Homeless in Arizona

4th Amendment null and void at Valley Metro Central Station???

4th Amendment null and void on Phoenix government property

  Source Looks like the 4th Amendment is null and void according to the royal rulers in the City of Phoenix and at Valley Metro.

This sign on the bike lockers at the Valley Metro Central Station on Central Avenue & Van Buren says the city of Phoenix can search your bike locker any damn time they feel like it for any reasons.

"Lockers are subject to inspection at any time and for any reason by the City of Phoenix Public Transit Department staff"
F*ck that silly 4th Amendment. Well at least that's how the royal rulers on the Phoenix City Council seem to feel about it.

The crooks at the city of Phoenix even admit that they think it's OK for the government to steal. The sign also says:

"Locks found on bike lockers after hours, shall be cut and any bikes found therein are subject to confiscation."
Hey, as long as we have government who needs the Mafia!!!!

It's time to throw the royal rulers on the City of Phoenix Council out of office. They are:

Greg Stanton, Mayor
Kate Gallego, Vice Mayor
Thelda Williams
Jim Waring
Bill Gates
Laura Pastor
Daniel Valenzuela
Sal "I love pigs" DiCiccio
Michael "I hate gays" Nowakowski
Those jerks tell us they are "public servants" but they are nothing but government tyrants who consider us serfs to rule over.

Also note these jerks also think the 1st Amendment is null and void. The sign says:

No Soliciting

So the 1st Amendment is null and void and I will get my *ss throw in jail if I ask some body to sign one of my petitions to legalize marijuana.

The royal rules on the Phoenix City Council who had these signs put up are truly royal government tyrants.

Valley Metro, Phoenix Police and City of Phoenix Public Transit Department say 4th Amendment against illegal searches is null and void in the city of Phoenix. Same goes for the 1st Amendment, it's also null and void in the city of Phoenix - bike lockers subject to search at any time

Valley Metro, Phoenix Police and City of Phoenix Public Transit Department say 4th Amendment against illegal searches is null and void in the city of Phoenix. Same goes for the 1st Amendment, it's also null and void in the city of Phoenix - bike lockers subject to search at any time

Valley Metro, Phoenix Police and City of Phoenix Public Transit Department say 4th Amendment against illegal searches is null and void in the city of Phoenix. Same goes for the 1st Amendment, it's also null and void in the city of Phoenix - bike lockers subject to search at any time

Valley Metro, Phoenix Police and City of Phoenix Public Transit Department say 4th Amendment against i - bike lockers subject to search at any time llegal searches is null and void in the city of Phoenix. Same goes for the 1st Amendment, it's also null and void in the city of Phoenix - bike lockers subject to search at any time


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