Homeless in Arizona

May 2016


Some articles on legalizing marijuana in Arizona

Here is the very first article on legalizing marijuana.

Here are some articles on legalizing marijuana in Arizona.

And here are some more articles on legalizing marijuana in Arizona.

5 Unconditional Demands On Legalizing Marijuana

Here is a list of 5 unconditional demands we need to make in any petition that attempts to legalize marijuana in Arizona.

Facebook Test Area

I used this url which is facebook.html to make test images for my facebook web pages.

Falsely Arrested by Chandler Police - Friday, October 17, 2014 7:50 am to 8:10 am

Here is the UTube video which I uploaded about my false arrest in Chandler this morning between about 7:50 am and 8:10 am.
Here are the key words which I put as tags on the video:
Falsely arrested by 4 Chandler, Arizona Police Officers on Friday, October 17, 2014 - Two of the piggies were Ariel Werther #649 and Joshua Cohen #629. The other two pigs refused to give me their name or their card. I was falsely arrested about 7:50 am to 8:10 am
Two of the cops that falsely arrersted me gave me their business cards. They are:
Ariel Werther badge number 649
Joshua Cohen badge number 629.
I will put more on that false arrest by the Chandler Police Department on this link.

Chandler Police Officer Ariel Werther 
                      falsely arrested me on October 17, 2014
                      violated my civil rights - badge number 649 #649

Arizona DUI implied consent law WAS NOT RULED unconstitutional

Sorry I was wrong on this. Arizona's implied consent DUI law was NOT ruled unconstitutional.

What happened was the court ruled the cops can NOT force you to take a blood, breath or urine test.

But they can still suspend your drivers license if you refuse to take the test.

This is WRONG.

Here is an article which says that Arizona's implied consent DUI law is unconstitutional.

No DUI charges for marijuana metabolites in Arizona

When Prop 203 which is Arizona's Medical Marijuana Act was written it specificly says that medical marijuana patients can not be arrested for DUI because they have marijuana metabolites in their body.

Despite the fact that Prop 203 specicaly says a medical marijuana patient can't be arrested for DUI because they have marijuana metabolites in their body, the police not wanting to end the "War on Drugs", which is really a "jobs program for cops" have continued to arrest medical marijuana patients for DUI when there is no evidence whatsoever that they are driving stoned, solely because they have marijuana metabolites in their body.

According to this article the Arizona Supreme Court says those arrestes are unconstitutional and that the police must stop arresting medical marijuana patients for DUI simply because they have marijuana metabolites in their bodies. finish the blog http://arizona-concealed-carry.tripod.com/prop_203_welfare_marijuana.html 2) do blog on how we suspect Andrew M**** reported rain & john 3) do this on the article about surveys check out this book and no it's not about marijuana!!!!! the weed agency by jim geraghty a funnynovel about a fiction out of control federal bureaucracy which you guessed it controls weeds for the federal govenrment last this is from the napkin of notes with stuff to do i have stuff in my laptop 0) kathy is on ernies show!!!!! ---- DONE 1) post unconditional & no compromise demands on legalizing marijuana to facebook 2) email rules to norml leaders & friends (mike) 3) write up david dorn stuff and email to AI 4) finish stuff on surveys, andrew myers & arizona govenror stuff

Marijuana is safer then cops???

I love those Safer Arizona t-shirts that say
Marijuana is safer then cops
Every year in the USA corrupt American police murder thousands of innocent people, but year in an year out we have a whopping zero overdoses on marijuana.

Well OK, maybe we do have a few overdoses on marijuana, but all a marijuana overdose gives you is a good night's sleep. They never are fatal. Hell, they never even hurt people.

This photo was shot on Mill Avenue in Tempe, where the people are protesting the tyrannical Tempe governments who just passed a law attempting to run homeless people off of Mill Avenue in Downtown Tempe.

Safer Arizona t-shirt that says marijuana is safer then cops

It's not a cold or abscessed tooth, it's allergies??

Last night as I left my inside place I use the internet at and went to to the desert to sleep I noticed that my coughing problems dramatically increased.

At first I thought I had been poisoned at that other place I was sleeping at.

But then I wondered if instead of having a cold, instead it's my allergies and that as soon at it startes hitting 100F they will go away.

City of Tempe Gun Grabbers

The City of Tempe wants to take away your guns.


azfrm_ad_16_05_05.html azfrm_ad_16_05_05.html 1) I thought Jason was lying about this because the other jason gave me the run around on it 2) remove all my negatizve comments about it 3) also put in the legalize/xxxxxx series 4) put copy of the ad here

Mesa 2nd Friday

Mesa Second Friday

Here are the details on how to get a booth or a spot at the Mesa Second Friday events.

Also check out this link where we were collecting signatures to legalize marijuana at the 2nd Friday event in Mesa.

Mesa 2nd Fridays - Downtown Mesa - Collecting signatures to legalize marijuana on Main Street during Second Fridays

Unlawful arrest? Body camera video now the focus of federal lawsuit against Chandler Police

Unlawful arrest? Body camera video now the focus of federal lawsuit against Chandler Police for false arrest and civil rights violations.

Tattoo Recognition Research Threatens Free Speech and Privacy

Tattoo recognition research threatens free speech and privacy.

Another MPP lawsuit

Iain Davidson will be slapped with a lawsuit for slander

Iain Davidson is going to be sued for slander?

Same for Will Pete?

