My first
Table of Contents
Grab photos and data in all sub directories from all of these URLs
add other stuff too like messy yard criminals, papers please, diana
- homeless_in_arizona.tripod.com
- homeless-in-arizona.tripod.com
- my-stuff.tripod.com
- scorpion-cave.tripod.com
- manwomanpeoplerock.tripod.com
- electric-aluminum-truth-store.tripod.com
- warmweather.tripod.com
- baseline-beating.tripod.com
- Bike Saviours
- Bike Saviors
- Bike Savers
- Bike Saviours
- Tempe Bike Coop
- Tempe Bicycle Coop
- Tempe Bike Co-op
- Tempe Bicycle Co-op
- Bicycle Saviours
- Bicycle Saviors
- Bicycle Savers
- Bicycle Saviours
- Homeless in Arizona
- 100.html
- 100_meters_actual.jpg
- 100_meters_big2.jpg
- 100k_march.html
- 101_days_without_rain.html
- 113.html
- 118_degrees.html
- 16_sq_feet.html
- 2_68th_oak.jpg
- 2_68th_oak2.jpg
- 2_hurricanes.html
- 2_steel_pole.jpg
- 28_days_over_110_in_phoenix.html
- 3_x_as_much_rain.html
- 5_years_of_war.html
- 50000dead.html
- 54_cent_coke.html
- 6_shooting_incidents.html
- 7_dead.html
- 75bucks.jpg
- 75bucks2.jpg
- 75bucks3.jpg
- a_fake_monsoon.html
- a_place_to_shower.html
- a_play_about_sheriff_joe.html
- a06_moonson1.jpg
- a06_moonson2.jpg
- allergy.html
- andrew_p_thomas.jpg
- animated_cursor_attack.html
- april_28_100_summer.html
- arizona.html
- arsonist_firemen.html
- assault.html
- attack_on_feb_6.html
- aztec.html
- babes.html
- badsick.html
- bank1_ballbark_leaf.jpg
- bank1_ballpark.jpg
- barometer.jpg
- barzan_ibrahim_110506.jpg
- baseline_killer_goudeau.html
- bat_cave.gif
- bat_cave_game_and_fish_tour.html
- bats_cave_fish_game_tour.jpg
- beating_up_homeless_people.html
- begging_is_legal.html
- bike
- biltmore_coyotes.html
- bob_cat.html
- body_count.html
- bomb.html
- bread_board.jpg
- bread_board_art_bomb.html
- brrrrr.html
- brrrrrrrrrrrrr.html
- bus_pass_to_01_06_08.html
- bus_pass_to_01_06_08.jpg
- camp_9CB
- camp_simula
- Carol_Ann_Gotbaum.jpg
- cat_meow.wma
- cgi-bin
- chandler_gang_bang.html
- chandler_rounds_up_mexicans.html
- cheap_mexican_flights.html
- chiggers.html
- cho-guns.jpg
- cho-hammer.jpg
- cho-seung-hu.jpg
- cholla_cactus.jpg
- chronically_homeless.html
- circle_k_back.jpg
- circle_k_front.jpg
- civil_war_lies_and_facts.html
- colors.html
- colors.jpg
- comet_holmes.html
- cool_dust_storm.html
- cool_humid.html
- cop_killers.jpg
- coyote.html
- coyote_march.html
- coyote_march.jpg
- coyotes.html
- crooks_at_aol.html
- crop-program_for_images.html
- cross_cut_canal2.jpg
- dale_hausner.jpg
- day_light_savings_time.html
- daylightsavingssucks.html
- dc2ndcourt.html
- dec26.html
- decent_weather.html
- democracy1.gif
- democracy2.gif
- democracy3.gif
- democracy4.gif
- dental.html
- dental_camper.html
- digital_tape_recorder.html
- directions-to-the-bat-cave.html
- doctos_in_supermarkets.html
- don_bolles.html
- dry_spell.html
- dumpster_diving.html
- dust_storm.jpg
- dustin_r_donica.jpg
- ellipse_1.gif
- ellipse_2.gif
- ellipse_3.gif
- emfr.html
- end_the_url_with_a_slash.html
- escape_from_the_FLDS_cult.html
- everything_about_crickets.html
- fine_salt.jpg
- fire_them1.gif
- fire_them2.gif
- fire_them3.gif
- fix_your_credit.html
- flagstaff_is_warm.html
- flagstaff_war_on_homeless.html
- flavios_back.jpg
- flavios_front.jpg
- flop_house_torched.html
- fraud.html
- free_food.html
- free_legal_help.html
- freeze_cloth.html
- fresh_and_easy.html
- frigging.html
- froze_my_ass_off.html
- ged.html
- general_warns_bush_lies.html
- gentle_strength.html
- georgia_thompson.jpg
- getting_a_real_or_fake_id.html
- ghee_and_salt.html
- gila_monster.jpg
- gilbert_not_at_war_yet.html
- go_daddy_babe.html
- godaddy1.gif
- godaddy2.gif
- goobly_gook.html
- government_math.html
- hades_heat.html
- handicapped_cop.jpg
- hantavirus.html
- hatchet_man.jpg
- he_shoots_homeless_people.html
- heat_wave.html
- heat_wave_cold_wave.html
- heidi_klum.jpg
- hit_and_run_accident.html
- hole_in_the_rock.jpg
- homeless
- homeless_census.html
- homeless_in_los_angeles.html
- homeless_laws_attack.html
- homeless_study_of_0f.html
- homeless_tempe_murders.html
- hooey.html
- hot_chicago.html
- hot_chile_pepper.html
- hot_dead_babe.html
- hot_weather_bs.html
- hotbabe.jpg
- hotbabe2.jpg
- hunts_tomb.html
- hyper.gif
- hyper_1_equ.gif
- hyper_2_equ.gif
- hyperbola.gif
- i_was_never_served.html
- ifone_hacked.html
- im_a_minority_again.html
- im_immune_to_west_nile.html
- index.html
- index_2004.html
- index_2005.html
- index_2006.html
- index_2006_final.html
- index_2006_new_time_stamp.html
- index_2007.html
- index_2008.html
- indian_computer_programmers.html
- iran_executions.jpg
- iraq_war_humor.html
- iraqsgt1.jpg
- iraqsgt2.jpg
- iraqsgt3.jpg
- iraqsgt4.jpg
- iraqsgt5.jpg
- iraqsgt6.jpg
- iron_man_watch.jpg
- ironman_watch.html
- it_didnt_rain.html
- its_cold.html
- its_nice_out_100.html
- james_mullins.jpg
- jean.jpg
- job_market_sucks.html
- july5rain.html
- june_7_storm.html
- killer_bees.html
- laws.html
- library_software_bug.html
- lightning_100_yards_water.html
- lightning_info.html
- lightning_rod.html
- listen_to_ernie.html
- little_oaxaca.html
- ll0ve.html
- london_pigs_murder_man.html
- loose_dogs.html
- loud_music_in_mesa.html
- lowell_observatory.html
- lunar_eclipse_tonight.html
- mallet.html
- manhattan_beach.html
- map_to_the_bat_cave.gif
- map_to_the_bat_cave2.gif
- march_19_anti_war.html
- marchdaylight.html
- mark_goudeau.jpg
- me_have_west_nile_virus.html
- medical.html
- mentally_handicapped_cop.html
- mesa_cops_hate_homeless.html
- mesa_cops_sell_drugs.html
- mesa_storm.html
- metate_markers.jpg
- mfr.html
- michael_chertoff.html
- michellemanhart.jpg
- mike_ringo.html
- mill_curry3.jpg
- mining_claim_file.html
- missile_test.jpg
- mmmmmm_chili_chile.html
- monsoon.html
- monsoon_july_13.html
- mountain_lion_food.html
- move_to_apache_junction.html
- muscle_cramps.html
- my_isp.html
- my_telephones.html
- nevada.gif
- new_homeless_shelter.html
- new_tower.jpg
- news12_video_tape.html
- no_gas_in_phoenix.html
- no_mas_lluvia.html
- no_rail_133_days.html
- no_smoking_in_my_house.html
- nov_30_storm.html
- oak_acorns.jpg
- oak_leaves.jpg
- oilly.jpg
- old_ladys_murder_homeless.html
- orlando_flordia.html
- other_homeless_people.html
- overthrow.html
- pakistan_babes.html
- Papago_AZ_60Jep.jpg
- Papago_AZ_92topo.jpg
- Papago_AZ_97.jpg
- papago_park.jpg
- papago_park_map.gif
- papago_park_map.html
- para.gif
- parabola.gif
- peoria.html
- phoenix-bat-cave2.html
- phoenix_at_1.5_million.html
- phoenix_bat_cave.html
- phoenix_centers.html
- phoenix_homeless_is_a_crime.html
- phoenix_shopping_carts.html
- photos
- photos-bat_cave-and-az_canal
- pigeon_waste.html
- pigeons_for_lunch.html
- pit_bull_attack.html
- pit_bull_los_angeles.html
- puerto_penasco.html
- quartzsite.html
- r_and_ds_losing_big_time.html
- racist_criminal_justice.html
- radio_show.html
- radio_show0.html
- rain_sucks_march_11.html
- rainsucks.html
- rated_100_meters.html
- rattle_snakes.html
- rattlesnakes_are_back.html
- republic.jpg
- ringo_stalin.gif
- ringo_stalin2.gif
- robot_telephone_dialers.html
- rural_arizona.html
- saddam_hang_1.jpg
- saddam_hang_2.jpg
- saddam_hussein.html
- samuel_dieteman.jpg
- scorpion.html
- scottsdale_homeless.html
- scottsdale_storm.html
- screw_the_bor.html
- scrub_oak_acorns.jpg
- scrub_oak_leaves.jpg
- sear_battery72.jpg
- sears_battery100.jpg
- sears_receipt.html
- senator_mc_cain.html
- serial_killer_busted.html
- showers.html
- silly_law_hot_place.html
- singled_out.html
- snow.html
- snow_four_peaks.jpg
- snow_in_baghdad.html
- snow_in_phoenix.jpg
- some_nut_shooting_people.html
- sour_oranges_are_edible.html
- south_mountain.html
- south_scottsdale.html
- special_gun_rights_for_cops.html
- straight_dope_on_poop.html
- straw_house.html
- summer_2005.html
- superbug.html
- tempe_homeless_nannies.html
- tempe_jp_sucks.html
- tempe22-12.html
- tempe22-13.html
- tempe23-90-92.html
- tempe29-70.html
- time1.jpg
- time2.jpg
- time3.jpg
- time4.jpg
- time5.jpg
- tom_petty_and_heartbreakers.html
- tonight_george_w_hitler.html
- too_stupid_to_understand.html
- tracfone.html
- ttto.html
- turbo_oven.html
- turkey
- turkey_day_food.html
- u_owe_500000.html
- uv_scorpion.gif
- virgina-tech.jpg
- virginia_tech_massacre.html
- vista_del_camino.html
- wallace_and_ladmo.html
- wallace_and_ladmo.jpg
- war_quotes.html
- war01.jpg
- war02.jpg
- warm_weather.html
- waste_of_tax_money.html
- weird_cold_weather.html
- west_nile_cases.html
- west_nile_virus.html
- whiteoil2.jpg
- why_vote_libertarian.html
- wild_beers_in_aj.html
- wild_fires.html
- winters_back.html
- woman_killed_on_thomas_road.html
- woman_strangled_to_death.html
- worst.html
- wrong_im_first.html
- y2k_in_2007.html
- My Stuff
- ___css.css
- 10_sleep_20_healthy_foods.html
- 24_most_wanted_dealers.html
- 27_percent_for_government.html
- 30_years_rio_salado.html
- 454_revolver_kills_bear.html
- 50k-jobs.html
- 66_bus_driver.html
- 9_step_reid_technique.html
- adolf_schieklgruber.html
- aguatuqui.html
- al_gore_blows.jpg
- al_gore_frozen.jpg
- american_wars.html
- andrew_thomas.jpg
- arizona_census_history.html
- arizona_id_theft.html
- arizona_is_2nd_worst_state.html
- arizona_medical.html
- arizona_must_be_visible.html
- arizona_pawn_shop_capital.html
- arizona_public_record_laws.html
- arrests_for_all_solutions.html
- asu_utility_tunnels.html
- az_norml_censored.html
- bad_guys_badges.jpg
- bad_guys_wear_masks.html
- barack_obama_tobacco_addict.html
- barking_dogs_fine.html
- baseline_killer.html
- baseline_Killer_1.jpg
- baseline_Killer_2.jpg
- baseline_Killer_3.jpg
- baseline_Killer_4.jpg
- bed-bugs.html
- bed-bugs.jpg
- beer_bones.html
- bend_over_for_obama.html
- bend_over_for_obama.jpg
- bertos.html
- bible_verse_gun_sight.jpg
- bible_verse_scope.html
- big_3_car_maker_welfare.html
- blair_holt_firearm_law.html
- blue_hole.jpg
- blue_hole_back.jpg
- blue_hole_deans_blue_hole.html
- blue_hole_on_beach.jpg
- blue_hole_scuba.jpg
- blue_hole_waves.jpg
- boric_acid_kills_ants.html
- boston_tea_party.html
- brady_list-corrupt_cops.html
- bush_attacked_with_shoe.html
- bush_library.html
- bush_shoe.jpg
- bushHelpsObamaBeatMcCain.html
- bushisms_8_years.html
- carbon_foot_prints.html
- carnevale_art.html
- carnevale_art.jpg
- carnevale_art_big.jpg
- cash_for_clunckers.html
- cgi-bin
- chilli_resiniferatoxin_RTX.html
- christmas_sunburn_phoenix.html
- cia_assassinate_americans.html
- city_sales_taxes.html
- code_miksup.html
- code_richard.html
- code_seba.html
- congress_at_work.html
- congress_at_work.jpg
- cop_free_parking.html
- cop_free_parking.jpg
- cop_killers.html
- cop_policers.html
- copper_canyon_tram.jpg
- cops_illegally_search_safe.html
- cornville_arizona.html
- crash_and_burn_software.html
- credit_report_free_yearly.html
- cuil_google_search_engine.html
- cute_signs.html
- d-code-flag.png
- dale.html
- dan_lovelace.html
- dan_lovelace.jpg
- deep_throat_watergate.html
- devanagari.html
- dog_carbon_foot_print.html
- dollar.html
- don_bolles_max_dunlap.html
- don_bolles_max_dunlap.jpg
- dont_get_too_close_to_obama.html
- dubai_tower_burj_dubai.html
- dubai_tower_burj_dubai.jpg
- dump_the_dollar.html
- electronic_parts_supply.html
- empty_offices_stores_rental.html
- end_arizona_drug_war.html
- executive_order_12425.html
- expired_playboy_photos.html
- eye_drops_1.jpg
- eye_drops_2.jpg
- eye_drops_3.jpg
- eyedrops.html
- finding_free_food.html
- fortune_medical_marijuana.html
- forvik_independance.html
- free_lunch_public_schools.html
- frozen_al_gore_alaska.html
- GI_searches_Muslim.jpg
- GI_searchs_Muslim.html
- global_warming_is_here.html
- google_is_a_gov_snitch.html
- gov_repeating_mistakes.html
- guatamala_gunmen_bus_driver.html
- guatemala_map.jpg
- guns_at_lax_are_a_crime.html
- h-1b_visas.html
- harbor_freight.jpg
- harry_mitchel_fat_cats.html
- hate_groups.html
- he_must_be_a_criminal.html
- high_taxes_no_benifits.html
- highest_paying_degrees.html
- highmeter.html
- hohokam_mesa_site_pats.html
- hole_in_the_rock.html
- hole_in_the_rock.jpg
- house_racists_glendale.html
- hugh_hallman_light_rail.html
- hugh_hallman1.jpg
- hugh_hallman2.jpg
- hugh_hallman3.jpg
- ieds_fight_american_empire.html
- index.html
- indian_courts.html
- IPOWER.html
- irs_1913_income_tax_form.html
- irs_1913_income_tax_form.pdf
- iwe_are_number_1.html
- jesus_malverde.html
- jobs_computers_have_canned.html
- jobs_for_old_farts_web_site.html
- john_dillinger_tucson_home.html
- july_4_sept_3.html
- jwh-018-is_legal_pot.html
- kansas_dup_sully_plate.jpg
- kansas_duplicate_licenses.html
- kava.html
- keister_bomb.html
- kent_state_murders.jpg
- killer_at_8.html
- king_tut.jpg
- kodachrome_film.html
- kodachrome_film.jpg
- koninor_indian.html
- koninor_indian.jpg
- korea_russia_china.html
- kyrene_mansion.html
- kyrsten_sinema.gif
- kyrsten_sinema.html
- la_Heliotrope_Dr_Melrose.html
- libertarian_quotes.html
- ll0ve.html
- logic_and_reason_arguments.html
- london_cops_charles_menezes.html
- loran-c.html
- los_colorados_irish_mexico.html
- lose_weight.html
- lost_with_a_GPS.html
- magic_jack_cell_phone.html
- make_soap_at_home.html
- map_phoenix_light_rail.html
- map_phoenix_light_rail.jpg
- marcelo_ebrard_mexico_city.html
- march_18.html
- marina_orlova.jpg
- marina_orlova_word_babe_fox.html
- marina_orlova2.jpg
- marina_orlova3.jpg
- mark_goudeau_baseline_kill.html
- mecham_ev_gov_impeached.html
- merry_christmas.html
- mesa_dog_killings.html
- mesa_light_rail_boring.html
- mesa_tribune_out_of_busines.html
- metate_markers.jpg
- mexican_border_fence.html
- mexican_states.gif
- mexican_states.html
- mexican_states_map.gif
- mexicans_in_tempe.html
- mexico_drug_war_14000.html
- mexico_fence.jpg
- mexico_to_phoenix_avenues.html
- microsnot_store_scottsdale.html
- min_wage_655.html
- mission_accomplished.html
- mj.html
- moon_counter_clockwise.html
- moon_full_wax_new.html
- moon_has_water_on_it.html
- muntadhar_zeidic.jpg
- my_peace_sign_icon.html
- my_peace_sign_icon.ico
- my_stuff.css
- n-code-flag.png
- napalm_girl_vietnam.jpg
- NASA_loses_moon_tapes.html
- no_justice_killer_cops.html
- no_robot_html_stuff.html
- nuclear_reactor_u_of_a.html
- number_suffixes.html
- obama.jpg
- obama_for_prez.html
- obama_inaugural_speach.html
- obama_inaugural_speach_comm.html
- obama_is_all_we_got.html
- obama_is_bad.gif
- obama_no_more_pork_barrel_.html
- obama_speaks_at_asu.html
- obama_tyrannt_like_bush.html
- obamas_dad_beat_him.html
- obamas_hot.html
- obamas_hot.jpg
- obamas_vietnam_afghan.html
- oj.html
- oj_framed.html
- oj_nailed_in_las_vegas.html
- oj_photo_booked.jpg
- oj_photo_handcuffed.jpg
- oj_photo_leaving.jpg
- oj_photo_marcia_clark.jpg
- oj_prody_christine.jpg
- oj_v00.html
- order_2004-122.html
- osama_chas_licciardello.jpg
- osama_chaser128.jpg
- papago_park.html
- papago_park.jpg
- peace_sign.png
- peace_sign_history.html
- peace_sign_image_in_url.html
- pepper_heat_index.html
- perro_asado_mmm.html
- perro_asado_mmm.jpg
- pgp_for_political_prisoners.html
- phil_gordon_romance_phoenix.html
- phoenix_24_computers_center.html
- phoenix_barkpetition.pdf
- phoenix_budget.gif
- phoenix_budget.html
- phoenix_christmas1.jpg
- phoenix_christmas2.jpg
- phoenix_christmas3.jpg
- phoenix_christmas4.jpg
- phoenix_christmas5.jpg
- phoenix_christmas6.jpg
- phoenix_cops_pay_rates.html
- phoenix_gazette_last_day.html
- phoenix_hostel.html
- phoenix_noaa_rainfall.html
- phoenix_rulers_paid_100k.html
- photo_radar_driver_killed.html
- photo_radar_killer.jpg
- photo_radar_lies.html
- photo_radar_speed_traps.html
- pinguino.html
- planets_2009_october.html
- plants_that_repel_mosquito.html
- po_box_27421-10.jpg
- po_box_27421-11.jpg
- po_box_27421-12.jpg
- po_box_27421-history.html
- police_labs_lie.html
- ponzi_scheme.html
- power_ball_odds.html
- printing_money_666.html
- printing_money_to_pay_bills.html
- pro-war-pro-Obama-Kyrsten.html
- pro_future_inc.html
- protect_gov_from_internet.html
- quartzsite_arizona.html
- quebec_city_ice_hotel.html
- quotes_about_god.html
- r_u_represented.html
- radio_bandwith_needed.html
- ratemycop.html
- real_passport-fake_document.html
- red_on_a_mountain.html
- redondo.jpg
- rent_a_garden_at_SCC.html
- rick_renzi_indicted.html
- robot_telephone_dialers.html
- russian_hat1.jpg
- russian_hat2.jpg
- russian_hat3.jpg
- russian_hat4.jpg
- russian_hats_donde.html
- sams_walmart_layoffs.html
- santana_batiz_aceves.jpg
- sarah_palin.html
- sarah_palin.jpg
- secret_compartment_felony.html
- secret_federal_taxes.html
- senator_john_huppenthal.html
- sep2-60_min_fro.jpg
- sep2-60_min_ser.jpg
- septon_locksmith_supplies.html
- serial_shooter_takes_deal.html
- sesame_1a.jpg
- sesame_1b.jpg
- sesame_1c.jpg
- sesame_2.png
- sesame_3.jpg
- sesame_combination_lock.html
- sichuan_szechwan_szechuan.html
- sinema.mp3
- six_years_since_afganistan.html
- sky_harbor_bird_strikes.html
- sky_harbor_flight_paths.html
- sky_harbor_flight_paths.jpg
- smileyface.jpg
- snow_play_areas_arizona.html
- snow_white_beer.html
- snow_white_beer.jpg
- social_security_problems.html
- socialist_bush_obama.html
- socialist_terry_goddard.html
- socialist_tom_rawles.html
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- Warm Weather
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- TSA Idiots
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- unibomber
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- Ted Kaczynski
- Theodore Kaczynski
- National Museum of Crime & Punishment
- General Services Administration
- Janine Vaccarello
- us_attacks_libya.html
- USA attacks Libya
- USA bombs Libya
- America attacks Libya
- America bombs Libya
- USA hits debt limit - again
- us_debt_limit_hit_again.html
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- Veolia
- vins_drivers_license.html
- vp_tweets_joe_biden.html
- wall_street_says_debt_sucks.html
- war_in_yemen_america.html
- war_on_somolia.html
- washington_crooks.html
- we_are_not_crooks_honest.html
- we_been_screwed_by_gov.html
- wedontknow_must_be_illegall.html
- welfare_police_state_americ.html
- west_virginia.html
- what_police_crimes.html
- white_house_aids.html
- white_house_facts_lies.html
- who_hollds_us_debt.html
- who_named_arizona.html
- windows_8.html
- wireless_router_n_password.html
- wirtapping.html
- Wiretapping
- Wire Tapping
- woman_with_stroller.html
- world_to_end_this_sat.html
- wrong_guy_killed_indrugraid.html
- x-37b.html
- x-background-test.html
- xxx_url.html
- xxx
- zubia_larry.html
- Larry Zubia
- Zubia Larry
- Baseline Beating
- Base Line Beating
- baselinebeating
- BaseLineBeating
- BaselineBeating
- index.html
- baseline.gif
- cop_beating.html
- peter_piper.html.htm
- fiesta_mall_murder.html
- baseline-46th.html
- baseline-beating.css
- a99999.html
- 0____css.css
- fourriveriron.html
- books_on_my_reading_list.html
- 0_photos
- google_snitches_on_you.html
- overthrow_the_government.html
- medical_marijuana.html
- el_molinos_scottsdale.html
- scottsdale_bobcat.html
- judge_pat_murdoch_busted.html
- spend_it_or_lose_it_waste.html
- russell_pearce_tyrannt.html
- atheists_in_government.html
- hot.html
- medicalmarijuananews.html
- drones_airplane_radio.html
- law_school.html
- norway_bombing_shooting.html
- horny_phoenix_cops_sex.html
- fulton_brock_supervisor.html
- travel_hotel_bus_plane.html
- bikesaviour.html
- light_rail_tsa_thugs_valley.html
- utah_man_takes_5th.html
- woman_convicted_of_bbb.html
- mexican_cell_phones.html
- no_time_machines_travel.html
- coplink_police_database.html
- national_debt.html
- mario_madrigal_murder.html
- millions_of_gov_checks.html
- hendershott_jeffery.html
- police_state_in_america.html
- paper_solar_cells.html
- feds_read_your_email_tap_yo.html
- county_library_maricopa.html
- free_credit_reports.html
- paul_allen_bill_gates.html
- no_more_tweets_from_me.html
- biz_sucks_at_topless_joints.html
- checks_that_self_destruct.html
- hindu_temple_in_tempe.html
- gabrielle_giffords_shot.html
- filibertos_rape.html
- fullerton_police_murder.html
- tent_city_gulag_18_years.html
- sal_diciccio_junk_mail.html
- police_cell_phone_spying.html
- chicago_fire_dept_crooks.html
- namibia_desert.html
- its_not_my_fault.html
- scottsdale_noise_law.html
- secure_communities_police.html
- drone_hacks_wireless_networ.html
- seals_die_bin_laden.html
- john_teets_dies.html
- winnie_ruth_judd.html
- police_sites_hacked.html
- free_cell_phones_poor_peopl.html
- alivi8.html
- we_love_bribes.html
- indian_cooking_classes.html
- hell_is_make_beleive.html
- cops_rape_drunk_woman.html
- ptichforks_and_torches.html
- europe_no_free_speech.html
- bor_null_and_void_southboun.html
- fone_data_not_secure.html
- baby_gabrial_liz_Johnson.html
- homemade_x-ray_machine.html
- us_mexico_police_state_drug.html
- gt200_drug_explosive_detect.html
- buddhist_temple_murders.html
- daniel_mccracken_dies.html
- scott_bundgaard.html
- maricopa_county_tax_increas.html
- indian_dog_bites.html
- libertarian_islands.html
- secret_service_obama_buses.html
- bears_people_congress.html
- child_support_jail.html
- guy_fawkes_masks.html
- hot_air_phoenix_mayor_race.html
- curry_corner.html
- eli_hallman.html
- davis_monthan_tucson.html
- federal_fraud_electronic.html
- dial_311_for_more_governmen.html
- pay_rates_college_degrees.html
- heil_hitler.html
- eyewitnesses_are_wrong.html
- food_stamp_nation.html
- div.html
- obama_4_trillion_so_far.html
- loot_and_rape.html
- nypd_cia_spies.html
- washington_dc_earthquake.html
- fbi_snitches.html
- sean_drenth.html
- black_hole_eats_star.html
- tape_record_a_crooked_cop.html
- linsey_lohan.html
- a99998.html
- fulton_brock_lies_about_tax.html
- tripoli_tunnels_gadhafi.html
- jeffrey_gordon_bad_cop.html
- mesa_wants_drunks.html
- pentagon_propaganda_machine.html
- babeu_ego_trip_50000.html
- chase_bank_burning.html
- homeland_security_waste.html
- eye_witnesses_lie.html
- congress_pay_is_too_low.html
- phoenix_cop_jeff_gordon.html
- nogales_mayor_gets_3_years.html
- sneak_and_peek.html
- plea_bargain_jury_trial.html
- quiktrip_virgil_morgan.html
- uncle_obama_a_wetback.html
- cia_assassins.html
- long_work_outs_burn_fat.html
- cia_props_up_dictators.html
- terrorists_under_my_bed.html
- cash_for_green_cards.html
- illegal_wood_and_feathers.html
- endless_american_wars.html
- secret_military_murders.html
- augp.html
- government_propaganda_netwo.html
- wow_650000_for_a_bj.html
- table_cellspacing_padding.html
- angela_dorian_gets_9_years.html
- dirty_elections.html
- augp_paypal.html
- anonymous.html
- shoot_down_plane.html
- airport_bird_feeding.html
- sex_on_airplanes.html
- harvest_moon.html
- grisley_bears.html
- strip_searches_in_jails.html
- only_in_it_for_the_money.html
- andrew_thomas_crashes.html
- calif_propaganda.html
- anonymity_supreme_court.html
- not_arrested_honest.html
- amedicalmarijuananews.html
- interview.html
- tsa_thugs_are_nice.html
- homeless_bus_passes.html
- expensive_jobs.html
- attack_watch.html
- angry_with_gov_masters.html
- tsa_profiling.html
- rigging_elections.html
- ss_ponzi_scheme.html
- la_pigs_lie.html
- bug_with_i_and_b_tags.html
- augp_documentation.html
- expensive_muffins.html
- azdoh_pays_your_bills.html
- pay_phone_fraud_800_numbers.html
- phil_gordon_nepotism.html
- georgia_murders_innocent_ma.html
- bills_r_bad.html
- onstar_snitches_to_police.html
- clinton_steals_moon_rocks.html
- gov_rulers_pay_very_well.html
- physics_rule_broken.html
- ticket_fixing_nypd.html
- larrynaman_maryrosewilcox.html
- waist_band_shootings.html
- a99997.html
- jesus_pigs_judges.html
- greg_stantons_tires_slashed.html
- welfare_for_unions.html
- cell_phone_cop_hits_woman.html
- no_voter_fraud_here.html
- red_seven.html
- panhandlers_go_to_jail.html
- ron_paul_no_everify.html
- raising_taxes_on_water.html
- data_doctor_snitches.html
- scottsdale_public_records.html
- plea_bargains_jury_trials.html
- semi-naked_mormons.html
- oc_cell_phone_fbi_jail.html
- no_libertarian_primary.html
- fbi_watch_list.html
- we_can_win_the_war.html
- cop_pepper_spray_fun.html
- billionaires_for_bush.html
- welfare_for_doctors.html
- violence_up_39_percent.html
- obama_es_la_misma_bush.html
- congressmen_take_hostages.html
- terrorist_model_airplanes.html
- police_unions_corrupt.html
- obamamurdersamericancleric.html
- cell_phone_snitches.html
- cops_on_medical_leave.html
- goodyear_piggie_bad.html
- michelle_obama_target_trip.html
- brown_spot_is_jesus.html
- flagstaff_moon_landing.html
- who_are_the_bad_guys.html
- michael_morton_freed.html
- nypd_police_spies.html
- un_spys.html
- hit_and_run_fireman.html
- fat_tax.html
- building_inspector.html
- safety_my_ass_its_jobs.html
- luis_martinez.html
- glendale_casino_indians.html
- papa_johns_snitches.html
- steve_jobs_dead.html
- tsa_makes_bending_over_easy.html
- dave_lind_chandler_pd.html
- decide_who_obama_will_kill.html
- phoenix_pd_hookers_jesus.html
- f-91w_casio_watch.html
- osama_bin_laden_murdered.html
- sham_iraqi_war_withdrawl.html
- pork_pork_pork_pork.html
- asu_crimes_booze_dope_cops.html
- ron_paul.html
- arizona_police_state.html
- pinal_eyeball_scanners.html
- herman_can_9-9-9_tax.html
- police_state_of_arizona.html
- la_corporate_welfare.html
- voter_fraud_myth.html
- no_open_carry_california.html
- local_government.html
- jail_expired_plates.html
- double_standard_for_murder.html
- ghost_chiles.html
- destroying_homes_government.html
- cain_999.html
- who_owns_your_property.html
- dennis_ritchie_c_inventor.html
- obama_invades_uganda.html
- iraq_white_lie.html
- top_secret_america.html
- post_office_bureaucrats.html
- perjury_I_dont_recall_joe.html
- mark_goudeau_baseline_kill.html
- pig_pepper_spray_protesters.html
- cut_his_head_off.html
- cpab_chandler_police_assist.html
- aamedicalmarijuananews.html
- ron_paul_pork.html
- moammar_kadafi_is_dead.html
- no_body_murder_trial.html
- thirty_years_in_prison.html
- iraq_withdrawal_again.html
- government_doesnt_work.html
- shy.html
- no_dollar_bills.html
- end_the_us_post_office.html
- obama_wins_iraq_and_libya.html
- school_pensions.html
- schools_without_computers.html
- pensions_in_rhode_island.html
- egypt_arab_cops_fighters.html
- burn_down_home_insuranse.html
- a99996.html
- moon_rock_criminal.html
- gooberment.html
- nuke_bomb_b53.html
- google_uncle_sam_government.html
- no_tickets_for_cops_steve.html
- no_tickets_full_article.html
- ls_cop_serial_burgler.html
- crooked_nypd_cops.html
- no_plates_for_jobs.html
- no_foia_requests_for_crooks.html
- no_1st_in_la.html
- post_office_lies.html
- pythons_pigs_people.html
- lisp_john_mccarthy.html
- qr_codes.html
- women_soldiers_afghanistan.html
- more_dead_bodies.html
- dead_cop_brad_jones.html
- iraqi_theft_of_billions.html
- cut_military_spending.html
- room_123_afghan_torture.html
- well_paid_congressmen.html
- patriot_act_war_on_drugs.html
- cain_999_tax_perry_20_tax.html
- granny_get_a_gun.html
- not_a_sissy_girl.html
- congressional_junkets_up.html
- more_travel_taxes.html
- road_flares.html
- viking_magic_compass.html
- judge_beats_child_with_belt.html
- piggy_convicted_of_beating.html
- nypd_internal_affairs_sucks.html
- more_false_convictions.html
- uncle_sams_got_your_email.html
- white_house_on_drugs.html
- jerk_husband_gets_loot.html
- fountain_hills_tax_protest.html
- its_only_propaganda.html
- iphone_costs_600.html
- nyc_pot_arrests_1_in_7.html
- jesus_beats_children.html
- nypt_to_spy_and_terrorize.html
- conrad_murray_jackson_micha.html
- fake_news_water_district.html
- no_criminals_for_these_cops.html
- free_lunch_hotel_califonia.html
- filmingvideotape_the_police.html
- stonewalled_in_chicago.html
- internet_welfare_program.html
- cheep_cell_phone_plan.html
- tampon_booze_drunks.html
- burning_truck.html
- magic-flight.html
- jobs_for_vets.html
- cain_999_tax_to_292929_tax.html
- first_irs_tax_form_1913.html
- afghan_murders.html
- uncle_sam_has_your_ip_add.html
- west_covina_piggies.html
- execution_pay_rate.html
- utah_fake_news_propaganda.html
- god_herman_cain.html
- small_pox_bribes.html
- failed_government_projects.html
- wet_yard_needs_drain.html
- congress_pays_very_well.html
- expensivescorpion_antivenom.html
- mount_lemon_caves.html
- life_for_buying_a_used_car.html
- aaamedicalmarijuananews.html
- new_xxx_domain_name.html
- tobacco_miracle_drug.html
- sycophant.html
- employees_for_obama.html
- woman_stabs_abuser.html
- troops_in_australia.html
- protect_ip_act.html
- no_guns_for_pot_smokers.html
- pot_smoking_probation_offic.html
- fiesta_bowl_executive_buste.html
- righttocarryreciprocityact.html
- gingrich_obama_do_as_i_say.html
- manuel_noriega_panama.html
- f_the_public_record_laws.html
- mountains_from_molehills.html
- getting_reelected.html
- screw_the_rules.html
- quayle_is_a_moron.html
- faster_then_light.html
- light_stuff.html
- occupy_wall_street_russia.html
- rapist_a_6_year_old_one.html
- no_dirty_texts_in_urdu.html
- test_div_html.html
- child_abuse_reporting.html
- government_sucks.html
- why_pay_them_174000.html
- dangerous_6th_grader_busted.html
- uc_davis_pepper_spraying.html
- cops_know_where_your_car_is.html
- bad_internet_laws.html
- secret_police_talks.html
- film_movies_bite_the_dust.html
- shoplifters_love_duct_tape.html
- rubber_halloween_ax.html
- crooks_not_morons_congress.html
- bike_savior_class_notes.html
- canals_to_be_dried_up.html
- caller_id_spoofing.html
- password_hacking.html
- fbi_london_olympics.html
- pentagonnocontingency_plans.html
- hookahs_water_pipes.html
- clean_elections_lawsuit.html
- nyc_tobacco_taxes.html
- plane_crash_superstitutions.html
- real_id_police_state_law.html
- electric_cars_suck.html
- bad_news_for_war_mongers.html
- god_president_a_plan.html
- no_1st_for_taliban_lovers.html
- faa_no_oxygen_in_johns.html
- faa_airport_security_speed.html
- cops_at_war_with_us.html
- sixth_amendment_nullandvoid.html
- framed_for_rape.html
- italians_dont_like_taxes.html
- gov_cant_copyright.html
- Racist beating on Baseline Road & 46th Street in Phoenix, Arizona
- Help arrest the racists criminals who were involved in this sadistic racist attack
- Some unrelated stuff
- August 2011
- Let's overthrow the government?
- Google records EVERYTHING you search for?
- It's time to overthrow the governmet?
- Medical Marijuana
- Time for some people food
- Are people food for bobcats
- New Mexico judge busted for raping a prostitute
- Government agencies waste money by spending it
- Russell Pearce Recall
- Afterlife TV Show - an atheist dies and goes to heaven
- Atheist's in government
- Channel 8 - Ron Paul Interview
- Heat wave? Not in Phoenix!
- More drug war news
- More drones for Libya War?
- The Case Against Law School
- Norway shooting & Bombing
- Phoenix Police pretend to be horny teenagers who want to have sex with older men
- Maricopa County Supervisor Fulton Brock
- Bike Savior Coop
- TSA thugs terrorize Valley Metro Light Rail passengers
- Half truths, While Lies
- Events that never happened
- Utah man refuses to tell police his name
- Black Woman Convicted of BBB
- Mexican Cell Phones
- Scientists 'show time travel is impossible'
- Arizona Coplink Police Database
- Run against Russell Pearce and get your legs broken?
- The National Debt?
- More on the Mesa Police murder Mario Madrigal Jr
- Feds send out 70 million checks a month
- Jeffery Hendershott arrested for DUI
- Cool weather is here :)
- The American Police State
- Paper Solar Cells?
- Feds read your email and listen to your phone calls
- Check out Maricopa County Library in Gilbert
- Wire tape recorders?
- NASA - a jobs program for NASA bureaucrats
- End of July 2011 stuff
- Free credit reports
- Bill Gates is a jerk? Paul Allen
- I quit tweeting
- Business sucks at strip joints in Las Vegas
- Disappearing Ink?
