Homeless in Arizona

Arizona House Speaker David Gowan is a vindictive hateful *sshole

  Arizona House Speaker David Gowan is a corrupt politician who banned one reporter from reporting on the Arizona Legislator because one reporter wrote a negative article that showed Arizona House Speaker David Gowan is a crook who tried to rip the state of Arizona off for $12,000. That reporter is Hank Stephenson of the Arizona Capitol Times.

This incident make me think of gun grabbing ACLU atheist Democrat Jennifer White who has been busy censoring me because I am a Libertarian, rather then the only correct political party which is a Democrat. I know Jennifer White from HSGP (Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix), AU-GP (Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Greater Phoenix) and FFRF (Freedom From Religion Foundation).

Arizona House Speaker David Gowan is a corrupt politician who banned one reporter from reporting on the Arizona Legislator because one reporter wrote a negative article that showed Arizona House Speaker David Gowan is a crook who tried to rip the state of Arizona off for $12,000. That reporter is Hank Stephenson of the Arizona Capitol Times. This incident make me think of gun grabbing ACLU atheist Democrat Jennifer White  who has been busy censoring me because I am a Libertarian, rather then the only correct political party which is a Democrat. I know Jennifer White from HSGP (Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix), AU-GP (Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Greater Phoenix) and FFRF (Freedom From Religion Foundation).

Arizona House Speaker David Gowan is a corrupt politician who banned one reporter from reporting on the Arizona Legislator because one reporter wrote a negative article that showed Arizona House Speaker David Gowan is a crook who tried to rip the state of Arizona off for $12,000. That reporter is Hank Stephenson of the Arizona Capitol Times. This incident make me think of gun grabbing ACLU atheist Democrat Jennifer White  who has been busy censoring me because I am a Libertarian, rather then the only correct political party which is a Democrat. I know Jennifer White from HSGP (Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix), AU-GP (Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Greater Phoenix) and FFRF (Freedom From Religion Foundation).



Homeless in Arizona

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