Iain Davidson will be slapped with a lawsuit for slander for posts on Facebook - Maybe Will Pete

Iain Davidson will be slapped with a lawsuit for slander for posts on Facebook - Maybe Will Pete

Iain Davidson will be slapped with a lawsuit for slander for posts on Facebook - Maybe Will Pete

Iain Davidson will be slapped with a lawsuit for slander for posts on Facebook - Maybe Will Pete


When a prosecutor commits perjury it's written off as a trivial mistake

If me or you commit perjury in court or even lie to a cop we will be locked up and throw in prison.

When a prosecutor commits perjury in an attempt to murder a person it's written off as a trivial mistake in an attempt to kill a scum bag criminal. And the prosecutor doesn't even get a slap on the wrist.

Powell Gammil - Dead

Powell Gammil - Dead.

Judge: No ruling yet on criminal charges for Arpaio

If I falsely accused you of a crime and held you at gun point for an hour, I would be arrested charged with a number of felonies.

But when Sheriff Joe's goons do it, after a Federal judge has told them not to it's just a petty matter that can be fixed by giving the person $1,000 or $1,500. And of course neither Sheriff Joe or any of the criminals that did it will be slapped with felony charges.

The plaintiffs had proposed a minimum of $1,500 for the first hour of detention, with $1,000 for increments of 20 minutes over that time; MCSO suggested amounts of $500 and $35 for those detentions.

Snow seemed to agree on $1,000 for the first hour of detention and $200 for every 20 minutes thereafter.

What To Do When Child Protective Services Knocks

What To Do When Child Protective Services Knocks: A Must Read for All Parents.

Here in Arizona it is rather common to read articles in the Arizona Republic about CPS or Child Protective Services taking children away from parents who smoke marijuana. Even parents who legally smoke medical marijuana.

In Arizona CPS was renamed to DCS or Department of Child Service. Probably because the Arizona CPS or now Arizona DCS has a track record of f*cking thing up royal

Ernest Hancock Never Shuts Up???

Ernie Hancock, Ernest Hancock, Marc Victor, David Dorn, Libertarian - If I ever see Ernie Hancock again it will be too soon. - publicity hound

Bell, California corruption is just government as usual

The only exceptional thing about the government corruption in Bell, California is that they got caught. Other then that it's just government as usual.

As Micheal Kaery said:

Government of the people, by the elected officials and appointed bureaucrats, for the elected officials, appointed bureaucrats and special interest groups that got them into power.
This rubbish goes on all the time in Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, Maricopa County, the state of Arizona and of course in the Federal government.

Tempe City Council screws taxpayers on Hayden Flour Mill sale

Tempe City Council rents Hayden Flour Mill for a lousy $833 a month???

A 99 year lease for the Hayden Flour Mill for $833 a month or $10,000 a year. That 99 year lease effectively sells the building and land for a little less then $1 million dollars over the 100 years of the lease.

Ernie Hancock

Ernie Hancock

Kathy Inman

Kathy Inman

Taxpayers wasted billions of dollars on a war on cocaine that didn’t work

For years I have said the "War on Drugs" is just a jobs program for cops.

This article seems to verify that. According to this article it cost the government $175,000 for every kilo of cocaine busted in the US. It costs the government a little over 5 times that, or $940,000 for every kilo of coke they stop in Colombia via programs there.

If that's true it would be cheaper for the government to fire all these cops which cost about $175,000 for each kilo of coke busted and hire secret shoppers to buy up cocaine at the wholesale level for $20,000 to $30,000 a kilo.

Of course all the DEA thugs who are paid big bucks to hunt down cocaine dealers would hate that. It would eliminate their jobs.


DL - dl


Is the city of Phoenix a "police state"???

Why you look at the pie chart in this article the police get 44% of the city of the Phoenix budget.

When you tweek the pie charge and add in other things that are used exclusively by the Phoenix Police their budget grows to over 50% of the total budget of the City of Phoenix.

Is the city of Phoenix a "police state" because the police get over 50% of the budget???

I think so.

How about you???

Phoenix Police get 45% of the Phoenix city budget. who says we don't live in a police state - Phoenix Police get 50% of budget????

File lawsuit against Phoenix City Councilman Sal Dicciccio for mixing government and religion.

File lawsuit against Phoenix City Councilman Sal Dicciccio for mixing government and religion.

Tempe Elected Officials Squander our Tax Dollars on Facebook Ads

Tempe Elected Officials Squander our Tax Dollars on Facebook Ads

I suspect the main purpose of these Facebook ads it to get the members of the Tempe City Council re-elected, using our tax dollars.

Time to throw these bums out of office on the Tempe City Council:

Mitchell, Mayor
Corey Woods, Vice Mayor
Robin Arredondo-Savage
Kolby Granville
Lauren Kuby
Joel Navarro
David Schapira
 Tempe Elected Officials Squander our Tax Dollars on Facebook Ads - Mark Mitchell, Mayor Corey Woods, Vice Mayor Robin Arredondo-Savage Kolby Granville Lauren Kuby Joel Navarro David Schapira

Diabetes symptoms you should know

Diabetes symptoms you should know.

Síntomas de la diabetes que deberías conocer.

Síntomas de la diabetes que deberías conocer.


Mmmm Food!!!!! - olives artichoke hearts raisins mission figs peanuts redskin peanuts cranberries plums tuna fish pink salmon

Global warming computer model wrong????

A discovery about how clouds form may scale back some of the more dire predictions about temperature increases caused by man-made global warming.

You should pay to raise my children!!!

So if I have a minimum wage job and I can't afford to have any kids, but I decide to have 10 kids YOU should be required to pay me to help raise, feed and school them???