- Checks that self destruct after a week
- Hindu Tempe opens in Tempe
- Zombie Gabrielle Giffords Votes
- Filberto's Rape?
- Fullerton cops beat homeless man to death
- 18 years of Sheriff Joe's Tent City Gulag
- Junk Mail Terrorist - Phoenix Councilman Sal DiCiccio
- Cops use your cell phone to spy on you
- Fire those crooked firemen
- Fire em all, except the ones that gave me money
- I love my job as a TSA airport police officer
- Namibia Desert sounds like a cool place to visit
- Scottsdale noise ordinance is a farce?
- Uncle Sam's got your fingerprints and shares them
- States can't opt out of Secure Communities program
- Homemade Drone Snoops on Wireless Networks
- Navy Seals who murdered bin Laden die in helicopter crash
- Greyhound President John Teets dies
- Winnie Ruth Judd
- Travel Sites
- More police web sites and computers hacked
- Free cell phones for poor people?
- Alivi8 Vaporizer
- Politicians don't want to give up their bribes
- Indian Cooking Classes in Tempe
- Hell is make believe?
- Religion is superstition?
- Obama 1776
- New York cops rape drunk woman
- Was 9/11 an inside job?
- Balancing budget actually easy
- No free speech on the Internet in Europe
- Bill of Rights null and void for southbound travelers?
- Hacker to Demonstrate 'Weak' Mobile Internet Security
- Feds want to keep Jared Loughner doped up
- More on Baby Gabriel
- Obama - Damn, Bush forced me to miss that putt
- Homemade X-Ray Machine
- US is turning Mexico into a police state
- GT200 drug and explosives detector
- Nothing learned from Buddhist Temple Murders
- Downgraded from "Nitwits" to "Jackasses
- Daniel D. McCracken, Expert on Computers, Dies at 81
- Scott Bundgaard to cop a plea bargain?
- Maricopa County raises property-tax rate by 18%
- Reservation dogs roam unchecked; attacks common
- Billionaire funds Libertarian Islands
- Secret Service buys $1.1 million buses for Obama campaign tour
- Bears are more important then people - Congress
- Jailing child support deadbeats unconstitutional?
- Guy Fawkes Masks
- Debate in Phoenix mayor's race is mostly hot air!
- Curry Corner - Indo-Pakistani Cuisine - Tempe
- Tempe Mayor Hugh Hallman's son falls off A Mountain
- Papers Please - Davis-Monthan Air Force Base
- Federal computerized welfare programs are open to massive fraud?
- Dial 311 for more government nannies
- Aug 2011 - What different college degrees pay
- I love warm weather
- How do you spell Heil Hitler?
- Eyewitnesses frame innocent people about a third of the time?
- USA becomes Food Stamp Nation
- Emperor Obama knows how to spend our money!
- Stuff to test div's
- Loot and Rape would be a better logo!
- Love the police state? Move to NYC
- 5.8 Earthquake hits Washington D.C.
- A FBI snitch is reading your mail right now!
- More on the suicide of Phoenix Officer Sean Drenth
- Black Hole Eats Star
- Tape record a crooked cop? Go to jail
- Linsey?
- Fulton Brock lies about tax increase he voted for
- Andy Kunasek also lies about reducing property taxes
- Must be fun being a third world dictator!
- Phoenix mayor's son suspended from police force
- Mesa wants to lure drunks to downtown Mesa
- Pentagon propaganda machine makes Americans love war?
- Sheriff Paul Babeu spends $50,000 on ego trip
- LAPD shakes down artist for painting of burning bank
- Is Homeland Security spending paying off?
- Police eyewitnesses lie a lot
- Under paid Congressmen
- Phoenix cops feel up hot woman
- Nogales, Arizona Mayor gets 3.5 years in prison
- 9/11 was used to flush the Bill of Rights down the toilet
- Plea bargains flush our right to a jury trial down the toilet
- Aguatuqui - Agua-tu-qui - Agua tu qui - Ahwatukee
- Check out Chandler Blvd in Ahwatukee
- QuikTrip & Virgil Morgan screwed by Phoenix voters
- Aug 30 - Winter is almost here
- It's not that cold!
- Obama's Uncle is an illegal alien?
- We can't over throw the government! That would be illegal.
- El Molino's? Downtown Scottsdale?
- Feds p*ssing our tax dollars away like drunken sailors
- Russell Pearce Government tyrant!
- Afterlife - an atheist TV show
- Radio controlled drones
- Phoenix cops refuse to take DNA tests
- Linsey Lohan
- Jobs program for FBI agents
- Washington D.C. 5.8 Earthquake
- What different college degrees pay?
- Daniel D. McCracken, Expert on Computers, Dies
- Elizabeth Johnson gets screwed by the criminal injustice system
- Fullerton Police beat homeless man to death!
- More Medical Marijuana News
- Zombie Gabrielle Giffords votes to raise National Debt Limit
- Hindu Tempe opens in Tempe
- Web sites for traveling
- Don't blame me! It's HIS fault
- No More Tweets From Me
- Gilbert Maricopa County Library
- Feds don't know how many Americans they are spying on!
- The Feds send out 70 million checks a month!
- The US National Debt
- Coplink Police Database
- Spanish Language Newspapers & Magazines in Phoenix
- Map of the Phoenix Canal System
- Babes from the Los Angeles Times
- Libertarian Party Platform April 5, 2011
- Books on my reading list
- Billing the government by the hour?
- September 2011
- Linsey?
- Russell Pearce - Government tyrant!
- Phoenix Police cover up suicide of Sean Drenth
- Fullerton Police Beat Homeless Man to Death
- Aguatuqui - Agua-tu-qui - Agua tu qui - Ahwatukee
- CIA now in the assassination business?
- Extra calories burn after an intense workout
- Sept 2 - Winter is almost here!!!!
- CIA props up third rate dictators?
- The high cost of protecting America [from imaginary terrorists]
- A little cash is all it takes to get a Green Card?
- Illegal wood and feathers?
- Americans live in an era of endless war
- ‘Top Secret America’: A look at the military’s Joint Special Operations Command
- I am really getting depressed!
- AUGP - AU GP - PayPal Stuff
- AUGP - AU GP - Test Web Page
- AUGP - Documentation
- Table Cell Spacing and Padding - Test Web Page
- City government propaganda stations
- Susan Brocks BJ to cost taxpayers $650,000?
- Angela Dorian gets 9 years
- Allowing .html files to execute PHP code
- Danae's Commandments
- Thou shalt make room for doughnuts
- More on the Arizona Dirty Elections Commission
- Anonymous sources a 'vexing problem' in Washington
- Sept 10 - It's getting cold
- Get off that cell phone
- When will a commercial airline get shot down?
- Business owner who fed pigeons near runway pleads not guilty
- Sex in the restroom - NORAD might shoot down your plane
- Harvest moon tonight -- take a look
- Grizzly shooting pits Idahoans against Uncle Sam
- Supreme Court - jails’ blanket strip-search policies
- "They are only in it for the money"
- Winters is almost here
- The economy is facing some tough headwinds
- Obamacare, Obamanomics, Regulations
- Will Andrew Thomas get his law license revoked
- California government agency pays $200k for great news articles
- Protect Our Right to Anonymity
- FBI says she was not arrested.
- Was the interview a set up??
- TSA stops feeling up 12 year olds?
- Free bus passes for homeless people
- Expensive jobs program
- Attack Watch
- Most Americans angry with leaders
- TSA profiling - A lame excuse to stop anybody for anything
- It's not about democracy, it's about rigging elections
- A Ponzi scheme that should be fixed
- Doing It For The Patients
- Reno Air Show Crash
- Swamp coolers for cars?
- Jurors catch outrageous lies by LA County Sheriff
- Taxpayers, government thieves and union thieves
- Bug when I and B tags are combined
- $16 government muffins?
- Arizona DOH to pay for your stupid mistakes
- Pay phone fraud nets $4 million
- Mayor Phil Gordon's girlfriend deserves a high paying job
- Georgia executes an innocent man
- Schweikert wants to force us to use $1 coins
- Rick Perry the Christian President?
- Is OnStar keeping the police informed every move you make
- President Clinton steals a few moon rocks
- Government rulers pay themselves very well
- Death Penalty, Vengeance, Poor, Blacks, Injustice
- Web sites to help you travel
- Particles travel faster then light?
- You can't expect the police to police themselves!!!!
- It's Larry Naman's Fault!!!!
- Wilcox may end career on Board of Supervisors
- Half of the people shot by cops are unarmed
- Worship Jesus or go to Jail?
- Check out Chandler Blvd in Ahwatukee
- Greg Stanton's Tires Slashed
- Phoenix Mayoral Candidate Tires Slashed
- Government welfare program for unions
- Cop on cell phone hits woman?
- No voter fraud here
- Amerika - Worlds largest police state
- Red Seven closing Mesa store
- Amerika - Worlds largest police state
- Panhandlers go to jail in Kentucky
- Valley cities raise water and sewer rates
- Data Doctors snitches on their customers
- Scottsdale Police screw people on public records requests?
- Scottsdale Public Records Requests Now Free?
- Plea bargains flush your right to a jury trial down the toilet
- Thousands run in underwear to protest Utah laws
- FBI bribes guard to smuggle cellphone into OC jail
- Paul Johnson wants to rig the election system for centrists
- Initiative filed to scrap primary system
- Even Those Cleared of Crimes Stay on F.B.I.’s Watch List
- We can win this war
- NYPD cop has a little pepper spray fun
- Billionaires for Bush are back?
- A welfare program for rich doctors & hospitals
- Losing the war in Afghanistan
- Obama: A disaster for civil liberties
- Model airplanes for terrorists?
- Police unions have corrupted law enforcement & Government?
- Obama murders American cleric in Yemen
- Scottsdale Police use public records laws to raise revenue?
- Check out El Molino's in Scottsdale
- Fed's motto - Spend your money or lose it!
- More photos of Linsey Lohan?
- Russell Pearce - Government tyrant
- Atheists in government - the TV show
- Drones and model airplanes
- Find cheep air fare, bus fare and hotels
- Cop Link and Police computers
- The U.S. National Debt
- The Feds send out 70 million checks a month!
- Uncle Same don't know how many Americans he is spying on!
- Gilbert Maricopa County Library
- Don't blame me it's not my fault!
- Drug war and medical marijuana
- Gabrielle Giffords Shooting
- Fullerton Police beat homeless man to death
- You burn fat after you stop exercising!
- Government propaganda networks?
- Grizzly shooting pits Idahoans against Uncle Sam
- Supreme Court to address strip-search policies
- Revolving door - between Congress, lobbying firms
- California government entity pays for flattering news articles
- Protect Our Right to Anonymity
- Each job created will cost the taxpayers $640,000!!!!!
- Attack Watch - Protecting the President from his political enemies!!!
- $16 muffins? No problem you are paying the bill
- Republicans rig elections to stay in power?
- You can't smoke pot with out an ID
- Are the Scottsdale Police shaking down people for money?
- Stun gun fun? How about pepper spray fun.
- It's a jobs program for Special Forces thugs?
- Cell phone companies help Uncle Sam spy on you
- Spanish Language Newspapers & Magazines in Phoenix
- Map of the Phoenix Canal System
- Babes from the Los Angeles Times
- Libertarian Party Platform April 5, 2011
- Books on my reading list
- 四 川 铁 FourRiverIron
- October 2011
- Scottsdale Police screw people on public records requests?
- Scottsdale Public Records Requests Now Free?
- Check out Chandler Blvd in Ahwatukee
- Amerika - Worlds largest police state
- Ron Paul opposes E-Verify
- Red Seven closing Mesa store
- Red7 closing Mesa store
- Paul Johnson wants to rig the election system for centrists
- Initiative filed to scrap primary system
- With Intelligent Design there is no need for biology!!!
- RedSeven closing Mesa store
- Billionaires for Bush are back?
- Obama: A disaster for civil liberties
- Congress Takes Group Of Schoolchildren Hostage
- Cell phone companies help Uncle Sam spy on you
- 6 percent of Chicago cops on "Medical Leave"
- Solyndra White House energy scandal
- Corrupt Goodyear cop won't be police chief in North Dakota
- Michelle Obama's Target a staged event
- That moldy, brown spot is Jesus Christ?
- Flagstaff Moon Landing
- Who are the bad guys?
- October 3 - Summers Over, Winter is here?
- Government lies and cover ups
- Another flat tire on my bicycle
- Michael Morton free after 25 years in prison
- NYPD sued for spying on Muslims?
- Governments are basically dishonest?
- Fireman busted for hit an run
- Denmark begins "fat tax"
- Building inspector gets 18 months
- Bureaucracy won't improve safety
- Case to test rights of convicted in Supreme Court
- Which constitutional liberty will they strip next?
- BATF bans gun sales to medical marijuana users
- Another weird interview - Tuesday, Oct 4, 2011
- US Congress to screw Indians in Glendale
- Papa John's Pizza snitches on pot smoking customers
- October 5 - Winter is here
- Locked out of my PO Box again
- Shooting a real bow and arrow
- My Trac Phone may work in Mexico
- Steve Jobs Dead - Good riddance
- New improved TSA makes bending over easy
- Chandler Assistant PD Chief Dave Lind is one mean *sshole
- Secret panel decides who Obama will murder next
- Maricopa County pig threatens to arrest me for asking his name!!
- Phoenix Police help churches recruit new members
- I'm withdrawing from the race - Olivia Cortes
- Prostitutes and Phoenix Police Officers for Jesus
- I'm a terrorist?
- Not really, but the twits at the Pentagon have labeled me as one
- More on the American murder of bin Laden
- Sham Iraqi withdrawal?
- Senior Energy Official Pushed Solyndra Loan
- Drug War is jobs program for ASU Police
- I vote for Ron Paul is a vote for freedom
- If you love the police state move to Arizona
- Police State Technology to ID people
- Cartoonists world wide are devastated by Palin's decision!
- Herman Cain thinks you owe the government 9 percent
- If you love the police state move to Arizona
- Why does a thriving business need a $1-million handout?
- The Myth of Voter Fraud
- Open carry of guns now illegal in California
- Nice weather may come back for a week?
- Local governments get their power from state
- Expired plates? In D.C. you go to jail
- Another trial for Buddhist Temple murderers?
- I ate some shallots - mmm good
- A double standard for murder
- Mmmm ghost peppers!!!
- Government at work destroying homes
- Cain thinks we owe the government 9 percent of what we earn???
- Russell Pearce loves free tickets to football bowls
- Who owns your property? You or the government?
- Dennis Ritchie inventor of the C language dies
- A few more days of good weather before winter comes
- Somebody F*cked with my handle bars??
- US assassination squad - Iran assassination squad
- Emperor Obama sends troops to Africa
- Wall Street Protests
- Tired of this f*cked up mess? Vote for me and I will fix it!!!!
- Obama lies about withdrawing troops from Iraq
- A screw in my tire
- Top Secret America
- Time to end Post Office monopoly on mail delivery
- CIA's vaccine ruse in Pakistan carries fallout
- Senior Energy Official Pushed Solyndra Loan
- Phoenix Police force Jesus on prostitutes
- Secret panel decides which Americans Obama will murder
- Russell Pearce, government tyrant!!!
- 500+ years of screwing the Indians in Amerika
- LA building inspector took $9,000 in bribes
- Denmark taxes fattening foods
- Phoenix Fireman arrested for hit and run
- Governments are basically dishonest & corrupt?
- Civil-rights lawyers seek records on NYPD intel unit
- Uncle Sam is listening to your cell phone?
- $16 muffins? No problems our government rulers are worth it!!!
- Republicans rig elections to stay in power?
- More on that police murder in Fullerton, California
- Attack Watch - Protecting the President from his political enemies!!!
- Each job created will cost the taxpayers $640,000!!!!!
- Protect Our Right to Anonymity
- Gov nannies pay $200K for great news articles
- Revolving door - between Congress, lobbying firms
- Supreme Court - jails’ blanket strip-search policies
- Grizzly shooting pits Idahoans against Uncle Sam
- Government propaganda networks?
- Extra calories burn after an intense workout
- Zombie Gabrielle Giffords votes to raise National Debt Limit
- Medical Marijuana News
- Maricopa County Library in Gilbert
- Some hot photos of Linsey Lohan?
- Check out El Molino's in Scottsdale
- Fed's motto - Spend your money or lose it!
- Russell Pearce, government tyrant!!!
- Afterlife - an atheist TV show
- Radio Control Drone Airplanes
- Web sites to help you travel
- Coplink Police Database
- The U.S. National Debt
- The Feds send out 70 million checks a month!
- It's not my fault!
- Feds don't know how many Americans they are spying on!
- Sheriff Joe Arpaio testifies
- How do you spell perjury - "I don't recall"
- Is Mark Goudeau being framed for the Baseline Murders???
- Police Commander Anthony Bologna might get a slap on the wrist
- She tried to cut his head off???
- Chandler Police Assistance Board breaking the law???
- A negative article on Ron Paul?
- Arizona one gram marijuana tax stamps
- Another government tyrant bites the dust!
- Another few days and winter will be here
- A murder trial without a body??? That's insane!!!
- Louisiana man exonerated of rape crime after 30 years in prison
- Obama pretends to end the Iraq war - Again
- Some more medical marijuana news
- Government doesn't work very well
- Shy people?
- We want gold coins, no worthless fiat currency
- It's time to let the U.S. Post Office go bankrupt!!!
- Vote for me I won the Iraq and Libya wars
- Yea, sure, it's for the children!
- Children need to be taught how to "think", not use computers
- Politicians buy votes by promising pensions
- Idiots of Craig's List?
- Thousands of Egyptian police go on strike
- Tempe Court Constable wants to burn down his home for insurance
- Old lady busted with rice size spec of moon rock
- To really screw up things you need Government
- US's most powerful nuclear bomb being dismantled
- Uncle Sam wants to know what you googled for today!!!
- Cops don't give cops tickets
- LAPD sergeant a serial burglar?
- Corrupt NYPD cops asked to turn themselves in!
- No stinking license plate for Steve Jobs
- No FOIA requests for suspected criminals
- No First Amendment rights in LA County
- Post Office Slush Fund???
- Pythons, Pigs and People
- Inventor of LISP dies
- Maricopa County Death Certificate
- Here are a few ideas using QR codes to make money!
- the War on Drugs is a war against the American people
- Will killing them with woman make them love us
- 13 Americans Killed in Kabul Suicide Attack
- Glendale cop killed
- U.S. tracks 'millions' of dollars stolen by Iraqi officials
- Time to cut military spending? I think so!!!!
- US approves of torture in Afghan POW camps?
- Who says crime doesn't pay
- US Congressmen pay themselves $1,600 a day?
- The Patriot Act is just a camouflaged version of the "War on Drugs"
- Cold weather is almost here!!!!
- Snow on the East Coast!!!!
- Are we government slaves???
- Get Phoenix City Councilmen's junk email list as public records request
- Mark Goudeau gets framed for Baseline murders???
- Freedom fighters murder Libya dictator Moammar Kadafi
- Schweikert should kill the Fed
- We won the war in Iraq - Again!
- Spanish Language Newspapers & Magazines in Phoenix
- Map of the Phoenix Canal System
- Babes from the Los Angeles Times
- Libertarian Party Platform April 5, 2011
- Books on my reading list
- Check out Chandler Blvd in Ahwatukee
- November 2011
- Here are a few ideas using Quick Response codes to make money!
- No FOIA requests for suspected criminals
- Uncle Sam wants to know what you googled for today!!!
- Cops don't give cops tickets
- LAPD sergeant a serial burglar?
- Check out Chandler Blvd in Ahwatukee
- Here are a few ideas using QR codes to make money!
- the War on Drugs is a war against the American people
- Time to cut military spending? I think so!!!!
- US approves of torture in Afghan POW camps?
- Who says crime doesn't pay
- US Congressmen pay themselves $1,600 a day?
- The Patriot Act is just a camouflaged version of the "War on Drugs"
- Granny get a gun
- Barak Obama the zombie with Nancy Pelosi
- Friction Matches
- Uncle Sam is a sadist??? Almost certainly!
- Florida cops charge 9 year old with multiple felonies
- Congressional Travel Junkets are Up
- More taxes on air travel? It's nonsense
- Mmmm prickly pears!!!!!
- Road Flares
- Magic Viking Compass???
- Texas judge beats his daughter with a belt
- Spokane police officer convicted in fatal beating
- Experts Say N.Y. Police Dept. Isn’t Policing Itself
- Russell Pearce - I'd like to thank my people for their support
- 5 men framed by Chicago cops for rape
- Uncle Sam is reading ALL your electronic communications.
- Thursday Nov 3 - Long Pants
- The White House is on drugs?
- Signs everywhere you go!
- Jerk husband gets the loot?
- How to Tell If Someone Is a Sociopath
- Fountain Hills tries to shut down tax protesters with campaign finance laws
- Governor Jan Gadhafi???
- Maricopa County OpenBooks Website
- Hidden costs in cell phones
- 1 in 7 NYC arrests are for marijuana possession
- Sat, Nov 5 - Cold weather is here
- A wimpy 5.6 quake in Oklahoma??
- Fullerton pig who murdered Kelly Thomas is disabled
- Silly Daylight Savings Time ends
- Jesus loves beating children???
- More krappy weather!!!!
- New police motto - "to spy and terrorize
- Dr. Conrad Murray was railroaded by the criminal justice system
- California water district paid $200,000 for fake news stories
- No criminals for these pigs to hunt down???
- Free lunch for California State Legislators
- A really, really, really expensive free lunch for these government nannies
- The right of citizens to videotape police
- Cops don't like it when citizens film them committing crimes!!!!!
- Stonewalled in Chicago
- Froze my *ss off today
- Russell Pearce is Toast
- Corporate welfare program for internet companies??
- $19 for unlimited calling and texting
- A really cheep cell phone plan
- Teens using vodka tampons to get drunk
- Gasoline tanker burns up on I-10 & Chandler Blvd
- Vets will soon be terrorizing American citizens
- Hmm... Just what is this Launch Box thingy?
- Will Cain's 999 tax become a 29/29/29 tax?
- First IRS Income Tax Form from 1913
- Army sergeant found guilty in murders of three Afghan civilians
- Uncle Sam wants your IP address
- West Covina piggies can't take a joke!!!
- What's the going rate for executioners?
- Fake news out of Utah
- Herman Cain: God said I needed to run for president
- A vote for the PRI is a vote for Peace?
- Vote for the PRI to end the insane war on drugs
Bribes Campaign Contributions get $433 million unneeded small pox contract?
- A long history of failed venture capital projects
- Chronically wet yard? Dig a drainage trench
- Our royal Congressional rulers pay themselves very well.
- Super Expensive Scorpion Antivenom
- I didn't know there were caves on Mount Lemon???
- Buying a used car could get you life in prison.
- More on that new xxx domain name
- Can tobacco be the next miracle drug?
- Gabrielle Giffords - Zombie!!!!
- Do I know any sycophants?
- Abused woman stabs husband with a sword?
- American Empire to station troops in Australia!!!
- Government bureaucrats campaign for Obama
- If you love the police state support the "Protect IP Act"
- No guns for admitted pot smokers?
- Probation Officer busted with 8 pounds of marijuana
- Hitler would be proud of this 11 year old child
- Natalie Wisneski, Fiesta Bowl's chief operating officer busted
- We don't need the stinking National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act
- "Do as I say, not as I do" Gingrich to Obama
- It's OK for Gingrich to accept $1.5 million in pork from Freddie Mac, but not Obama
- Manuel Noriega got screwed by the American Empire
- Government tyrants routinely ignore freedom of information requests
- Pin the molotov on the cop
- The Secret Service is an expert on making mountains out of molehills
- It's not about doing what's right
- Our government masters don't obey their own rules
- The Pope is Gay???
- Maybe the Pope is gay! But this is from a Benetton clothing ad and is a fake photo
- Quayle is a moron? Some people think so!!!!
- Einstein was wrong? You can travel faster then the speed of light?
- Scientists invent lightest material on Earth.
- "Occupy Wall Street" folks will love Russia
- Pakistan bans text messages with dirty words
- Cops bust 6 year old rapist???
- 40 below in Alaska?
- Alaska
- Phoenix
- Even the Spanish speaking folks know about the perverts at Penn State
- Test div HTML code
- A day in the life of prisoner number 15213-196
- Seif al-Islam Gadhafi captured
- More 'abuse' reporting will hurt children
- Portland pigs pepper spray innocent protesters
- Gross inefficiencies in government
- Congressional supercommittee deficit panel’s failure looms
- Dangerous 6th grade criminal with cap gun busted!
- Sadistic UC Davis pigs pepper spray peaceful protesters
- Police spy cameras and computers monitor you 24/7
- Found a scorpion
- Lot's of chili habaneros on my plant
- SOPA - Stop Online Piracy Act and Protect IP
- More police departments look to tune public out
- Cops are starting to encrypt their radio communications
- Movies - digital to soon replace analog film
- Shoplifters love duct tape
- Mmmmm .... Chicago deep dish pizza!!!!!!
- Pigs bust man for having rubber Halloween ax
- Bonnie Plants
- They are crooks, not Congressmen!!
- Did anybody really think they would cut spending and steal less of our money
- Jesus loves you, but this pig hates you!
- Time to dry up the canals again
- The "Caller ID" on your phone can be spoofed!!
- What's your password?
- FBI wants to send 500 agents to London Olympics
- F-22 fighter jet costs $18,000 an hour to operate
- Pentagon Has Absolutely No Contingency Plans for Budget Cuts
- How Does a Hookah Work?
- Mark Goudeau convicted of Baseline Murders
- Moammar Kadafi is Dead
- Lawsuit: Clean Elections agency misused tax dollars
- Plane crash in Superstition Mountains
- New York City sues store that helps people avoid tobacco taxes
- Police state "Real ID Act" destroys the lives of innocent Americans
- Electric cars suck?
- Bad news for war mongers
- The President & God have a plan to save the economy!
- FAA says NO to oxygen masks in airline restrooms
- 10 tips to sail through airport security
- Sheriff's deputies to get battlefield-tested technology
- You mean the 6th Amendment isn't null and void!
- If you can't win using the facts, make up a lie?
- 20 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit
- Only fools pay taxes???
- Government documents can't be copyrighted?
- XBox 360 Game Controllers used to control drones & robots
- Notes from Bike Saviors class
- We are government slaves!!!!
- Republicans favor low taxes? No way!
- Obama withdraws all troops from Iraq - Again!
- Turn vets into police thugs? No way please
- Idiot Congressman Schweikert wants to force $1 coins on us
- Central Basin Municipal Water District pays $200,000 for fake news stories
- Emperor Obama to station troops in Australia
- Administration officials double as Obama campaign speakers
- It ain't about being a "public servant", it's about getting reelected!
- New York Family Courts Say Keep Out, Despite Order
- 6 year old arrested for rape by Grant County Sheriff's Department
- Court forces wife to pay rapist, dead beat husband money
- Spanish Language Newspapers & Magazines in Phoenix
- Map of the Phoenix Canal System
- Babes from the Los Angeles Times
- Libertarian Party Platform April 5, 2011
- Books on my reading list
- Check out Chandler Blvd in Ahwatukee
- March 2011
- Some interesting stuff
- March 2011
- Photos of my new bike
- Changing your name?
- Congresswoman Giffords shot in Tucson
- The ALP vs ALP Inc. Lawsuit
- On line internet dating?
- Which countries hold the U.S. debt?
- High-tech device to locate sniper fire
- Border Partrol cops defrauding the government
- Maricopa County Supervisor Fulton Brock gets special jail visitation rights!
- Cops leave injured man in mineshaft to die
- The jerk doesn't like my English
- A chili tepin temper tantrum
- The jerk is a f*cking internet genus!
- The jerk thinks I am his internet slave
- Tempe Arizona is a RUDE city
- March 5 - Warm weather is almost here!
- Parents, kids, pot and booze
- 10 things you don't know about the death penalty
- Vin says fire the messy yard cops
- The Reelection Machine
- Don't brush your teeth?
- 70 percent higher chance of a heart attack
- Why did the chicken cross the road?
- Jobs program for ICE agents
- Millions of dead fish in Redondo Beach
- Mesa forces hotel owners to be police snitches
- Senator Scott Bundgaard beats his girl friend?
- Death to the Death Penalty!
- You didn't put the CD in a envelope!
- The jerk continues to think I am his internet slave
- Big bucks making videos?
- How government really works!
- March 10 - Warm weather is almost here
- It might hit 88°F today
- Japan hit by
8.9 9.0 magnitude earthquake
- Emperor Obama
- Phoenix police cover up the suicide of Sean Drenth
- Government rulers - F*ck the Public Record laws
- Bugs in the iPhone software
- Helicoptor crash on El Segundo & Sepulvada
- Phoenix to hit 90 on Wed?
- $2.34 million in 'Blood money' frees CIA murderer in Pakistan
- Chandler PD raises money by robbing dope dealers?
- Are Facebook posts public records?
- A suit means you are telling the truth?
- Domain '.xxx' approved for Web porn sites
- What Your HR Person Won’t Tell You About ...
- To avoid radiation exposure stay inside your home
- SecurID Company Suffers a Breach of Data Security
- Allergy season hits late in metro Phoenix
- Government snipers murder 46 in Yemen
- GPS watches for terrorists?
- Arab and Muslim freedom fighters
- Need some drones to kill people
- Glendale rulers to search serfs entering City Hall
- American Empire attacks Libya with missiles
- Another guess at what "Arizona" means
- Congress' freshman class: Millionaire's club
- Supermoon a superdud!!
- Now I am just the jerks full time slave
- Well at least that is what the jerk thinks
- The end of "Big Love"
- I bought a chile habanero plant
- Drug prosecutor arrested on cocaine charges
- E-Verify yourself?
- Quartzsite rulers make it illegal to run against them
- March 23 - Cold weather is back
- Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords shot in Tucson
- No more cell phones for Charles Manson!
- BATF narcs hang out at gun shows?
- Gangplank expands to Tucson and West Valley
- The jerk thinks he is the center of the universe!
- Target has better prices then Wal-Mart?
- Jon Nelson is homeless by choice but has 'a great life'
- Mountain lions spotted on Scottsdale golf course
- Idiots at Senor Center remove image editor
- Video of some Illinois cops beating up someone
- With porn, 'one click can ruin a life'
- 230,000 displaced by Mexico's drug war
- Mexico City an unlikely draw for those fleeing drug war violence
- In Mesa you are guilty till proven innocent
- Tempe is the rudest city in the world?
- Brush your teeth or die?
- Impossible to open medical marijuana store in Phoenix?
- MAMA sucks?
- Dead fish in Redondo Beach
- Mesa forces hotels to snitch on their customers
- Chandler is 4th largest city in Arizona
- Phoenix PD covers up suicide of cop?
- Apple iPhone lurches backward
- Helicoptor crashes in El Segundo
- Illinois sucks when it comes to gun rights
- Chandler Police are big time thieves!
- Royal government rulers don't obey public records laws
- F*ck the public records laws
- Encrypting twitter messages
- Arabs fed up with tyrants that rule their lives
- E-Verify yourself?
- Sue the Feds when you get wiretapped?
- Sadly people think cops are honest
- What's that war in Libya going to cost
- A breathalyzer in your car?
- Salt ain't bad if you exercise a lot
- High test scores faked in D.C. public schools
- Summer is almost here!
- Fiesta Bowl Corruption
- 90°F Heat Wave? Don't make me laugh
- If we hired the same way we elect
- Child porn on MCSO's Joel Fox's Computer?
- Veolia gets out of $2 millions in fines
- Arizonans can now get medical marijuana cards
- Felipe Calderon's drug war is a failure!
- Colombia's Cocaine Submarines
- Secret X-37B space plane found again!
- A cop in every bedroom closet?
- Some Laws I would like to see passed
- 熱 天 氣 Warm Weather
- April 2011
- Brush your teeth or die!
- Impossible to open medical marijuana store in Phoenix?
- More on that 9.0 earthquake in Japan
- Sadly people think cops are honest
- What's that war in Libya going to cost
- A breathalyzer in your car?
- Salt ain't bad if you exercise a lot
- High test scores faked in D.C. public schools
- Libya exit strategy - No end zone
- Fiesta Bowl Corruption
- Child porn on MCSO's Joel Fox's Computer?
- Veolia gets out of $2 millions in fines
- Arizonans can now get medical marijuana cards
- Felipe Calderon's drug war is a failure!
- Colombia's Cocaine Submarines
- Secret X-37B space plane found again!
- A cop in every bedroom closet?
- Arizona Rules on Medical Pot Too Tough on Patients
- Gilbert land deal stinks?
- MASH - Military Atheists and Secular Humanists
- April 1 - Summer is here!
- Airplane roof rips open
- Government tyrants routinely disobey public records laws
- A police jobs program to run Mexicans out of town?
- Feds caused the over supply of homes? Yep!!
- Grant Woods Fiesta Bowl Referee?
- Supreme Court shields prosecutors in wrongful convictions
- A Libertarian for Phoenix Mayor?
- Cold weather is back
- Medical marijuana hypocrites
- Facts? Who needs stinking facts?
- Ask the White House minister of propaganda!
- Ron Paul's 2012 Presidential Dilemma
- Libertarian Party Platform April 5, 2011
- Interesting URL
- Nobody uses Chandler Light Rail Bus
- Marijuana doesn't kill pain?
- 13 years in prison for a BJ!!!!
- Heart attack didn't change anything
- The jerk is still a jerk
- Guns allowed on Arizona college campuses?
- 5 years work for a $100K government pension
- The jerk has another heart attack!
- Rain - Saturday, April 9
- Thieves at Arizona Department of Revenue
- Eniac programmer Jean Bartik dies
- You cell phone will tell the cops where you are
- $100K pension for 5 years work?
- Commodore 64 - Again?
- Sheriff Paul Babeu is a liar?
- No more "Hot Pink" Terrorist alerts?
- All you need is 8.6 pounds of plutonium
- Monday, April 11 - Froze my butt off
- Wrong place, wrong time, you are guilty of murder
- Government is at war with us civilians
- Arizona Department of Revenue robs Mexicans?
- IRS requires permission to help folks file taxes
- Maple syrup the hot new superfood?
- American spy police state!
- Sheriff Joe cooks the Maricopa County books
- Dead chilli habenero plant?
- Medical marijuana convention
- ASU Medical Clinics
- Mark Goudeau is being framed as Baseline Killer?
- U.S. stunned by Wall St. alert on debt
- Mary Rose Wilcox gun grabbing government tyrant!
- Warm enough to wear a t-shirt day
- 4/20 day
- Fresh & Easy losses climb
- Hung over doctors make lousy surgeons?
- Future government terrorist?
- Barack Obama and his mom Stanley Ann Dunham
- ‘Marijuanaman’ hits stores
- "Bridge to Nowhere" over Tempe Town Toilet
- Sheriff Joe's top goons fired!
- Chandler cops cause minister to commit suicide?
- Barack Obama: The new 'W'
- Tempe mixes DTC to mix government & private business
- Vin has a problem with his driver's license
- Uncle Sam knows you are viewing this web page
- Police Chief Jack Harris - You can't prove I cooked the books!
- Vote for Hugh Hallman and get free rent?
- Time to legalize marijuana
- Larry Zubia is back in the news
- ASU nurses clinic
- Vote for Phil Gordon and get free rent?
- Presidential candidates using twitter to sling the BS
- Places to retire for $200 a month
- America has become a socialist police state?
- Freedom fighter takes how flying pig
- Mark Goudeau is being framed as Baseline Killer?
- U.S. stunned by Wall St. alert on debt
- Mary Rose Wilcox gun grabbing government tyrant!
- Followers of Jesus nail themselves to crosses
- Sheriff Joe Arpaio's mug-shot contest riles mental-health advocates
- US says stay out of Mexico
- Uncle Sam knows everything you read on the internet
- Chicago police officer cops plea in murder for hire case
- No Free Speech in India
- Dumb *ss pig slices off his fingers
- The Guantánamo Files
- Quartzsite Arizona
- ASU Nurses Clinic
- NATO's Libya mission 'going in circles'
- What do you mean sleeping isn't allowed
- Time to legalize marijuana
- California has stopped growing?
- Phoenix Officials Enjoy Lavish Off-the-Book Perks
- Mesa Government Hypocrites
- American states that have legalized medical marijuana
- Hide that photo of Jesus Malverde
- Shut the f*ck up and do your job
- Saggy pants will get you a busted arm & tasering
- Donald Trump - Idiot running for President
- Space Shuttle an investment? Don't make me laugh!
- DEA thugs busting pot smokers again!
- One forth of the Phoenix cops are unneeded
- Phoenix Sky Train - a $1.5 billion pork project
- No more Social Security checks
- Some Laws I would like to see passed
- Some books on my reading list
- Libertarian Party Platform April 5, 2011
- May 2011
- Government tyrants hate medical marijuana
- Brush your teeth or die!
- More on the earthquake in Japan
- American Empire murders Gadhafi's son, grandkids
- Scottsdale - Big government, big taxes
- $80 million corporate welfare failure in Mesa
- American Empire assassinates Osama Bin Laden
- Drug war causes 1,400+ deaths this April in Mexico
- Salt gets a bad rap?
- Obama lied about medical marijuana
- Sheriff Lee Baca doesn't accept bribes
- Too many Phoenix pigs
- $80 million government failure in Mesa?
- It's not a tax, it's an investment!
- Cincinnati Mayor Mark Mallory is a jerk!
- Scottsdale cops don't get enough money?
- No more Social Security Checks?
- Phoenix Sky Train - a $1.5 billion pork project
- It's not humid this week?
- Top Secret Helicopter crashed in Osama bin Laden raid
- Mayor Phil Gordon loves the Police State
- More on Fulton Brock
- Flipped off by some Libertarian hypocrites?
- Nice warm weather
- Phoenix Cops refuse to admit Sean Drenth killed himself
- Finally nice weather is here
- Ron Paul says it's time to legalize dope?
- Gerrymandering in Mesa?
- High Tech Police State
- 40 places to hide a gun
- Filberto ladies
- Freezing cold weather!!!! Brrr!!!!
- Booted out of the computer room
- Guilty till proven innocent
- FBI agents defend fellow criminal
- Will Judges be sued for violating Bob Dylan's copyrights?
- Framed by the Texas Police?
- A $209,000 medical bill
- U.S., Pakistan government liars
- I am beating you because I love you!
