a member of the Arizona legislator she tried to flush Prop 203 or Arizona's Medical Marijuana Act down the toilet by slapping a 300% tax on medical marijuana. That attempt failed. U.S. Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema says she supports decriminalizing marijuana, but I think she is lying because of the tax she tried to slap on medical marijuana. I used to know U.S. Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema when she was an anti-war activist, but it looks like she has sold out the cause since she got elected. While she talks like she supports the little guy she consistently votes to support the police state and military industrial complex. U.S. Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema is also a big time gun grabber who would love to flush the 2nd Amendment down the toilet. Jennifer WhiteAnne MardickMike FranklinPat SchwindOther Stuff 1Other Stuff 2Other Stuff 3Other Stuff 4 |
What happened was the court ruled the cops can NOT force you to take a blood, breath or urine test.
But they can still suspend your drivers license if you refuse to take the test.