Arizona Republic columnist Linda Valdez seems to think so.

Did Babeu warn of cartels to help fund his race for Congress?

Did Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu warn of cartels to help fund his race for Congress?

Salt River Indian Reservation police officer rapes Scottsdale woman???

Scottsdale Police Department detectives arrested a Salt River Police officer Thursday night after a woman reported that the officer had raped her while she was in his squad car, police said.

Police create fake Facebook accounts of real Facebook users?

According to this post the police seem to be creating bogus Facebook accounts of activists using the real photos and real names of the activists and then getting people to become friends with these bogus activists, who are really cops.

drug war - jobs program for cops - drug war jobs program for police - facebook mickey jones - police - polic create fake facebook accounts of real people

VA hospital in Phoenix blocks presentation on cannabis, PTSD

Looks like the Phoenix Veterans Hospital thinks the 1st Amendment is null and void if you say anything that disagrees with the Federal governments illogical, irrational and incorrect position that marijuana has absolutely no medical benefits.

According to this article the Phoenix Veterans Affairs Hospital in Phoenix blocked Dr Sue Sisley from giving a presentation on medical marijuana.

Dr Sue Sisley says it's shameful that the Phoenix VA Hospital refuses to allow this information to be shared.

Oddly I think Dr Sue Sisley started out as being anti-marijuana, and it wasn't until the evidence that marijuana hit her in the face that she switched sides and now knows that marijuana is a wonder drug that can help people who have many illnesses.

CPS takes woman's children because she smoked marijuana

Don't these pigs have any REAL criminals to hunt down? You know like robbers or rapists or even petty shoplifters???

I wonder how many thousands of our tax dollars Sheriff Paul Babeu and the idiots in the Pinal County Sheriff's Office have wasted investing this case???

This is another case of where CPS or Child Protective Service, which has been renamed Department of Child Services or DCS is stealing children from their parents for the victimless crime of smoking marijuana.

I believe the main reason CPSDCS steals kids from parents who smoke marijuana is because the more kids they lock up the money they get from the State of Arizona.

It's not about protecting the children, it's about inflating their budget.

Letter: More Arizona reasons to buy a gun

Gene Ziegler doesn't seem to understand, the Founders didn't give us the Second Amendment so we could protect ourselves from petty criminals, or in his case from people who take his parking space.

The Founders gave us the 2nd Amendment so we can protect ourselves from government tyrants and the police and military that the government tyrants use to oppress us with.

Michele Reagan: not my fault that 500k voters were shortchanged

Secretary of State Michele Reagan has conducted an internal investigation into why more than half a million Arizona voters didn’t get timely information about last week’s election, as required by law. Her conclusion?

It’s not her fault.

We Now Know Hillary Lied Multiple Times About Her Email Server

We Now Know Hillary lied multiple times about her email server.

Leslie Merritt Jr. talks about dismissed freeway-shooting charges on 'Dr. Phil'

Leslie Merritt Jr., who spent seven months behind bars in connection with a string of Interstate 10 shootings before charges were dismissed last month, had his first sit-down interview about the case with Dr. Phil in an interview that aired Thursday afternoon.

Jennifer White worships the God of authority???

Here is an interesting comment made by Foote Andrew on the Facebook page about Jennifer White.

Apparently I'm not the only atheist that has problem with Jennifer White and the Democrats that seem to have taken over HSGP or the Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix.

Since the page is a public page I left his name in the post. If he wants me to remove it I will.

Foote Andrew - Jennifer White isn't an atheist or a humanist. She worships the God of authority. I left both groups because they are mostly statist trolls.

Feds jail inmate 3 years too long!!!!

According to this article at least 152 federal prison inmates were held beyond their terms during a six-year period, including one inmate who served nearly three years longer than the original sentence, because of computing or other errors, an internal Justice Department report found.

Laurie Roberts believes Reefer Madness propaganda?

Arizona Republic columnist Laurie Roberts seems like one of those people who believes the government's Reefer Madness propaganda about marijuana. She also seems like a busy body who thinks she can run your life better then you can.

You can email her your comments at:


Sheriff Babeu warns of cartel assassins in Pinal County

Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu says drug cartels are in Pinal County and that the public should be on alert. However, his claims are being disputed by other members of law enforcemen

Sheriff Babeu's message: The cartels may kill you (and VOTE FOR ME)

Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu says drug cartels are in Pinal County and that the public should be on alert. However, his claims are being disputed by other members of law enforcement.

Puppy addicted to meth, heroin, on path to recovery, police say

Cops tend to be pathological liars when they demonize drug users.

Here in Arizona we have pathological liar Yavapai County Attorney Sheila Polk who claimed 62 children died from marijuana use in an editorial she wrote in the Arizona Republic, which is the states largest newspaper.

I wonder how much of this article is 100% BS and exists only in the minds of the cops who arrested this guy?

I seriously doubt that Joshua West was helping this puppy dog shoot up with his expensive stash of heroin and meth.

Study: Legalizing marijuana would add $113 million in tax revenue

We shouldn't be legalizing marijuana because it allows the government to shake people down for a $100 million in taxes.

We should be legalizing marijuana because putting people in prison for a victimless crime that hurts no one is morally WRONG!!!!!!

Scottsdale won't allow Satanic Temple prayer at council meeting

Sadly despite the First Amendment the US Supreme Court has said it's legal for government entities to say prayers while being paid with our tax dollars as long as the prayers are not specific to one religion.

But that hasn't stopped the cities of Phoenix and Scottsdale from refusing to allow Satanic groups to pray at their meetings, while allowing Christian groups to have prayers.