- Mesa is raising taxes for the same reason
- CD on Right Haven Copyright Lawsuits
- Donald Trump - Big Time Corporate Welfare
- Glendale Police murder bicyclist for running stop sign
- Sheriff Joe - I didn't know Hendershott was a crook
- TSA thugs search 8 month old baby
- Ohio school suspends students for farting
- A GangPlank in downtown Mesa?
- "HeatSync Labs" will be a Mesa version of GangPlank
- Framed by the Texas Police?
- Government Liars
- Don't blame me, I didn't know Hendershott was a crook
- A minor victory against pancreatic cancer
- Supervisor Andy Kunasek - on problem with that $100 million theft
- You can't swim in Tempe Town Toilet?
- Government liars in Arizona
- Cops get 12 percent of Maricopa County Budget
- Sheriff Joe's goons get 12 percent of Maricopa County Budget
- Chandler cops big time marijuana dealers
- FBI agents root for fellow criminals
- You need to prove your not a criminal to buy a car?
- Federal laws allow dead beat GIs to get out of their bills
- Cell Phone Coyotes
- Glendale cops kill bicyclist for running stop sign?
- Donald Trump - Big Time Corporate Welfare
- Photo Radar Revenue in Arizona Cities
- Mesa raises taxes to help businesses
- You own these parks - Honest!
- White House stops staging photo events for the media
- Dumb Border Patrol cops killed in a train wreck they caused
- Tempe, the biggest police state in Arizona
- Shame on Gilbert
- Black Box found in Air France crash
- Man gets 170 years in prison for looking at dirty picture
- I could care less who Arnold Schwarzenegger is humping
- Magnesium Ribbon, Magnesium Strips, Magnesium Foil
- Blagojevich - I'm not a crook, everybody does it?
- Freezing cold summer weather?
- Space Shuttle Photos
- Mayor Phil Gordon lies about creating 50,000 jobs
- The world will end this Saturday, May 21, 2011
- Playboy puts entire 57 years of magazines online
- "Protective Sweeps" - Cop slang for "F*ck the 4th Amendment"
- An ID is required to give away food
- I used to get beat with a belt
- Stood up by the "End of the World"
- Arizona government to murder Donald Beaty
- Sat, May 21, End of the world not here
- The jerk is my master? That's what the jerk thinks!
- Cartoons on the "End of the World"
- Sheriff Joe Arpaio knew of corruption, problems
- More articles on crooked cops and police officers
- Food driven wood lathe?
- Support the RATS
- RATS - Recall Sheriff Joe Arpaio
- The Government needs Bogeymen
- FBI always called about missing kids
- Fido parks better then most cops!
- "Not everybody wants to buy coffee from a naked girl."
- More junky software from Microsoft?
- BP cops race train and lose
- Manually powered wood lathe
- 'Tea party' activists disavow license plate
- Supreme Court approves kidnappings
- Schwarzenegger fathered a child with member of staff
- Gold Card gets Los Angeles VIPs out of traffic fines
- West Virginia is an illegal state
- Obama - Screw the "War Powers" act
- Is Maricopa County Supervisor Don Stapley a crook?
- 'Go the F— to Sleep' - A child's book
- Fido parks better then any cop I have seen
- Life guards make $200,000?
- Where did that smoke come from
- A Military Post’s Secrets: Espionage, Not Aliens
- Some cartoons on the end of the world
- We don't need no stinking probable cause to search you
- Arizona Supreme Court is biased?
- Proof of citizenship for a food handlers license
- Sheriff Joe and David Hendershott are lying to us!
- Arizona to murder Donald Beaty?
- Arizona Regents says F*ck the voters
- 170 years in prison for looking at dirty pictures?
- An endless war to give the government unlimited power?
- US national debt hits $14.3 trillion
- Blagojevich - I'm not a crook, everybody does it?
- How Valley Cities spend your money
- U.S. Calls for Global Cybersecurity Strategy
- Fighting for the Right to Lie About Military Service
- How can Schwarzenegger be loyal to the voters if he cheats on his wife
- Secret Desert Force Set Up by Blackwater’s Founder
- Mesa makes a measly $5.60 per acre on the farm land it owns
- Gangplank opens in Mesa
- Radio controlled model airplanes
- Police can use your cell phone to hunt down
- No hot women allowed in the courtroom?
- Messy yard cops go nuts in Antelope Valley
- F.A.C.E.OFF - Fight Against Code Enforcement Office
- Phoenix Pigs run boxers out of Palomino Park
- Finally somebody that isn't impress by my hot feet!
- Supreme Court Approves Police State E-Verify
- Phoenix Police run boxers out of Palomino Park
- Is Maricopa County Supervisor Don Stapley a crook?
- Trigger happy Pima County Sheriff cops kill wrong guy
- Hayden Flour Mill violates Tempe Messy Yard Laws
- Some Drug War Stories
- Paradise Valley, Scottsdale Rock Burglar busted
- It's not a crime to enter Mexico without papers?
- July 2011 Reason Magazing - Great Issue on the Criminal Injustice system
- Think the FBI is spying on you?
- You are probably right!
- Does anybody remember the Pink Sidewalk in Phoenix
- Bob Dylan, Copyrights, Righthaven, Trolls and Fair Use
- The Drug War and Medical Marijuana
- Paradise Valley Rock Burglars Busted?
- A party at the "Pink Sidewalk"
- Ganja Gourmet coming to Phoenix
- Did Barry Hess flip me off?
- A group that fights messy yard tyrants?
- F.A.C.E.OFF - Fight Against Code Enforcement Office
- Mesa government tyrants terrorize convenience stores
- Mexico decriminalized immigration crimes?
- You think the FBI is spying on you?
- Some Laws I would like to see passed
- Some books on my reading list
- Libertarian Party Platform April 5, 2011
- June 2011
- Messy yard cops go nuts in Antelope Valley
- F.A.C.E.OFF - Fight Against Code Enforcement Office
- Phoenix Pigs run boxers out of Palomino Park
- The "Drug War" has turned American into a police state
- It's not a crime to enter Mexico without papers?
- July 2011 Reason Magazing - Great Issue on the Criminal Injustice system
- Cell Phones cause cancer?
- Government tyrants at DHS refuse to issue pot licenses
- Penalties increase for flashing lasers at planes
- Coldest summer I can ever remember
- New Jersey Governor takes helicopter to son baseball game
- Gangplank
- Homeland Security - Bust head first, think last
- Drug War is a dismal failure - Global Commission on Drug Policy
- Government Nannies at USDA change their mind - Again
- "3 Food Groups" and "Food Pyramid" are out, "My Plate" is in
- Recall government tyrant Russell Pearce
- Heart Attack Grill goes out of business
- Feds sell Unabomber's stuff
- Dr. Jack Kevorkian Dies at 83
- Got any "My Husband's a jerk" cards?
- Finally warm weather is on it's way!!!!!
- Government nannies require porn stars to wear rubbers?
- Heart Attack Grill goes out of business?
- F-16s scrambled because a passenger was bumped with a head rest
- Supreme Court Approves Police State E-Verify
- Cops bust Rock Burglar
- More on that Mercedes that flipped me off
- Pima County Sheriff Officers kill wrong guy
- Ganja Gourmet serves pot edibles
- The Pink Sidewalk?
- So you think the FBI is spying on you?
- Is Don Stapley a crook?
- Mesa government tyrants terrorize convenience stores?
- Drug war nightmares
- Tempe tyrants violate messy yard laws
- Point a laser at a plane and go to jail?
- Nope, it's a civil infraction to point a laser at a plane
- It's not a crime to enter Mexico illegally
- Phoenix Police run boxers out of Palomino Park
- Chandler gets sued over noisy, stinky dog park
- A black robe means you can have sex with any woman you want?
- The Well on the Canal
- My Laptop Computer
- When will film become obsolete?
- Arizona license plates for diplomats?
- Trial for Baseline Killer starts today
- Electric model planes
- Electronically powered drones are in?
- Think the government is corrupt?
- I'm from the government, please bend over
- Obama’s phony accounting on the auto industry bailout
- No Sexting - Well except with your Congressman
- Greenpeace campaign targets Mattel
- CPS jefe makes $250,000
- Free school lunches
- A modern computerized peeping Tom?
- Another war in Yemen
- Drug war is a dismal failure
- Apple Computer supports the Police State?
- Russian ATMs detect liars
- Alaska hates homeless people
- QR Codes - QR Barcodes
- Quick Response Bar Codes
- Senator Scott Bundgaard charged with assault
- Congress delegates it's powers to the President on PPACA
- Tape record a crooked cop? Go to jail!
- FBI agents get more police state powers
- $6.6 billion in cash stolen from U.S. Military in Iraq
- Bean Sprouts an invitation to food poisoning?
- Finally warm weather is here!
- Boyce Thompson Arboretum
- Habanero Peppers coming along just great
- Blue Heron in Mesa
- Cop gets 60 days for viewing porn at work
- We are not crooks - NY Legislators!
- How to make detergent at home?
- American Empire fights tyranny aboard!
- Reema Bajaj - Prostitute?
- Dreaming about overthrowing the government?
- Finally some nice warm weather!
- Boulders on Broadway
- IBM turns 100
- Hold this while I get the car
- Kirby Allan a critic of Mesa government abuse dies
- Bend over MCCCD wants your money
- No more free road sign ads for politicians
- What police crimes? I didn't see anything
- Hugh Hefner gets dumped
- Quad Cities Pizza comes to Arizona
- Sue Tenpe Mayor Hugh Hallman before he leaves office
- How much is the gold in Fort Knox worth?
- Flagstaff cops shaking down homeless folks
- Pigs can't park worth sh*t?
- Senator John McCain blames Mexicans for forest fires
- Phoenix to add photo radar speed traps?
- The death penalty is very expensive
- ICANN allows more domain names
- They mostly shovel BS in the U.S. Congress
- Bogus bomb threat made up by the cops shuts down D.C.
- Government tobacco warning photos
- Government hypocrites
- Arizona House official pleads guilty in DUI case
- Almost run over by a cop
- More problems at the Library
- Doctor Chandler was a crook?
- Game of Thornes Finale
- Hot woman in the LA Times
- Government employee unions screw the taxpayers
- Animals genes allow us to navigate using earths magnetic field
- Obama shovels the BS to get reelected in 2012
- Obama pretends to wage peace in Afghanistan
- Taxpayers to pay Andrew Thomas's legal bills
- Air Force One - Fit for the American Emperor
- Phoenix cold wave ends
- Floating in Japan
- LulzSec hacks Arizona DPS computers
- Some creeps in a Mercedes flip me off
- Mayor Dwight Welch - Royal Government Ruler
- Congress off to it's annual
vacation recess in Europe
- Mesa cops find missing leg on Uncle Bob's roof
- Pakistan aids
- Greatest Vitamin in the World
- APA Standard 87-1?
- American Pyrotechnics Association Standard 87-1?
- Roland Hill, Peoria messy yard snitch
- Arizona Cardinals bribe legislators with football tickets
- $5 trillion freon mistake
- Chandler City Hall becomes a police state
- Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme
- Less money, more cops
- Everybody is against the drug war?
- States that screw old farts
- Bend over, I'm from the government and want your wallet
- Map of Phoenix Canal System
- Man fined $500 for turning in lost $17,000
- A lawyer surplus?
- Jury convicts ex-Illinois Gov. Blagojevich at retrial
- Nogales Mayor accepts plea bargin
- Float down a river in Los Angeles?
- Woman arrested for leaving children in stroller
- Michele Bachmann - Making up the facts as we go along
- Some Laws I would like to see passed
- Some people can feel the magnetic field of the Earth?
- F*ck the "Fair Use" part of Copyright law RightHaven is suing
- Glendale gets screwed by NHL
- Hot Babes in Los Angeles!!!!
- Playboy babes are online too
- Even the government says we been screwed!
- Use this lawsuit to sue Chandler
- Sue Hugh Hallman before he leaves office
- Free gun left on cop car????
- Ben Arredondo best city councilman money can buy
- IJ to sue Cosmetology Board again over silly laws
- F.A.C.E.OFF - Fight Against Code Enforcement Office
- Is Ben Arredondo a crook
- Bear attacks woman in Pinetop, Arizona
- Some problems with corporations
- Government tyrants don't deserve bodyguards
- Some laws I would like to see on the books
- Iraq, Afghanistan wars will cost $4 trillion
- Chandler Mayor Jay Tibshraeny - I'm not a crook!!!!!
- New President, same old bull sh*t!
- American Empire attacks Somali with drone launched missiles.
- A Berlin Wall in Arizona?
- Uncle Sam puts up a bigger fence separating Nogales Arizona and Sonora
- Wed June 29, 2011 - Rain
- Visit Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon at his new home
- Los Angeles Dodger to screw Glendale, Arizona
- Lindsay Lohan sleeping with Ron Paul?
- June 30 - Huge power failure and fire in Mesa
- Some books on my reading list
- Libertarian Party Platform April 5, 2011
- July 2011
- Map of Phoenix Canal System
- Float down a river in Los Angeles?
- Glendale gets dumped by the NHL
- Michele Bachmann - Making up the facts as we go along
- Remember that Mercedes that flipped me off???
- Some Laws I would like to see passed
- Some hot Los Angeles Women
- Float down a river in Los Angeles
- A Berlin Wall in Arizona?
- Uncle Sam puts up a bigger fence separating Nogales Arizona and Sonora
- Depends on what the meaning of
"sex" "war" is
- Los Angeles Dodger to screw Glendale, Arizona
- Lindsay Lohan gets paid to tweet?
- A little warm weather is coming up!
- June 30 - Huge power failure and fire in Mesa
- One third of all Americans get Medicare or Medicaid
- The DA is not a crooked scum bag
- The Drone War on Somolia
- ASU Surplus Property Store
- New Arizona Fireworks Laws
- Rich thinks I'm a government snitch because of David Dorn's lies?
- Illegal Police Search?
- Sheriff Joe's Tent city jail hits 145°F (63°C)
- <div> Test
- More on Photo Radar Revenue
- David Dorn causes me to crash my bicycle
- Amnesty International Meeting
- Lots of atheists at the AI meeting
- More of David Dorn's lies!
- The Bike Crash
- Hacker tweets fake Obama assassination announcement
- Mariposa botnet? - Butterfly Bot Kit?
- Glendale government rulers don't obey the law
- More on the bumbling idiots at the TSA
- Photo Radar Bandits are Big Business
- Using corporations to screw people is wrong
- Ben Arredondo the best government ruler money can buy!!!
- A lawyer surplus
- States that screw old people!
- Congressional Budget Office says we been screwed
- LA Woman!!!
- Old Playboy Photos
- Names of southside canals!
- Joe Biden using tax dollars to get reelected
- Royal Health Benefits for part time government employees?
- Phoenix Councilwoman Peggy Neely spent $42,455 on FOOD
- July 4 Police State Celebration in Tempe
- Oxymoron - Freedom Celebration in Tempe! Hiel Hitler!
- No recession for Obama's 454 White House aides
- That is an average of $81,765 each
- Why Your Company's IT Department Is Dead
- Huge Dust Storm Hits Phoenix
- Phoenix's bid rules for contracts called ripe for abuse
- The never ending Iraq War
- Cops lied about fireworks problem
- Specs change for processing used fuel from nukes
- Court says statutory rape laws are valid
- Credit cards slowly replacing cash
- Anarchy? Anarchism? Anarchists?
- High tech Space Shuttle Technology?
- Spam for an Indian Escort Service
- Arizona DPS cops can't park worth sh*t
- Bill of Rights null and void at Justice Courts?
- How useful are the small claims courts? Pretty useless!
- Sheriff John Zaruba shakes down his cops for money?
- Guilty until proven innocent? Probably!!!
- Cato Institute on ‘underwhelming’ spending cuts
- How much Federal government pork costs your household
- Brown Widow Spiders?
- Will we be cheated out of our Social Security money?
- Baking soda prevents cancer?
- Last Space Shuttle Blasts Off
- Las Vegas cops use wrong DNA to frame man
- Framed by Mexican police and military?
- We never kill civilians and always get our man
- Prison strike protests inhumane, unconstitutional prison conditions
- Texas to prevent Federal incandescent light bulb tyranny
- Sheriff Joe introduces "Vamos Jose" underware
- Some propaganda on electronic warfare
- Super Gonorrhea?
- TSA thugs patrol Valley Metro Light Rail
- Obama the tax and spend President - Damn right
- Biased Arizona Republic photo on guns
- American a socialist welfare state?
- Social Security says you are dead?
- Cops are paid very well!!!!
- Twitter has some uses
- Politicians are all crooks?
- Just what is a "jackbooted" government thug?
- Walter the Bus
- A visit with Phil from Greyhound
- Does the government own your children
- You can eat mesquite bean
- Make mesquite bean flour
- California prisons pay big bucks for substandard medical care
- South California the 51st state?
- Free Spanish Newspapers and Magazines
- Narcs on Arizona Avenue?
- Loose dogs on Arizona Avenue?
- No more beer in Minnesota?
- US turning Iraq and Afghanistan into police states
- Carmageddon - San Diego Freeway closes for 53 hours
- Farming
- A coyote at Dan's house?
- Clean Cut Girls of Utah flagged as porn?
- The National Debt Limit
- Plus some thoughts on Sarah Palin statements
- Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
- Goathead Thorns
- National Debut Concepts
- Incorrect police databases
- Herman Cain Hates Muslims
- Herman Cain says F* the 1st for Muslims
- Valley Metro Pork!
- Russell Pearce - You can't recall me!
- Government Job Security is Damn Good
- Cisco to fire 6,500
- Cell Phone Snitches
- Cops blame pay cuts for their crimes
- University Professor wants to backup the Internet
- Google saves everything you search for?
- The police know everything you Googled for?
- Arizona murders Thomas Paul West
- Valley Metro Light Rail & Bus Pork
- Herman Cain - No Religious Freedom for Muslims?
- Thursday bus briver knows he is an *sshole
- Hot babes from the LA Times
- Some books on my reading list
- Libertarian Party Platform April 5, 2011
- Visit Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon at his new home
- Map of Phoenix Canal System
- Electric Aluminum Truth Store
- xxx
- Do the police now run the Arizona Indy Media site
- November 2010
- Electric Aluminum Truth Store
- November 2010
- Nov 1 - Christmas Shopping Season is here
- Nov 1 - Cold weather is here
- Sheriff Joe is cooking the payroll books?
- Phoenix will get it's investment back in 409 years!
- No free speech right at polls
- Lake Mead is getting smaller
- America the worlds biggest police state!!!
- San Francisco Bans Happy Meals
- San Francisco passes law to drive McDonald's out of business?
- Jan "Hitler" Brewer or Terry "Stalin" Goddard
- Obama shoveling the BS to get reelected in 2012
- Weird Collar Bomb Bank Robbery
- Strange Neck Bomb Bank Robbery
- City of Bell screws local businesses
- Sheriff Joe's goons ordered to testify
- You mean the drug war isn't making us safer?
- The Drug War Police State Continues - Prop 19 fails!
- Chicago Cubs screw Mesa taxpayers out of $99 million
- ASU becomes part of the Military Industrial Complex
- Nov 4 - 100°F in Los Angeles?
- Heroin made illegal in 1924 or 1925
- Testing for Marijuana - Duquenois-Levine test
- George W. Bush admits torturing POWs
- Do the police now run the Arizona Indy Media site
- Test Credit Card Numbers
- Oakland BART Police Officer gets a slap on the wrist for murder
- You are guilty till proven innocent
- Cops steal $200,000 because owners can't prove it wasn't stolen
- Phoenix gives $260,000 in corporate welfare to Air Canada
- Phoenix gives $900 million in corporate welfare at Patriots Square
- Deer Valley Rock Art Museum
- War Criminal Karl Rove to speak in Phoenix Nov 9
- Worst person in the world?
- Drug war causes Mexico to limit tourists to $1,500/mo
- Feds busy hunting down people that look at dirty pictures
- Cocaine bases wine used to be really popular
- Eat that pizza crust and don't use bad English!
- Nevada loses people?
- Obama set to murder people in Yemen with drones
- Nov 9 - It's getting damn cold out there!
- Nov 10 - It's freezing cold!
- Phoenix Rulers Pretend to Cut Spending
- Feds lie and say marijuana is as dangerous as tobacco
- Arnold Schwarzenegger doesn't care if you smoke pot
- US Printing Boat Loads of Worthless Money
- Framed for 30 years, then he dies
- Sneak missile attack on Los Angeles
- Just what the hell is an "unauthorized access device"
- Cruise Ship breaks down
- George W. Hitler shovels the BS about his book
- Andrew Thomas did it to screw his enemies!
- Obama lied to us about ending the Afghanistan war in 2011
- Need a machine guns - You can buy one from a jar head
- Royal government rulers pay themselves very well!
- It ain't perjury, it's testilying! Honest ask any cop!
- One third of the homes in Chicago are worth less then the mortgage on them
- IJ fights government tyrants in Colorado
- Are they going to murder me?
- Christmas shopping season is here
- A welfare system for government workers
- Nov 12 - Freeze Warning!
- Politicians pretend they are going to cut spending
- Don't drink out of the toilet in Chandler
- Tempe cop sells nude photos on the internet
- IRS to shut down tax preparers who don't maximize IRS revenue
- Drug War sure messes up life in border towns
- Obama wants to cut spending while spending like a drunken sailor?
- George W. Bush executed an innocent man?
- Cops make up nicknames to demonize suspected criminals?
- 363,000 state and local government employees in Arizona?
- 20,000 active Arizona Police Officers?
- 9,000 retired Arizona Police Officers?
- Medical Marijuana now legal in Arizona
- Arizona Prop 203 passes legalizing medical Marijuana
- Drug war doubles number of people in Mexico's prisons
- Symington course in BS - a mear $15,000
- Gov ruler rents 3 bedroom home for $236/mo in Veron
- He lied about the hotel room - Will he lie in court and commit perjury?
- Chicago Cubs sucker Mesa, Arizona and Chicago for millions in corporate welfare
- Tempe photo radar IS all about REVENUE!
- Local cops trained to spy on Americans
- A welfare program for millionaire doctors?
- Graffiti from the Afghanistan war
- Some piggies get a slap on the wrist for their Facebook pages
- Exorcism is NOT magic or superstition! Honest!!!!
- Frogs that eat rats? Si!
- Mixing government and religion in the Tempe Police Department
- Diane Sawyer is a really naive reporter who blindly believes the government
- Janet Napolitano wants us to fly naked, handcuffed and drugged?
- U.S. Post Office losing billion and wants us to pay
- Day Dreaming?
- Flopping Homes?
- Messy Yard cops terrorize people that sell used cars!
- Why didn't Tempe Messy Yard cops seize this home!
- A warrant check before you go on a cruise?
- Government regulation of medical care drives costs up!!!!!
- Just because a government program is popular doesn't mean it is right
- Ford wants you to pay extra to make the engine work at full power
- NYPD scans eyeballs of people arrested
- Fountain Hills Mayor wants to legalize marijuana?
- Does the Equal Protection Clause give everybody the right to smoke pot?
- Mission Accomplished - George W. Bush says Iraq War won!
- Who is SoHumBorn and why is she writing about Humboldt County
- The Jerk Thinks he is a cop!
- Cops treat homeless people like criminals!
- Tempe homeless man returns $3,300 in cash to ASU student
- A new Arizona State Flag after Prop 203
- Atheist, Christian Debate at Grand Canyon College
- How do you get away with murder? Become a police officer!
- Ibogaine prevents withdrawal symptoms from heroin?
- Pigs with LAPD busting Hollywood Superheros
- 25 Phoenix cops steal money for work not done
- U.S. OKs 1st use of tanks in Afghanistan
- ASU President Michael Crow plans to spend your money like a drunken sailor for the next 19 years
- Mesa flush constitution down the toilet for hotel guest
- Mesa required hotel guest to submit to police questioning before checking in
- Congress to clean itself up this year - Honest!
- Obama is the "Green" President - Honest!
- Cops find a new source of revenue - Medical DUI!
- Police State Tyrant Russell Pearce gets a $47,957 Pension
- TSA - F*ck the 4th Amendment!
- TSA search soaks man in urine
- Homosexual TSA thugs use searches to get dates?
- Icy blast of winter finally here!
- Fascism is alive and well in Downtown Tempe
- Mill Avenue Merchants line up for corporate welfare in Tempe
- Maybe I will join the Topless Party
- The Topless Party sounds a lot more fun then the Libertarian Party
- You must file a claim to sue an Arizona government entity
- Sheriff Joe gets special treatment for his lawsuit against Maricopa County!
- Color Coded Terrorist Alerts to end?
- Phoenix Police covering up suicide of Sgt Sean Drenth?
- Hace Mucho Frio!!! No me gusta el frio!!!
- Nov 26 and 27 - Froze my butt off!
- Dec 2 - Learn about fake pot in Tempe
- Does Medical Marijuana Prop 203 violate equal protection clause?
- Real estate loans? The government is the cause of the problem, not the solution!
- Arizona steal home from Tempe family
- Arizona Pensions are a gold mine for royal government workers
- Australian man sues Mexico for 4-month detention
- Russian Arms Dealer Kidnapped by USA?
- Scientists create anti-matter?
- Obama lied about closing Guantanamo Bay POW camp!
- Phoenix cops cheat city out of thousands of dollars in wages
- Mesa tyrants flush 5th Amendment down the toilet
- We are going to clean up Congress this year - Honest!
- Obama is the "Green" President? Not!!!!!
- TSA admits searching pilots is a waste of time
- Maybe Kyrsten Sinema can use her time to help Arizona?
- Mesa cops figure out how to rob sick people
- Arizona - jail them for life and throw away the key
- LifeLock Inc gets a slap on the wrist for screwing people out of millions!
- U.S. Government screws Blacks and Indians
- The TSA is the PROBLEM, not the solution to the problem!
- Phoenix Police Officer James Wren likes to steal money from drug dealers!
- Security protest could disrupt Thanksgiving travel
- TSA - F*ck the 4th Amendment!
- TSA search soaks man in urine
- The Topless Party? Sounds like Fun?
- Supervisors don't require Sheriff Joe to file a claim
- Color-coded terror alerts may end
- Did Phoenix Police Officer Sgt.Sean Drenth commit suicide
- WikiLeaks makes American Rulers look like tyrants
- David Nolan dies in Tucson
- White Pages to disappear?
- San Diego Drug Tunnel
- Cops to demonize Spice
- Tempe Mayor Hugh Hallman believes in taxation with out representation
- Clean Elections Pork
- Government tyrants try to flush medical marijuana down the toilet
- Phoenix City Council members pretend to cut fat and waste
- Colorado bureaucrats pretend to care about better marijuana
- Sheriff Joe's goons get their jollies beating inmates
- American foreign policy causes most of our problems!
- Visit Quartzsite Arizona
- Chandler Police Department sells marijuana?
- Homeland Security All Nude Revue!!!!!
- In this TSA production you are the star!!!!!
- Janet Napolitano says Bend Over
- Janet Napolitano says do your patriotic duty for the TSA
- Corrections Corporation of America Prison Beating in Idaho
- Brownie attacks Ginger
- Nov 29 - It's cold!!!
- Vote the crooks out!
- Government nannies will bring us higher quality pot?
- Don't make me laugh! This is just a jobs program for government bureaucrats!
- X-47B Drone
- Some Laws I would like to see passed
- Electric Aluminum Truth Store
- December 2010
- Dec 2 - Learn about fake pot in Tempe
- Vote the crooks out!
- Government nannies will bring us higher quality pot?
- Don't make me laugh! This is just a jobs program for government bureaucrats!
- Visit Quartzsite Arizona
- In the Winter Quartzsite becomes the 3rd largest city in Arizona
- Is it getting warmer or did the socks work?
- Judges sue Sheriff Joe and Andrew Thomas
- Andrew Thomas to be disbarred for ethics violations?
- Fed's used Predator B drone in the "War on Drugs"
- Congressmen who are Tea Party Hypocrites
- Senator John McCain hates gays
- You know it's a myth. This season celebrate reason!
- Christmas is just another superstitious myth! Celebrate Reason!
- Being a police officer is a dangerous job? No way!
- Driving is dangerous, and because of that being a cop is a dangerous job!
- Friday Dec 3 - I saw a satellite
- Saturday Dec 4 - Another bike crash
- Ship of Fools
- Well except for the Arizona Militia part!
- US Population now at 313 million?
- The truth about milk?
- Arizona city managers make between $126,691 and $236,997
- Mesa flushes Bill of Rights down the toilet for massage parlor owners!
- Andrew Thomas is being persecuted!!!!
- Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas doesn't like being accused of crimes!
- High tech masks for criminals?
- Are you an incompetent crook? You will do great as a Federal Prosecutor
- You are innocent and expect a fair trial? Don't make me laugh!
- Crooked government rulers don't like WikiLeaks!
- Noisy Brats in the Senor Center
- Noisy Brats terrorize Senor Center
- For Winter it is warm!
- TSA training center?
- Cut Spending?
- Obama Shoe Toss?
- Medical Marijuana now legal in Arizona
- Still the best Congress money can buy!
- Curiosidades sorprendentes sobre los cigarros
- Cómo huir de la gripa
- Thursday, Dec 16 - Goldwater Institute
- Friday Dec 17 -- Fog!!!!!
- More on the weather
- Arizona Department Health Services releases Medical Marijuana rules
- Monday, Dec 20 - Total Eclipse of the moon
- I wonder if this is Gary Yaquinto's wife?
- Some high tech weapons the American Empire uses to kill brown skinned people
- Booze will keep you warm - and avoid a DUI
- Sheriff Joe gets sued for violating the rights of judges
- Congressmen who are Tea Party Hypocrites
- Feds illegally spy on Americans
- Jesus is a myth?
- Greyhound Bus Lines supports the police state?
- The myth that being a police officers is a dangerous job
- World’s hottest pepper - Naga Viper
- Arizona city managers make between $126,691 and $236,997
- Phoenix Councilmen Michael Johnson and Michael Nowakowski committed felonies?
- Socialized medicine exists in Arizona?
- John Maurin wants to shut down light rail
- Tobacco is probably the most dangerous drug on the planet
- A welfare program for Chandler cops?
- A corporate welfare program for businesses?
- Privatize NASA - Damn right
- Rubber masks for fugitives?
- High tech rubber masks for criminals
- Cops burn down San Diego Home
- FAA demonizes lasers
- Got money? You must be a criminal!
- Are you a crooked lawyer?
- You will do great as a Federal prosecutor
- Some cool toys to help the government kill people?
- Phoenix cop Chad Michael Goulding likes to rob banks
- Seattle Police Chief says it's time to legalize ALL drugs
- FBI assembling a database on Americans, according to report
- Carbs, not fat, are to blame for America's ills
- Clouds block eclipse of the moon
- Resister your car, boat, plane so the government can spy on you!
- Mesa treats sick people like scum!
- British Royalty Attacked
- Alluring San Miguel draws American retirees to Mexico
- Colorado pigs put snitch database on the web! Opps!!!
- Glendale taxpayers get screwed by Phoenix Coyotes
- Tempe steals money to honor honest people
- How come Gods followers are a bunch of thieves?
- Ike warned ups the military industrial complex would take over!
- A solar chimeny to generate power
- Open immigration policies make the world a better place to live!
- Phoenix government fireworks tyrants
- Electromagnetic Railgun
- Why can't they fire crooked cops like they fire crooked janitors?
- LA Times - Lets pretend to balance the budget
- Snow busts football roof
- Dr William Hamman is doing a good job. Maybe we don't need the FDA
- Feds want to make internet cookies illegal?
- The all powerful FBI
- East Valley Mayors believe in "taxation without representation"
- Tucson treats Hells Angels the same way Nazi Germany treated Jews
- Maricopa County housing agency under fire
- In half of all arrests cops don't have a shred of evidence
- Poop transplants
- Chilli is the root of all pain?
- 1706 all over again
- What part of "cut spending" don't you understand?
- How far would terrorists get with out the help of the FBI?
- 12 percent of adults in Arizona work for the government
- A $6 fee to get your unemployment check
- Interstate Commerce Clause of the Constitution?
- Nope make that the Commerce Claus of the American Police State
- Crosses for dead cops ruled unconstitutional
- Charity at gunpoint?
- Maricopa County "fireplace narcs" at work
- Free a drug war criminal?
- Bribes? Nope campaign contributions - Honest!
- Ask the Congressmen who took the money!
- Videotaping the pigs?
- Abolish Drunk Driving Laws?
- DUI should not be a crime?
- Everybody Hates Obama
- Obama will says anything to get elected!
- Some extinct countries in the Americas
- Navajo Indians tell American pigs to get lost
- Carbon Monoxide poisoning?
- The death of Kodachrome Film
- 1 in 6 gets sick from food poisoning every year!
- Apple Computer supports the Police State?
- Italian court increases sentences for 23 CIA agents
- Obama will sell out anybody? Yes!
- Rules DHS issued on medical marijuana
- CIA gave waterboarders $5 million legal shield
- DC Metro to start random bag searches
- 12,500 have died this year in Mexico's drug war
- 30,196 total deaths since Felipe Calderon started his drug war
- A chemical that causes fear?
- Got a gun? Cops shoot first ask questions last
- Typewriters are now obsolete like slide rules
- The people revolt in Belarus!
- Dec 20 - Total Eclipse of the Moon
- A racists fines his home in the Phoenix PD
- The Good Guys from Blackwater?
- Nope? OK the Good Guys from Xe Services?
- Check out this class on fake pot in Tempe
- Quartzsite - Arizona's 3rd largest city in the winter
- Where can you buy some marijuana?
- Try the Chandler Police Department!!!
- Mesa cops lobby for a bigger police state!!!
- FBI creating a bigger better police state!!!
- Tim Weaver and John Wentling shoot the messenger
- Falsely arrested at the Chandler Library
- Carbs are to blame for America's ills?
- Home prices keep dropping in Arizona
- Peoria Arizona to fingerprint sick people
- Unelected Generals to make rules on gays!
- No more government checks?
- Noisy brats in the Senor Center
- Arizona Retirement System - A Welfare program for government bureaucrats
- Tempe steals to give to honest homeless man
- Cops can rig elections?
- The "Commerce Clause" says the Feds can do anything they want
- Crosses for dead cops are unconstitutional
- Mesa practices charity at gun point!
- No guns on college campuses?
- What part of the 2nd Amendment doesn't this tyrant understand
- Nichrome wire? THC?
- Testilying ain't perjury? Honest!
- How can you free a drug war criminal?
- DEA an agency in search of an empire
- Abolish Drunk Driving Laws?
- We don't need to protect trains from terrorists!!!!
- A novel way to make a super computer
- We don't need no stinking police chaplains!
- A jobs program for prison psychiatrists
- Sarah Palin email requests stonewalled?
- Carbon Monoxide poisoning?
- Fireworks ban in Mesa, Tempe not likely to deter users
- The death of Kodachrome Film is here!
- Rosie the Riveter is Dead!!!
- Sushi making robots?
- A blast of cold weather to end the year!
- X-47B Drone
- Some Laws I would like to see passed
- Electric Aluminum Truth Store
- January 2011
- The invention of religion
- When will the Secret Service shoot down a commercial airliner?
- Average Phoenix employee is paid a measly $97,063
- Elected officials work for their employees?
- How is the drug war affecting tourism in Mexico?
- California cops can search your cell phone and computer without a warrant
- Calexico, California is an easy place to sneak across the border?
- Kodachrome Film is dead?
- DHS tyrants try to throw a monkey wrench into medical marijuana laws
- A weird dream about my Tempe home
- John Wilkes Booth busted
- Deputy Louie Puroll fired for lies about desert gun battle
- Drug sniffing dogs frequently wrong
- PLEA - Phoenix Police Union
- Mesa selectively enforces it's messy yard laws
- Cops never make mistakes? Yea sure!
- Number and locations of Arizona cops
- Rosie the Riveter
- An excuse to eat wasabi?
- Visit Quartzite Arizona
- Elected officials work for their employees?
- ADHS Director Will Humble throws money wrench into medical marijuana law
- Witches cast spells on government tyrants
- Banning fireworks is illegal per the 2nd Amendment
- Trigger happy cops have shootout in Chandler Mall
- Alaska runs homeless people out of town
- Congress pretends to obey the Constitution
- Using drug dogs as an excuse for illegal searches
- PLEA - Phoenix Law Enforcement Association
- Messy yard laws selectively enforced?
- Joshua Trent Pearce can smoke marijuana but you can't!
- Of course your daddy ain't Arizona Congressman Russell Pearce!
- Arizona Congresswoman Giffords shot in Tucson
- Is Mayor Phil Gordon smoking crack?
- Mayor Phil Gordon to bring 35,000 jobs to Phoenix? Yea Sure!
- Public schools spend $200K on tickets for sporting events
- Supreme Court approves unconstitutional laws that ban bullet proof vests
- Meth flourishes despite tracking laws
- Drop everything your doing I need help!
- Bus drive accuses me of puking up on her seat
- Tucson gets Pancho Villa statute Guadalupe refused
- Self Esteem with David Dorn - No way!
- Thunderstorms produce antimatter?
- Alan Korwin talks on CNN about gun laws
- Phoenix cold wave ends!
- Knife control? What part of the 2nd Amendment don't they understand
- Scottsdale creates corporate welfare program for rich hotels
- Scottsdale creates free bus program for hotel guests in North Scottsdale
- IBM computer competes in 'Jeopardy!' game show
- Schwarzenegger spent $200 million on us?
- Israeli computer worms to destroy Iran nuke facilities?
- Arizona government rulers who are gun grabbers
- Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords shot
- Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon to create 35,000 jobs
- Open your wallet the Chinese are invading!
- Obama wants internet drivers licenses?
- Murder charges against Jared Loughner
- How can you have self esteem when people are spreading lies about you?
- Arizona Gun Grabbers
- The Zodiac is out of wack?
- Mike Renzulli loves cops?
- Drone spy planes for American cops?
- A computer that plays Jeopardy
- Knife Control In Arizona
- Drones - a future weapon of freedom fighters?
- California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger slings the BS
- Obama - Screw the FOIA
- God looks like this?
- Messy yard cops shutting down horse rescue center
- Corporate welfare program for rich Scottsdale Hotels?
- USA attacks Iran with computer worms?
- Obama lied about making the American government more open
- Cool iPod or iPad applications?
- Thieves steal cars with out keys
- Mike Renzulli loves pigs?
- Steve Benson is a gun grabber?
- Only tyrants limit free speech and gun rights
- NASA employees don't have Constitutional rights?
- Wow! It sure is cold in Chicago!!!!
- We are not going to die from Global Warming?
- Judge drops murder charge because of police misconduct
- Buses used to be for poor people!
- Medical Marijuana rules for Chandler, Arizona
- Cooking chicharones!! Mmm ....