The City of Phoenix canceled all prayers at the Phoenix City Council meeting when these satanists were scheduled to pray, and then started them up the following week.

These are the members of the Scottsdale City Council who are making a mockery of both the Arizona Constitution and the 1st Amendment by refusing to allow these Satanists to say their prayers at the Scottsdale City Council meetings:

Mayor W.J. "Jim" Lane jlane@ScottsdaleAz.gov
Vice Mayor David N. Smith citycouncil@ScottsdaleAz.gov
Suzanne Klapp citycouncil@ScottsdaleAz.gov
Virginia Korte citycouncil@ScottsdaleAz.gov
Kathy Littlefield citycouncil@ScottsdaleAz.gov
Linda Milhaven citycouncil@ScottsdaleAz.gov
Guy Phillips citycouncil@ScottsdaleAz.gov
If the Christian religion is so hot, why don't these members of the Scottsdale City Council get their God to give them all the money needed to run the city of Scottsdale instead of shaking us down for taxes.

ACLU - Marijuana arrests account for more than 50 percent of all arrests nationally

According to the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), marijuana arrests account for more than 50 percent of all arrests nationally.

Half of the people arrested nationwide are arrested for the victimless marijuana crimes?

Don't these pigs have any REAL criminals to hunt down????

Welcome at 420 House in Tucson

I talked to some folks from Tucson at Billy's trial and they said I was welcome at the 420 house down in Tucson.

Sounds like fun.

I should go down there next time with Jason.

Dave doesn't like Ray's articles???

If you live in Mesa or near Mesa and you have a surplus of newspapers. Please give them to me. My puppy needs to sh*t on them. Especially if they are Phoenix new Times articles authored by Ray Stern. But in all seriousness my puppy needs newspapers to shit on. If you have any. Thank you

For some reason I don't think Dave likes Ray Stern's articles in the Phoenix New Times!!!

Being a police officer is NOT a dangerous jobs as the police unions want you to beleive

The cops and police unions love to give us the line of BS that being a cop us a super dangerous job, but that's just a line of BS to get them pay raises and make you worship the men in blue.

If you look at the US Department of Labor statistics, year in and year out the top 3 most dangerous jobs are fishermen, loggers and construction workers. Cops rarely make it into the top 10, and the highest I have ever seen cops is in 7th place.

Any job that requires driving a vehicle is more dangerous then a job that doesn't and for that reason being a cop is a slightly more dangerous job then a job that doesn't require driving.

So being a cop is about as dangerous as the ice cream truck driver who sell your kids Popsicles or the mail man who delivers your mail. Or that guy from UPS who delivers you packages.

If you want to thank somebody for risking their lives for you, thank the fishermen that caught that halibut for your dinner, the logger who harvested the wood your home is built out of, or the construction worker who built your home.

Why was the woman charged with 3 counts of DUI???

First I have to admit at .322 the woman was probably drunk as a skunk!!! That's almost double the legal limit of .15 which was used when DUI was invented in the early 1900's.

And of course 4 times the current low legal limit of .08 as the article said.

But was there any need to charge her with 3 counts of DUI???

Equils ... faces charges of DUI, extreme DUI and super extreme DUI, according to the Paradise Valley Police Department.
I suspect the extreme DUI and super extreme DUI laws were mostly passed to shake down people for money.

40,000 volts will kill you!!!!

Cops and police unions love to give us the lie that being a police officer is an extremely dangerous job. But in reality cops rarely make it into to the top 10 of the most dangerous jobs per the US Department of Labor statistics.

Year and year out being an electrical worker usually is one of the top 3 most dangerous jobs along with fishermen, loggers and other construction workers.

I thought this article was interesting because even a hole the size of a pin can kill an electrician working on a 40,000 volt power line.

The article is wrong about volts being dangerous.

The real danger is the current or amps which will stop your heart with just a few milliamps.

A 1.5 volt D cell battery has enough current or amps to kill you. But the 1.5 volts of pressure it has isn't powerful enough to allow the current to get thru you skin.

On the other hand the 40,000 volts in a power line is easily enough to penetrate your skin and kill you.

Ernie Hancock now a general purpose publicity hound???

I saw Ernest Hancock whom I used to know as a Libertarian publicity hound at the March Against Monsanto and GMO foods in Tempe.

Ernie doesn't seem to have changed much and can still talk for hours and say he same thing over and over again. I listened to him drone on and on like he did at Liberation Party meetings.

It seems like Ernie has switched to be a general purpose publicity hound who will get publicity using any thing he can. In the case GMO foods which are NOT a Libertarian issue.

Marijuana Activist Billy Hayes Jailed Two Years for Victimless Marijuana Crimes

Marijuana activist Billy Hayes jailed two years for victimless marijuana crimes.

The only criminals in this case are the government criminals who are locking Billy Hayes in prison for two years.

Arizona Marijuana Activist Billy Hayes Sentenced to Two Years in Prison

I got a gun and badge and don't have to obey no stinking laws

On the Tempe government propaganda TV channel Tempe StreetBeat, Tempe cop Sgt. Chuck Schoville tells us
“You know why you say I’m right? Because I’ve got a gun and a badge. I’m always right.”
Yesterday I went down to Mill Avenue in Tempe and noticed this bicycle cop who looked like he was a member of the American Military in Iraq or Afghanistan terrorizing the locals in one of those third world countries which the American Empire has invaded and conquered.

The cop looked like he was fully outfitted in body armor.

The only thing the cop was missing was a fully automatic M-16 and a RPG (rocket propelled grenade launcher) to protect himself from those dangerous homeless people who frequently commit the dangerous crime of sitting on the sidewalk and playing hackysack.

As I was looking at the cop in awe who is a perfect example of why many Americans hate the police state the cop jumped on his bicycle and rode it on the Mill Avenue side walk despite the sign that says:

"No bicycling or skateboarding on sidewalk"
Tempe Bicycle Police routinely violate traffic laws on Mill Avenue and illegally ride their bikes on the sidewalk and commit other traffic violations. Tempe Sgt. Chuck Schoville - Tempe government propaganda TV channel Tempe Street Beat StreetBeat - You know why you say I’m right? Because I’ve got a gun and a badge. I’m always right.

Tempe Bicycle Police routinely violate traffic laws on Mill Avenue and illegally ride their bikes on the sidewalk and commit other traffic violations. Tempe Sgt. Chuck Schoville - Tempe government propaganda TV channel Tempe Street Beat StreetBeat - You know why you say I’m right? Because I’ve got a gun and a badge. I’m always right.


4th Amendment null and void at Valley Metro Central Station

4th Amendment null and void on Phoenix government property

Looks like the 4th Amendment is null and void according to the royal rulers in the City of Phoenix and at Valley Metro.

This sign on the bike lockers at the Valley Metro Central Station on Central Avenue & Van Buren says the city of Phoenix can search your bike locker any damn time they feel like it for any reasons.

"Lockers are subject to inspection at any time and for any reason by the City of Phoenix Public Transit Department staff"
Valley Metro, Phoenix Police and City of Phoenix Public Transit Department say 4th Amendment against illegal searches is null and void in the city of Phoenix. Same goes for the 1st Amendment, it's also null and void in the city of Phoenix - bike lockers subject to search at any time

DEA could reclassify marijuana

Personally I think we should get cops out of the business of telling doctors what drugs they can or can't prescribe. Same goes for the idiots in the US Congress.

Sadly the "War on Drugs" is nothing but a jobs program for cops.

This article also has a bit of Reefer Madness propaganda in it from Dr. Scott Krakower at the Zucker Hillside Hospital:

"Many patients are unaware that using marijuana can have devastating consequences, including higher risk of developing a mood and psychotic disorder, increased rates of other substance use, and potentially dependence to the agent itself”

Drugs should be a MEDICAL problem, not a CRIMINAL problem

If drugs are a problem they should be a MEDICAL problem, not a CRIMINAL problem.

Sadly the laws against drugs with their draconian prison sentences cause much more harm then the drugs do.

Donald Trump's view of the world!!!

Map the world according to Donald Trump - Donald Trump's view of the world!!!

New law makes Arizona police criminals more efficient at robbing motorists.

Decades ago the police were here to "protect and serve" us, but over the years, the "protect and serve" has evolved to shaking us down for petty crimes to raise money for city and county governments or using the RICO laws to steal our property, which the police frequently get to keep after they accuse our property of committing a crime, and we have to prove our property didn't commit to get it back.

I voted for the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)

Another pro-war, pro-police state email from US Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema.

How Americans See the World

How Americans See the World - How the average American sees the world. A stereotype map

Jobs at Arizona DES

Arizona Unemployment Office

This is the web site that the people at the Arizona DES have to allow you to search for jobs.

Arizona DES is the same as the Arizona Unemployment office. This web page isn't about getting unemployment, but about finding jobs that are listed by the Arizona Unemployment office.

Food Stamps - S.N.A.P.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - SNAP

Here is some information about Food Stamps, SNAP or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program which is the name the government now calls them.

John Compere - Clergy Project

John Compere 1600 W Ironwood Chandler, AZ 85244 JohnCompere@gmail.com Clergy Project

Jason Huston Slaughter

Jason Huston Slaughter

Jayson Howel Slaughter

Jayson Howel Slaughter

Red-light cameras return to Phoenix streets

Photo radar bandits in Phoenix and other cities are back to their old tricks of robbing motorists with these computerized armed robbers.

Redflex, a private business is a partner in these armed robberies.

Our government masters give us the line of BS that these armed robbers are about safety, but when you look at the facts it's mostly about $$$ MONEY $$$

They do things like reduce the time of the yellow lights to make increase the probability that people will run red lights.

Not only does this increase the amount of money the robbers pull in, it also increases the number of accidents that happen.

Time to boot these Phoenix City Council members out of office:

Greg Stanton, Mayor
Kate Gallego, Vice Mayor
Thelda Williams
Jim Waring
Bill Gates
Laura Pastor
Daniel Valenzuela
Sal "I love pigs" DiCiccio
Michael "I hate gays" Nowakowski

President Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

President Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize!!! - Not a single day of peace during any of President Obama's terms as President of the United States of America

Libertarans running for office in Maricopa County

Libertarans running for office in Maricopa County.

They told me I am in precinct 0163 and I need 1 signature. That's district 26 and the precinct's name is Darrow.

Nebraska Complains About Colorado Weed While Enabling South Dakota Alcoholism

Nebraska Complains About Colorado Weed While Enabling South Dakota Alcoholism.

More of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our religious leaders, government masters and police???

What Prince's death can teach us about opioid use, addiction

Personally I think drug abuse, if it is a problem should be a medical problem between you and your doctor, not be a criminal problem between you and a jackbooted police thug.

I'm not quite sure what the message in this editorial from Lee Pioske who is a member of Gov. Doug Ducey's Arizona Substance Abuse Task Force is.