- Chicago cop gets a slap on the wrist for torture
- Light Rail Light Problem
- Gun Show Arizona State Fair Grounds
- Sheriff Mack
- Tax license for machine guns
- Tommy guns!
- Cool T-shirts
- Surprise, Ariz. mayor files for bankruptcy
- Gilbert cops, screw the evidence your guilty
- I learned how to fry onions
- Map of fences along the Mexico/U.S. border
- Did the government start the lie that I was a government snitch
- The FBI spy camera knows where you parked in the mall
- It's 10pm, know where your car is? The FBI spy camera does!
- Climate change assumption could need tinkering, study finds
- How do you force breaks with CSS
- How do you force breaks with Cascading Style Sheets
- Goodyear cops screw up a lot of cases
- You can't count on the police to administrator justice fairly
- Valley Metro Bus software screwed up
- Independents, now out number Democrats in Arizona
- China - Middle Earth
- I'm homeless? This lady thinks so
- There is water in the ground?
- Arizona Universities ban medical marijuana?
- King James Bible 400 years old
- Dope addict General David Fridovich says don't do drugs
- A 300% tax on medical marijuana?
- Space Shuttle Challenger blew up 25 years ago
- Light Rail Vietnamese Babes?
- Obama shovels the BS in his 2011 State of the Union
- Some quotes from Geoff Beneze
- Ready for the TSA thugs to search you?
- Snow Sucks!
- Hell, it's even freezing cold in Phoenix!
- Mike Renzulli a hate monger?
- Phoenix Mayor Gordon's cop son placed on leave
- Tempe Police use "psychic " in Baby Gabriel case
- Glock: America's Gun
- Uncle Sam wants to jail anyone on the planet who uses drugs!
- Dope dealing pigeon?
- Cop gets slap on wrist for torture
- Snow? What's snow?
- Judge drops murder charges because of police misconduct!
- Chandler Light Rail Pork
- Some problems with that Global Warming Data?
- Cops says screw the DNA evidence - he is guilty
- State of the Union BS
- Government employees don't have Constitutional rights
- Map of US, Mexican border
- Some Laws I would like to see passed
- Is Global Warming a Farce?
- Republicans and Democrats continue to lose ground
- How do you write China in Chinese?
- Ex-generals hired as military 'mentors' are paid big bucks
- Obama is going to cut government fat?
- The FBI spy camera knows where you parked in the mall
- Big Brother: Digital sensors are watching us
- Dig 20 feet to find water
- ASU tyrants want to ban medical marijuana
- Goodyear Police screw up a whole lot of cases!
- Valley Metro software glitch allows everybody to ride for free
- Susan Brock loves minors (in a Biblical sense)
- A 300 percent tax on medical marijuana?
- More light rail pork
- King James Bible 400 years old
- Dope addict Lieutenant General David Fridovich warns about narcotics
- CSS clear command
- Egyptians demand freedom from their tyrannical government
- Mayor Scott Smith shovels the BS
- Phoenix cop gets a slap on the wrist for stealing $40,000
- Arizona Libertarian Party Lawsuit
- ALP vs ALP Inc
- 25 years since the Space Shuttle Challenger blew up
- True state of the Union: broke
- Electric Aluminum Truth Store
- February 2011
- Obama State of Union Address 2011
- Coyotes in Chicago?
- More on Tempe Baby Gabrial
- Another bug in those Intel chips
- Drug war is also a war against Black Americans
- It's friggen cold in in the USA!!!!!!
- Is powdered aluminum illegal?
- Don't count on government improving
- Knox & 44th Street - A good place for homeless people to sleep?
- Recall tyrant Russell Pearce
- Ain't a dimes difference between David Schweikert and Harry Mitchell
- Fulton Brock lied about not know his wife was humping a teenager
- Arizona tells Uncle Sam to take a hike
- Firesheep a program to monitor Internet traffic
- Great Canadian Picnic welcomes all at South Mountain park
- X-47B Drone
- It ain't safe to drive in Guadalajara
- Bill Maher Libertarian?
- OK, how about Bill Maher Socialist?
- Secret Service agent shoots self in hip
- Glad those intrusive census forms are gone
- Somebody stole my bicycle!!!!
- Why 33 rounds makes sense in a defensive weapon
- Wanted! War Criminal - George W. Bush
- ACLU staffer witnesses jail beating
- Pima County and Tucson declare war on fat people!
- Arizona Emperor Jan Brewer
- Rent Controls in New York City
- Chicago Spy Cameras
- Hate cops? Eat at McDonald's
- It ain't safe to drive in Guadalajara
- Dumb Las Vegas Crooks
- X-47B Robotic jet
- Gun Control Mythology
- Congressman David Schweikert a tyrant
- Susan Brock loves minors (in a Biblical sense)
- Egyptian Freedom Fighters
- Using the CSS clear or break command
- 25th anniversary of Challenger blowing up
- Gun Control Never Works
- Switchblade Control Never Works
- Obama shoves the BS in his State of the Union address
- Phoenix cop gets 1.5 years for stealing $40,000
- ALP vs ALP Inc.
- Arizona Libertarian Party, Incorporated
- Arizona Medical Marijuana Regulations
- Is powdered aluminum illegal???
- Mexicans are guilty till proven innocent?
- Arizona tells Uncle Sam to buzz off!!!
- Mesa Mayor Scott Smith shovels the BS
- Firesheep - a freeware program to monitor wireless internet traffic?
- Steve Benson - Gun Grabber
- Lying cops grossly inflate the value of seized marijuana
- Average Phoenix home price to drop to $100K?
- Crime pays very well for government criminals!
- Pinal County Assessor Lewis Larkin busted for DUI
- Mesa tyrants to shake down messy yard criminals?
- Pinal County Medical Marijuana Rules suck
- Congressman Christopher Lee wants a date?
- Is Lindsay Lohan's dress too short for court?
- Super Bowl fly over costs $450,000?
- Nokia phones to use Microsoft software
- Create a free on line dating site
- Spending tax dollars for parties to glorify government
- Ingmar Guandique framed for the murder of Chandra Levy?
- Photos of my new bicycle
- Obama to cut spending - After he leaves office
- Strange Valentines day questions
- No hay chile tepins?
- Sunday Feb 13 - First day I went barefoot this year
- GM workers get $4,000 bribe to vote for Obama in 2012
- Freezing cold weather on the way!!
- Home made dope smuggling submarine
- 431,000 Arizona families get food stamps
- 480 families rent government subsidized homes in Chandler
- Congress debates an internet kill switch
- More on Watson, the computer on 'Jeopardy'
- Borders Book Stores file for bankruptcy
- Government employees don't do much work
- Tempe Messy Yard Cops Hard At Work
- Life Sucks! No jobs for the unemployed
- Phoenix pigs lie about crime statistics to get Federal money
- Hate Russell Pearce? Sign a recall petition
- Tiny hummingbird spy drone
- A law to make being drunk a crime
- Maricopa County deputy David Hendershott's finances investigated
- Maricopa County Sheriff Deputy David Hendershott's Internet browsing history
- Mayor Phil Gordon hob nobs with middle eastern tyrants
- Low water pressure causes Phoenix home to burn down
- A tour of the Chandler City Hall
- Police Officers think they should be above the law
- Brrrr - Cold weather
- Half a billion spent on lobbyists in California
- Mexicans are guilty till proven innocent
- Mesa gives Chicago Cubs $100 million in corporate welfare
- Wal-Mart sales drop
- GPS tracking devices the police have
- "Spice" now illegal in Arizona
- Mexicans guilty till proven innocent in Arizona
- $500 million a year spend on lobbyists
- Kyrsten Sinema supports the police state
- Arizona police officers are above the law?
- Maricopa County deputy David Hendershott's finances investigated
- David Hendershott browser history
- Feds bribe GM workers to vote for Obama in 2012?
- Obama to cut spending - after he leaves office!
- Maricopa County 140 years old
- Hi Jolly the camel jockey?
- Some useless Spanish slang
- Vietnam was a just war?
- United grounds 757s to check air-data software
- DEA narcs seek revenge
- Lawyers can help medical marijuana businesses
- Congressman David Schweikert event in Scottsdale
- Maricopa County homes drop 11% in value
- Book Review Preview - ‘The Wrong War’
- Chandler police lie about the value of seized marijuana
- Who is the terrorist? The FBI? Mr. Aldawsari?
- A government welfare program for cops
- Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon hob nobs with Bahrain sheiks
- CPS tracking devices the police use
- Lack of water pressure causes Phoenix home to burn down!
- How do you spell Vietnam In Arabic? Afghanistan!
- Chandler cops file frivolous lawsuit to get more pay
- Cops have arrested all the REAL criminals
- SF messy yard cops upset over antique Coke sign
- LA Colleges piss away millions of tax dollars
- Snow in San Francisco? and Los Angeles?
- Senator Bundgaard involved in domestic violence?
- Some Laws I would like to see passed
- Some books on my reading list
- Electric Aluminum Truth Store
- November 2010
- Nov 1 - Christmas Shopping Season is here
- Nov 1 - Cold weather is here
- Sheriff Joe is cooking the payroll books?
- Phoenix will get it's investment back in 409 years!
- No free speech right at polls
- Lake Mead is getting smaller
- America the worlds biggest police state!!!
- San Francisco Bans Happy Meals
- San Francisco passes law to drive McDonald's out of business?
- Jan "Hitler" Brewer or Terry "Stalin" Goddard
- Obama shoveling the BS to get reelected in 2012
- Weird Collar Bomb Bank Robbery
- Strange Neck Bomb Bank Robbery
- City of Bell screws local businesses
- Sheriff Joe's goons ordered to testify
- You mean the drug war isn't making us safer?
- The Drug War Police State Continues - Prop 19 fails!
- Chicago Cubs screw Mesa taxpayers out of $99 million
- ASU becomes part of the Military Industrial Complex
- Nov 4 - 100°F in Los Angeles?
- Heroin made illegal in 1924 or 1925
- Testing for Marijuana - Duquenois-Levine test
- George W. Bush admits torturing POWs
- Do the police now run the Arizona Indy Media site
- Test Credit Card Numbers
- Oakland BART Police Officer gets a slap on the wrist for murder
- You are guilty till proven innocent
- Cops steal $200,000 because owners can't prove it wasn't stolen
- Phoenix gives $260,000 in corporate welfare to Air Canada
- Phoenix gives $900 million in corporate welfare at Patriots Square
- Deer Valley Rock Art Museum
- War Criminal Karl Rove to speak in Phoenix Nov 9
- Worst person in the world?
- Drug war causes Mexico to limit tourists to $1,500/mo
- Feds busy hunting down people that look at dirty pictures
- Cocaine bases wine used to be really popular
- Eat that pizza crust and don't use bad English!
- Nevada loses people?
- Obama set to murder people in Yemen with drones
- Nov 9 - It's getting damn cold out there!
- Nov 10 - It's freezing cold!
- Phoenix Rulers Pretend to Cut Spending
- Feds lie and say marijuana is as dangerous as tobacco
- Arnold Schwarzenegger doesn't care if you smoke pot
- US Printing Boat Loads of Worthless Money
- Framed for 30 years, then he dies
- Sneak missile attack on Los Angeles
- Just what the hell is an "unauthorized access device"
- Cruise Ship breaks down
- George W. Hitler shovels the BS about his book
- Andrew Thomas did it to screw his enemies!
- Obama lied to us about ending the Afghanistan war in 2011
- Need a machine guns - You can buy one from a jar head
- Royal government rulers pay themselves very well!
- It ain't perjury, it's testilying! Honest ask any cop!
- One third of the homes in Chicago are worth less then the mortgage on them
- IJ fights government tyrants in Colorado
- Are they going to murder me?
- Christmas shopping season is here
- A welfare system for government workers
- Nov 12 - Freeze Warning!
- Politicians pretend they are going to cut spending
- Don't drink out of the toilet in Chandler
- Tempe cop sells nude photos on the internet
- IRS to shut down tax preparers who don't maximize IRS revenue
- Drug War sure messes up life in border towns
- Obama wants to cut spending while spending like a drunken sailor?
- George W. Bush executed an innocent man?
- Cops make up nicknames to demonize suspected criminals?
- 363,000 state and local government employees in Arizona?
- 20,000 active Arizona Police Officers?
- 9,000 retired Arizona Police Officers?
- Medical Marijuana now legal in Arizona
- Arizona Prop 203 passes legalizing medical Marijuana
- Drug war doubles number of people in Mexico's prisons
- Symington course in BS - a mear $15,000
- Gov ruler rents 3 bedroom home for $236/mo in Veron
- He lied about the hotel room - Will he lie in court and commit perjury?
- Chicago Cubs sucker Mesa, Arizona and Chicago for millions in corporate welfare
- Tempe photo radar IS all about REVENUE!
- Local cops trained to spy on Americans
- A welfare program for millionaire doctors?
- Graffiti from the Afghanistan war
- Some piggies get a slap on the wrist for their Facebook pages
- Exorcism is NOT magic or superstition! Honest!!!!
- Frogs that eat rats? Si!
- Mixing government and religion in the Tempe Police Department
- Diane Sawyer is a really naive reporter who blindly believes the government
- Janet Napolitano wants us to fly naked, handcuffed and drugged?
- U.S. Post Office losing billion and wants us to pay
- Day Dreaming?
- Flopping Homes?
- Messy Yard cops terrorize people that sell used cars!
- Why didn't Tempe Messy Yard cops seize this home!
- A warrant check before you go on a cruise?
- Government regulation of medical care drives costs up!!!!!
- Just because a government program is popular doesn't mean it is right
- Ford wants you to pay extra to make the engine work at full power
- NYPD scans eyeballs of people arrested
- Fountain Hills Mayor wants to legalize marijuana?
- Does the Equal Protection Clause give everybody the right to smoke pot?
- Mission Accomplished - George W. Bush says Iraq War won!
- Who is SoHumBorn and why is she writing about Humboldt County
- The Jerk Thinks he is a cop!
- Cops treat homeless people like criminals!
- Tempe homeless man returns $3,300 in cash to ASU student
- A new Arizona State Flag after Prop 203
- Atheist, Christian Debate at Grand Canyon College
- How do you get away with murder? Become a police officer!
- Ibogaine prevents withdrawal symptoms from heroin?
- Pigs with LAPD busting Hollywood Superheros
- 25 Phoenix cops steal money for work not done
- U.S. OKs 1st use of tanks in Afghanistan
- ASU President Michael Crow plans to spend your money like a drunken sailor for the next 19 years
- Mesa flush constitution down the toilet for hotel guest
- Mesa required hotel guest to submit to police questioning before checking in
- Congress to clean itself up this year - Honest!
- Obama is the "Green" President - Honest!
- Cops find a new source of revenue - Medical DUI!
- Police State Tyrant Russell Pearce gets a $47,957 Pension
- TSA - F*ck the 4th Amendment!
- TSA search soaks man in urine
- Homosexual TSA thugs use searches to get dates?
- Icy blast of winter finally here!
- Fascism is alive and well in Downtown Tempe
- Mill Avenue Merchants line up for corporate welfare in Tempe
- Maybe I will join the Topless Party
- The Topless Party sounds a lot more fun then the Libertarian Party
- You must file a claim to sue an Arizona government entity
- Sheriff Joe gets special treatment for his lawsuit against Maricopa County!
- Color Coded Terrorist Alerts to end?
- Phoenix Police covering up suicide of Sgt Sean Drenth?
- Hace Mucho Frio!!! No me gusta el frio!!!
- Nov 26 and 27 - Froze my butt off!
- Dec 2 - Learn about fake pot in Tempe
- Does Medical Marijuana Prop 203 violate equal protection clause?
- Real estate loans? The government is the cause of the problem, not the solution!
- Arizona steal home from Tempe family
- Arizona Pensions are a gold mine for royal government workers
- Australian man sues Mexico for 4-month detention
- Russian Arms Dealer Kidnapped by USA?
- Scientists create anti-matter?
- Obama lied about closing Guantanamo Bay POW camp!
- Phoenix cops cheat city out of thousands of dollars in wages
- Mesa tyrants flush 5th Amendment down the toilet
- We are going to clean up Congress this year - Honest!
- Obama is the "Green" President? Not!!!!!
- TSA admits searching pilots is a waste of time
- Maybe Kyrsten Sinema can use her time to help Arizona?
- Mesa cops figure out how to rob sick people
- Arizona - jail them for life and throw away the key
- LifeLock Inc gets a slap on the wrist for screwing people out of millions!
- U.S. Government screws Blacks and Indians
- The TSA is the PROBLEM, not the solution to the problem!
- Phoenix Police Officer James Wren likes to steal money from drug dealers!
- Security protest could disrupt Thanksgiving travel
- TSA - F*ck the 4th Amendment!
- TSA search soaks man in urine
- The Topless Party? Sounds like Fun?
- Supervisors don't require Sheriff Joe to file a claim
- Color-coded terror alerts may end
- Did Phoenix Police Officer Sgt.Sean Drenth commit suicide
- WikiLeaks makes American Rulers look like tyrants
- David Nolan dies in Tucson
- White Pages to disappear?
- San Diego Drug Tunnel
- Cops to demonize Spice
- Tempe Mayor Hugh Hallman believes in taxation with out representation
- Clean Elections Pork
- Government tyrants try to flush medical marijuana down the toilet
- Phoenix City Council members pretend to cut fat and waste
- Colorado bureaucrats pretend to care about better marijuana
- Sheriff Joe's goons get their jollies beating inmates
- American foreign policy causes most of our problems!
- Visit Quartzsite Arizona
- Chandler Police Department sells marijuana?
- Homeland Security All Nude Revue!!!!!
- In this TSA production you are the star!!!!!
- Janet Napolitano says Bend Over
- Janet Napolitano says do your patriotic duty for the TSA
- Corrections Corporation of America Prison Beating in Idaho
- Brownie attacks Ginger
- Nov 29 - It's cold!!!
- Vote the crooks out!
- Government nannies will bring us higher quality pot?
- Don't make me laugh! This is just a jobs program for government bureaucrats!
- Some books on my reading list
- Hawaii jails stinky homeless people who ride buses?
- Another coyote!
- Two weirdos with headlamps
- Another Monsoon
- Global warming or junk science?
- More Rain
- I'm Sick!
- September 22
- 99°F in Phoenix
- Snow in Denver
- Oct 5 - Winter is here!
- Bring on the blowhards!!!!
- Sean Hannity vs Michael Moore
- Almost attacked by a scorpion
- Saturn is out in the morning
- Tour de Fat - Heaven for bike drunks
- I don't get it - How come you guys are losing
- High class meals for the homeless in Flagstaff
- If you don't love the government your a "hate group"
- A cop comes by my place
- A coyote walked right by me last night
- A crowd of people came by my home
- Hazmat team at Tempe Library
- Oct 16 - Summer is almost over
- 9 cop cars involved in bust on Rural & Broadway!
- Medical Marijuana in Los Angeles
- Cops at Circle K
- Walked into a pack of coyotes
- At last clean pants! Rub the soap in to clean
- In that interview the snitch violated my 5th
- Tucson snitch sets me up with fake interview
- October 28 - Time to get out my coat!
- Coyotes attack and kill woman
- Is the information in Sheriff Joe's Techno-Cops current?
- Nov 4 - It ain't that cold
- The Recession gives us a shorter Newspaper
- Arizona wants to steal your traveles checks
- Burger King $1 double cheese burgers
- OK
- The economy sucks! Black Friday Sales before Black Friday
- Kangaroos can be dangerous when you piss them off
- Rent a garden for $90 a year
- A bad nightmare!
- Cook a Turkey in a Crock Pot on Turkey Day?
- Nov 28 or so - Attacked again by a band of negro teenagers
- Got rained on
- Hola Como estas?
- Either way we can screw the government snitch
- Bought some jalebi for my friends
- Dec 5 - It’s getting freezing cold!
- Another Coyote
- Dec 7 - Rain all day and all night
- Terry Goddard to get his jollies by executing Donald Beaty?
- No wonder I was so damn cold this morning
- Jobs I could get
- Sunrise, sunset and day length times
- Somebody broke into my e-mail account
- Food Poisoning – Again!
- Dec - Jan Bus Pass
- 52,000 dead trees - It might be a good place to sleep
- Tamales are tasty!
- Christmas songs for an atheist
- Man it stays dark forever
- Odd weather - Overcast for 3 days
- Republic treats Sheriff Joe like he deserves to be treated
- Another cop cruzing around with his lights on
- Homeless loot in Arizona
- Universal Health Care? No just another way to tax us!
- Phoenix Police frame Mark Goudeau?
- Somebody broke into my e-mail account
- Cool an earthquake in Mexicali
- A blue moon on New Year's Eve
- Things that changed from 2000 to 2009
- A huge bird
- Happy New Year 2010
- Maybe I should move to Las Vegas and live in a tunnel?
- 2nd driest year in 30 years
- Is it warm or is it just me
- Elephants are more dangerous then coyotes
- Arizona requires lights on cars from sunset to sunrise
- It's cold back East
- Some Laws I would like to see passed
- November 2010
- War criminal Karl Rove will speak in Phoenix on Nov 9
- I should start packing a concealed weapon!
- Time to buy some computer books?
- Drug war thugs seize womans child
- Any intelligent life in the universe besides humans?
- A date of birth required to board an airplane
- Feds won't charge Sheriff Joe with any crimes
- Ghosts in the Scottsdale Libraries?
- Fulton Brock's wife busted for sex with a minor
- Rand Paul ain't a Libertarian?
- A gun and a badge means it ain't rape?
- Arizona Governor Jan "DUI" Brewer say no to medical marijuana
- Time to legalize marijuana in California?
- Veron California? All crooks, no serfs?
- Proof of citizenship to vote ruled unconstitutional
- Geogre Soros donates $1 million to legalize pot in California
- Mayor Phil Gordon has tough time filling jobs that pay $50/hr for grunt work
- Tempe continues it's war on homeless people
- Write a few more scrape programs?
- Honest we only lie at election time
- Atheists are mentally ill?
- Free Thinkers are mentally ill?
- India - lots of cell phones, not many toilets
- And they have fantastic hot spicy food in India too
- Sheriff Joe looting Maricopa County Treasury?
- No guns for jaywalkers in NYC
- The jerk says I'm the bad guy!
- Retire in Belize for $300 a month
- More on the idiots I work with
- More on the con men at E-Merchant Direct
- Apple Computer Supports the Police State
- Some Laws I would like to see passed
- 夫女人石
- Homeless in Arizona
- Arizona Republic endorces Andrea Garcia over police state thug Russell Pearce
- Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon is sleeping with Veola (Valley Metro)
- Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon is sleeping with Veola
- Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon is sleeping with Valley Metro
- Obama's war crimes in Afghanistan
- Jerks at my new job
- If it makes you feel good, make it illegal?
- Kanna, Channa or Kougoed - Sceletium Tortuosum
- Sky Harbor Airport speed trap is all about revenue, not safety
- Libertarian Barry Hess gets some free PR
- Libertarian Nick Coons thinks taxes are stealing
- September was hottest on record
- Mexico's drug war museum
- Museo De Enervantes - Museo Del Narco
- The legal system sucks
- Oct 5 - Looks like winter is here!
- Mmmm ... Kimchi!!!!
- A cockroach a day to keep the doctor away
- Is Fresh & Easy on it's way to go out of business?
- Can you get busted for DUI on a bicycle?
- Will Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon get body guards 24/7?
- A gun and badge means you can have sex with any woman you want?
- Onnie Shekerjian - Let them eat cake!
- 6 percent of the adult population in Arizona works for the government?
- Mentally ill U.S. citizen wrongly deported to Mexico
- Phoenix Police Officer Richard Chrisman doesn't need a warrant to search your home
- Libertarians Nick Coons thinks Taxes are Theft
- Mark Goudeau framed by the Phoenix Police for murder
- Kierland Commons Suck?
- 46 percent of home sales are foreclosures!
- Visit new bridge over Hoover Dam
- Obama a gay gangster?
- October used to be the 8th month of the year
- Feds say screw the will of the people
- If marijuana is legalized in Calif Feds plan to arrest people
- Crooked cops lock police snitch in mental institution
- It ain't rape if you got a gun and badge
- The Mayor is a purse snatcher?
- Courts flush Constitution down the toilet!
- New simple CPR rules
- War criminal Karl Rove will speak in Phoenix on Nov 9
- Elected Officials work for themselves, not you
- Ain't no stinking jobs out there
- Is Sue Lindmeier humping Mayor Gordon?
- Politicians only lie at election time - Honest
- Declaring people insane is a run around the Constitution
- Lots of cell phones, not many toilets!
- Another murder by the Phoenix cops... Ho humm ...
- Learn how to use a compass so I can hike from Los Angeles to NYC
- Brining freedom and democracy to Iraq and Afghanistan
- Gilbert City Council Screws Taxpayers on Land Deal
- Cops steal money to fight medical marijuana
- Sheriffs, county attorneys united against Prop. 203
- Governments refuse to acknowledge police crimes and mistakes!
- Another forced confession in the Buddhist Temple Murder case
- You can count on the cops to violate people civil rights!
- Tempe tyrants to ban fireworks?
- Politics is all about power
- How much does weed cost?
- Glendale rulers get screwed by professions sports teams
- Huy Fong Foods gets $15 million in corporate welfare!
- Some useless information about credit card chips
- Wi-Fi on a Greyhound bus?
- Swamp coolers work great!
- The cops gave him the handcuffs
- Phoenix to regulate pot growers?
- Ain't a dimes worth of difference between Republicans and Democrats
- I should start packing a concealed weapon!
- Map reading and compass reading classes
- America's Longest War
- Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan or the Drug war?
- JackFruit or is it Jack Fruit
- I tried to get unemployment - again
- 6.9 Earthquake hits Los Mochis, Sonora
- 10 percent of Arizona gets free medical service
- Drunk cops kills woman
- Time to buy some computer books?
- Tempe First United Methodist Church
- Urban Outreach
- $80,000 art work at bus stop in Chandler
- Southwest Ambulance give $143,223 to Scottdale rulers
- No honor amoung government theives!
- Bank of America Home Foreclosures
- The CIA mostly wastes our money?
- A flying Humvee?
- Narcs bust 105 tons of pot in Tijuana
- Cops spend our money like drunken sailors
- Are crooked cops fired? Hell no!
- Resources for Homeless People
- New Rulers for CPR
- War criminal Karl Rove will speak in Phoenix on Nov 9
- Phoenix tyrants ban gun ads from bus stops
- Veron California is run by crooks
- How hard is it to fire a cop accused of murder?
- You have to spend money to make money!
- Well no you have to spend money to steal money!
- A gun and a badge means you can have sex with any woman you want?
- Jan "DUI" Brewer is against legalizng marijuana
- Arizona government nannies murder another man
- Maybe I can vote now!
- Got Roaches? Go to jail for child abuse
- 2nd Amendment null and void in Phoenix?
- Marijuana plantations are legal in Humbolt County?
- No WetBacks Allowed!
- Well make that No POOR WetBacks Allowed!
- Obama to reduce spending?
- Chicago Cubs spend $300K to steal $99 million
- Will Infoclosure.com get some of this loot?
- "Brady List" - Police officers that are too corrupt to testify in court
- Medical Marijuana Prop 203 sucks the big one
- Iraqi puppet government not following orders
- Blair's Mega Death Sauce
- Tempe to p*ss away $160 million for street cars
- Government Employees Unions Push for More Government
- Tempe Tyrants Ban Fireworks
- Light Rail Narcs Lose Money Like Crazy
- 24 types of Libertarians
- Phoney Baloney Libertatians running for office
- Write a few more scrape programs?
- The Jerk thinks he is my royal master
- Prop 203 Sucks!
- Cops - I smoke pot - Please bust into my home an search it!
- Oct 21, 2010 - Winter is here!
- I tried to get set up to vote but ...
- Time for another American Revolution?
- More about E-Merchant Direct
- I should retire in Belize
- Jerks and Creeps I work with
- My patron saint would be Jesus Malverde
- They swiped my Yes on Prop 203 sign!!!
- CIA wastes our money like drunken sailors
- Date of Birth needed to FLy on an airplane
- Humans are the only intelligent life form in the Universe
- Cops steal womans child because she ate poppy seeds
- Something to wear to the polls when you vote for Prop 19
- Fulton Brocks wife is humping a high school kid?
- Ghosts in the Scottsdale Libraries?
- Obama won't charge Sheriff Joe with any crimes
- Stun gun fun on frogs?
- Geogre Soros donated $1 million to legalize pot in California
- Business cards will make corrupt cops honest?
- Autorun files on a CD rom disk or a USB memory stick?
- A vote for Barry Hess is better then a vote for Jan or Terry
- Killer Phoenix Cop is on Brady List
- Public Servants my *SS!!!
- Is this guy related to Rick Rickert of Infoclosure?
- Help for homeless folks?
- Articles on Computer Geek stuff
- Help an illegal go to jail? Not for government rulers
- E-Merchant Direct is in the news again
- Mesa rulers require a photo ID before renting a room
- Tempe continues it's war on homeless people
- Some Laws I would like to see passed
- September 2010
- Marijuana is still a big time cash crop in Mexico
- You need dog insurance if you have dogs?
- Is this about the census in the USA or Red China
- Man the economy sucks!
- Government idiots shake down religious idiots!
- Shoes, eggs hurled at Prime Minister Tony Blair
- It's fine for police to kill people, so long as there's no 'ill will'
- Sidestepping the 2nd Amendment by banning ammo
- Fed's mixing government and religion
- We won the war in Iraq?
- Obama spends our money like a drunken sailor!
- Register your car at AAA?
- Call the Messy Yard Cops! Town Toilet full of Bugs!
- Border Patrol grapples with misconduct cases
- Mexico debates about legalizing drugs?
- Who needs the cops when you can file the report online
- Tempe cops arrest 200 ASU students for trivial drinking violations
- 9th Circuit throws out CIA torture lawsuit
- Cops shake down men who wear saggy pants
- Free tickets for Arizona school officials raises ethics questions
- Obama works for the DEA, not the People?
- Army still can't handle truth about Pat Tillman
- Steve May wants your vote!
- A strange ruling by Libertarian Judge John Buttrick
- Congressmen will say anything to get elected!
- Here a few cars that mechanics say are real good
- Debt collector must give debt information
- Mexico celebrates 200 years of tyranny!
- US Military loves child molesters?
- Chandler cops have sex in the evidence room?
- Governments routinely lie to make themselves look good!
- Deputy County Attorney Lisa Aubuchon likely to be fired
- Sheriff Joe's goons put on leave
- Arizona is second poorest state in the nation
- Crooks install credit card scanners inside of gas pumps!
- Mesa Police Officer Bill Richardson sounds like a gun grabber!
- Barry Hess would only cut government by 50%?
- A jobs program for white collar cops?
- Now Scottsdale bars can distrub our peace all night long!
- Tempe Mayor Hugh Hallman is a war monger?
- Weigh over 160 kilos (350 pounds)? Eat for free at the Heart Attack grill?
- Fed's demonized guns and Mexico
- Obama still has his head in the sand and thinks Afghanistan war is winnable!
- Libertarian Andrea Garcia hopes to defeat Mesa tyrant Russell Pearce
- Tempe, Mesa and Phoenix tyrants want to keep medical marijuana illegal!
- Montana Republicans want to force us to hate gays!
- Just what and when is Twilight?
- It's about corrupt government nannies, not autumn!
- Chandler thieves hold a block party to honor themselves!
- Some lies about the National Debt, which ain't a debt!
- Boy Scouts hate gays and atheists!
- Sheriff Joe's Gangsters!
- A cool summer but a little warm at the end?
- SkySong brags about 85% occupancy rate
- Text messaging is good for deaf folks
- Foreclosures still driving region's home prices down
- If your against the war the FBI considers you a terrorist?
- Uncle Sam Hates Gays - Damn Right!
- Goldwater Institute sues government tyrants - Again!
- Loan officers need papers to prove they are not terrorists
- Tempe to waste millions on street cars?
- Joe Arpaio's office misspent funds
- Photos of government tyrants
- Arizona Cardinals spend $10,000 to jail sick people!
- Feds are out to get anyone that MIGHT be a criminal!
- A jobs program for overpaid coaches at universities?
- Sheriff Joe's goons stole $80 million???
- Public Servants?
- Canadians sneaking into Arizona faster then Mexicans!
- Iraqi aide: Saddam refused to aid bin Laden
- The Chief of Police doesn't pay taxes!
- How do you spell revenue? Towing cars for minor traffic violations!
- Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords supports the unconstitutional drug war!
- Texas ed board adopts resolution limiting Islam
- Intel sells chips with lobotomy's!
- A human powered plane that works!
- Could you spare $1.5 million the Queen needs to pay her heating bill
- A $100,000 ball for Gov Jan Brewer and some Mexican friends!
- Pleasure in Pain of Chilies
- Screwed by Probate Court?
- Using God enslave people
- More domain names coming?
- Cops don't like it when people protect themselves from criminals!
- Don't these pigs have any real criminals to hunt down?
- College educated homeless folks?
- Another unconstitutional power grab by the Feds?
- Food Myths
- Libertarian David Nolan debates McCain
- U.S. Wants to Make It Easier to Wiretap the Internet
- Got money? You must be a criminal!
- America shuts it's immigration doors!
- BlackBerry CEO Jim Balsillie helping Feds spy on you?
- Arizona Prison Officials - Penny wise, Pound foolish
- Moscow Mayor Fired
- Atheists know their facts about religion
- Imaginary gun battle in the Arizona desert?
- FBI snitches read your email everyday
- They are thieves, not clowns!
- Miss O'Donnell a witch?
- Production Mike
- Even cop Steve Benson knows that Babeu is just a clone of Sheriff Joe Arpaio!
- Mesa gives millions to millionaire baseball team owners
- Mesa is a police state Hitler would be proud of!
- Sheriff Paul Babeu's covering up Sheriff Joe's crimes?
- Pinal County Cop Deputy Louie shot by an AK-47?
- Want to be put on hold? Dial 911
- Jerry Colangelo is a tyrant who supports the drug war?
- There is marijuana in them hills
- US still screwing Indian
- Messy Yard Cops bust a VW Micro Bus?
- Mark Williams Unix - Cygwin - SCO Unix
- Punjabi, Hindi, Gujarati - it's all the same!
- Winter is almost here!
- I should start packing a concealed weapon!
- Time to buy some computer books?
- Sept 27 - It sure is hot in Los Angeles!
- Sept 30 - Nice warm weather in Phoenix!
- Some Laws I would like to see passed
- David Dorn?
- Write a few more scrape programs?
- Retire in Belize?
- 夫女人石
- Mesa to force hotel owners to act as agents of the police
- Crooks scanning credit cards at gas station
- Going to Mexico? Prove your not a criminal!
- Learn to use that gun
- Mesa cops shake down people for trivial violations
- Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon is royality who doesn't have to obey the law
- Politics - It's all about money and power
- Communistic countries turning to royalty
- Obama fixed the BP oil disaster by himself
- Woken in the middle of the night
- Arizona businesses say F*** E-Verify
- What to do when your attacked by a dog
- Bradley E. Manning is a freedom fighter and hero
- FBI agents routinely cheat on tests
- I should start packing a concealed weapon!
- Fun anti-SB1070 stunt
- Check out this part of Downtown LA
- Government corruption goes to the highest levels
- Nixon lies about N Vietnam bombing cause general to be fired
- Government tyrants shut down girls lemonade stand
- Phoenix Government Tyrants raise taxes - Again
- Arizona Diamondbacks raise prices
- The Mayor Steals Cars?
- Living off the land - in the city!
- Arizonans protest racist SB 1070 law
- Passport Fraud
- Will the Feds require tattooing your SS Number to your forehead to prevent fraud?
- The FBI is reading your email
- Valley Metro to break racist SB 1070 law?
- Are the Feds worse then King George
- How can the government prevent leaks of secret documents?
- Draconian sentences for victimless drug war crimes?
- 12 years in prison for selling a little pot
- Government nannies pretend to protect us from photo radar tyrants!
- Secret Service Agents upset over "shoot Obama game"
- Maricopa County Supervisors spend our money like drunken sailors
- All calories are not created equal
- Chandler Police Department is selling marijuana?
- Racist Flagstaff cops want to run drunken Indians out of town
- Royal Federal Government Employees
- Federal government employees paid twice as much as private workers
- Ex-Mexican President Fox wants to legalize drugs
- A place in Chandler to use the internet
- The jerk switches TV channels without asking
- Attacked by a vicious dog?
- Working for a bunch of idiots?
- Computer Programmer Hell! Specs cast in Jello!
- They will lie and say anything to get elected
- A kill switch on the Internet?
- Are you right or left footed?
- Blog del Narco
- Get the straight dope on the drug war in Mexico
- A lousy $9.32/hr for 27 years in prison?
- Goldwater Institute sues to stop Obamacare
- The idiots I work with
- Washington, Utah and New Mexico don't require citizenship proof to get a drivers license
- Retire in Belize for $500 a month?
- Oxymoron Lisa Aubuchon files claim against Maricopa County
- GOP to destroy Social Security?
- California rigs bid system for E-mail Contracts?
- Grey Staples Memorial Web Site
- Obama single handedly stopped the oil spill
- Home prices still dropping
- A draconian sentence for donkey love?
- Indian military makes chili pepper bombs
- Memory tricks in Spanish
- Hot Barbie Doll Pin Up Calendar
- Border Patrol says you don't have any 5th Amendment rights!!
- Steven Butler gets $2.85 million from some stun gun fun
- Thank you Wikileaks for trying to stop govenrnment terrorism
- Millionaire Myths
- Sheriff Joe blames Rick Romley for his problems
- Freedom is an illusion?
- China's Economy surpases Japan's
- The Emperor has no clothes on?
- OK Emperor Obama took off his shirt!
- Grab your wallet! Someone from the Phoenix government is here to help you!
- Jesus Loves You!
- We are stoning you to death for your sins which Jesus hates
- Top Secret!
- The waste and bureaucracy in the NSA will blow your mind
- Chandler Mayor Boyd Dunn spends our money like a drunken sailor
- The American Empire plays Bully Boy with China
- Aug 17 - Finally the Monsoon comes to Phoenix
- Hmmm ... Feds mandate low pressure tire warning gauge
- A search warrant to pump a persons stomach?
- Synthetic marijuana is legal but is it safe?
- Are thes $80,000 crosswalks safer then normal ones?
- Sneak across the border?
- Who needs to when you can walk across these unguarded bridges on the Rio Grande
- Obama says end of major combat opperations in Iraq
- Glendale rulers - It ain't a bribe - Honest!