I suspect that Lee Pioske along with Gov. Doug Ducey want to continue the "War on Drugs" at full speed ahead and make your drug abuse a criminal problem instead of a medical problem. And I disagree with that 100%.

Sadly the "War on Drugs" is nothing but a jobs program for cops, prosecutors, judges, probation officers, prison guards and folks like Lee Pioske who are paid big bucks to fight the government's "War on Drugs". And I suspect Lee Pioske wants to keep it that way.

Pot dispensary fights Tempe ruling to bar location near ASU

The royal rules on the Tempe City Council hate medical marijuana and want to make life as difficult as they can for medical marijuana patients.

Time to throw these sadistic *ssholes out of office. The royal rulers of the City of Tempe are:

Mark Mitchell, Mayor
Corey Woods, Vice Mayor
Robin Arredondo-Savage
Kolby Granville
Lauren Kuby
Joel Navarro
David Schapira

Judge sentences former Phoenix VA Director Sharon Helman to probation

Judge sentences former Phoenix VA Director Sharon Helman to probation

Really SMART criminals get government jobs or become elected officials.

Sadly when government bureaucrats or elected officials get convicted of crimes they rarely get more then a slap on the wrist.

And of course they always give the judge the line of BS that they devoted years of their life to serving the public.

Phoenix to vote on budget with property-tax increase

Interesting, just last August, 2015 Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton conned the voters into passing Prop 104 which is a 35 year, $31 billion sales tax.

Mayor Stanton lied and claimed the tax was for mass transit but in reality the fine print in the tax said the $31 billion slush fund said the mayor and city council can use it for any damn thing they want to spend it on.

Now according to this article the city of Phoenix still doesn't have enough money and they tyrants on the Phoenix City Council want to shake down property owners for a $51 a year tax increase.

Time to throw these crooks on the Phoenix City Council out of office:

Greg Stanton, Mayor
Kate Gallego, Vice Mayor
Thelda Williams
Jim Waring
Bill Gates
Laura Pastor
Daniel Valenzuela
Sal "I love pigs" DiCiccio
Michael "I hate gays" Nowakowski

You can blame these busted water mains on the police unions???

You can blame these busted water mains on the police unions???

These water main breaks are not random accidents.

They happen because the city of Phoenix does not do PM or preventative maintenance on water mains and replace them when they are about to wear out.

Instead of putting money aside to fix and replace water mains when they are at the end of their life span, the city of Phoenix gives most of it's money to cops, because the police unions will get the members of the city council re-elected.

Nebraska Complains About Colorado Weed While Enabling South Dakota Alcoholism

More of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our religious leaders, government masters and police???

Nebraska Complains About Colorado Weed While Enabling South Dakota Alcoholism.

Mesa Mayor Scott Smith gives us a line of BS on Valley Metro

Former Mesa Mayor Scott Smith gives us the usual line of BS on how government corruption and incompetence will NEVER occur under his watch like it did under they last corrupt, incompetence

Take a gun class!!!!

Bullies are like most criminals, they don't pick on people that can defend themselves.

Guns are a lot like cars, if you are trained to use them, and if you use then responsibly 99.9999% of the time they are safe tools that help us lead safer, secure and more productive lives.

If you have never used a gun, I would recommend getting some training before buying one.

You wouldn't just throw the keys to your car to a kid that has just turned 16, but has never driven a car and tell him to figure it out. You would be setting him up to get into an accident.

And if you get a gun you should do the same thing. You going to get your self into some serious trouble if you don't know how to use it.

So spend a $100 or so and get some gun training before you start carrying a gun. Just like you would if you were learning to drive a car.

Marc Victor's law firms

Victor & Hall

Marc J Victor P.C.

Attorney for Freedom

'Marc Victor', 'Marc J Victor',  'Victor & Hall', 'Attorney for Freedom', 
          'Libertarian Lawyer', 'Marc Victor PC', 'Marc J Victor PC', 'Marc Victor P.C.', 
          'Marc J Victor P.C.', 'Libertarian attorney', Libertarian, attorney, certified criminal defense attorney Sadly I was dumb enough to use the services of Marc Victor's legal firm, not once, but twice.

I hope that I can prevent you from making the same mistake I did.

When it comes to talk Marc Victor's law firm is fantastic when it comes to shoveling the talk. Marc Victor loves to tell you his law firm is a freedom fighting Libertarian law firm.

'Mike Wasdin', 'Marc J Victor', 'Mark J Victor', 'Marc Victor law firm', 'Marc Victor attorney', 'Marc Victor lawyer', libertarian lawyer, libertarian attorney, marc victor libertarian lawyer, marc victor libertarian attorney, 'marc victor's law firm owes me $3000' Of course in my two cases I had with Marc Victor's law firm, I found his law firm was fantastic at shoveling the talk, bt didn't deliver the results they promised.

Both of my cases were with Marc Victor's old legal firm

Victor & Hall.
I have also had one bad experience with Marc Victor's new law firm
Marc J Victor P.C.


Attorney for Freedom

In Marc Victor's old firm I dealt with both Marc Victor himself and Marc Victor's old partner Mark Hall.

And of course I wouldn't recommend either of them to anybody.

Unless you base your results on talk. In that case both Marc Victor and Mark Hall delivered fantastic results.

'Marc J Victor', 'Mark J Victor', 'Marc Victor law firm', 'Marc Victor attorney', 'Marc Victor lawyer', libertarian lawyer, libertarian attorney, marc victor libertarian lawyer, marc victor libertarian attorney, 'marc victor's law firm owes me $3000'

Photos of Mike Wasdin and Marc J Victor  'Mike Wasdin', 
                    'Marc J Victor', 
                    'Mark J Victor', 
                    'Marc Victor law firm', 
                    'Marc Victor attorney', 
                    'Marc Victor lawyer', 
                    'libertarian lawyer', 
                    'libertarian attorney', 
                    'marc victor libertarian lawyer', 
                    'marc victor libertarian attorney',
                    'attorney for freedom', 
                    'lawyer for freedom', 
                    'marc victor's law firm owes me $3000'


grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab thograb tgrab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email hose articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email rticles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24

PIXLR image editor - Free like GIMP

Online web based image editor like GIMP or PhotoShop - pixlr - https://pixlr.com/editor

Here is a cool online image editor that is like GIMP or PhotoShop which is online and you can use for free.

The image editor is pixlr

It will allow you to edit local files or images on your computer.

It will also allow you to edit images on websites.

I have not played with it a lot, but it's definitely nice when I don't have a copy of GIMP or PhotoShop on the machine I am using.

You are required to report murders to the police

I should sue the police over this law which says that you are required to report murders and other deaths to the police.

I would be terrified to report a murder to the police because they would probably attempt to blame it on me if I did report the murder.

The same goes for reporting the discovery of a dead body.

If I found a dead body I would be terrified to report it to the police, again because I would be afraid the police would blame the death on me.

Sue the government over these laws

1) They have passed several laws that require you report crimes and dead bodies. Sue over them. Those laws are almost certainly a violation of the 5th Amendment (self incrimination) and 13th Amendment (slavery).

2) The law requiring taxi drivers to take drug tests. Despite Prop 203 which says in ARS 36-2802 that medical marijuana patients can't be busted for DUI because of marijuana metabolites in their system, the cops are arresting medical marijuana patients for DUI per ARS 28-1381

But Prop 203 which is Arizona's medical marijuana law in ARS 36-2802.D, clearly says if you are a medical marijuana patient you can not be arrested for DUI because you have marijuana metabolites in you body:

ARS 36-2802.D Operating, navigating or being in actual physical control of any motor vehicle, aircraft or motorboat while under the influence of marijuana, except that a registered qualifying patient shall not be considered to be under the influence of marijuana solely because of the presence of metabolites or components of marijuana that appear in insufficient concentration to cause impairment.

3) Law that limits light rail fare to 5 cents or is that 25 cents or a quarter.

Where was that photos shot at????

At this web site they will use the GPS metatags embedded in you photos to tell you the location that your photo was shot at.

Most modern cell phones will allow you to record the location of any photos you shoot by embedding meta tags which contain the GPS location the photo was shot in the photo's files.

Will some people, like those phony baloney libertarians, David, Ernie and Mike will accuse me of giving this information to the cops, I am sure the cops already have this information and know how to extract the GPS information from you photos.

A few months back software billionaire John McAfee made the news on this issue when he was a fugitive and was releasing photos to the media.

Some hacker took the photos and extracted the GPS information and determined that John McAfee was lying about the location he claimed the photos were shot at.

Tempe City Logo???

Check out this cool city of Tempe logo I found!!!!!
City of Tempe logo - Nazi Germany German swastika, Soviet Union hammer and sickle, and of course a KKK or Ku Klux Klan knight white robe, they must be proud to be employees of the city of Tempe

Tempe Town Lake causes nothing but problems for local residents

The Tempe Town Toilet causes nothing but problems for local Tempe residents according to this article.

Messy yard cops shake down Tempe barber Dan Armijo

Tempe jackbooted messy yard cops are shaking down Tempe barber Dan Armijo who runs Nash’s Valley Fair Barber Shop In this article the tyrannical Tempe Messy Yard Police shake down Tempe barber Dan Armijo.

Dan Armijo runs Nash’s Valley Fair Barber Shop which is over on Southern and Mill Avenue at 115 E. Southern Ave in Tempe.

Hey Dan Armijo, I would come by your shop and get a haircut, but hell, I haven't gotten a hair cut since the early 1990's.

I don't need a hair cut any more then you need a jackbooted messy yard cop at your barber shop.

Jack Lowell's got a peace sign in his front yard

Jack Lowell - anti-war activist and messy yard criminals all rolled into one - Tempe Messy Yard Police - Tempe Messy Yard cops According to this article Jack Lowell has a cool peace sign in his front yard.

I suspect it is driving the Tempe messy yard cops nuts.

My Will

OK, in case I get run over by a truck, or killed by government goons here is a copy of my will.

Spanish language magazines & newspapers

These are the free Spanish language newspapers and magazines I read every week.

Spanish Ordinal Numbers

One, two three, uno, dos, tres. First, second, third, primero, segundo, and tercero. OK here are the Spanish Ordinal Numbers.

Libertarian Party Platform April 5, 2011

This is the Libertarian Parties Platform which I copied on April 5, 2011 from this site lp.org/platform

A Table of Contents for Homeless in Arizona

A toc for Homeless in Arizona?

Anne Mardick - Universal Atheist Event Web Site

Here is a blurb about when I was talking to Anne Mardick about doing an atheist web site to list atheist web events around the planet.

Marc Victor Friend Barry Cooper

Here is an alleged friend of Marc Victor named Barry Cooper.

Barry Cooper is an ex-narcotics agent who used to arrest people for victimless drug war crimes.

Marc Victor - Facebook

Marc Victor Facebook

The Hand Notes

The Hand Notes

I am a rock?

I am a rock - Simon & Garfunkle - Sounds of Silence
  I am a Rock

More articles on Kyrsten Sinema

Some previous articles on Kyrsten Sinema.