- American Empire - Supreme Ruler of the World!
- Bullies love getting jobs as cops!
- Police and fire unions stack elections?
- Another Bee Sting
- Monsoon Rains
- Valley Metro doubles price of bus fare and complains about less bus riders
- Bill of Rights null and void? Damn Right!
- Government nannies will steal anything they can get their hands on
- Bickeye cops spend $74,000 to shake people down for minor traffic violations
- Police Unions create a bigger better police state - for the Police!
- Heat wave in Los Angeles
- It's 100°F
- Phoenix 112°F
- Los Angeles 100°F
- Sneak in to the USA thru the ocean?
- Cell Phone Fotos include photo location
- Colleen Clark resigns from MCC board
- Mesa government shovels corporate welfare to rich baseball teams
- Topless woman protest on Venice Beach
- Equal opportunity government tyrants
- Government tyrants want to shut down Craigs List
- Low voter turnout helps incumbants stay in power?
- Unelected cops set government policy
- Time to buy some computer books?
- 10 cops and a helicoptor to bust a shoplifter?
- Mesa cops are using trivila traffic violations to stop and search people
- Sheriff Joe says take the 5th when your stopped by the cops!
- Another billion down the rathole called Downtown Phoenix
- Out of control drone attacks White House?
- Camera falls of police helicoptor damaging cars
- Seven years later was the Iraq war worth it?
- Police pension are worth their weight in gold!!!
- Messy Pool Cops shut down Valley hotel pool parties
- Write a few more scrape programs?
- Maybe I should retire in Belize for $300 a month?
- Christopher Glover is a tyrant just like Vic Linoff?
- Some of Pat's Amigos as of August 2010
- The solution to government bureaucracy?
- Add another layer of government bureaucracy!
- State Department Condemns Arizona for Violating Human Rights
- Phoenix bans Suzy Sushi ads cuz Suzy's got a gun and miniskirt!
- Phoenix to steal land they got outbid on!
- 10 years later I am still being hurt by David Dorn's lies!
- Cops illegally search Paris Hilton? Probably
- Police Report on Paris Hilton bust
- Cops think free sex and free food are job perks?
- Huge crash on I-10 in downtown Phoenix
- HOA's suck the big one!
- Cops love to make mountains out of mole hills
- US government funding human rights abuses in Mexico?
- A jobs program for Generals? And for government contractors?
- Even government tyrants should have rights!
- Government is supposed to protect your rights?
- People are fed up with government
- Chile Minors - Some scary stuff
- One out of 6 people in the USA get Federal handouts
- Some Laws I would like to see passed
- 夫女人石
- Busted Water Main in Tempe
- Some Laws I would like to see passed
- A slow news day!!!!
- Valley Metro to cut Light Rail and Bus Service
- Mars and Saturn are again visible
- No plans to capture escaped hippo - for a while
- Cops, thunder, lightning and rain!
- Genes can pass knowledge down to your children?
- Phoenix rulers chase homeless people out of rich area
- PF Chang's screws up traffic all over Arizona!
- Overpaid Phoenix Police Officers
- Arizona State Capital sold to a pawn shop
- 10,000 people protest Sheriff Joe's police state thugs
- Barking dogs - are they out to get me?
- Free mental health care for crazy people like me!
- I missed an interesting time at a night club
- Ginger and Brownie could kill me
- U.S. Army uses gun sights with bible verses
- Rain this week
- Animated Bill Boards
- Haiti earthquake deaths at 200,000
- Somebody read my e-mail again and forget to mark them as unread
- Cindy McCain endorses same-sex marriage campaign
- Where can I score some of this hot sauce?
- The Storm Continues
- 32 passwords you should NOT use
- Afghanistan makes fertilizer illegal
- Governor Rose Mofford hangs out at J.Bs Coffee shop
- The end of the rainy spell is here! Finally!
- Freedom Fighters shoot down American Drone
- Couscous for dinner - they are pretty good
- Don't want the cops to search you? Carry a safe in your car
- Court system allows lawyers to fleece mentally ill clients
- Gilbert cop killed
- A law to protect the government from internet users
- CIA Has Program to Assassinate U.S. Citizens - Wonder if I am on the list?
- 7.0 Haiti Earthquake
- 5 to 8 foot snowdrifts on Navajo & Hopi Reservations
- Crooks in Congress hit us with $1.56 trillion in secret taxes
- FBI thugs say criminals ain't got no Constitutional rights!
- Only sissys from New York City say Cacti
- Cops illegally stopping all suspected drug users, smugglers on I-40 in Flagstaff
- Tough times call for cheep booze
- Arizona Legislator votes to chase Indians out of Glendale
- Elected officials represent city employees, not city residents
- Jobs program for welfare workers?
- Google helps Feds spy on us? Probably
- Congress needs $1.9 trillion in cash for some pork program
- JWL-018 is a new legal form of marijuana?
- Cops will use any lame excuse to get a search warrant
- Rain versus Showers
- Lost is a really weird TV show
- Tet Festival at Mekong Plaza
- What are vitamins?
- Sonora is the fattest state in Mexico
- Leyes "absurdas" sobre el sexo [Absurd sex laws]
- USC 14 §1211 makes it illegal to talk to extraterrestrials?
- Tax and Spend Republican Hypocrites
- Government is just a tool for special interest groups to steal money
- Public servants or government parasites?
- Beer makes you grow strong bones?
- Super Bowl ads sucked this year
- Phoenix food tax is a jobs program for narcotics agents - narcs
- Computer Geek Stuff
- Two monitors and a socket written with CURL
- Watch out Washington D.C. - Global Warming is Here
- Arizona says f*ck global warming
- Arizona AG Terry Goddard says Western Union doesn't have any Constitutional rights
- The Census - Think of it as Uncle Sam dressed as Santa Claus
- 90+ percent of the time cops get out of photo radar tickets
- Walter Fredrick Morrison the inventor of the Frisbee dies
- DARE is a program for over paid cops that doesn't work
- Obama to cut spending! Honest!
- Fire cops to reduce wasteful government spending?
- King Corn Movie
- Framed man gets a lousy $6.97/hr for the 18 years he spent in prison
- Pit bull attacks 8 year old girl
- The Great Phoenix Snow Storm of '86
- A web site listing Arizona government spending
- Those cool blue lines on the ice at the Olympics
- Sex at work is part of a cops job description
- Federal cops lose 200 guns at work
- Suicide bomber crashes plane into IRS building
- Birds in my turf are up at 4:45 am
- Rocky Point is safe! Honest the government says so
- Puerto Peñarsco is safe! Honest the government says so
- Rain sucks
- Optical Illusion
- Woman killed by dragster
- Federal Terrorists make 2nd Amendment null and void!
- Pot smoking old farts?
- Secret Service says the 1st is null and void
- Want a cheep home - move to the rust belt
- You need a government issued photo ID to run for President?
- 1 out of 7 people get food stamps in Arizona
- Government hires drug addicts to kill people in Iraq and Afghanistan
- The Danger of Daily Aspirin
- Angry Whale kills woman at Sea World
- American Revolution II - coming soon in the USA
- What do Tucson gov nannies have in common with drunken sailors?
- Only White Folks Drink Milk?
- Two bike cops show up today
- Cops find $10,000 solution to $10 problem
- Wrote my first Batch PHP program
- Movie rental stores going down the tubes
- Huge quake in Chile
- Allergies are kicking in
- Cool a giant sink hole on Mulholland Drive!
- Riding the bus sucks
- Cops and Firemen get 70% of Phoenix budget
- Can you trust the software that controls your car?
- Listening to your bones creep
- Legalize drugs to cut the Federal deficit?
- Grey Staples Memorial Web Site
- 夫女人石
- Government tyrants are reading my e-mail
- Cops routinely flush the Constitution down the toilet to protect themselves from us!
- Anarchists must register with the government
- Hollywood messy yard criminal has bond set at $1 million
- Cops and Teachers are drooling over a tax increase
- Foreclosed homes cost $80 per square foot
- Metro Center Mall wants a government handout from Phoenix
- U.S. Post Office wants to charge more for less
- Poorly designed U.S. Census Ad
- Viad Tower goes under?
- Asparagus are pretty damn good!
- Same for tofu
- And purple cabbage
- American Gothic in Mesa?
- Woman kills abusive husband with hammer
- Losing your home: What happens in a foreclosure
- Screw that free student loan
- No stinking "probable cause" needed to get a search warrant from this judge
- Business sucks for Honeywell
- More stinking rain!
- I'm p*ssed! It's cold again!
- Huge 6.0 quakes occur twice a week!
- High paying jobs
- Google phone translates Chinese, Japanese
- Lifelock pays $12 million for lying to it's customers
- Nut Job or Runaway Prius in San Diego
- How to get on the No Fly List
- It's cold up in Flagstaff too!
- Circles Record Store going out of business
- You can't lose something you never had
- Wolves eat woman jogger
- Frogs have different accents?
- The Census is all about government pork
- Arizona moves to California time!
- Getting hooked up to the Internet
- Arizona government tyrants want to raise the sales tax
- It will soon hit 100°F in Phoenix
- Arizona Bridge to Nowhere
- Social Security Ponzi Scheme beginning to crack!
- Critters under 600 feet of ice
- The steepest street in Los Angleses? Try Fargo Street
- Will this public defender get you a fair trail?
- Say Hi to the FBI thugs who is reading your e-mail
- It's OK to screw your Mortgage Broker?
- Mesa law will turn hotel and store clerks into police snitches
- Racist Phoenix Cops Beat Up Another Black Man
- Don Stapley files claim against Sheriff Joe for false arrest
- Public Records laws ain't worth the toilet paper they are written on!
- Walk away from your home loan?
- Tracking down your tax refund
- College Degrees that pay
- Homeland Security to make attack chilli peppers illegal?
- Even dope dealers ask God for favors
- Why Tucson is 10°F's colder then Phoenix
- Every 1000 feet you go up it gets colder by 5.5°F's
- More Rain Tuesday
- Bend Over! Uncle Sam thinks your a criminal
- Summer is almost here!
- Tyrant Andrew Thomas resigns
- Me have bed bugs? No way!
- India, 2nd largest police state in the world
- David Hendershott is having his home repossessed!
- So this is how a democracy works?
- 2nd and 10th Amendments Null and Void?
- Detroit loves the drug war
- Rockin & Rolling in Arizona - 7.2 Quake in Mexcali!
- More draconian sex laws "to protect the children"
- Nuclear Weapons? Remember MAD?
- Arizona cities can't pass gun control laws
- Fatso gene my ass! People need to exercise
- Adam Stoddard Police Thug
- Rents falling in Los Angeles
- Some people love filing taxes
- Visit the underground in Mexico City
- Time for me to start packing a gun?
- Tempe Vice Mayor Shana Ellis takes credit for solving the homeless problem
- Obama nuttier then a fruitcake?
- Polish President dies in plane crash
- Should I start packing a concealed gun?
- Fake ID nightmare?
- Phoenix government tyrants pay themselves very well
- Deep undersea volcanic vent found
- Messy yard criminals executed
- Don't like rotten jail food? Your mentally ill!
- Police at DPS making up lies to collect fines
- The gang of criminals at E-Merchant Direct
- When phones are illegal only criminals will have phones
- Mayor Phil Gordon pays girl friend $50/hr to do grunt work
- Volcano in Iceland screwing up air traffic around the world
- Buy a beach home in Mexico
- Feds raid telemarketing company Bankcard Empire
- Mayor Phil Gordon's State of City speech: $7,500 or almost $2 a word
- An Inconvenient Tax
- Summer is almost here!
- 80 percent of Americans don't trust Uncle Sam
- Kirk Bloodsworth first DNA unconviction
- 1 our of 8 people are government parasites and get food stamps
- Government approved racial groups?
- Does salt get a bad rap as a bad food?
- Public servants at work - viewing porn on your Federal tax dollars
- 8 States require government rulers to believe in God
- I ate grits for breakfast
- "The Emperor Wears No Clothes"
- It started with the tyrant Lincoln
- Mazatlan to Durango Highway
- The top 23 businesses in Arizona
- Mormon Genealogy Center is open to All (Even Pagans!)
- Kick a cop in the face?
- Move over Alabama, Arizona is now the most racist state in the Union
- Some Laws I would like to see passed
- 夫女人石
- May is when the scorpions come out
- 5,113 nuclear warheads
- Lot's of unemployed and men out there
- A police spy camera on every street corner
- Terrorist Dogs?
- Until I got out the Frisbee
- BP won't pay for the oil spill?
- When fertilizer is illegal only criminals will have fertilizer
- Mexican drug war comes to Arizona
- Rolling Stone Mag founded by computer geek
- I'm not a racist but ....
- Biting the hand that feeds you!
- Things get worse! The jerk thinks he owns me!
- The guy also expects me to lie for him
- Renting a room turns me into his slave
- I'm his 24 hour slave computer guru
- Borat Sucks
- A long cold Arizona Winter
- Too stupid to mow the lawn?
- Not filling up the gas tank is a felony?
- It's my fault cuz his email didn't get sent!
- Where is summer?
- May 13 and no 100°F days yet?
- Afghanistan ain't gonna be like Vietnam! Honest!
- The people have spoken - Yea Sure!
- Solar storm knocks out TV satellite
- I got screwed by Wal-Mart
- Creepy Scorpions
- Policing for profits
- The Drug War is a dismal failure
- When is it going to hit 100°F?
- Move to Bangkok, Thailand?
- Alto Arizona?
- The jerk thinks I am his computer slave
- I saw a narc from LEAP today
- Saguaro flowers bloom
- Guy who invented Ugly Teller dies
- Moral vs Legal
- Coldest Summer of My Life
- How do they test gold?
- A nightmare
- Census ads in Hindi, Thai and Vietnamese in Arizona?
- Sheriff Joe gets his credit cards yanked
- Free Porn? That is where the Adult Movie Industry is going
- Afghan war deaths hit 1,000
- Dora the explorer
- Phoenix Mayor Gordon's Slush Fund
- The "Lost" Final
- Sheriff Joe steals $50 million?
- Move to Thailand
- Amateurs track secret Spy Plane
- Government tyrants want to ban "spice"
- Santa Monica is effectively running a deportation program for the homeless
- Obama takes credit for fixing BP oil spill
- Feds are responsible for the spill - indirectly
- Feds didn't do nada to clean it up
- H. L. Mencken was right
- Ghost Peppers? Bhut jolokia Peppers?
- Immigration protest for SB 1070
- ST Fab Sold
- Visit Monterrey, Mexico
- Supreme Court Flushes 5th Amendment
- Stupid Government Rulers
- Government Rulers Limit Public Records Access
- Almost 20% of the people get government hand out
- Skin Cancer Drug Works?
- Spices are good for you?
- 3 Weeks in Jail for Whizzing on Airline Passenger?
- Arizona corporate welfare for rich baseball teams
- All the candidates suck!
- Only Criminals have UnRegistered Phones!
- A fun hike on the Mexican border
- Paul Babeu is a Jerk just like Sheriff Joe
- Border Patrol thugs murder 15 year old boy
- Another story about E-Merchant Direct being busted
- Arizona and Nazi Germany have a lot in common
- Take the 5th when asked for an SS Number?
- A virus on my computer?
- UBUNTU Linux sucks?
- ¿Quieres pechos grandes? Bebes Cerveza!
- Chili peppers keep you from getting fat?
- Chiles para combatir la obesidad
- The Stolen Rum
- Time to buy some computer books?
- It just looks like corrupt government!
- Pope blames devil for crimes of priests
- Even in America government rulers rewrite history
- History Rewritten at Scottsdale Community College to cover up Artichoke mistakes
- World Cup Government Welfare Program
- Using drones to executed suspected drug dealers
- A narc at the party?
- Coldest summer I can remember in my life!
- Tempe firm makes computers to help the government kill people
- Yuma Mayor Al Krieger hates gays? Probably!
- Citrus Plant on Broadway & Country Club to close
- American Empire to steal mineral wealth of Afghanistan
- Valley Metro to check citizenship of bus riders
- A year long investigation to bust
litter bugs illegal dishwashers?
- What's it cost to kill a sniper? $20,000 to $50,000
- Whale poop fight global warming?
- A hate message on my computer for me?
- Drug war getting worse?
- Cop makes up gun fight with drug smugglers?
- Utah firing squad executes man
- Hot Russian Gold Digger?
- Maricopa County Supervisor Don Stapley is a crook?
- Governments love FIAT money
- Word 2003 can be run on Windows 7
- Phoenix Suns Shutdown Free Speech
- Chandler Police Chief humps his girlfriend at work
- Cemex Y Bimbo in the USA
- Is Russell Pearce making Hitler smile in his grave?
- Valley Metro to check citizenship papers of bus riders
- Smugglers love Indian Reservations
- Obama slings the BS to get re-elected in 2012
- A jobs program for cops?
- Pat brings a slave to the NORML meeting!
- Marine Landing no longer feasible?
- Sheriff Joe's road blocks don't work
- Wanna keep warm? Or start a garden? Sheriff Joe can help
- Microsoft on Mill Avenue
- Jobs program for pawn shop cops?
- 9 Step Reid Method gets another false confession?
- Arizona SB 1070 requires ID
- Obama fires General McChrystal
- Good Advice for your Boss
- Pasadena Chalk Festival
- Homeless guy guilty till proven innocent?
- Mesa to force hotel owners to act as agents of the police
- Should Terry Goddard defend SB 1070?
- Remember when it hit 122°F in Phoenix
- Lion Burgers in Mesa
- Me a bank robber? No way!
- Cheep Real Estate Loans
- How to get more pay at work
- Jan Brewer using Hitlers tactics to get reelected
- Talk about a sadistic, mean prison guards
- Homeland Security No Fly List Unconstitutional?
- Mesa July 4 Party
- Racist Nut Job wants to turn off Mexicans electricity
- Will the Maricopa County Rulers give themselves fistfuls of money?
- Death of a government tyrant!
- Some Laws I would like to see passed
- 夫女人石
- Mesa to force hotel owners to act as agents of the police
- SCC administrators rewrite the history of the Artichoke
- My Amigo Von Kidd is in La Revista
- Screw Stalin?
- Getting Beer in India is a bitch
- Did Teleguia go out of business?
- I got another hate mail today
- July 4 party in Downtown Mesa
- Racist rulers say no electricity for Mexicans
- Big Blue Tower in Mesa Bankrupt
- Chicago government tyrants to ban guns!
- Phoenix tyrants to charge for parking
- Require a government photo ID for anything that could be used to commit a crime
- Celebrate a BOR free 4th Of July in Tempe
- Legalized auto theft in Arizona
- ASU professors use our tax dollars to push socialism?
- Photo Radar is all about revenue, not safety
- A place to see the doctor in California
- FIJA - Fully Informed Jury Association
- Happy July 4th! I didn't get shot tonight
- Barbara Blewster home address?
- Police terrorists raiding medical marijuana store
- Who won the world cup?
- War Monger John McCain says we can win!
- East Coast Wimps can't handle 100°F Temps!!!
- Cops lie about the value of drug busts to make themselves look like heroes
- R.C. Price says screw the Constitution!!!
- Government rulers should be able to do anything they want to do!
- Cops illegally search IPhones for data
- Aloe Vera - Tasty stuff!
- Taxing the krap out of us for tourists
- Andrew Thomas is a nut job who wants to castrated criminals
- Black is "probable cause" for the cops to arrest you!
- Feds Screw Iroquois Indian Nation passports
- $1,400 to house a homeless person for a month
- Peter Schmerls ALP Inc still sucks?
- Does Obama have to kill 6 million before we can say bad things about him?
- Feds give free money to deadbeats who don't pay their bills
- Are they "public servants" or "royal government masters"
- Will White folks take the jobs Mexicans leave behind?
- Anybody who wants Medical Marijuana is a faker who wants to get high!
- Arizona Photo Radar Bandits Stopped
- FCC dirty word police stopped by Federal Court
- Oakland cop who murdered man on BART platform gets a slap on the wrist
- Terry Goddard taught me that politicians are liars and crooks
- Papers Please - The government tyrants will force you to prove your not a criminal
- Real Libertarians are the solution to the government problem
- Court rules stun gun fun is legal
- It's not about safety, it's about raising revenue
- Indian tribes can issue passports?
- Republicans and Democrats are rapidly losing ground
- Should the government tell you what color to paint your home?
- No real criminals for the Homeland Security to hunt down?
- Bars want to be given a government monopoly on gambling
- Lots of ways to make money
- Next time I am in LA I should hang out in Pasadena
- Private sector can always do it better then government?
- Phoenix government parasites to charge us $2 to park in parks we paid for
- Good advice for bosses and managers
- Judges routinely flush the Constitution down the toilet
- Mesa law requires mortgage companies to be messy yard snitches
- Arizona tyrants to tax internet sales?
- No stinking ride for you, I got important stuff to do
- If you can't make yourself look good make someone else look bad
- I wonder is that the jerks policy? Or is he just an all around a******?
- Warm Weather?
- Fun Making Movies
- "None of the above" needs to be on the ballot!!!!
- Swimming with dogs!
- Cops love Mesa police Chief Milstead
- Freedom Fighters and Civil Rights activists hate Mesa police Chief Milstead
- Phoenix low is 94°F (34.5°C)
- Man stabbled to death on 42nd Street & Baseline
- Tempe Town Toilet Damn Bursts Open Flooding the Salt River
- Tempe Town Lake Damn Bursts Open Flooding the Salt River
- Are Ernies Idiot's Speading Lies about me?
- Police Radios didn't exist before 1940?
- Low voter turnout allows special interest groups to get their pork passed
- How Democracy really works
- Marijuana prevents Memory Loss caused by Alzheimer disease
- Phoenix NORML Web Page
- Mexican TV mocks Arizona's racist governor Jan Brewer
- Some cold weather this summer
- Bill Bidwill to have his land foreclosed?
- A $35 laptop computer from India?
- Does Obama need a lame excuse to invade North Korea
- The missing t-shirt? Where did it go?
- Another Dog Attack
- Secret War Documents Published
- Remember the Pentagon Papers? Here come the Wiki Leaks!
- Tempe cops assume your guilty till proven innocent
- La Migra Fingerprint Dragnet?
- Declaration of Independence
- Whats a pound of marijuana cost?
- Did you know the Chandler Police Department sells marijuana?
- Bradley E. Manning is a freedom fighter and hero
- Want to live in the wild?
- The Mayor steals cars?
- Most Arizona businesses say F* E-Verify!
- FBI police thugs - Do as we say, not as we do
- Cool Publicity Stunt - Banner hung from crane in Phoenix
- Protesting Arizona's Racist SB 1070 law
- Getting a passport in someone else's name?
- The FBI is reading your email!
- Do we need another Declaration of Independence?
- Carrying a concealed weapon is now legal in Arizona
- Deporting dishwashers while importing $50/hr engineers?
- Photo Radar Bandits must have a 3 second yellow light?
- Will Valley Metro break SB 1070
- Will Terry Goddard defend the racist SB 1070 law?
- More on the Artichokes at Scottsdale Community College
- Sign up for E-Verify
- Is it time for a 2nd Declaration of Independence?
- Hmmm.... The cops say these folks are crooks?
- Phony Baloney Libertarians running for office
- Grey Staples Memorial Web Site
- Some Laws I would like to see passed
- Scorpion Cave
- Scorpion Cave
- Scorpion Cave Photos
- My Home in Camp Scorpion Cave
- A walk to Scorpion Cave
- Some great views from Scorpion Cave
- Phoenix Gun Grabbers
- All the Photos
- Homeless in Arizona 2009
- Happy New Year!! 2009!!!
- The American Police State Continues in 2009
- I was woken by huge explosions on New Years Day
- Light rail a $1.4 billion boondoggle!
- I got busted by the light rail narcs
- $1.4 billion and they didn’t get one stinking restroom out of the deal
- I’m profiled as a terrorist
- I use the john twice in a row with out being labeled a terrorist!
- The train doesn’t go where normal people go!
- Incident at Salam's Market & Deli in Tempe
- Salam's Market & Deli and the Phoenica Cafe - Big supporters of George W. Bush?
- Some Laws I would like to see passed
- Free Christmas Burrito
- Sat, Jan 3 the Quadrantid meteor shower
- Last year was real rainy
- Screwed by the government in Chandler!
- They turned off the phone during a job interview
- They could have killed me
- Sour Oranges are good to eat
- Republic raises daily price to 75¢
- Arizona Cardinals accidentally go to Super Bowl
- Lousy, losing Arizona Cardinals accidentally go to Super Bowl
- We Have a New Master!
- Rain - Again
- I have seen the planet Venus every night for the last 3 months
- C O P W A T C H Amy is back in town
- Bicycle clinics in Tempe and Phoenix
- Jan 27 - end of warm weather
- I'm sick! I got the flu!
- Obama sucks too!
- Jan 29 - Woke up at 4 am by music
- Super Bowl Madness
- Super Bowl Madness
- Super Bowl Madness
- Super Bowl Madness
- Super Bowl Madness
- Arizona Cardinals Suck! They are Parasites!
- Super Bowl XLIII - Super Bowl 43 - Party Time!
- Super Bowl commercials are great!
- Super Bowl, Christmas, what’s the difference?
- The government stole my home during the Tempe Super Bowl
- My Mouse Froze Up!
- Cardinals - Super Losers
- Water in the Salt River?
- Sat/Sun Feb 7/8 - I got rained on
- The recession or depression really sucks!
- Storm 2 - Mon/Tue Feb 9/10 - I got rained on again
- Phases of the Moon!
- Feb 11 - Cold weather is back
- Free bus passes
- Wheelchair Accident
- Indian Food and Courts
- Emperor Obama comes to Phoenix - Feb 18, 2009
- 80°F heat wave?
- Blame the government for the recession!
- Our money isn't backed by gold, silver or anything?
- He isn't a socialist anymore!
- But he really is socialist
- Our children will pay off the national debt?
- Your share of the national debt is $30,000
- Your share of the total debt is $120,000
- The National Debt ain't going to ever be paid off
- Goodby Venus, see you in March of 2010
- Santa Monica has 7 full time cops to shakedown homeless people
- Summer is almost here!
- Barefooting!
- A t-shirt at last!
- The economy sucks!
- Sheriff Joe Sucks!!!!
- The Weather
- March 2, 2009
- Phoenix, Arizona
- East Coast
- Phoenix Police shakedown homeless people
- Near miss by asteroid
- March 9 - 300 drops of rain
- March 14 - Winter is almost over
- Homeland Security says homeless people are terrorists!
- I got screwed by Global Point Products
- Attached by a flying roach, aphid or tick! Do I have Lymes disease?
- Sat, March 21 - It is getting warmer
- Dog fight at Pats house
- Thurs/Friday March 26/27 It was windy
- Busted by the light rail narcs
- Busted by the light rail narcs twice today
- Saturday, April 4 - Food poisoning
- Hell freezes over? Snow in Phoenix?
- Sat April 11 - Rain
- Orange Marmalade for Easter Meal
- Octopus for lunch?
- Venus is back
- A flying pig keeps me up late!
- April 15, Income Tax Day
- $10 trillion National Debt
- Mussels suck!
- Don't buy mussels again!
- Don't buy mussels again!
- Don't buy mussels again!
- Don't buy mussels again!
- Don't buy mussels again!
- Don't buy mussels again!
- Don't buy mussels again!
- Don't buy mussels again!
- Good weather is almost here!!!
- April 21 - Summer arrives! 102°F
- The economy really sucks!
- Check out this place in South Phoenix for a new place to live!
- A good calendar to use.
- Sunday, April 26 - False advertising by KFC?
- Tuesday, April 28 - Attacked by a gardner with a leaf blower
- Got through winter without using a sleeping bag
- Maybe I should move to India?
- Mexican Swine Flu Pandemic! Hoax or Real?
- Saturday May 2 - Dumped by Circle K
- Sunday May 3 – Saw very bright meteorite.
- May 4 - Finally decent weather is here!!!!!
- Saturday May 9 - Atheist party
- Black widows are out
- May 12 - Another flat tire at the Library
- 1 Hour Computer Use
- ASU President Michael Crow says Obama hasn't done didly squat!
- May 13 - Emperor Obama comes to Phoenix
- Falsely arrested by Tempe again!
- Saturday NRA convention in Phoenix
- What is that object in the sky
- Monsoons in May? Si!
- 200,000 drops of rain and 86 fell on me
- Rain in May???? Hell freezes over too?
- I'm on drugs again! The legal kind!
- Danny Donkey sneaks into heaven
- Danny Donkey's guide to eternal salvation
- Distracting Saint Peter for dummies
- Free yearly credit report
- Free annual credit report
- The lady at Filibertos is moving
- June 8 - Cold wave - 10°F to 15°F below normal
- Saw another weather balloon.
- I finally see Mars
- One cold summer and lots of fish on the highway
- Movie stars are dying like flies
- Crime wave in Tempe Arizona on Mill Avenue
- A jobs program for government weathermen?
- Some odd dust storms
- I fill up my first gig memory chip
- An odd monsoon
- A huge snake
- Libertarian Blogger Dies
- A Coyote and his breakfast
- Hottest July ever in Phoenix
- The National Debt - currently $10 trillion
- Borrowing money by the boat load
- Printing money by the boat load
- Printing and borrowing is the same thing
- Printing money out of thin air causes inflation. It's an indirect tax!
- Earthquake in the Gulf of California
- No Monsoons this Summer
- Warm Weather
- Bob Dylan is a wimp who can't take the heat!
- Feds won't let us use the parks we own
- The Monsoons have come!
- Emperor Obama Barack comes to Phoenix too!
- A chilli chocolate shake sucks
- When the Mars, Venus and the moon line up
- Dogs kill a man and woman in Georgia
- Computer programmer leaves $225,000 to university
- Another Monsoon
- I though I was going to an atheist party!
- Another dog fight
- Doggy Tyranny
- It is getting cooler
- They legalized dope in Mexico
- Hawaii jails stinky homeless people who ride buses?
- Another coyote!
- Two weirdos with headlamps
- College Educated and Homeless
- Some information about my life as a homeless person
- Homeless
- The first night of being homeless!!!
- Day Two of being Homeless
- Day three being homeless
- The flop house on Monroe Street
- Sleeping on the Canal Banks
- Problems - keeping clean
- Need a job
- I'm in city bus crash
- This homeless person is a on a Talk Radio Show
- Gotta quit sleeping with the pigeons
- Desert Plants
- Creosote Bush and Brittlebush
- Something crawled up my pants and bit me
- July 4th Fireworks
- Attacked by birds
- Full Moon
- Tempe Police don't obey the law
- It's hot and I like it
- My lawsuit in the federal courts
- Babe on Mill with China food
- Bitten by a centiped
- I'm the victim in a hit and run accident
- Pin the mustache on the pig contest
- Monday July 28, 2003 - It's cold out
- Sleeping thru my first Monsoon
- Bitten by a centiped - revenge
- Phoenix Art Museum
- The bats are out tonight
- Chiggers - Maybe?
- Gasoline shortage
- Why vote Libertarian
- Mesa pigs murder 15 year old
- Its almost getting cold
- Headache for 2 days
- Looking for a minimun wage job
- Heat Wave - Oct 21, 2003
- I win $10,000 in lawsuit
- A check for $1,000. Thats helpful!
- McDonalds 54¢ coke
- Time to get out the coat, its winter
- Wild Fires in California
- I would love a turkey dinner
- It's colder then krap now
- Chroniclly Homeless Poeple
- Mars and the Moon
- The NASTY flu in 2003/2004
- It's COLD!!!! Time to break out the sleeping bag
- Phoenix pig violates my civil rights
- I have a new home
- It's raining in Phoenix
- Singing homeless Christmas carols on Christmas Eve
- Christmas 2003 I'm Homeless
- Frosty the Sleeping Bag
- It's time for me to learn SAS
- The Year 2004 will be continued on another page
- Some information about my life as a homeless person
- Homeless in Arizona - 2006
- Happy New Year!! 2006!!!
- If this doen't get removed I died during the New Year Holiday
- Flagstaff job falls thru
- Sears Department Stores rip me off!!!!
- Its getting cold Mon, Jan 16, 2006
- A nice day - Tuesday, Feb 8 2006
- Valentines Day Present
- A City of Phoenix Employee Tries to Kill Me.
- Sat Feb 18, 2006 - City of Tempe keeps me awake
- Sunday, Feb 19 - The Sadistic Park Pigs are busted!
- Sun Feb 19, 2006 - City of Tempe keeps me awake - AGAIN
- Use these two prior versions as time stamps
- Attacked by dogs at my new camp
- No rain for 133 days
- March can be warm or very cold
- I moved to a new camp
- I got food poisnoing
- Had my civil rights violated by a Tempe cop - Again
- March 9 - Winter's Back!
- 100 drops of microscopic rain???
- Understand what the weather web page says
- The new record is 143 days without rain
- Sat night, Sunday morning - I froze my ass off
- Snow, Snow, Snow on the Mountains
- Assulted by the lawn maintence idiots
- Dew on my glasses
- Sat March 18 - An anti-war protest
- More rain
- Was that a coyote that woke me up at 3 a.m.?
- No mas lluvia hasta Julio
- Watch out the rattle snakes are back
- The weather is almost getting nice
- It Rained again this month!!!
- Homeless flophouse burnt down by man
- Sue Scottsdale
- We don't do f*cking daylight savings time in Arizona
- Gun shots
- Monday, April 3 - Stopped using my sleeping bag
- Hot Weather Homeless Bullshit!!!
- Tempe's Ironman Triathlon f*cks up things again
- Move to South Mountain Park
- YMCA gives free gym membership to homeless people
- City of Phoenix pretends to crack down on unleashed dogs
- A Legal Victory for Homeless People everywhere
- Woman attacked by two pit bulls
- A close encounter with a coyote
- The Military Base
- Gun Fire Again
- Stopped wearing a Sweater
- 6 more shooting incidents
- Time to start using the desert paths to get to the bus stop
- Sunday May 7 - More Gun shots
- Monday May 8 - More Gun shots
- Some Photos I took
- Friday May 12
- No Smoking in My Bedroom
- Old ladies murder homeless men for case
- More Coyotes in the Park
- Some more dope on the bat cave.
- Monday May 22 - A frigging cold wave in the middle of the summer
- I guess I live in a tough neighborhood
- June 6 - Cool Dust Storm & gun fire
- Sat June 10 - more gun fire - mouses too
- Mon June 12 - More f*cking coyotes and mice
- Sat June 17 - Food Poisoning
- Tue June 20 - Pat forgot to go to lunch with me
- Wed June 21 - Longest Day of the Year
- Bike Problems - Spokes out of wack!
- Huge Jackrabbits - Small Coyotes
- Some guy got stabbed on my way to Filbertos!
- Smashed Saguaro Cactus in the street
- Phoenix keeps growing
- I saw another scorpion - Tue June 27
- Friday June 30 - Storms
- A run in with a coyote
- July 4 - Worship the government day in Tempe
- July 5 - Rain
- Maybe I should move to Apache Junction
- Some nut is driving around shooting people in Phoenix
- Sunday July 9 - Pat had a pretty good party
- UFO's Wed July 12 - Nope its a missle test
- I like it Hot
- Single gun shot today
- Weird Dreams
- Watch our for Rattlesnakes at Night
- It hits 118°F again (48°C)
- Strange Flight Paths at Sky Harbor Airport
- Face to Face Meeting with a Coyote!
- Monday July 24 - Rain - Well a little rain
- Call the messy yard cops!!!
- We got more than 500 drops of rain!
- Monsoon Physics
- 20 foot sinkhole my ass!!!!!
- Red Mountain & Pinnical Peak
- Sunday morning I got soaked
- Early morning Wed Aug 2 - A car in the desert
- Heat wave in NYC :), Yea sure and were havin a cold wave in Phoenix!
- A stare of death with a scorpion
- Fat people can't take the heat
- The Serial Shooter or Serial Killer has been busted
- An Undercover Cop in the Park
- The Piggies come to Filbertos
- Looks like I missed this storm
- Pigeons for Lunch?
- No wonder the weather is so hard to predict
- Lawsuit and storm
- Steel Wool Burns Pretty Good
- Watching Monsoons
- Almost shot some drugs
- A psychopath in the neighborhood
- Sat, Sept 3 - Rain
- Did someone try to poison me?
- Thur, Sept 14 - Fixed my bike, Fri Sept 15 almost got run over
- Raided by the homeless cops again!
- It is starting to get cold again!
- A blast from the Past!!!
- Killer Bee next to my home
- Friday, Oct 13 - It rained through out the entire night
- The crazy guy with the meat cleaver?
- More riff raff in the neighborhood
- Sunday, Oct 22 - More gunfire
- Cama cama cama is the song like a camaleón
- Weird dream
- More gun shots
- I got Sh*t On
- Some Photos of my old camps 9CB and 4DG
- Tempe Ironman event f*cks things up again!!!!
- November 17, 2006 It’s is getting real cold out.
- Government Issued Photo ID! Maybe I can get one???
- Get a Government Employee Photo ID
- Watch out for wild bears in Apache Junction
- No Guns allowed at Municipal Stadium - Can you check your gun?
- Turkey Day - Searching for a new home
- Nov 27 - It is getting cold
- A few minutes I was told not to use the computers in the Law Library
- Dreams
- The nut I found - I think I know what it is
- I bet the nut is an acorn from a scrub oak tree
- I finally out what a hyperbola curve
- Is the Baseline Killer guilty
- Get more photos of this Iran Execution
- Cardboard keeps me warm!!!
- Another egret or heron
- Dec 19 - Brrrrr it's cold
- Dec 21 - Brrrrr it's cold and winter begins today
- Dec 22 - Brrrrr rain and cold weather
- Lying Christian Bastards!!!
- Christmas Day
- Defination of magnification for a camera lense or telescope
- Rain, rain, go away
- Sat December 30
- Saddam Hussein is executed by Iraqi puppet government
- Tempe Public Library Sucks!
- 12 twelve foot tall marijuana plants
- Where should I move my home too???
- Getting a real government issued photo ID with out ID
- Mc Donald's refuses to serve homeless people
- Yoshi's refuses to serve homeless people
- My homeless journy in 2007 will be continued
- Some information about my life as a homeless person
- Homeless in Arizona - 2006
- Happy New Year!! 2006!!!
- If this doen't get removed I died during the New Year Holiday
- Flagstaff job falls thru
- Sears Department Stores rip me off!!!!
- Its getting cold Mon, Jan 16, 2006
- A nice day - Tuesday, Feb 8 2006
- Valentines Day Present
- A City of Phoenix Employee Tries to Kill Me.
- Sat Feb 18, 2006 - City of Tempe keeps me awake
- Sunday, Feb 19 - The Sadistic Park Pigs are busted!
- Sun Feb 19, 2006 - City of Tempe keeps me awake - AGAIN
- Mc Donald's refuses to serve homeless people
- Yoshi's refuses to serve homeless people
- Some information about my life as a homeless person
- Happy New Year!! 2004!!!
- 2004 years after the mythical baby Jesus
- Some fun visiting the Libertarian Objectivists
- Cool GPS map hardware and software
- New rift raft moves into the neighborhood
- Porn star Stevi Secret hanging with the Libertarians
- It's time for me to learn SAS
- I'm going to college
- Rain Sucks
- Free food and money
- Stacy gave me the password to the website
- Pigs violate my Civil Rights
- Ray Krone framed for murder by Phoenix Pigs
- Rain Sucks!
- Local to Global Justice Thing at ASU
- Tempe's War on the Homeless and the Homeless Protest
- Rain Sucks Again
- City of Scottsdale bombed
- The Idoits who deliver my mail
- Pissing into a bottle for the government
- Speaking of piss it was colder then PISS this morning
- Bus driver refuses to give me a ride
- The F*cking *sshole bus driver refuses to give me a ride cuz I'm homeless
- Mid Term Test week
- Off to work
- Like Sucks! I get fired!
- It hailed like all krap today
- More Telephones
- A Nightmare about David Dorn's Wife
- Suing the City of Tempe
- Write about how its weird going to college and being homeless and
- Somebody Pissed On Me!
- I'm running for Maricopa County Supervisor
- West Nile Virus
- Neighborhood going down the drain
- I'm almost dog food
- Cat Food, Bob Cat Food
- Wild coyotes in the hood too!
- F*cking Mockingbirds
- Blackhawk up! Blackhawk up!
- One monster monsoon
- Lunch with Pat
- The bats are back in Phoenix
- A place to take a shower
- I was falsely arrested at an Osco Drug Store Today
- Muscle Cramps in the Morning
- A Cool Dream Before Labor Day
- I got a bike again
- Winter Sucks! It is getting cold again
- They published my letter in the College Times
- I found a new place to sleep
- A Cockroach in Every Beer Bottle
- It is getting cold outside
- Phoenix Police Beating caught by News 12
- Winter is Here!
- Free food on Turkey Day
- Phoenix, Arizona makes being homeless illegal
- Shopping Carts Illegal in Phoenix Parks
- Nov 30 - It is colder then krap
- This company refuses to hire homeless people
- Interesting water backflow valves
- Rain, rain go away!
- Brrr - Cold hands
- $3 showers at Coronado Hotel
- Negro Police Jokes
- I have a job???
- Dec 22, 2004 Freezing my *ss off
- Free food
- 50,000 Dead in Asia from Tsunami
- An inch of rain is projected for tomorrow
- Mmmm.... Hot Spicy Indian Food
- Man we got lots of rain
- My sleeping bag gets wet in the morning
- Some Laws I would like to see passed
- McDonalds refuses to serve homeless people
- Yoshi's refuses to serve homeless people
- The Year 2005 will be continued on another page
- Some information about my life as a homeless person
- Happy New Year!! 2005!!!
- It is colder then krap and rains a lot
- I may have a job
- Arizona Department of Transportation Lock
- If you don't stop crying I will beat you with my belt
- MCC Library is open 7 days a week till 10pm
- Horny in the Court House
- Lots of krap in the air??
- It rained for 4 days straight almost
- Flushers - ie: Flushers in the Pooper
- Another Civil Right Violation by the Phoenix Police
- Put a blurb in about the dogs that bark hours at a time
- Monday Night Feb 28, 2005 - I'm Attacked
- No Flying Pigs in My New Neighborhood
- Sleeping in the Rain
- Peoria Arizona Declares War on Homeless People
- Attacked again
- I'm sick again
- Tempe Government Wakes Me Up
- Ironman shuts down all traffic
- Ironman keeps me awake one more night
- Summer is almost Here
- Another Job comes and goes
- I got soaked
- Friday, April 29 - Keep up all night by Concert at Phoenix Muni
- Saturday, April 30 - Marshall Tucker Band
- Scary Public Joe Coffee
- Cardboard Bed and Blanket
- Food Poisoning
- Brrrr.... A cold wave - We're in the 80°'s again
- A blast from the Past
Dr. James Johnson
- Tuesday, May 10, 2005 - 4:45 pm
- Death to the Tyrants?
- I almost froze to death for two nights
- Thrilled I saw a saguaro Cactus Bloom
- It is getting warm
- Founding Father Quotes for Bus Driver
- My cast came off today.
- This week we had a cold wave
- Nile Virus
- Cop in a Hit and Run Accident
- Nature Night
- It is getting hot
- I have cancer?
- Begging is Legal
- Weird Weather
- They stole everything in my home
- July 4 again
- The Owl's Back
- Bible Bashers at Phoenix Library ban 14 people
- How to turn off the computerized voice on Valley Metro Buses
- Free Showers at Airport
- C4 is easy to make
- I'm riding my bike again
- I have two job interviews next week
- It was a little bit hot this weekend
- A monsoon?? - Almost
- Ammonium nitrate makes water cold
- Saturday night July 24 - The monsoon comes
- Yesterday the police in London England murdered a man in cold blood
- Huge Long Necked Bird
- Cardboard Tent
- Kickass Storm
- Flying Pig
- The Dukes of Hazzards Sucks
- I saw a scorpion as I was going home
- Both Valley Metro Buses ran out of gas!!!!
- What kind of morons run the Tempe Bus Service
- I got rained on
- Valley Metro Bus runs out of gas AGAIN
- What kind of morons run the Tempe Bus Service
- A job???
- Odd weather down south!!!
- I probably have the West Nile Virus
- A place for homeless people to sleep in Tucson
- Me mountain lion food??
- Flagstaff declares war on homeless people
- Am I alergic to the chili oil or soup I bough at Tucson supermarkets
- Another lawsuit brewing
- You need a government issued photo id to rent an hotel room in Tucson
- Winters here!!!!
- Rattlesnake Time
- Stray Dog
- Winters Here
- Winters HERE Again - I'm Cold
- Weird guy claims I had his cell phone and almost attacked me
- New Homeless Shelter Opens In Phoenix
- Free Legal Help at ASU
- Its cold and windy now
- George W. Hitler is coming to town
- The Judcial System is Corrupt! Criminal Pigs Walk
- Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas gives police permission to beat up and terrorize citizens they consider criminals!
- Weave these photos from turkey day into the web page
- Freak Freezing weather in Phoenix
- Dec 1 - Now it is colder then sh*t
- Desert Botanical Garden
- The straight dope on poop!
- Some Laws I would like to see passed
- Mc Donald's refuses to serve homeless people
- Yoshi's refuses to serve homeless people
- Why Tempe Town Lake was built?
- The Year 2006 will be continued on another page
- Some information about my life as a homeless person
- Homeless in Arizona - 2006
- Happy New Year!! 2006!!!
- If this doen't get removed I died during the New Year Holiday
- Flagstaff job falls thru
- Sears Department Stores rip me off!!!!
- Its getting cold Mon, Jan 16, 2006
- A nice day - Tuesday, Feb 8 2006
- Valentines Day Present
- A City of Phoenix Employee Tries to Kill Me.
- Sat Feb 18, 2006 - City of Tempe keeps me awake
- Mc Donald's refuses to serve homeless people
- Yoshi's refuses to serve homeless people
- Some information about my life as a homeless person
- Homeless in Arizona - 2007
- Happy New Year!! 2007!!!
- Some Laws I would like to see passed
- 3,000 Dead in Iraq on Dec 31!
- Gunfire on New Years Day
- Thank god my eye is getting better!
- 12 twelve foot tall marijuana plants
- Thursday, Jan 4 – I’m sick again
- WEIRD dreams while I am sick
- Cold Wave - Again
- A military person I can relate too!!!!
- The Kinkos DUDE was on drugs!
- '05 study is a snapshot of homelessness
- George W. Bush still screwing up Iraq!!!!
- Thur, Jan 11 - No rain today
- Brrr its cold!
- George W. Bush kills again in Baghdad!
- Baseline Killer and Serial Shooter
- More Rain and Cold Weather
- Bus Drivers out to get me?
- The Wallace and Ladmo Show
- Weird cold weather in Phoenix
- Gov nannies wasting time and money
- Dumpster diving is illegal in snobby Scottsdale?
- I didn't get counted
- I moved again - Display the photos of my last camp
- Orlando Flordia hates Jews
- Coldest January in almost three decades in Phoenix
- Me Gusta chile mucho or in ingles - Mmmmm Chili
- I can beat the lawsuit! I was not served properly
- Names that didn't make it for Arizona
- I saw JJ again
- Nightmare - Busted by the Tempe Police
- Gentle Strength Cooperative closes
- ¿Donde esta la Coca Cola?
- Y2K bug in 2007
- Daylight Savings Time in March???
- No Chili this week
- Genetic mutations in constitutions?
- Those cool LA beaches
- March 10 – Summer is almost here
- $7 a day to camp on the beach in Puerot Penasco
- Sheriff Joe is a real asshole!
- Sunnyslope - 'Little Oaxaca'
- Hurry up summer - get here faster
- A slow day in the news room
- Making ghee and finely powdered salt
- Sour oranges are edible!
- A f*cking moron is fired!
- March 16 and 17 - 1 degree away from summer!!!
- A play about Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Mesa
- Homeless census my ass! Its a pork program for government nannies
- Protests mark 4th year of Iraq war
- We are too stupid to understand
- Ringo Stalin???
- March 24 - Winters back
- $75 bucks for 15 minutes over the Grand Canyon?
- Latest Go Daddy Babe
- March 25 - Halfway Decent Weather
- Fish Sauce
- A pit bull attach in my neighborhood
- Animated cursor attack!
- Silly law, but it's a hot place!
- Attacked by rodents
- Cat Fight!!! How high can I make the cat jump?
- Unprovoked beatings of homeless people
- Low cost cell phones for homeless people
- Virginia Tech Massacre
- Shooting at Blacksburg Virginia Tech College kills 33
- Wild Technicolor dreams
- He shoots homeless people
- New law giving special guns right to cops
- War Quotes by George W. Hitler
- 4/20 Day - Pot Smokers, Hitler lovers and other Crack Pots
- Homeless again and I'm in the rain
- Summer is here!!!!
- Isn’t democracy great??
- Mentally handicapped Maricopa County Sheriff Deputy!
- A vote for John McCain is a vote for 8 years of war
- What is your share of the Federal Debt
- George W. Bush takes a time machine ride
- Lies about the Civil War!
- Fix your credit!
- An interesting article about the Don Bolles murder
- Coyotes shot
- Doctors in supermarkets and Wal-marts
- Salaries and wages of ASU, NAU, and U of A Employees
- Bhut jolokia worlds hottest chile pepper!
- Republicans and Democrats losing big time!
- Mesa Police busy selling fake crack
- General warns President Bush of Pat Tillman cover up
- Is racism back in the Chandler government
- My new home in Scorpion Cave
- Hot summer this year in Phoenix?
- Colors? Cyan? Magenta?
- I-Fone hacked! or is that I-Phone?
- Some ramblings
- Soaked in Phoenix with water from Africa
- Homeless again.
- The path to Chandler
- RTF - Rich Text Format
- If they itch, you dare!
- An eclipse of the Moon!
- iframe
- Government schools can't teach math
- Ie: a polite way of saying the public schools run by the government can't teach math
- A record 32 days over 110°F in Phoenix
- Another scary lightning and thunder storm?
- Fire the contractor
- Broccoli & Chicken Soup
- Rain from two Mexcian hurricanes?
- Chertoff says "Security requires sacrifice"
- Asafoetida stops farts - Honest!
- Storms
- Winne Ruth Judd Murders
- When Arizona was a part of Mexico what state were we in?
- Another nasty storm
- Cool Weather Map Site
- A mean grilled cheese!
- How to make a mean grilled cheese sandwich
- Scorpions
- Lies in newspapers!!!
- Government math!
- TSA thugs almost kill MIT student
- PREHISTORIC CALENDAR at Hole in the Rock at Papago park
- San Felipe, Baja California, Mexico
- Sept 23, winters almost here.
- Scorpions, Coyotes and Menudo!
- Cops say jailed woman strangled herself to death
- Visit Lowell Observatory next time I'm in Flagstaff
- How to find snoop on other people property values
- A trip to IKEA
- A new Korean Grocery Store
- Wimps in Chicago can’t handle the heat! 88°F is HOT!
- Cheep Mexican Airfares, Plane Tickets and Flights
- They are shining lights on me!!!!
- Mesa Police use questionable tactics on homeless people
- File a mining claim to get some land to live on, at $5 an acre
- It's getting cold
- It's nearly November - and nearly 100°
- Superbug or SuperFraud - MRSA Staph
- Check out Comet Holmes!!!
- Nov 5 - The weather has been decent even if it is in the middle of the winter!
- Life Sucks Winter is here!
- "Escape" by Carolyn Jessop, about the FLDS cult
- Man Italian is easy if you know Spanish
- Rain sucks - Monster rain storm
- Government idiots can't collect money
- Screwed by the bus driver
- File a lawsuit in Federal Court over this
- Cool I saw some meteor showers
- Its in the 40°F now
- I'm in an accident
- Noisy Coyote Neighbors
- Cool I got a Christmas present
- QT Christmas meal sucks
- The moon rotates in the same direction as the sun
- Christmas and Turkey Day Suck
- Some stuff - Bus crash, nightmare, and SBD fraud
- Hace Mucho Frio!!!
- Always end the URL with a slash '/'
- Get this turbo oven for my next home :)
- A bug in the Tempe Library Internet Software
- The Government treats Indians Fairly! Yea Sure!
- Stuff I still have to do
- The Year 2008 will be continued on another page
- Some information about my life as a homeless person
- Homeless in Arizona - 2008
- Happy New Year!! 2008!!!
- Get this turbo oven for my next home :)
- Will a freeze cloth protect homeless people from the cold?
- 16 Square Foot Garden feeds one person for a year
- Always end the URL with a slash '/'
- A bug in the Tempe Library Internet Software
- The Government treats Indians Fairly! Yea Sure!
- I got killed by gun fire on New Years
- The weather sucks!
- Telephone poles along the railroad tracks
- Snow in Baghdad? Yep as much as in Phoenix
- Take showers at health clubs for $10 a pop
- Home Again Laundromat Sucks!!!
- Fresh & Easy Neighborhood Market
- High prices at Safeway?
- No Chili all week!
- Coldest Day of the Year - So Far
- It's cilantro and chilli dummy
- It’s a Ponzi scheme!
- Buy a barometer!
- They are as accurate as the republic in predicting the weather!
- Catholic Bible vs the Other Bibles
- Surviving a rain storm with out getting wet!
- Build a straw house
- Monster storm heading for Phoenix
- Cold weather makes my nose run and my eyes water
- Computer Programmers from India H-1B visas
- Visit Quartzsite, Arizona
- I found a new tree to sleep under
- More Rain
- Duh! Sleep in the cave when it rains
- Another camper in my area?
- Nailed trying to get free bus fair
- A total lunar eclipse tonight
- Stopped using my sleeping bag
- Attacked by racist Black thugs
- Feb 27 - Summer is almost here
- Cheated out of my right to vote – Again
- I am sick, poisoned, or have allergies. It sucks!
- It must be the allergies!!!
- Hot Black Babes
- They are spying on me
- Nailed by a barrel cactus
- Mission Accomplished
- Pakistani food is hotter then Indian food!
- Urdu language and the Hindi languages
- Urdu, Hindi and English in Bollywood
- Almost at 4,000 dead bodies in Iraq
- Found new place to sleep
- Some strange stuff at the park
- Lying cops
- Cool absolut vodka ad!
- Tempe rulers should be jailed disturbing the peace!
- Saw my sister
- Filed my taxes - well almost
- Cops arrested me for the crime of being homeless
- Photos of Camp Scorpion Cave
- The fish in the can was good!
- Von Kidd on high tech harassment
- May 17 – summer is almost here!
- Almost attacked by 2 pit bulls
- Sheriff Joe's book
- I love hot weather
- 3 interesting books.
- My feet ain’t in shape!
- June 24 – First Monsoon of the Summer
- July 13 - 2 1/2 inches of rain in Tempe
- Another cancer scare!
- Somebody was shooting at me!
- Monday, Aug 25 - Rain
- Thursday, Aug 28 - I get soaked
- Almost attacked by 2 dogs – again!
- Biting the hand that feeds you!
- Or better said attacking the guy who writes your web pages and software for free!
- Morons who can’t read resumes!!!
- I was set up in the interview!!!!
- September 23 – Winter is almost here!
- Sunday I hear voices!!!
- More on that Neanderthal Computer guy I have been helping
- 2 dogs attack Phoenix worker
- Winter starts today, summer over - Oct 3
- Monday, October 10, 2008 Winter is here!
- A few days ago I was refused a ride on the bus!
- Atheist Party
- Chandler Library closed for training.
- Warm weather till Oct 25
- Crackpot job interviews!
- Mekong Market Opens
- Nice weather on Halloween!
- Can I list a saguaro cactus as my home address?
- 5 Homeless People Murdered in Long Beach
- No rain in September or October
- Cold Winter Weather is here
- I get hired by another jerk!!!!- And fired
- A nice day to get fired
- Jupiter Venus and the Moon!
- Am I being poisoned?
- The end of film cameras is near?
- OJ Simpson got nailed this week
- Dec 7 - Rain
- Light Rail Boondoggle is here!
- Dec 9 - Coldest day of the winter so far 43°F
- President Bush gets whacked with a shoe!
- A rain coat
- Cloudy skies make it easy to see at night!
- Christmas sucked!!! It rained all day.
- 2009 is almost here
- Dec 27 Froze to death & Light Rail is here
- A tasty new drink - Grapefruit & Chilli - mmmm
- Sunday Dec 28 - Cold!!!!
- Monday Dec 29 - My first day in the freezing weather
- A Valley Metro Bus driver robbed me
- New Years Eve!!!!
- Some Laws I would like to see passed
- Some information about my life as a homeless person
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- X Box Controller
- X Box Controller
- XBox Controller
- XBox Controller
- Jesus - Last Supper
- Stephen Hawkins
- Mary Popkins
- Sound of Music
- Old Masters Painting
- Pink Floyd
- Dark Side of the Law
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- God for President
- God for President
- God for President
- God for President
- God for President
- God for President
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- az__bans_matricula_consular.html
- no_id_in_mexico_tijuana.html
- hacking_scanners_copiers.html
- sisters_need_ss_number.html
- michael_kielsky_no_papers.html
- davis_monthan_afb.html
- nypd_cia_snitches.html
- citizenship_not_required.html
- tape_record_crooked_cop.html
- nypd_hires_cia_thugs.html
- papers_please_india.html
- anonymity.html
- rigging_elections.html
- fake_az_licenses_from_china.html
- feds_require_everify.html
- on_star_or_on_snitch.html
- 0_images
- voter_id_laws_dont_work.html
- ron_paul_no_everify.html
- az_medical_marijuana.html
- cell_phone_snitches.html
- 0_medical_marijuana
- id_at_voting_booth.html
- pinal_eyeball_scanners.html
- voter_fraud_myth.html
- fingerprints_food_stamps.html
- chat_downs.html
- phoenix_id_required_to_sell.html
- car_computer_snitches.html
- no_plates_for_steve_jobs.html
- no_foia_request_crooks.html
- first_null_in_los_angeles.html
- police_gps_tracking.html
- hotels_homeland_security.html
- naacp_protest.html
- mexican_drug_warrior_dies.html
- police_spy_cameras_computer.html
- secret_police_radio_talk.html
- real_id_act_destroys_lives.html
- speed_thru_airport_security.html
- cops_at_war_with_americans.html
- taliban_bombs_just_fertaliz.html
- ANFO bombs
- Taliban bombs
- 0_images/onstar_logo.jpg
- 0_images/az_420_eval_ad.jpg
- 0_images/az_420_receipt_side_1.jpg
- 0_images/az_420_receipt_side_2.jpg
- 0_images/cell_phone_snitches.jpg
- 0_medical_marijuana/no_guns_medical_marijuana.html
- 0_medical_marijuana/az_medical_marijuana.html
- 0_medical_marijuana/a00000.html
- 0_medical_marijuana/pot_permit_1.doc
- doc_id/docid_f_300.jpg
- doc_id/docid_f_72.jpg
- doc_id/docid_r_300.jpg
- doc_id/docid_r_72.jpg
- doc_id/az_doc_id_72.html
- doc_id/az_doc_id_300.html
- doc_id/docid_f_300_old.jpg
- mexico/lamigra.jpg
- mexico/mb1.jpg
- mexico/mb2.jpg
- mexico/ml1.jpg
- mexico/ml2.jpg
- mexico/mexico.html
- mexico/la_migra.html
- mexico/mexican_birth_certificate.html
- mexico/marriage_license.html
- tax_forms/tax-forms.html
- tax_forms/form_1099-100x.jpg
- tax_forms/form_w-2-100x.jpg
- onstar_logo.jpg
- az_420_eval_ad.jpg
- az_420_receipt_side_1.jpg
- az_420_receipt_side_2.jpg
- cell_phone_snitches.jpg
- no_guns_medical_marijuana.html
- az_medical_marijuana.html
- a00000.html
- pot_permit_1.doc
- docid_f_300.jpg
- docid_f_72.jpg
- docid_r_300.jpg
- docid_r_72.jpg
- az_doc_id_72.html
- az_doc_id_300.html
- docid_f_300_old.jpg
- lamigra.jpg
- mb1.jpg
- mb2.jpg
- ml1.jpg
- ml2.jpg
- mexico.html
- la_migra.html
- mexican_birth_certificate.html
- marriage_license.html
- tax-forms.html
- form_1099-100x.jpg
- form_w-2-100x.jpg
- Marriage license
- tax forms
- 1099 form
- W-2 Form
- W2 Form
- W 2 Form
- Medical marijuana
- Medical Marijuana
- No guns for medical marijuana users
- Medical Marijuana
- Onstar Logo
- Medical Marijuana ad
- onstar_logo.jpg
- az_420_eval_ad.jpg
- az_420_receipt_side_1.jpg
- az_420_receipt_side_2.jpg
- cell_phone_snitches.jpg
- no_guns_medical_marijuana.html
- az_medical_marijuana.html
- a00000.html
- pot_permit_1.doc
- docid_f_300.jpg
- docid_f_72.jpg
- docid_r_300.jpg
- docid_r_72.jpg
- az_doc_id_72.html
- az_doc_id_300.html
- docid_f_300_old.jpg
- lamigra.jpg
- mb1.jpg
- mb2.jpg
- ml1.jpg
- ml2.jpg
- mexico.html
- la_migra.html
- mexican_birth_certificate.html
- marriage_license.html
- tax-forms.html
- form_1099-100x.jpg
- form_w-2-100x.jpg
- Immigration Form
- Tax Forms
- Mexican Birth Certificate
- Birth Certificate
- Mexico
- Why I am insane
- A mental illness that I have
- Me insane? Yes damn right your insane!
- I am mentally ill
- I am insane!
- City of Phoenix selectivelly enforces messy yard laws
- put this on my messy yard web page.
- government nannys dont want to let you put your trash can in the alley because you might dump illegal trash in it.
- messy yard cops busy seizing homes in avondale of people who dont mow their lawns
- Woman Jailed For Having Messy Yard
- Government steals homes from inner city familys
- Legisladores buscan controlar poderes de las ciudades
- unconstitutional messy yard laws
- for the city messy yard laws you have to keep your home free of peeling paint.
- Finger pointing APS, Phoenix, homeowner
- pizza vendors are government snitchs, Pizza Bellys a government snitch???
- pizza vendors are government snitchs, is Ernest Hancock a government snitch???
- pizza vendors are government snitchs - is david dorn calling ernest hancock a government snitch
- cops turn pizza vendors into government snitchs
- tempe messy yard laws selectivelly enforced
- light pole with peeling paint a messy yard violation
- Unconstitional messy yard laws in Phoenix
- Unconstitional messy yard laws in Tempe
- unconstitional tempe messy yard laws
- report messy yard violations at the hayden flour mill.
- selectivelly enforced messy yard laws
- messy yard cops busy seizing homes in avondale of people who dont mow their lawns
- Out of control Messy Yard cops
- Woman Jailed For Having Messy Yard
- Tempe doesn't enforce messy yard laws at Hayden Flour Mill
- Messy yard laws selectivelly enforced
- unconstitutional messy yard laws
- report messy yard violations at the hayden flour mill.
- tempe messy yard violations selectivelly enforced
- Avondale to get tough on messy properties
- Avondale to get tough on messy properties
- Unconstitional messy yard laws in avondale
- unconstitional messy yard laws
- put in messy yard laws
- City of Phoenix selectivelly enforces messy yard laws
- put this on my messy yard web page.
- messy yard cops busy seizing homes in avondale of people who dont mow their lawns
- Woman Jailed For Having Messy Yard
- unconstitutional messy yard laws
- for the city messy yard laws you have to keep your home free of peeling paint.
- tempe messy yard laws selectivelly enforced
- light pole with peeling paint a messy yard violation
- messy yard cops busy seizing homes in avondale of people who dont mow their lawns
- unconstitional avondale messy yard laws
- messy yard lawsuit
- i could use this in a lawsuit to force the citys of tempe and phoenix from selectivelly enforcing the messy yard laws.
- Tempe messy yard laws selectivelly enforced
- Tempe messy yard laws unconstitional
- selectivelly enforced messy yard laws
- My Phone Numbers
- My Phone Numbers
- My Phone Numbers
- How do I get a job as one of those men who are used just as "props"?
- unconstitutional messy yard laws
- Prosecutor takes out the trash in Sunnyslope
- report messy yard violations at the hayden flour mill.
- tempe messy yard violations selectivelly enforced
- Avondale to get tough on messy properties
- Avondale to get tough on messy properties
- Unconstitional messy yard laws in avondale
- dont paint your home orange or the messy yard police will put you in jail
- put on messy yard page
- add to messy yard laws
- unconstitional scottsdale messy yard laws
- Unconstitional messy yard laws in Scottsdale
- Data Doctors: Microsoft documents can hide damaging information
- Data Doctors: Microsoft documents can hide damaging information
- The Red
Cross estimated that 9 out of 10 people being accused of being a
government snitch by David Dorn were guilty of nothing but being in the
wrong place at the wrong time.
- They always say that when Tempe City Council members commit crimes. The law is unconstitutional and is not enforced
- Tempe City Attorney Marlene Pontrelli said the ordinance has been deemed unconstitutional and is not enforced
- thoughts to my attorney
- Scary use of Fed data. Unintended consequences? Makes one want to be a "blank" a la Max Headroom show.
- dont paint your home orange or the messy yard police will put you in jail
- Texas City Disaster was caused by ammonium nitrate explosives
- Pretty Good Privacy
- The GNU Privacy Guard a freeware version of Pretty Good Privacy
- The GNU Privacy Guard a freeware version of PGP
- The GNU Privacy Guard
- lets have a farewell protest for this creep who jails homeless people.
- visit this place and watch the bats.
- USA Today Editorial wants to turn the USA into a police state and ban fertilizer.
- making home brew rocket fuel is 100% legal!
- A Crackdown on Model Rockets
- HOA gets $8,000 from homeowner over a bill of $66
- file a lawsuit like this against ernie and david dorn.
- Scottsdale may utilize zoning hearing officer
- Think all fingerprints are different?
- Investigation: Forensic evidence in the dock (fingerprints)
- http://www.world66.com/myworld66/visitedStates
- This URL allows you to create a map of the United States of America
- This URL allows you to create a map of the USA
- This URL allows you to create a map of the U.S.A.
- save this pdf from the state on my
- 10_years_after.html
- 10_years_after.html
- Messy yard cops did't crack down on these folks
- 14th_amendment.html
- 14th_amendment.html
- The 14th Amendment
- 70_year_old_woman.html
- 70_year_old_woman.html
- Messy yard cops arrest 70 year old women for brown lawn
- 70 year old woman jailed for messy yard crimes
- 70_year_woman_popped.html
- 70_year_woman_popped.html
- airport_pigeons.html
- Man arrested for feeding pigeons near airport
- almost_10k.html
- almost_10k.html
- Messy yarc cops charge man $10,000 to cleanup his yard
- Amish farmer jailed for 90 days for messy yard crimes with outhouse
- amish_farmer_outhouse.html
- amish_farmer_outhouse.html
- Messy yard cops bust Amish farmer for outhouse
- Animal Abuse Laws Selectively Enforced
- animal_abuse_selectively.html
- animal_abuse_selectively.html
- Messy Yard Laws Selectively Enforced
- Another unconstitutional messy yard law
- another_messy_yard_law.html
- another_messy_yard_law.html
- Chicago makes banks accountable for messy yards?
- Chicago makes banks maintain abandonded buildings
- Chicago makes banks maintain abandonded properties
- Arizona wants to steal Tempe home after 118 years
- az_steals_tempe_home.html
- az_steals_tempe_home.html
- Tempe home with a really messy yard
- This home is a good example of how Tempe selectivelly enforces it's messy yard laws
- bad_cops_not_jailed.html
- bad_cops_not_jailed.html
- Government cops can and will commit murder without fear of being punished!
- Judge dismisses all charges in Blackwater shooting
- No Punishment for Killer Cops
- Baileys Brake Shop in Mesa, Arizona
- Bailys Brake Shop in Mesa, Arizona
- bailys_break_shop.html
- bailys_break_shop.html
- Mesa breaks it's own messy yard laws?
- Bankrupt unfinished messy businesses not cited by messy yard cops
- Bankrupt unfinished messy businesses not seized by messy yard cops
- Bankrupt unfinished messy homes not cited by messy yard cops
- Bankrupt unfinished messy homes not seized by messy yard cops
- Bankrupt unfinished messy hotels not cited by messy yard cops
- Bankrupt unfinished messy hotels not seized by messy yard cops
- bankrupt_unfinished_project.html
- bankrupt_unfinished_project.html
- barking_dog_cop_noooooo.html
- barking_dog_cop_noooooo.html
- Don't
mow your lawn? We will send out a messy yard cop and seize your home -
but a barking dog? Get lost we don't handle barking dog problems
- We don't send out cops for barking dog complaints
- big_breasted_dummys.html
- big_breasted_dummys.html
- Messy yard cops shake down stores with big breasted mannequins !
- Messy yard cops tackle big breasted dummies!
- board_up_the_windows.html
- board_up_the_windows.html
- Phoenix Messy Yard cops order apartment owner to board up windows
- boxes.html
- boxes.html
- Give away boxes go to jail
- Tempe messy yard cops nail liquor store for giving away boxes
- Call the messy yard cops on Phoenix
- Call the messy yard cops on Tempe
- call_messy_yard_cops.html
- call_messy_yard_cops.html
- carbon_foot_print.html
- carbon_foot_print.html
- Not All Carbon Footprints Are Alike
- Sasquatches, Hogs, Chipmunks & Ants when it comes to Carbon Footprints
- You will go to jail if your carbon footprint is too big, but the government nanny who pollutes 1000 times more then you won't
- cgi-bin
- Chandler Messy Yard Cops hard at work destroying people lives!
- chandler_destroyes_lives.html
- chandler_destroyes_lives.html
- 3 years of violations with out a messy yard ticket
- A messy yard criminal for 3 years? And no tickets have been written?
- Chandler to warn tree farm about possible code violations
- chandler_messy_trees.html
- chandler_messy_trees.html
- chandler_messy_yard_cops.html
- chandler_messy_yard_cops.html
- Messy yard cops let things slide during the depression
- Selective enforcement by the messy yard cops during the depression
- So many messy yards, so few messy yard cops
- chicago_messy_yard_crimes.html
- chicago_messy_yard_crimes.html
- Jail time for messy yard criminals?
- Jail time for owners of defective buildins?
- Apache Junction Messy Yard Cops force guy to remove Chicken Statue
- Apache Junction Messy Yard Cops force store owner to remove Chicken Statue
- chicken_statue_in_aj.html
- chicken_statue_in_aj.html
- Messy Yard Cops force guy to remove Chicken Statue
- Messy Yard Cops force store owner to remove Chicken Statue
- church_bells.html
- church_bells.html
- Phoenix messy yard cops lose the church bell battle!
- cop_free_parking.html
- cop_free_parking.html
- Off duty cops allowed to park illegally?
- cop_free_parking.jpg
- Cops and prosecutors lie all the time to frame innocent people and send them to prison.
- cops_and_prosecutors_lie.html
- cops_and_prosecutors_lie.html
- Cops don't like armed citizens, much less armed citizens with concealed weapons
- Cops hate the 2nd Amendment
- Cops hate the Second Amendment
- Cops try to flush Arizona concealed weapons law down the toilet
- cops_hate_armed_citizens.html
- cops_hate_armed_citizens.html
- The
2nd Amendment isn't about target shooting or hunting rabbits, its to
allow the people to protect themselfs from the government
- county_trash.html
- county_trash.html
- Selectively enforcing the trash laws
- dc_messy_yard_criminals.html
- dc_messy_yard_criminals.html
- Messy Yard Criminals in Washington D.C.
- 52,000 dead trees on government property
- dead_trees_52000.html
- dead_trees_52000.html
- dennis_kavanaugh_tyrant.html
- dennis_kavanaugh_tyrant.html
- Mesa Councilman Dennis Kavanaugh is an evil government tyrant
- The Mesa city rulers think they own YOUR land! F*ck them!
- destroying_lives.html
- destroying_lives.html
- Messy yard cops at work destroying lives
- destroyinghomes.html
- destroyinghomes.html
- Government idiots at work destroying lives - and homes!
- Government tyrants at work destroying lives - and homes!
- A welfare program for destruction companies?
- A welfare program to destroy empty homes?
- A welfare program to destroy messy homes?
- destruction_welfare.html
- destruction_welfare.html
- dogs.html
- dogs.html
- Iguana Mack's battling to keep dogs on patio
- Messy yard cops terrorize dog owners in Chandler
- "Selective Enforcement" of messy yard laws in Downttown Phoenix
- down_town_messy.html
- down_town_messy.html
- downtown_cleaned_for_free.html
- downtown_cleaned_for_free.html
- Tempe cleans up the downtown area for free while they send jackbooted messy yard cops to my home who order me to clean it up
- downtown_tempe.html
- downtown_tempe.html
- Tempe messy yard laws selective enforced
- downtown_tempe2.html
- downtown_tempe2.html
- Tempe messy yard laws selective enforced
- dubai_tower_shut_down.html
- dubai_tower_shut_down.html
- Messy yard cops shut down Burj Khalifa
- Messy yard cops shut down Dubai Tower
- Zoning inspectors shut down Burj Khalifa
- Zoning inspectors shut down Dubai Tower
- East Mesa messy yard criminals?
- east_mesa_messy_yards.html
- east_mesa_messy_yards.html
- El Mirage couple jailed for having roaches in their home
- el_mirage_roaches.html
- el_mirage_roaches.html
- espanol_messy_yard_cops.html
- espanol_messy_yard_cops.html
- Messy yard cops want Spanish speaking snitches
- F.A.C.E.OFF - Fight Against Code Enforcement Office
- faceoff_messy_yard_cops.html
- faceoff_messy_yard_cops.html
- Messy yard cops go nuts in Antelope Valley
- fiesta_village_mesa.html
- fiesta_village_mesa.html
- Mesa selectively enforces it's messy yard laws
- Messy yard laws selectively enforced at Mesa Fiesta Village?
- fiesta_village_signs.html
- fiesta_village_signs.html
- Mesa messy yard cops shake down Fiesta Village shopping center!!!!
- Messy yard cops order mall to take down signs
- fire_messy_yard_cops.html
- fire_messy_yard_cops.html
- Vin Suprynowicz - Fire the messy yard cops!
- Chimney nannies terrorize Maricopa County citizens
- Chimney narcs terrorize Maricopa County citizens
- fire_place_narcs.html
- fire_place_narcs.html
- Fireplace nannies terrorize Maricopa County citizens
- Fireplace narcs terrorize Maricopa County citizens
- Fix the sidewalk or go to jail? Flagstaff government tyrants
- flagstaff_sidewalk.html
- flagstaff_sidewalk.html
- Call the Messy Yard cops! Tempe Town Lake is full of bugs!!!!
- Call the Messy Yard cops! Tempe Town Toilet is full of bugs!!!!
- full_of_bugs.html
- full_of_bugs.html
- garbage_can_criminals.html
- garbage_can_criminals.html
- Glendale cops hunt down people who throw stuff into the wrong trash can
- Glendale messy yard cops searching trash cans looking for messy yard criminals
- Glendale messy yard cops searching trash cans looking for recycling criminals
- Chamber asks Gilbert to loosen sign code
- gilbert_sign_code.html
- gilbert_sign_code.html
- Sounds like a jobs program for the folks in the Gilbert City Council
- Sounds like a jobs program for the Gilbert messy yard cops
- Glendale messy yard cops selectively enforce zoning laws!
- glendale_messy_yard_cops.html
- glendale_messy_yard_cops.html
- Messy yard cops selectively enforce zoning laws!
- Records suggest Glendale slow to police unsafe buildings
- Do government rulers lie more then parents lie?
- gov_lies_parents_lie.html
- gov_lies_parents_lie.html
- gov_messy_yard_crimes.html
- gov_messy_yard_crimes.html
- Green Government
- What happens when the government commits messy yard crimes
- Chandler cops enter GPS location and photo of all graffati found into a computer database
- graffati_chandler.html
- graffati_chandler.html
- No real criminals out there so Chandler cops hunt down graffati artists
- Arizona Congressman Harry Mitchell is a big supporter of the police state
- Arizona Senator Harry Mitchell is a big supporter of the police state
- Congressman Harry Mitchell is a big supporter of the police state
- Harry Mitchell is a BIG supporter of the POLICE STATE!!!!
- Harry Mitchell supports the police state
- harry_mitchell_police_state.html
- harry_mitchell_police_state.html
- Senator Harry Mitchell is a big supporter of the police state
- Tempe Mayor Harry Mitchell is a big supporter of the police state
- City of Tempe violates its own messy yard laws at the Hayden Flour Mill
- hayden_flour_mill.html
- hayden_flour_mill.html
- heart_attack_grill.html
- heart_attack_grill.html
- Messy yard cops drive Heart Attack Grill out of business?