Here are some other articles on Kyrsten Sinema - Kyrsten Sinema. 1 2 3 4

If you love taxes and hate guns you will probably love Kyrsten Sinema. If you think most people are too stupid to run their own lives and that most people need a government nanny to tell then how to live you will probably get along with Kyrsten Sinema real well. If you think that marijuana should be effectively illegal by taxing the krap out of it you will probably love Kyrsten Sinema and her proposed 300 percent tax on medical marijuana.

Kyrsten Sinema the government tyrant that proposed a 300 percent tax on medical marijuana

Some old links on Kyrsten Sinema

1 2. 3. 4 5 6 7 8. 9 10 11

Andrew Myers - Arizona Dispensaries Association

Prop 203 - Arizona Medical Marijuana Act

Andrew Myers - Prop 203 - Arizona Medical Marijuana Act - Phoenix medical-marijuana dispensaries clear hurdles - snitch??? Here is an interesting article about Andrew Myers, the Arizona Dispensaries Association, "farmers markets", "compassion clubs", Prop 203, the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act and medical marijuana in Arizona.

Ernest Hancock - Self Proclaimed Libertarian

Ernie Hancock - Self Proclaimed Libertarian

David Dorn

Scott Henderson Tempe Amnesty International

Glasses Prescription

Here is a link to my glasses prescription. Use to get dirt cheep mail order glasses.

Auto Insurase for Mexicans

Here is a link to a place that I can get auto insuranse for my car. A lot of Mexicans love this place because they won't jack you around. Plus they will give you ccheep auto insuranse.

Julie Smith works for the Phoenix Police - She is on Facebook

Julie Smith works for the Phoenix Police!!!!

I just discovered that one of my Facebook friends is a cop that works for the Phoenix Police.

Here name is Julie Smith and here is a photo on her Facebook page which says she works for the PhoenixPolice.

The photo I found on her Facebook page says she is a Detective with the Phoenix Police. She works with the LGBTQ Liason and Gay Camp.

While in this case it is pretty obvious that Julie Smith is a cop you should assume that ANYBODY you meet on the Internet is a cop.

And for that reason you should NEVER, NEVER, NEVER mention any thing illegal on the internet, even if it is a victimless crime that hurts NO one.

Julie Smith works for the Phoenix Police - She is on Facebook - LGBTQ Liason and Gay Camp - lesbian, gay, transgendered, queer

No Shopping Carts Allowed In Phoenix Parks

I suspect there is a mean spirited *sshole who is a high ranking official in the City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department who hates homeless people and will do anything either legal or illegal to run the homeless people out of the parks in the City of Phoenix.

I have discovered that somebody in the city of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department has been spending our tax dollars to post signs that cite and imaginary laws that doesn't exist and use it to run homeless people out of Phoenix Parks.

Oddly this isn't new, my Libertarian friend Ricky Duncan discovered a number of other signs in Phoenix Parks which cited imaginary laws which the tyrants in the Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department were using to terrorize people they dislike.

Here is a list of all those parks in the City of Phoenix which have imaginary laws posted in them to run homeless people out of Phoenix Parks.

Note I have expanded the full list which includes other cities such as Tempe and Guadalupe which also have imaginary laws posted in their parks.

James Wood - Atheist running for U.S. Congress

James Wood - Atheist Gun Grabber for U.S. Congress

James Woods - Arizona atheist gun grabber running for US Congress - gun grabber - wants to ban guns and flush the Second Amendment down the toilet - Against 2nd Amendment - AU - AUGP - Phoenix Americans United for Separation of Church and State - Freedom From Religion Foundation FFRF - blind - visually impaired - Democrat
  James Woods an atheist gun grabber running for Congress.

I will usually vote for an atheist any day of the year over a religious person, because I know they won't be passing laws forcing their religion on me.

A long time ago I sent James Woods a message on Facebook asking for his position on the "War on Drugs" and on legalizing marijuana. I was kind of p*ssed because he never responded to my message.

Since James Wood didn't respond to my message I suspect he is one of those politicians who will try and keep REAL positions secret he thinks it will cause him to lose your vote.

I call those people hypocrites. I don't know if James Wood is a hypocrite or not. But he never responded to my questions, so I am guessing he is a hypocrite.

I also think that James Woods is against the Second Amendment and wants to take our guns away from use.

He mentioned something along those lines at either a Phoenix Freedom From Religion Foundation meeting or a Phoenix Americans United for Separation of Church and State (Phoenix AU) meeting.

An just because James Woods has sun glasses on in this photo, it doesn't mean he is a druggie. James Wood is blind.

U.S. Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema is the only other atheist I know in govenrment.

I am not too happy with her either because when she was a member of the Arizona legislator she tried to flush Prop 203 or Arizona's Medical Marijuana Act down the toilet by slapping a 300% tax on medical marijuana. That attempt failed.

U.S. Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema says she supports decriminalizing marijuana, but I think she is lying because of the tax she tried to slap on medical marijuana.

I used to know U.S. Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema when she was an anti-war activist, but it looks like she has sold out the cause since she got elected. While she talks like she supports the little guy she consistently votes to support the police state and military industrial complex.

U.S. Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema is also a big time gun grabber who would love to flush the 2nd Amendment down the toilet.

Jennifer White

Anne Mardick

Mike Franklin

Pat Schwind

Other Stuff 1

Other Stuff 2

Other Stuff 3

Other Stuff 4


April 2016

June 2016

Homeless in Arizona

Homeless In Arizona counter is screwed up