- Chandler Messy Yard Cops demanding a $40,000 paint job on heavy equipment
- heavy_equipment_paint_job.html
- heavy_equipment_paint_job.html
- helicoptors.html
- helicoptors.html
- Johnny Rosen a dangerous messy yard criminal
- Laurie Roberts writes about dangerous messy yard criminals
- The cops use helicoptors to catch these messy yard criminals
- A government "Brush Your Teeth Task Force"?
- A government "Hoarding Task Force"?
- A government "Stinky Underwear Task Force"?
- hoarding_task_force.html
- hoarding_task_force.html
- hot_used_car_babe.jpg
- California man jailed after housing homeless on ranch
- California messy yard cops jail Dan de Vaul for allowing homeless people to live at his home
- house_homeless.html
- house_homeless.html
- San Luis Obispo rancher who housed homeless is sentenced to jail for safety code violations
- ill_messy_yards.html
- ill_messy_yards.html
- Peoria government terrorists nail messy yard criminals
- index.html
- index.html
- A mental illness that I have
- I am insane!
- I am mentally ill
- insane.html
- insane.html
- Me insane? Yes damn right your insane!
- Why I am insane
- iphone_smart_phone_snitches.html
- iphone_smart_phone_snitches.html
- Messy yard cops want you to snitch on your neighbor with a smart phone
- Messy yard cops want you to snitch on your neighbor with an iPhone
- Snitch on your neighbor with a smart phone
- Snitch on your neighbor with an iPhone
- iphone_snitches_phoenix.html
- iphone_snitches_phoenix.html
- Snitch on Phoenix messy yard criminals at at (602)262-7844
- Snitch on Phoenix messy yard criminals at at 602-262-7844
- Snitch on Phoenix messy yard criminals at at 602.262.7844
- Use an IPhone to snitch on messy yard criminals?
- Use an IPhone to snitch on Phoenix messy yard criminals?
- Use email to snitch on Phoenix messy yard criminals - blight@phoenix.gov
- Chandler Arizona jails convicted messy yard criminals for 90 days
- Chandler Arizona jails man for messy yard crimes
- Chandler Arizona sentences Pablo Pescador to 90 days in jail for messy yard crimes
- Chandler messy yard criminal to do time in jail!
- Chandler Prosecutor Collin Yu gets jail time for messy yard conviction
- Don't cut your weeds? The Chandler messy yard cops will put you in jail
- jail_for_messy_yard_owner.html
- jail_for_messy_yard_owner.html
- Chandler Arizona jails convicted messy yard criminals for 90 days
- Chandler Arizona jails man for messy yard crimes
- Chandler Arizona sentences Pablo Pescador to 90 days in jail for messy yard crimes
- Chandler messy yard criminal to do time in jail!
- Chandler Prosecutor Collin Yu gets jail time for messy yard conviction
- Don't cut your weeds? The Chandler messy yard cops will put you in jail
- jail_time_for_messy_yard.html
- jail_time_for_messy_yard.html
- Messy yard cops say f*ck "Freedom of Religion"
- Messy yard cops say f*ck the "1st Amendment"
- Messy yard cops say f*ck the "First Amendment"
- john_wuerffel.html
- john_wuerffel.html
- Messy yard cops to seize John Wuerffel's home?
- Schaumburg messy yard cops to seize John Wuerffel's home?
- judge_messy_yard_criminal.html
- judge_messy_yard_criminal.html
- Mesa judge a big time messy yard criminal?
- Mesa judge Clayton Hamblen a big time messy yard criminal?
- LA Messy Yard Cops have 75-foot mural painted over
- la_mural.html
- la_mural.html
- D.C. messy yard cops shut down children selling lemonade
- D.C. messy yard cops shut down lemonade hooligans
- lemonade_hooligans.html
- lemonade_hooligans.html
- Messy yard cops shut down children's lemonade stand in Washington D.C.
- Even BD thinks we have lost the Iraq war
- lost_the_war.html
- lost_the_war.html
- Chandler cop says selectively enforced laws are unconstitutional
- lovejoy.html
- lovejoy.html
- I didn't know Maricopa County had messy yard laws
- Maricopa County Board of Supervisors to no longer hear appeals in code cases
- maricopa_county.html
- maricopa_county.html
- mas_fiesta_village_mesa.html
- mas_fiesta_village_mesa.html
- Mesa selectively enforces messy yards at Fiesta Village
- Mesa uses messy yard laws to give millions in corporate welfare to a beer company!
- mesa_beer_corporate_welfare.html
- mesa_beer_corporate_welfare.html
- Mesa Messy Yard Cops want to seize your home or business
- mesa_cops_want_your_home.html
- mesa_cops_want_your_home.html
- Mesa Messy yard cops terrorize Fiesta Village
- mesa_fiesta_village.html
- mesa_fiesta_village.html
- Mesa selectively enforces it's messy yard laws?
- mesa_fiesta_village2.html
- mesa_fiesta_village2.html
- Mesa government tyrants to shut down garage sales?
- mesa_garage_sales.html
- mesa_garage_sales.html
- In Mesa government is our master, not our servant!
- mesa_government_masters.html
- mesa_government_masters.html
- Mesa Messy yard criminals
- mesa_messy_yard.html
- mesa_messy_yard.html
- Dennis Kavanaugh says Fiesta Village is public enemy No. 1
- Dennis Kavanaugh wants to condemn Fiesta Village because of messy yard crimes!
- Mesa explores condemning Fiesta Village (because they have a messy parking lot)
- mesa_messy_yard_criminals.html
- mesa_messy_yard_criminals.html
- Tyrants in Mesa want to condemn Fiesta Village
- Mesa messy yard laws unconstitutional?
- Mesa sued over messy yard laws
- mesa_messy_yard_laws.html
- mesa_messy_yard_laws.html
- Mesa government tyrants to pass more messy yard laws!
- mesa_messy_yard_tyrants.html
- mesa_messy_yard_tyrants.html
- Mesa councilmen target burned-out buildings
- Mesa wants to use messy yard laws to seize burned buildings!
- mesa_seizes_burnt_building.html
- mesa_seizes_burnt_building.html
- A law to force mortgage companies to snitch on messy yard criminals?
- mesa_snitch_law.html
- mesa_snitch_law.html
- Mesa Messy Yard cops want snitches
- Mesa messy yard cops want you to snitch on your neighbors
- mesa_snitches.html
- mesa_snitches.html
- Hayden Flour Mill not cited for messy yard crimes
- messy_downtown_flour_mill.html
- messy_downtown_flour_mill.html
- Messy pool cops shut down Valley Resort pool parties
- messy_hotel_pool_cops.html
- messy_hotel_pool_cops.html
- Zoning inspectors shut down pool parties at hotles
- messy_yard.gif
- messy_yard.jpg
- messy_yard_back.jpg
- Birds on Mill Ave violate Tempe messy yard laws
- messy_yard_birds_on_mill.html
- messy_yard_birds_on_mill.html
- Cities steal funds intended to fight blight and spend on salaries
- Cities steal messy yard money to spend on salaries
- messy_yard_cash.html
- messy_yard_cash.html
- messy_yard_news.html
- messy_yard_news.html
- news articles
- messy_yard_old.gif
- How do you spell revenue? Messy yard fines!
- How do you spell revenue? Messy yard permits!
- How do you spell revenue? Parking meters!
- messy_yards_las_vegas.html
- messy_yards_las_vegas.html
- $1 million bond set for illegal sign on Hollywood Blvd & Highland Ave
- $1 million bond set for messy yard criminal
- million_dollar_bail.html
- million_dollar_bail.html
- 'Mission Accomplished' banner to go up in Bush library?
- mission_accomplished.html
- mission_accomplished.html
- mission_accomplished.jpg
- More messy yard cops in tempe
- more_messy_yard_cops.html
- more_messy_yard_cops.html
- More messy yard cops to micro-manage our lives in Tempe
- more_stinking_cops.html
- more_stinking_cops.html
- neon_green.html
- neon_green.html
- Should the government tell you what color to paint your home?
- Should you need permission from a government nanny before you paint your home?
- Newport Beach Messy Yard Cops hard at work destroying lives
- Newport Beach Messy Yard cops terrorizing boat owners
- newport_beach_messy_boats.html
- newport_beach_messy_boats.html
- Glendale uses zoning laws to run gutter religions out of town
- no_churches_glendale.html
- no_churches_glendale.html
- ASU doesn't have enough money to obey messy yard laws
- ASU doesn't have enough money to obey zoning laws
- ASU doesn't obey zoning laws
- Being broke is an excuse to break messy yard laws
- Being broke is an excuse to break zoning laws
- No fire sprinklers in the Memorial Union
- no_fire_sprinklers.html
- no_fire_sprinklers.html
- Too poor to obey messy yard laws
- Too poor to obey zoning laws
- Firefighters hate hoarders
- no_hording.html
- no_hording.html
- Arizona Prisons don't obey building construction fire codes
- Arizona Prisons don't obey fire zoning laws
- Arizona State Prison - we don't have to obey no stinking fire codes!
- no_prison_fire_alarms.html
- no_prison_fire_alarms.html
- no_used_car_sales_phoenix.html
- no_used_car_sales_phoenix.html
- Phoenix messy yard cops terrorize people that sell used cars
- Court hears arguments over church bell in Phoenix
- I guess you could say the messy yard laws are unconstitutional for the same reasons!
- noise_law_unconstitutional.html
- noise_law_unconstitutional.html
- Phoenix noise law unconstitutional?
- New York police terrorist nail woman with $79,000 in messy yard fines
- ny_79000_fines.html
- ny_79000_fines.html
- Feds are the cause of all those messy yards
- oversupplyofhomes.html
- oversupplyofhomes.html
- Uncle Sam is the cause of all those messy yards
- Hayden Flour Mill continues to violate Tempe Messy Yard laws
- paint_for_tempe_flour_mill.html
- paint_for_tempe_flour_mill.html
- Tempe Flour Mill continues to violate Tempe Messy Yard laws
- Messy yard cops terrorize Paradise Valley residents!
- paradise_valley.html
- paradise_valley.html
- Government rulers don't obey messy yard laws
- It takes Messy yard cops take 4 years to shut down mice infested cafeteria
- Messy yard cops take 4 years to shut down mice infested Pennsylvania Capitol cafeteria
- pennsylvania_capitol_mice.html
- pennsylvania_capitol_mice.html
- Messy yard cops flush 1st Amendment down the toilet
- phallic_tree.html
- phallic_tree.html
- Tempe messy yard cops don't like phallic shaped trees!
- Phoenix aiming to ease foreclosure-home blight
- phoenix_foreclosed_messy.html
- phoenix_foreclosed_messy.html
- Messy yard cops terrorize Phoenix neighborhoods!!!!
- Neighborhood-blight complaints on the rise in Phoenix
- Phoenix residents can report blight with Droid, iPhone apps
- phoenix_messy_yard_terroris.html
- phoenix_messy_yard_terroris.html
- Government nannies from Tempe shut down Pita Pit over (gasp) illegal art work!!!
- Only criminals have illegal art works!
- pita_pit.html
- pita_pit.html
- Tempe zoning inspecters shut down Pita Pit over illegal art work
- pita_pit.jpg
- Poisoned Pen was shut down by the messy yard cops
- poisoned_pen.html
- poisoned_pen.html
- Suspect in Gilbert officer's shooting may be tied to another murder
- Cops don't need stinking probable cause for search warrant
- Cops use lame messy yard violations to get search warrant for murder suspect
- Cops use lame zoning violations to get search warrant for murder suspect
- probable_cause_no_way.html
- probable_cause_no_way.html
- Public records laws are a joke!
- publicrecordstimes.html
- publicrecordstimes.html
- Neighbors snitch on neighbors
- Out of control messy yard cops
- Record number of messy yard snitches
- record_number_of_snitches.html
- record_number_of_snitches.html
- Roland Hill - Peoria Arizona Messy Yard Snitch
- Roland Hill messy yard snitch
- roland_hill_peoria_snitch.html
- roland_hill_peoria_snitch.html
- $27,000 messy yard bill expands to $69,322,
- San Diego messy yard cops hit man with a $27,000 clean up bill
- San Diego messy yard cops shake down home for $69,322 bill
- san_diego_tyrants.html
- san_diego_tyrants.html
- San Francisco messy yard cops upset over antique Coca Cola sign
- San Francisco messy yard cops upset over antique Coke sign
- san_francisco_coke_sign.html
- san_francisco_coke_sign.html
- scottsdale_messy_yard_cops.html
- scottsdale_messy_yard_cops.html
- Scottsdale noise law protect bar owners that disturb the peace!
- scottsdale_noise_law.html
- scottsdale_noise_law.html
- Messy yard cop Toby Worrell is a cold heartless bastard
- Messy yard cops in Monroe ax the 'tree of life'
- Messy yard cops prevent gifts to the homeless
- screw_the_homeless.html
- screw_the_homeless.html
- Court says cops can selectively enforce the laws
- selective_enforcement.html
- selective_enforcement.html
- "Selective Enforcement" of the law is not a legal defense
- selective_laws_enforced.html
- selective_laws_enforced.html
- Arizona State University student John Barron is a lousy government snitch
- ASU mechanical engineering student John Barron is a lousy government snitch
- ASU student John Barron is a lousy government snitch
- Mechanical engineer John Barron is a lousy government snitch
- selectively_enforced_signs.html
- selectively_enforced_signs.html
- Tempe selectively enforces its sign laws
- If police don't like you they could shake you down for messy yard crimes
- If police don't like you they could shake you down for trivial zoning laws
- If police want to get you they could shake you down for messy yard crimes
- Is Sheriff Joe going to shake you down for messy yard crimes
- sheriff_joe_messy_yard.html
- sheriff_joe_messy_yard.html
- Shut the f*ck up and do you job fireman!
- shut_the_F_up_fireman.html
- shut_the_F_up_fireman.html
- Government is the cause of the problem, not the solution
- In Gilbert, Arizona government is the cause of the problem, not the solution
- Silly government rules just screw things up
- silly_government_rules.html
- silly_government_rules.html
- Messy yard cops can steal your home!!!
- steal_your_home.html
- steal_your_home.html
- "Blighted property Wall of Shame"?
- Messy yard criminals "Wall of Shame"?
- stocks_for_messy_yard.html
- stocks_for_messy_yard.html
- What's next? Stocks for messy yard criminals?
- Government tyrants says 1st Amendment null and void when it comes to yard sales
- Government tyrants shake down people who announce yard sales
- Government tyrants shake people down who hold yard sales
- street_signs.html
- street_signs.html
- Messy Yard Cops destroy apartment complex
- Phoenix Messy Yard Cops destroy apartment complex in Sunnyslope
- sunnyslope_arpments_destroy.html
- sunnyslope_arpments_destroy.html
- Tempe Messy Yard Cops Hard at work destroying lives
- tempe_car_wash.html
- tempe_car_wash.html
- Tempe cracks down on messy yard criminals
- tempe_cracks_down.html
- tempe_cracks_down.html
- tempe_hayden_flour_mill.jpg
- Tempe messy yard cops steal $4,000 for trivial sign violations!
- Tempe zoning inspectors steal $4,000 for trivial sign violations!
- tempe_signs.html
- tempe_signs.html
- Messy yard violations by the City of Tempe
- tempe_violations.html
- tempe_violations.html
- Tolleson rulers steal access to mans front yard
- tolleson_yard_access.html
- tolleson_yard_access.html
- Are the rulers of Tempe tyrants who don't have to obey the messy yard laws
- Did they fix all the messy yard violations in the Tempe Town Lake?
- Did they fix all the messy yard violations in the Tempe Town Toilet?
- town_toilet_ready.html
- town_toilet_ready.html
- tree_of_life.jpg
- trees_dead_52000.jpg
- Leif Swanson scours Web for funny homes
- Leif Swanson scours Web for ugly (and funny) homes
- Leif Swanson scours Web for ugly homes
- Leif Swanson scours Web for ugly house photos
- Messy Yard Photos
- Phoenix Realtor scours Web for funny homes
- Phoenix Realtor scours Web for ugly (and funny) homes
- Phoenix Realtor scours Web for ugly homes
- Phoenix Realtor scours Web for ugly house photos
- Ugly House Photos
- ugly_house_photos.html
- ugly_house_photos.html
- Chandler messy yard cops shake down used car dealer over sexy mannequins
- used_car_babes.html
- used_car_babes.html
- Messy yard cops terrorize gold course owner!!!!!
- Villa Monterey Golf Course terrorized by messy yard cops
- Villa_Monterey_Golf_Course.html
- Villa_Monterey_Golf_Course.html
- Messy Yard Cops arrest a VW micro bus?
- vw_micro_bus_busted.html
- vw_micro_bus_busted.html
- Messy yard cops busy seizing homes of people who don't cut their weeds?
- Messy yard cops busy seizing homes of people who don't mow their lawns?
- weeds.html
- weeds.html
- Rain! A jobs program for messy yard cops
- Weeds! A jobs program for messy yard cops
- weeds_jobs_cops.html
- weeds_jobs_cops.html
- Messy yard cops shutting down Wildhorse Ranch horse rescue center?
- wildhorse_ranch.html
- wildhorse_ranch.html
- yuma-anti-ugly-code.html
- yuma-anti-ugly-code.html
- Yuma Arizona anti-ugly city code!
- Yuma Arizona anti-ugly messy yard law!
- F.A.C.E.OFF according to this article about some messy yard cops in Antelope Valley.
- In this article
the messy yard cops in Antelope Valley (which is a part of Los Angeles
County) are going nuts. This poor slob faces 7 years in prison for
messy yard crimes.
- Why I am insane
- Why I am mentally ill
- Why I am crazy
- Body Dysmorphic Disorder - or Why I am insane
- BDD or Why I am insane
- Flying WITHOUT ID after 9/11
- History of the Social Security Number
- History of the SSN Number
- History of the Social Security Card
- History of the SSN Card
- The Social Security Number and the American police state
- The Social Security Card and the American police state
- History of the SS Number
- History of the SS Card
- 1913 orginal IRS 1040 tax forms
- Orginal 1913 U.S. Federal income tax forms
- 1913 thru 1919 U.S. Federal Income Tax forms
- 1913 IRS 1040 tax form
- 1913 U.S. Federal Income Tax forms
- The first U.S. Income Tax forms
- The orginal U.S. Income Tax forms
- How to work legally with out a Social Security Number
- How to work legally with out a Social Security Card
- How to work legally with out a SSN
- How to work legally with out a SS Number
- You don't need a social security card to work in the USA
- You don't need a social security number to work in the USA
- You don't need a SS number to work in the USA
- You don't need a SSN to work in the USA
- When a government agency asks for your social security number they have to tell you this information
- If a government agency asks for you social security number they have to tell you this
- Do you have to tell the government your social security number?
- Is a Social Security Number required to get a drivers license?
- Can states require a Social Security Number to get a drivers license?
- Social Security Number? Drivers license?
- Tough rules for issuing driver's licenses may inconvenience Oregon residents but are vital for fighting fraud, crime
- put in no stinking id
- Maxim Chow Sang Lam pleads not guilty in a plan to help illegal immigrants get Oregon driver's licenses
- SE Portland man arrested in license fraud case
- Feds uncover driver's license fraud operation
- Officials say illegal immigrants were brought to Oregon and supplied with fake addresses to get IDs
- illegal drivers liceses in oregon
- fake drivers licenses from the DMV
- get photos from their cameras for my lawsuit suing the ASU police for civil rights violations
- Sex Videos on Pause, and Idled Actors Fret
- Inland checkpoints backed
- contrary to popular beliefs you DON'T NEED ID TO FLY.
- contrary to popular beleifs you DON'T NEED ID TO FLY.
- Students suspended for using pennies to buy IDs
- ACLU suing U.S. over 'no fly' anti-terror list
- in
this case the u.s. border patrol deported some teenagers who are
american citizens of mexican desent who live in phoenix to mexico.
- SE Portland man arrested in license fraud case
- Rescind ill-gotten licenses
- Rene Arenas Gutierrez, 30, of Aloha draws 21/2 years for his role helping illegal immigrants obtain IDs
- Some Articles on the subject
- Dudley Hiibel vs. 'Papers, Please'
- No stinking ID
- Employer Id Number can be obtained online
- Put on fake ID page
- put on fake id page
- put on fake id page
- put on fake id page
- put on fake id page
- put on fake id page
- put on fake id page
- janet
flushes 5th amendment down the toilet for sex offenders and signs a
bill that requires them to carry id with them and give it to cops when
- Flying without ID after 9/11
- You need a government issued photo id to buy a home
- You need a government issued photo id to get a home loan
- put on no stinking id
- You need a government issued photo id to buy a home
- janet
flushes 5th amendment down the toilet for sex offenders and signs a
bill that requires them to carry id with them and give it to cops when
- SECURE MAIL? overnment scam to view your mail
- SECURE MAIL? Something to check out?
- Data Doctors: Microsoft documents can hide damaging information
- Data Doctors: Microsoft documents can hide damaging information
- Data Doctors: Microsoft documents can hide damaging information
- Removing hidden data from Word files
- Tempe City Attorney Marlene Pontrelli said the ordinance has been deemed unconstitutional and is not enforced
- thoughts to my attorney
- Scary use of Fed data. Unintended consequences? Makes one want to be a "blank" a la Max Headroom show.
- Texas City Disaster was caused by ammonium nitrate explosives
- Ernest Hancock
- Ernie Hancock
- Pretty Good Privacy
- The GNU Privacy Guard a freeware version of Pretty Good Privacy
- The GNU Privacy Guard a freeware version of PGP
- The GNU Privacy Guard
- visit this place and watch the bats.
- You need a government issued photo id to get a home loan
- You need a government issued photo id to buy a home
- USA Today Editorial wants to turn the USA into a police state and ban fertilizer.
- making home brew rocket fuel is 100% legal!
- A Crackdown on Model Rockets
- Flying without ID after 9/11
- file a lawsuit like this against ernie and david dorn.
- Religion and Social Security Numbers
- ID theft
- perverts must carry pervert id
- these people cant and wont keep us safe from anybody
- SS # and driver
- SS # and driver
- social security numbers and drivers licenses
- social security numbers and drivers licenses
- social security numbers and drivers licenses
- social security numbers and drivers licenses
- can the state verify your Social Security Number when you apply for a drivers license?
- ADOT training vs. fake IDs urged
- id fraud
- papers please!!!
- Think all fingerprints are different?
- Investigation: Forensic evidence in the dock (fingerprints)
- Think all fingerprints are different?
- Think all fingerprints are different? I guess it all depends on the sample size....
- Employer Id Number can be obtained online
- save this pdf from the state on my
- Passports - An Invention of the Modern Police State
- How to verify your Social Security Number
- Verifying a SS number
- Verifying a SSN number
- Verifying a Social Security Number
- Verifying a Social Security Card
- Validating a SS number
- Validating a SSN number
- Maricopa County Jail Records
- Validating a Social Security Number
- Validating a Social Security Card
- Checking to see if a SS number is valid
- Checking to see if a SSN is valid
- Checking to see if a Social Security Number is valid
- Checking to see if a Social Security Card is valid
- Arab ID Card
- Arab Drivers License???
- Arab Identification Card
- Muslim ID Card
- Muslim Drivers License???
- Muslim Identification Card
- Muslem ID Card
- Muslem Drivers License???
- Muslem Identification Card
- Tucson Sunnyside High School ID Card
- Is the USPS spying on us
- Tucson cops handcuff man to a bus stop
- Tucson cops handcuff man to a bus stop and have bomb squad robot check him out!
- Is the U.S. Post Office spying on us?
- You need a government issued photo ID to go to the recreation field
- You need a government issued photo ID to go to lunch
- You need a government issued to leave your cell block in the Arizona State Prison
- Alert Recall ?Turning your children into government snitches!
- Army Id
- You can get IRS PDF forms for the current year from this site
- You can get IRS PDF forms for prior years from this site
- IRS 2000 W-2 Form
- IRS 2001 W-2 Form
- IRS 2002 W-2 Form
- IRS 2003 W-2 Form
- IRS 2004 W-2 Form
- IRS 2005 W-2 Form
- IRS 2006 W-2 Form
- IRS 2005 1099 Form
- IRS 2006 1099 Form
- The Social Security Administration will take your money even if you are an illegal alien
- The Social Security Administration will take your money even if you have a fake social security number
- The Social Security Administration will take your money even if you have a bogus social security number
- The Social Security Administration doesn't enforce the Social Security laws. It just collects money!
- The Social Security Administration is only in it for the money!
- The Social Security Administration won't turn you in if your an illegal alien
- The Social Security Administration won't turn you in if you have a bogus social security number
- The Social Security Administration won't turn you in if you have a fake social security number
- The Social Security Administration won't turn you in if you have a invalid social security number
- The Social Security Administration won't turn you in if you use someone else's social security number
- no one has ever been fined for failing to fill out an I-9 form
- Request for free W-2 forms from IRS
- Request for free 1099 forms from IRS
- Request for free W-2 forms from IRS (word format)
- Request for free 1099 forms from IRS (word format)
- A place to get a drivers license?
- A place to get a social security card?
- A place to get a drivers license and a social security card?
- Phoenix law requires ID to buy cold medicine
- Phoenix law requires ID to buy cold pills
- Photo ID required to buy cold pills
- Photo ID required to buy cold medicine
- A jobs program for identity theif crooks
- A gold mine for Identity theift crooks to get their data - The Phoenix Police
- A place to get the name, date of birth, and address of people
- Valley Metro Bus Pass
- Valley Metro Bus Card
- Tempe Bus Pass
- Tempe Bus Card
- Tempe Youth Bus Pass
- Tempe Youth Bus Card
- Tempe School Bus Pass
- Tempe School Bus Card
- Phoenix Bus Pass
- Phoenix Bus Card
- Starbucks Card
- Star Bucks Card
- It's a stick up
- Say Fresco
- Say fresco to replace cheese and sauce with Fiesta Salsa for lower fat.
- Fiesta Salsa
- Mexican ID
- Mexican Voter ID
- Mexican Voter ID Too
- Mexican Voter ID
- Mexican Voter ID
- Mexican Voter ID
- Mexican Voter ID
- Pictures of Social Security Cards
- Social Security Cards
- Social Security Cards
- Social Security Card photos
- Social Security Card images
- Sinaloa Drivers License
- Drivers License from the Mexican State of Sinaloa
- Mexican Drivers License
- Arizona Drivers License
- Arizona Driver's License
- Arizona Drivers License
- Arizona Drivers License 2
- Arizona Drivers License 3
- Arizona State Prison Release ID (72 dpi actual size)
- Arizona State Prison Release ID (300 dpi)
- Check
- Feds are not busting employeers who hire people with drivers licenses
- Feds are not busting employeers who hire people with social security cards
- Feds are not busting employeers who hire people with proper identification
- Feds are not busting employeers who hire people with proper ID
- Feds are not busting employeers who hire people who don't fill out W-2 forms
- autogiro
- autogiro a cheep helicopter that can't crash
- a cheep helicopter
- a cheap helicopter
- autogiro a terrorist weapon?
- autogiro a $40,000 helicopter that costs $25/hr to operate
- Your employees papers please?
- I'm from the government and want to verify all your employee's papers today
- I'd like to verify all your employees are allowed to legally work here
- MCC W-2 Form
- Creative uses for W-2 forms
- Creative uses for 1099 forms
- Creative uses for tax forms
- Creative uses for W-2 tax forms
- Creative uses for 1099-MISC tax forms
- Creative uses for 1099-MISC forms
- Creative uses for IRS W-2 forms
- Creative uses for IRS 1099 forms
- Creative uses for IRS tax forms
- Creative uses for IRS W-2 tax forms
- Creative uses for IRS 1099-MISC tax forms
- Creative uses for IRS 1099-MISC forms
- IRS W-2 forms
- IRS 1099 forms
- IRS 1099-MISC forms
- IRS tax forms
- Using a W-2 form to by pass a credit check
- Using a 1099 tax form to by pass a credit check
- Fake phone caller ID
- Counterfeit phone Caller ID
- Fake telephone caller ID
- Counterfeit telephone Caller ID
- Fake caller ID
- Counterfeit Caller ID
- SpoofCard.com
- SpoofTel.com
- Spoof Card
- Spoof Tel
- Spoof Telephone
- Arizona Voter ID
- Arizona Voter Identification
- Maricopa County Elections ID
- Tempe Elections ID
- Arizona Voter ID
- ASU copy card
- ASU library copy card
- ASU library money card
- Feds force private businesses to brand citizens with the SS number
- Feds force private businesses to brand citizens with the Social Security number
- Feds force private businesses to track citiznes with Social Security Number
- It costs businesses lots of money to track citizens with Social Security Numbers for the Federal Police State
- Tempe Police say you can get fake Mexican Driver's Licenses at Park & Swap in Phoenix
- Where to get a fake Mexican Driver's License?
- How to become a Mexican Citizen
- Can Americans have dual citizenship - Yes!
- Americans DON'T lose their US citizenship when they become citizens of Mexico
- Renouncing your U.S. Citizenship
- Renouncing your American Citizenship
- Americans DON'T lose their US citizenship when they renounce it!
- Chinese Visa
- Government tools to create fake ID
- Government tools to create fake documents
- Government web sites can be used to create fake ID
- Government web sites can be used to create fake documents
- Creating fake IDs and documents using government web sites
- Tempe Traffic Ticket
- Harry Mitchell supports the police state
- Harry Mitchell is a BIG supporter of the POLICE STATE!!!!
- Tempe Mayor Harry Mitchell is a big supporter of the police state
- Senator Harry Mitchell is a big supporter of the police state
- Congressman Harry Mitchell is a big supporter of the police state
- Arizona Senator Harry Mitchell is a big supporter of the police state
- Arizona Congressman Harry Mitchell is a big supporter of the police state
- It is easy to sneak into the USA from Canada
- Want to enter the USA illegally? Try the Canada border.
- Social Security number 000-00-0000
- SS number 000-00-0000
- SS # 000-00-0000
- Need a social security number? Try 000-00-0000, 9 million other people have!
- Need a SS number? Try 000-00-0000, 9 million other people have!
- Need a SS #? Try 000-00-0000, 9 million other people have!
- Need a SS#? Try 000-00-0000, 9 million other people have!
- Old farts need a government issued photo ID to get medicade
- Feds to copy Arizona Police State ID law on voting
- How to keep Democrats from voting in Arizona
- The AK-47 is a cheap and reliable machine gun
- Newer models of the AK-47 are the AK-74, AK-101, AK-103
- Bust of Tucson fake ID's
- Tucson fake Social Security Cards
- Tucson fake drivers licenses
- Tucson fake driver's licenses
- $60 fake Social Security card in Tucson
- $60 fake drivers license in Tucson
- $60 fake driver's license in Tucson
- Dietary Services
- Plaza Healthcare
- 7760
- 1000
- 3000
- 5000
- Plaza Healthcare ID card
- Do as I say, not as I do. A message from the State of Arizona
- State of Arizona posts Social Security numbers on the web
- Fake ID for Spanish Speaking People in Arizona
- It is impossible to cancel an AOL account???
- Canceling an AOL account - now that's almost impossible
- Passport Police State is expensive
- Requiring passports to visit Mexico and Canada is really screwing things up
- NY court denys drivers license to non-citizens
- It's not a drivers license, it's an internal passport
- Requiring Photo ID to vote is unconstitutional
- Today the cops spy on your car
- Tomorrow the cops will spy on you
- Police state level to go up soon! Passports Required to visit Mexico, Canada and other places!
- abandoned mines - a place for terrorists to hide
- abandoned mines - a place for fugitives to hide
- abandoned mines - a source of explosives!
- Undercover cops find its easy to cross the Mexican border with fake ID
- Undercover cops find its easy to cross the Canadian border with fake ID
- There are 8,000 different kinds of IDs you can use to cross the border
- There are 8,000+ different kinds of IDs you can use to cross the border
- There are 8000 different kinds of IDs you can use to cross the border
- There are 8000+ different kinds of IDs you can use to cross the border
- Mesa police harass motel owners
- Mesa police harass hotel owners
- Do you need a government issued photo ID to rent a hotel in Mesa?
- Do you need a government issued photo ID to rent a motel in Mesa?
- Do you need a government issued photo ID to rent a room in Mesa?
- Do you need a police background check to work at a hotel in Mesa?
- Do you need a police background check to work at a motel in Mesa?
- Citizens of 27 nations, can enter the US without a visa
- No Drivers License
- No Birth Certificate
- No Birth Certificate, No Drivers License, She is screwed
- In the guise of protecting against voter fraud we are punishing people who don't have ID
- In the guise of protecting against voter fraud we are punishing people who don't have a driver's license
- In the guise of protecting against voter fraud we are punishing people who don't have birth certificate
- A good place to sneak across the border
- A good place to sneak into the USA from Mexico
- A good place to sneak into Arizona from Mexico
- The Papago Indian Reservation a good place to sneak into the USA from Mexico
- TheTohono O'odham Reservation a good place to sneak into the USA from Mexico
- Legally getting an identification card with out ID
- Submit
- Getting a legal government issued photo ID, without ID
- Legally getting an identification card with out ID
- Getting a legal government issued photo ID without ID
- A few good places to get a fake ID in Phoenix, Arizona
- Where to get fake ID in Phoenix, Arizona
- McKemy Middle School ID Card
- McKemy Middle School Identification Card
- Judge throws out Georgia's photo-voter ID law
- House expected to pass bill requiring photo ID at polls
- Refusing to give a social security number on a passport application
- Refusing to give a SS number on a passport application
- Refusing to give a SS# on a passport application
- Reasons to refuse to give the government your social security number
- The INS seldom arrests people for not having the proper work paper
- La Migra seldom arrests people for not having the proper work paper
- The IRS seldom arrests people for not having the proper work when they are hired
- Employeers are rarely arrested for not making their employees fill out the proper forms
- Employeers are rarely arrested for not making their employees present the required forms of identification
- Employeers are rarely arrested for not making their employees present the required forms of ID
- Employeers are rarely arrested for not making their employees fill out the I-9 forms properly
- No ID needed to vote in Arizona - for now
- A legal drivers license for undocumented people issued by the state of Utah
- A legal drivers license for undocumented people
- Utah issues a legal drivers license for undocumented people
- Drivers license for people with out ID
- Arizona verifys employees social security numbers with the feds
- Driving with out a license can be a felony in Arizona
- Driving with an expired license can be a felony in Arizona
- Driving with a revoked license can be a felony in Arizona
- Driving with out a license could be a felony with 2 to 4 years in prison
- $20 ID card proposed for U.S. border crossers
- $20 alternative passport???
- credit card-sized radio technology travel document
- credit card-sized radio technology passport
- No SS number, No Medical Treatment
- Health insurance held up over citizenship rule
- New federal requirement to prove U.S. citizenship for medical treatment
- Arizona state medical employees routinely checked Social Security numbers against a federal database
- drivers license
- Internal Passport
- The driver's license is the American version of an "internal passport"
- Driver's License is the American Police State's "Internal Passport"
- Driver's License is the Amerikan Police State's "Internal Passport"
- Tape recorders in police cars
- Tape recorders in cop cars
- Anything you say in a police car is probably being tape recorded
- Anything you say in a cop car is probably being tape recorded
- It's a crime not to report a dead body
- What your legally required to do when you see a dead body in Arizona
- Need a drivers license but don't have the papers? Go to Oregon! They don't require papers
- Oregon is an easy place to get a driver's license
- Arizona the most racist state in the union
- Mexicans not wanted in racist Arizona
- Latinos not wanted in racist Arizona
- Pretending to protect us (and spending $1 billion + to pretend)
- U.S. can't track foreigners with expired visas
- Photo IDs given out at the homeless shelter
- Government Photo IDs given out at the homeless shelter
- Homeless ID card
- Homeless Photo ID card
- Homeless Government issued Photo ID
- Maricopa County Attorney says lets convict them and kill them as fast as possible!!!
- Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas says lets convict them and kill them as fast as possible!!!
- Andrew Thomas says lets convict them and kill them as fast as possible!!!
- Maricopa County Attorney says lets convict them and fry them as fast as possible!!!
- Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas says lets convict them and fry them as fast as possible!!!
- Andrew Thomas says lets convict them and fry them as fast as possible!!!
- Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas wants fast-track convictions and fast-track executions
- Andrew Thomas wants fast-track convictions and fast-track executions
- Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas wants to speed up the death penalty
- Andrew Thomas wants to speed up the death penalty
- Kangaroo Court Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas wants to quickly convict them and then quickly kill them!
- Kangaroo Court Andrew Thomas wants to quickly convict them and then quickly kill them!
- Is the draft constitutional?
- Is the military slavery constitutional?
- Is the military conscription constitutional?
- Passports will be required to enter the USA from Mexico and Canada in January 2008
- January 2008 - Passports required to enter the USA from Mexico and Canada
- January 2008 - Passports required to enter the USA from Mexico
- January 2008 - Passports required to enter the USA from Canada
- Passports will be required to enter the U.S. from Mexico and Canada in January 2008
- January 2008 - Passports required to enter the U.S. from Mexico and Canada
- January 2008 - Passports required to enter the U.S. from Mexico
- January 2008 - Passports required to enter the U.S. from Canada
- Passports will be required to enter the U.S.A. from Mexico and Canada in January 2008
- January 2008 - Passports required to enter the U.S.A. from Mexico and Canada
- January 2008 - Passports required to enter the U.S.A. from Mexico
- January 2008 - Passports required to enter the U.S.A. from Canada
- Immigration agents raid meat processing plants in 6 states
- Imagine: A sheriff who opposes registering people!
- Men that looked like teenagers from Pluto get drivers licenses
- Va. men in disguises get licenses
- Tempe Water Bill Statement
- Photo of a Tempe Water Bill Statement
- Image of a Tempe Water Bill Statement
- Picture of a Tempe Water Bill Statement
- Will you need citizenship papers to go to college in Arizona?
- Prop 300 in Arizona
- Prop 300 no Latinos in Arizona Colleges?
- Need a new last name? Use your wife's last name
- Use your wife's last name
- Mexican Documents
- INS Form
- INS Application for status as a temporary resident
- La Migra Form
- Mexican Birth Certificate
- Certified Mexican Birth Certificate
- Acta de Nacimiento
- Maricopa County, Arizona Marriage License
- Maine driver's license not an internal passport!
- Maine driver's license not a national identification card
- Maine refuses to comply with the police state " Real ID Act of 2005"
- Maine tells Homeland Security goons to F*CK OFF
- Maine Legislature refuses to obey national-ID mandate
- Real ID gets shot down by Maine legislature
- New passport rules make Amerika a bigger better police state!
- New passport rules make America a bigger better police state!
- Will you need a government issued photo ID to go to college in Arizona?
- Will you need a birth certificate to go to college in Arizona?
- Will you need to prove your citizenship before going to college in Arizona?
- ASU to check your citizenship papers
- ASU to check legal status of students
- Proof of citizenship will be required to attend Arizona State University
- No Citizenship checks yet from Prop 300
- Prosecutors seek OK to create phony files
- An internal passport required to browse the internet????
- Using "health laws" to by pass the Bill of Rights
- Using "health laws" to by jail people for life
- Using "health laws" to flush the Constitution down the toilet
- Prevent ID theft
- Prevent identity theft
- Phoenix Police officer Sandra Raby says to lie when you get supermarket cards
- Tempe McKemy Middle School Student ID card
- Now you need a passport to get back into the USA when you visit Mexico
- Drivers License needed to fly on planes
- Drivers License needed to enter Federal Buildings
- Think of it as an internal passport, not a drivers license
- Under bill, Ariz. would opt out of national ID card
- fake_id_gets_you_49_years.html
- Colleges now in the "La Migra" Business snitching to the government
- Arizona colleges get OK to check citizenship ID
- Heil Hitler the police state is not moving fast enough.
- Anti-terrorism plans fall behind schedule
- Your being watched by the government!
- No ID, No Medical Service! - The Government
- Your photocopier has a hard disk the cops can view
- Will the cops get a search warrent for you photo copier
- Watch out what you Xerox, your photo copier has a hard disk in it
- Cops get high tech tools to identify people who refuse to tell them their name
- Cops get high tech tools to allow patrol cars to identify people thru fingerprints, tatoos, or other body features
- Apache Junction Cops get high tech police state tools
- Government nannies says First is null and void if students use it to criticize drug war
- ASU police robot to scan license plates of all cars entering the campus
- It's not a drivers license, it's an internal passport
- Mennonites To Leave Missouri Over Photo ID
- Need an ID?
- Driver's licenses that illegal alians can get
- Only criminals buy more then $2,500 worth of money orders
- Only terrorists buy more then $2,500 worth of money orders
- Only terrorist criminals buy more then $2,500 worth of money orders
- Your a criminals if you buy $2,500.01 worth of money orders in a single day
- Sheriff Joe to check citizenship status during traffic stops
- Government nannies want to require a government issued photo id to get a business license
- Only citizens can drive????
- Public records - a gold mine for identity theft criminals!
- 9th Circuit Court says Voters need citizenship proof
- New law lets state hold illegals for 7 days
- 1984 is here in Apache Junction Arizona Schools
- You have to prove your not a criminal to enter Apache Junction schools
- Lose your Social Security Card 3 times in a year and your screwed!
- Lose your Social Security Card 10 times and your screwed!
- The police state social security card act
- You can only get 10 duplicate copies of your Social Security Card in your life time
- You can only get 3 duplicate copies of your Social Security Card in a year
- What the police state Public Law 108-458 says about replacement social security cards
- Lose your SS Card 3 times in a year and your screwed!
- Lose your SS Card 10 times and your screwed!
- The police state social security card act
- You can only get 10 duplicate copies of your SS in your life time
- You can only get 3 duplicate copies of your SS Card in a year
- What the police state Public Law 108-458 says about replacement SS cards
- Inquiry shows fake ID easy to make, buy in Valley
- Government issued photo ID required to attend Mesa Community College
- 6 States refuse to issue police state drivers licenses mandated by Feds
- 6 states defy federal law requiring ID
- Arizona cops will force arrested people to provide DNA samples
- Cops often lie about having "probable cause" to search for drugs
- Cops routinelly illegally search people for drugs
- ex-narcotics cop tells how to hide your stash from the cops
- narcotics cop give tips about how narcotics cops operate on a CD
- You now need a government issued photo ID to buy beer in Tennessee to buy beer
- Drivers License
- Drivers License
- Drivers License
- Say Heil Hitler to the Arizona Police State
- Napolitano signs immigrant bill targeting employers
- 4th Amendment null and void over July 4th weekend
- Federal law requires a social security card to get married
- A micro-chip in the arm to replace government issued photo ids?
- RFID chips to replace government issued photo id's
- New Haven Conn gives ID cards to illegals with no questions asked
- Get your government issued photo ID in New Haven Conn. - No Questions asked
- You must be fired if your SSN doesn't match the government SSN
- Fired by a computer if your social security number doesn't match!
- Hitler would be proud of these American rulers
- U.S. unveils illegal-hire rules
- A government issued photo ID from an Indian tribe for $50?
- Citizenship from an Indian tribe for $50?
- A government issued photo ID and citizenship for $50 from an Indian tribe?
- Salesmen vs Engineers
- A salesman at work, or a government ruler running to be re-elected
- Mica, Mica, you can get a green card, Social Security card and drivers license for $140 to 160 on any street corner in Phoenix
- Fake drivers license & SS card for $140 to $160???
- Prove citizenship or pay out of state college rates in Arizona
- This is NOT fair!!!!
- Homeland Security Department double crosses 100,000's of immigrants
- Say Heil Hitler to the police state in Arizona
- Arizona to pioneer more secure driver’s licenses for Homeland Security
- Arizona's Internal Passport!
- Man destroys police station with bulldozer
- You now need a government issued photo ID to recycle stuff
- Tempe Judge Stephen Mirretti get 5 years for probation violation
- microchip implants cause cancer?
- Government issued photo ID's cause cancer?
- Government issued photo microchip ID's cause cancer?
- Too much salt and you go to jail!
- Cops arrest McDonalds employee for putting too much salt on hamburger!
- 10 Commandments
- 10 Commandments only 2 or 3 of them should be obeyed
- Government thugs pat them selfs on the back for turning America into a police state
- Fake obituary ruse for prison sentence
- Mexican Voter ID
- Terrorist Sam Simpson
- Terrorist Art Work
- MIT Student arrested for wearing electronic art!
- TSA terrorists arrest MIT student for wearing electronic art
- Homeland Security terrorists arrest MIT student for wearing electronic art
- It is easy to sneak into the USA via Canada
- It is easy to sneak into the U.S.A. via Canada
- It is easy to sneak into the US via Canada
- It is easy to sneak into the U.S. via Canada
- SS Card
- SS Card
- SS Card
- Places an illegal can get a legal government issued photo ID
- Citys and states that issues IDs to illegals
- Places an illegal alian can get a legal government issued photo ID
- Citys and states that issues IDs to illegal alians
- Places an illegal alein can get a legal government issued photo ID
- Citys and states that issues IDs to illegal aleins
- Places an illegal alian can get a legal government issued photo ID
- Citys and states that issues IDs to illegal alians
- Places an illegal alain can get a legal government issued photo ID
- Citys and states that issues IDs to illegal alains
- You don't need ID to fly!
- You can fly without ID
- the TSA does allow passengers to pass through an airline checkpoint without any identification
- Contrary to what you might think, the TSA does allow passengers to pass through a checkpoint without any identification.
- The TSA will search all passengers who don't have an ID
- If you don't have ID you will be searched at the airport before your allowed into the boarding area
- A Russian business that provides web sites for criminals
- Shadowy Russian Firm Seen as Conduit for Cybercrime
- New York issues a drivers license for illegals
- New York issues a drivers license for people who don't have any ID
- New York issues a driver's license for illegals
- New York issues a driver's license for people who don't have any ID
- Feds want to require a government issued photo ID to float on a boat!
- Feds want to require a government issued photo ID to drive a boat!
- Small boats seen as a terror threat
- Get a Mexican Drivers License?
- Illegals can get a government issued photo ID in San Francisco (in Aug 2008)
- Get a government issued photo ID in San Francisco (in Aug 2008)
- Get a government issued photo ID at Phoenix Encanto Park
- To go to events at Encanto Park you need a photo ID they issue
- Arizona internal passport issued
- Arizona internal passport approved by the feds
- Arizona drivers license approved by the feds
- Its not a drivers license, its an internal passport
- They make passports in Tucson, Arizona at a private company
- They make passports in Hot Springs, Ark. at a private company
- They make passports in Tucson, Az at a private company arkansas
- They make passports in Hot Springs, Arkansas at a private company
- They make passports in Hot Springs, Arkensas at a private company
- Court says the government can selectively enforce laws
- 48 mile border fence on Yuma Mexican border
- Map the holes in the 48 mile fence on the Yuma/Mexican border
- Arizona treats Mexicans like Nazi Germany treated the Jews
- Racist Arizona government makes Mexicans 2nd class citizens
- 2008 - National Drivers License Rules
- 2008 - American Internal Passport Rules
- Homeland Security Head tells Americans to F* Off
- Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff tells Americans to F* Off
- All this new security won't change anything
- It's a jobs program for Homeland Security Thugs
- A good place to sneak into the USA - No fences, just sand dunes
- license
- license
- American Express
- American Express
- How criminals make fake Id
- a
- GPS cell phones will tell the police your location within 30 to 40 feet under ideal conditions
- American now worlds biggest police state
- USA now worlds biggest police state
- U.S.A now worlds biggest police state
- 1 out of every 100 Americans is in prison
- 1 out of every 9 Black Americans males is in prison
- United States incarcerates more people than any other nation
- United States has more prison inmates per capita than any other nation
- USA - #1 police state
- United States of America - #1 police state
- Rate My Pig
- RateMyPig
- Rate My Police
- RateMyPolice
- Rate My Police Officer
- RateMyPoliceOfficer
- Rate My Cop
- RateMyCop
- Rate A Cop
- RateACop
- Log complaints about bad cops
- Log complaints about bad police officers
- Log complaints about crooked cops
- Log complaints about crooked police officers
- Log complaints about corrupt cops
- Log complaints about corrupt police officers
- Private company sells IDs that say the person is NOT a criminal
- Private company issues ID cards
- ID forms required to get a PO Box
- ID forms required by the Post Office
- POM rule 841.122 - post office ID for PO Boxes
- The American Police State
- Man jailed on felony charges for using false Social Security number
- Man jailed on felony charges for using fake Social Security number
- Man jailed on felony charges for using woman's Social Security number
- Man jailed on felony charges for using someone else's Social Security number
- In Arizona it's a felony to use someone else's Social Security Number
- Flying with out ID ends June 21, 2008
- You no longer can fly with out ID
- TSA ends flying with out ID on June 21, 2008
- Papers Please! You can no longer fly with out ID
- You now must have ID to fly
- European Union Map
- Europe has less travel restrictions with the European Union
- EU Map
- Europe has less travel restrictions with the EU
- While America is now the worlds premier police state Europe is getting better
- Mesa Police angry cuz Wal-Mart won't obey their orders
- Mr. Variable can't change his name to "F*ck Censorship"
- He wants to change his name to "f*ck censorship
- Man in Social Security limbo
- You now must have ID to fly
- You no longer can fly with out ID
- Cops say anyone who read the Aug 14 issue of the New Times is a criminal
- Cops accuse New Times of publishing child porn
- Cops accuse 200,000+ readers of New Times of possessing child pornography
- Give cops permission to pull you over at gunpoint with out any reason
- Give the police permission to pull you over at gunpoint with out any reason
- Give cops permission to stop you with out probable cause
- Give cops permission to stop you with out reasonable suspicion
- Can somebody else give the cops permission to stop you with out probable cause?
- Can somebody else give the cops permission to stop you with out reasonable suspicion?
- Can your car, an inanimate object give the cops permission to stop you with out probable cause?
- Can your car, an inanimate object give the cops permission to stop you with out reasonable suspicion?
- Can inanimate object, i.e. the car you’re driving, give the cops permission to pull you over illegally?
- Can inanimate object, i.e. the car you’re driving, give the cops permission to pull you over with out probable cause?
- Can inanimate object, i.e. the car you’re driving, give the cops permission to pull you over without reasonable suspicion?
- Full name, birth date required to fly in '09
- Government issued photo ID with date of birth required to fly in 2009
- Yuma Arizona police will disarm any citizen with a gun
- What cowards! The Yuma, Arizona police don't allow citizens to have guns when they are near cops!
- Yuma, Arizona police will disarm any citizen with a gun
- Cellphones can tell the police your location to within 50 meters
- Cellphones can tell the police your location to within 50 yards
- Cellphones can tell the police your location to within 150 feet
- 911 operators can get your cellphone location to within 35 to 50 yards
- Cell phones can tell the police your location to within 50 meters
- Cell phones can tell the police your location to within 50 yards
- Cell phones can tell the police your location to within 150 feet
- 911 operators can get your cell phone location to within 35 to 50 yards
- Cellphones can tell police your location
- Cell phones can tell police your location
- Don't the cops have any REAL criminals to hunt down!
- In jail for using bogus Social Security number.
- David Garcia Herrera gets screwed by the American Police State
- David Garcia Herrera and Veronica Navarrete-Robles get screwed by the American Police State
- Veronica Navarrete-Robles gets screwed by the American Police State
- I bet the statute of limitations has expired on this crime!
- A radio transmitter in your drivers license?
- RFI_drivers_license.html
- Real passport easy to get with fake documents
- Fake records yield U.S. passports
- Using a fake SS number is NOT identity theft!
- Supreme Court rules on fake SS number
- Supreme Court rules on fake SSN number
- Supreme Court rules on fake Social Security number
- Using a fake SSN number is NOT identity theft!
- Using a fake Social Security number is NOT identity theft!
- ASU police state for Obama's commencement talk
- Say Heil Hitler to welcome Obama to ASU - Heil Obama!
- Passport needed to go to Mexico - Heil Hitler, Heil Obama
- Passport needed to go to Canada - Heil Hitler, Heil Obama
- Papers Please! Heil Hitler, Heil Obama, Heil Bush
- Smile if you hate the police state
- Government rules - you have to frown on your drivers license photo
- You're not allowed to smile on your driver's licens photo
- Frown if you love the police state
- Yaqui Indians get special passports
- Yaqui Indians get passport to allow travel between Arizona and Sonora
- Yaqui Indians get passport to allow travel between USA and Mexico
- No fingerprints? Have a letter from your doctor!
- You don't have any fingerprints?
- You don't have any finger prints?
- Busted because his fake DOB was close to his real DOB
- Busted because his fake date of birth was close to his real date of birth
- Busted because his fake SS number was close to his real SS number
- Busted because his fake Social Security number was close to his real Social Security number
- Passport with out birth certificate?
- Passport with out proof of birth in the USA?
- Scent lineups - Junk Science?
- Most cops don't think it is wrong to kick a suspected criminal in the face to punish him.
And if they think kicking a suspected criminal in the face is OK they
probably don't have any problems with planting evidence or lying in
- Does creating a bogus email account make you a felon in Arizona?
- Does creating a fake email account make you a criminal in Arizona?
- How to accuratelly guess a person SSN
- Structure of a SSN
- How to accuratelly guess a person social security number
- Structure of a Social Security Number
- Business owner charged with identity theft
- First business owner in Arizona to be criminally charged with employer sanctions
- Your fingerprints must match your Social Security number before you can get a job?
- E-Verify uses fingerprints to verify Social Security Number
- Bob Dylan falsely arrested for not having ID
- Bob Dylan falsely arrested for not having identification
- Long Branch cops falsely arrest Bob Dylan for not having ID
- New Jersey cops falsely arrest Bob Dylan for not having ID
- Big brother knows the location of you and your cell phone to within 300 meters
- Big brother knows the location of you and your cell phone to within 300 yards
- Big brother knows the location of you and your cell phone to within 900 feet
- Biometric technology opens new security frontiers
- Biometric technology opens new police state frontiers
- Low cost computers allow 1984 Big Brother spying on citizens in 2009
- Dobson High School ID Card
- Dobson High School Identification Card
- Tempe Police incident card
- REAL ID Act vs PASS ID Act - Ain't much difference
- A history of drivers license laws in the USA
- “Your Papers, Please!”
- Driver's license laws started out for tax reasons, not safety
- Does Homeland Security review every bank account opened?
- When you open a bank account do they run the required documents thru the computer to prove they are valid?
- Can you register your can using the name "none" to get out of photo radar tickets
- Can you get a driver's license using the name "none" to get out of photo radar tickets
- Can you get a Social Security number using the name "none" to keep the cops from tracking you down?
- ID theft nightmare!
- Identification theft nightmare!
- FBI using computers to search drivers license photos for fugitives
- Take the 5th when asked to take a DMV photo? It will be used against you by the FBI!
- Exact ID? Yes!
- Name on ticket must match name on id EXACTLY!
- TSA Homeland Security rules on who gets searched at airports
Homeland Security document that was accidently posted on the internet
which lists the rules the TSA follows when searching people
- Benefits law flushes the 5th down the toilet and nets illegal immigrant suspects
- Got brown skin? Then your a terrorist! At least that's what the Feds think!
- Brown skin gives the cops "probable cause" to arrest you for terrorism crimes? That's what the Feds think!
- Brown skin gives the cops "probable cause" to arrest you for terrorism crimes? That's what the Arizona cops think!
- Why are you afraid of being searched if you don't have anything to hide? Ask a cop!
- Cops don't like being held responsible for their actions!
- Cops don't like being forced to prove they are not criminals!
- No Punishment for Killer Cops
- Government cops can and will commit murder without fear of being punished!
- Judge dismisses all charges in Blackwater shooting
- Report: E-Verify misses half of illegal workers
- I wonder if that jerk David Dorn uses E-Verify to snitch on employees
- Do the folks at Dorn Agency use E-Verify to snitch on their employees
- Cost of passport to rise by $35?
- Feds to raise more revenue by jacking up the cost of a passport?
- Cops get 45% of Phoenix budget. Do we live in a police state?
- Cops and firemen get 70% of Phoenix budget.
- Racist Arizona law - No ID, go to jail - well if your a Mexican
- Want food stamps? You will be checked for warrants
- DES checks everyone who applies for food stamps for arrest warrants
- Your Social Security Number is not for Social Security
- Arizona is the "Papers Please" state
- Arizona's racist SB1070 law
- Arizona's racist law that makes Mexican's 4th class citizens
- Missouri is the "Show Me" state, Arizona is the "Show Me Your Papers" state"
- Take the 5th Amendment when asked for a Social Security number?
- Take the Fifth Amendment when asked for a Social Security number?
- Can you take the 5th when an employer asks for a Social Security Number?
- Can you take the Fifth when an employer asks for a Social Security Number?
- Can you take the 5th Amendment when an employer asks for a Social Security Number?
- Can you take the Fifth Amendment when an employer asks for a Social Security Number?
- SB 1070 says if you don't have an ID card you go to jail
- Arizona SB 1070 requires an ID card to keep from getting arrested
- Mesa to require hotel owners to check IDs for police
- Iroquois Confederacy has handwritten passports
- Iroquois Indian Nation has handwritten passports
- Feds Screw Iroquois Indian Nation over their handwritten passports
- Guilty till proven innocent? Yes! it sounds like that!
- You now have to prove your not a criminal to do just about anything
- Feds Create Immigration Fingerprint Database
- La Migra Fingerprint Dragnet
- "Papers Please" part of Arizona SB 1070 can't be enforced for now!
- Passport Fraud
- Getting a passport in someone else's name?
- The FBI is reading YOUR email!
- The FBI is reading YOUR e-mail!
- Feds con Pascua Yaqui Indians into using their police state ID cards
- Extra security added to Pascua Yaqui ID cards
- Arizona businesses say F* E-Verify
- Most Arizona businesses are not using E-Verify
- More on H1B visa used by Indian software engineers
- The oxymoron of H1B visas
- Deporting min wage dishwashers, while importing $50/hr software engineers
- Criminals target children's Social Security Numbers
- Criminals target kid's Social Security Numbers
- Criminals target children's SSNs
- Criminals target kid's SSNs
- Washington doesn't require citizenship papers to get drivers license
- Utah doesn't require citizenship papers to get drivers license
- New Mexico doesn't require citizenship papers to get drivers license
- No citizenship papers to get drivers license
- E-Verify is beatable with stolen or borrowed ID's
- Tavares cops arrest woman for refusing to give them her name
- Tavares Florida cops arrest woman for refusing to give them her name
- Do your cell phone photos include the GPS location the photo was take at?
- The government spys on us with cell phone photos which include the GPS location of the photo
- Date of Birth now needed to fly in the American Police State
- Hitler is smiling in his grave! Obama and Bush have turned American into a full blown police state accoring to this article.
Hiel Hitler!!! Long live the American Police state! Hiel Bush!!! Long
live the American Police state! Hiel Obama!!! Long live the American
Police state!
- High tech California drivers licenses don't work?
- DMV to extend temporary licenses to 90 days
- Screw up causes Californians to lose drivers license for 6 months?
- No drivers licenses for Mexicans in New Mexico
- Governor Susana Martinez doesn't want Mexicans to drive
- Governor Susana Martinez is an Uncle Tom?
- Governor Susana Martinez is a Mexican Uncle Tom?
- Children must prove their citizenship before getting a birth certificate?
- Kids must prove their citizenship before getting a birth certificate?
- Parents must prove the citizenship of their children to get the kid a birth certificate?
- Republicans want to require a photo ID to vote
- It's about making Republicans win elections, not Democracy
- Cops use license plate readers to spy on us
- Vin has a problem with his driver's license
- Vin Suprynowicz an al-Qaida terrorist?
- Sheri Olsen of the Nevada DMV busts an al-Qaida terrorist?
- In America you are guilty till proven innocent?
- The 8300 Form helps clear legitimate cash buyers
- The 8300 Form helps innocent folks prove they are not criminals
- An ID is now required to give away food in Arizona
- You need to prove your citizenship to get a food handlers license in Arizona
- Supreme Court Approves Police State E-Verify
- It's no longer a crime to enter Mexico illegally?
- It's no longer a crime to enter Mexico without papers
- Mexico has decriminalized entering the country with out papers.
- Think the FBI is spying on you? You're probably right!
- Consulate-issued cards will not be recognized
- Mexican Consulate cards will not be recognized
- "Matricula Consular" cards will not be recognized
- ID laws smack of vote suppression
- E-Verify to be required nationwide?
- If you love the police state say "Hiel E-Verify" before you say "Hiel Hitler"
- More states require ID to vote
- Social Security incorrectly lists 1,000's dead every month
- Social Security incorrectly lists 1,000's dead every year
- U.S. turning Iraq into a computerized police state
- U.S. turning Afghanistan into a computerized police state
- Alaska Transgender Drivers License
- Utah man refuses to tell police his name
- Feds are reading your email?
- Feds have wire tapped your cell phone?
- Feds are reading your email and listening to your phone calls
- Guilty till proven innocent in Arizona?
- No trade license till you prove your not a criminal
- No trade license till you prove you are not an illegal alian
- Fake IDs from China for college kids?
- Arizona bans Matricula Consular Cards
- Arizona bans Matricula Consular ID Cards
- No ID in Tijuana?
- No ID in Mexico?
- Stealing ID cards with a scanner
- Stealing ID cards with a copier
- Stealing data with scanners and copiers
- Hacking scanners to steal data
- Hacking copiers to steal data
- In America you are guilty till proven innocent?
- Kentucky sisters having a difficult time getting Social Security Numbers
- Kentucky Sisters Fight to get Social Security Numbers
- Michael Kielsky says no "Papers Please Police State"
- Michael Kielsky wants to legalize marijuana?
- Michael Kielsky wants to legalize pot?
- Russell Pearce opponent says no "Papers Please Police State"
- Russell Pearce opponent wants to legalize marijuana?
- Russell Pearce opponent wants to legalize pot?
- Papers Please - Davis-Monthan Air Force Base
- Love the Police State? Move to NYC
- Gestapo? KGB? SS? Nope, NYPD working with the CIA
- It's a driver's license, not an "internal passport"
- Citizenship not required to get a driver's license in New Mexico
- Citizenship not required to get a driver's license in Washington State
- States that don't require citizenship to get a driver's license
- It's a drivers license, not an "internal passport"
- Citizenship not required to get a drivers license in New Mexico
- Citizenship not required to get a drivers license in Washington State
- States that don't require citizenship to get a drivers license
- Tape record a crooked cop? You might go to prison, not the cop
- According to this articleTiawanda
Moore was documenting the actions of some crooked Chicago cops.
Instead of being thanks for rooting out crooked cops, the cops arrested
her and tried to send her to prison for 15 years. Sadly the laws
protect crooked cops from the civilians they commit crimes against.
- NYPD hires CIA thugs to spy on American citizens?
- Papers Please, Indian Style
- Papers Please, Indian turns into a socialist police state
- Supreme Court to rule on if we have a right to Anonymity
- Rigging elections to keep in power?
- Republicans rig elections to keep in power
- 25% of Blacks don't have a government issued photo ID
- 8% of Whites don't have a government issued photo ID
- 15% of poor people don't have a government issued photo ID
- Fake driver's licenses from China
- Fake Arizona driver's licenses from China
- Fake drivers licenses from China
- Fake Arizona drivers licenses from China
- Fake IDs from China
- Fake Arizona IDs from China
- House committee passes E-Verify
- Is that OnStar or OnSnitch
- Is OnStar telling the police every move you make?
- Will the Feds require OnStar to snitch on you?
- Voter ID laws rarely prevent voter fraud
- Voter ID laws mostly stop people in the "wrong" party from voting
- Just say NO to E-Verify
- Ron Paul thinks E-Verify stinks
- Medical Marijuana - Papers Please
- Sick people need ID to get treatment?
- You need an ID card to get a marijuana prescription?
- No guns for medical marijuana users
- Most Taliban bombs are made from fertilizer
- Most Taliban bombs are simple ANFO technology
- Most Taliban bombs are simple ammonium nitrate fertilizer bombs
- Most IEDs are made from fertilizer
- Cell phone snitches
- Uncle Sam is listening to your cell phone calls
- The FBI is listening to your cell phone calls
- Homeland Security is listening to your cell phone calls
- The TSA is listening to your cell phone calls
- The Chandler Police Department is listening to your cell phone calls
- The Flagstaff Police Department is listening to your cell phone calls
- The Glendale Police Department is listening to your cell phone calls
- The Maricopa County Sheriff is listening to your cell phone calls
- The Peoria Police Department is listening to your cell phone calls
- The Pima County Sheriff is listening to your cell phone calls
- The Pinal County Sheriff is listening to your cell phone calls
- The Scottsdale Police Department is listening to your cell phone calls
- The South Tucson Police Department is listening to your cell phone calls
- The Tucson Police Department is listening to your cell phone calls
- The Yavapai Police Department is listening to your cell phone calls
- An ACLU request for public records on government cell phone spying
- Papers Please - at the voting booth and airport
- Papers Please - at the polls and airports
- Portable eyeball scanners to help the police ID people
- Portable fingerprint scanners to help the police ID people
- Cops get software to turn iPhones into I.D. scanners
- Pinal County Sheriff will scan your eyeballs & fingerprints
- Cops get software to turn iPhones into eye ball scanners
- Cops get software to turn iPhones into fingerprint scanners
- Voter Fraud Myth
- Voter Fraud - a lame excuse to prevent Democrats from voting
- Why you need an ID to vote
- Why you need an ID to vote - to prevent Democrats from voting
- You have to get fingerprinted to get food stamps in New York City
- You have to get fingerprinted to get food stamps in Arizona?
- You have to get fingerprinted to get food stamps in New York
- Chat Downs, not catching any terrorists
- Chat Downs are only catching common criminals
- TSA Chat Downs
- TSA questioning airline passengers
- You need a government issued photo ID to sell stuff in Phoenix
- You need a government issued photo ID to do door to door sales in Phoenix
- Your car's computer is a police informant!
- Your car's computer is a police snitch!
- The cops know everything you did in your car
- No stinking license plates for Steve Jobs
- Steve Job's Mercedes never has had license plates?
- In California you have 6 months to get license plates for your car
- Feds say no FOIA requests for suspected criminals
- Feds say no Freedom of Information Act requests for suspected criminals
- First Amendment null and void in Los Angeles County?
- 1st Amendment null and void in Los Angeles County?
- ACLU sues LA County Sheriff for 1st Amendment violations
- ACLU sues LA County Sheriff for First Amendment violations
- Maricopa County Death certificates
- Supreme Court takes GPS tracking case
- Can the cops monitor you 24/7 with a GPS tracking device???
- Hotels partner with Homeland Security to bring a police state to Amerika
- Hotels partner with Homeland Security to bring a police state to America
- Hotels partner with FBI to bring a police state to America
- Hotels partner with TSA to bring a police state to America
- NAACP plans nationwide protests on voter-ID laws
- Mexico's #2 drug warrior dies in helicopter crash
- Creator of Mexican National ID card dies
- Mexico's #2 drug warrior, Francisco Blake Mora, dies in helicopter crash
- Francisco Blake Mora, creator of Mexican National ID card dies
- The cops know where your car is, and where it has been
- Police spy cameras and computers monitor you 24/7
- Police encrypt their radio communications to keep the public in the dark
- More police departments look to tune public out
- Cops don't want us serfs to know what they are talking about on the radio
- Secret police communications
- The police state gets bigger as most police departments encrypt their radio communications
- Police state "Real ID Act" destroys lives of innocent Americans
- Real ID Act terrorist law keeps some in U.S. from getting any ID
- Real ID Act aimed at drug users, not terrorists
- Police state "Patriot Act" destroys lives of innocent Americans
- Patriot Act terrorist law keeps some in U.S. from getting any ID
- Patriot Act aimed at drug users, not terrorists
- 10 tips to sail through airport security
- How to minimize the time the TSA thugs poke & inspect you at airports
- American police are at war with the American public
- Sheriff's deputies to get battlefield-tested technology
- Most IEDs are simple ANFO technology
- Most IEDs are simple ammonium nitrate fertilizer bombs
- Most Afghanistan bombs are made from fertilizer
- Most Afghanistan bombs are simple ANFO technology
- Most Afghanistan bombs are simple ammonium nitrate fertilizer bombs
- Get copies of Mesa Police pornographic e-mails
- Mesa Police Porn Scandle
- Mesa Police E-mail Porn Scandle
- BOR_null_and_void_mistakes.html
- fortune_marijuana_medical.html
- photo_radar_speed_traps.html
- az_concealed_carry.html
- stop_and_frisk.html
- mexico_drug_war_14000_dead.html
- mexican_gun_laws.html
- mexican_bill_of_rights.html
- az_trust_land.jpg
- norml_1937_marihuana_tax.html
- cellphone_warrant_ohio.html
- feds-no-guns-in-schools.html
- arizona_pawn_shop_capital.html
- original_meaning_constitut.html
- nomorestungunfunforcops.html
- gov_is_problem_not_solution.html
- computer_public_request.html
- prosecutorial_immunity.html
- sheriff_joe_no_remember.html
- arizona-v-johnson.html
- bizarre_behavior_by_cops.html
- cop_free_parking.jpg
- public_records_times.html
- universal_health_care.html
- light_rail.html
- immigration_states_or_fed.html
- real-passport_fake-document.html
- _private
- fence_on_mexican_border.html
- sb_1070_requires_id.html
- mesa_hotel_id_law.html
- american_passage.jpg
- guns_in_post_offices.html
- towed_in_arizona.html
- arizona_hb-2380_cop_felony.html
- arizona_public_record_laws.html
- cops_prove_not_criminals.html
- monkey_photo_radar.jpg
- citations_legal_2.jpg
- phoenix_rulers_paid_100k.html
- hit-and-run.html
- index.html
- achololic_mental_ill_arrest.html
- az_clean_election_unconstit.html
- tempe_police_dossiers.html
- 14th_protects_2nd.html
- madoff_computer_programmers.html
- fbi_flushes_5th_amendment.html
- brown_skin_means_terrorist.html
- arizona_medical_marijuana.html
- adam_stoddard_court_jail.html
- pork_my_your_vote.html
- gun_control_by_irs_1040.html
- michael_jackson_murder.html
- stacking_elections.html
- phoenix_police_pay.html
- TOS.html
- kansas_duplicate_plates.html
- brett-mecum.jpg
- schwarzenegger_parking.html
- hate_groups.html
- mexicos_24_wanted.html
- CALEA_wire_tap_law.html
- brady_list-corrupt-cops.html
- guns_in_locked_cars.html
- monica_says_clinton_lied.html
- az_state_archive_records.html
- peppermint_oil_terrorist.html
- god_government.html
- constitutions_state_protect.html
- sun_devil_beer.pdf
- fifth_null_and_void.html
- liquid_opium.jpg
- css_defs.css
- az_public_records_ombudsman.html
- TSA_airport_search_rules.html
- high_taxes_zero_benifits.html
- dead_people.html
- ricky_duncan.html
- narc_air_landing_sensors.html
- photos_radar_big_city_shake.html
- swiss_bank_snitches.html
- feds_keep_public_off_public.html
- alan_korwin_guns.html
- supremes_on_id_theft.html
- perjury.html
- consent_required_DUI_test.html
- montana_gun_law.html
- propaganda_by_DARE.html
- guns_supreme.html
- police_science_labs.html
- marijuana_medical_calif.html
- barnett_lotstein_cop_car.html
- bayer_heroin.jpg
- tell_the_cops_your_name.html
- 5_trillion_freon_mistake.html
- monkey_photo_radar.html
- cops_vote_for_police_state.html
- cop_free_parking.html
- citations_legal_1.jpg
- admin_order_2004-122.html
- brady_list_cops_that_lie.html
- license_plate_arizona.html
- E-Verify.html
- keating_5.html
- prosecutors_and_cops_lie.html
- photo_radar_tickets.html
- Brett-Mecum.html
- mariani_wine.jpg
- executive_order_12425.html
- guns_on_asu_light_rail.html
- bayer_heroin.html
- no_jail_for_police_killers.html
- welfare_dole_drug_tests.html
- equal_protection_clause.html
- we_dont_want_help.html
- lawyers_fleece_clients.html
- imaginary_girl_sama_yegan.html
- guns_legal_in_chicago.html
- drivers_license_not_needed.html
- harry_anslinger.jpg
- legal_stuff2.doc
- marc_victors_business_card.html
- cops_get_70_percent.html
- maltine_coca_wine.jpg
- mark_victors_business_card.html
- take_the_5th_dummy.html
- dui_software.html
- az_id_theif.html
- ll0ve.html
- az_state_trust_land.html
- census_worker_suicide.html
- gun_free_zones_phoenix.jpg
- sun_devil_beer.html
- camera_ban_illegal.html
- mexico_legalizes_drugs.html
- mexico_fence.jpg
- cgi-bin
- arrest_reasons_sheriff_joe.html
- cops_search_safe_for_drugs.html
- pig_standards.html
- extraterrestrials.html
- CIFTA_gun_treaty.html
- schwarzenegger_illegally_parked.jpg
- 0___model.html
- citations_legal.html
- supremes_say_5th_expires.html
- no_ssn_needed_to_buy_gun.html
- western_union_no_rights.html
- scent_lineups.html
- kansas_dup_sully_plate.jpg
- sawed_off_shotgun_law.html
- single_convention_kevindrum.html
- dui_on_a_bike_in_arizona.html
- register_to_vote_no_id.html
- rand_paul_beatsup_socialist.html
- jaywalkers_cant_have_guns.html
- equal_protection_prop_203.html
- prop_203_medical_marijuana.html
- file_a_claim_not_for_joe.html
- _pdf_files
- judges_sue_sheriff_joe.html
- predator_b_drone_spy_plane.html
- medical-marijuana-rules.pdf
- az_proposed_medical_pot.html
- ca_search_cell_phone_cpu.html
- youngtown_police_lawsuit.html
- az_cops_id_wrong_guy.html
- bulletproofvests_illegal.html
- az_cursing.html
- az_knife_control_laws.html
- us_obama_screw_the_FOIA.html
- az_wolfswinkel_sheriff_joe.html
- powdered_aluminum_illegal.html
- andrew_thomas_complaint.html
- pot_lawyers_wont_be_disbarr.html
- no_arrest_royal_gov_rulers.html
- ill_concealed_carry.html
- ill_concealed-25.png
- ill_concealed-now.png
- guns_legal_on_colleges.html
- gov_cant_copyright.html
- _pdf_files/andrew_thomas_complaint.pdf
- _pdf_files/gifford-murder-charges.pdf
- _pdf_files/lawsuit1.pdf
- _pdf_files/lawsuit2.pdf
- _pdf_files/lawsuit3.pdf
- _pdf_files/wolfswinkel-sheriff_joe_lawsuit.pdf
- _pdf_files/youngtown_police_lawsuit.PDF
- andrew_thomas_complaint.pdf
- gifford-murder-charges.pdf
- lawsuit1.pdf
- lawsuit2.pdf
- lawsuit3.pdf
- wolfswinkel-sheriff_joe_lawsuit.pdf
- youngtown_police_lawsuit.PDF
- Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
- Rules for Federal Lawsuits
- No Punishment for Killer Cops
- Government cops can and will commit murder without fear of being punished!
- Judge dismisses all charges in Blackwater shooting
- TSA Homeland Security rules on who gets searched at airports
- TSA Homeland Security document that tells who gets searched at airports and who doesn't get searchedCensus worker killed self, faked homicide
- Census worker killed self. It wasn't a murder of some guy because he worked for the Fed as first thought
- Census worker killed self, faked murder of Fed
- Swiss banks will snitch on American tax evaders
- Switzerland breaks with tradition on tax evasion
- Welfare recipients face drug tests
- Want food stamps? You have to take a drug test?
- Want unemployement benifits? You have to take a drug test?
- Hate Groups
- If you don't love the government your a hate group
- An interesting article in Fortune on medical marijuana
- Is pot already legal
- A perscription to use marijuana for $200 in California?
- State constitutions usually give us much more protection then the Federal Constitution
- State constitutions usually give us much more protection then the US Constitution
- State constitutions usually give us much more protection then the U.S. Constitution
- Gun control by the IRS on your 1040 form?
- Judge says a Social Security number can't be required to buy a gun
- Federal law makes it a crime to possess a firearm within 1,000 feet of a school
- Gun free school zones
- Arizona ID Theif
- Arizona V Johnson - Supremes flush 4th
- Arizona V Johnson - another Terry V Ohio
- Using a fake Social Security number is NOT identity theft!
- Using a fake SS number is NOT identity theft!
- Flores-Figueroa v. U.S., 08-10
- "Stop and frisk" a quick and illegal way to bust drug users
- Using Terry v Ohio to flush the 4th Amendment down the toilet
- Fence on Mexican border ain't working very well
- CIFTA Gun Treaty
- Inter-American
Convention Against The Illicit Manufacturing Of And Trafficking In
Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, And Other Related Materials Treaty
- Real U.S. passports easy to get with fake documents
- Montana gun law
- Government publications can't be copyrighted?
- Government articles can't be copyrighted?
- Government web sites can't be copyrighted?
- Government books can't be copyrighted?
- Government newsletters can't be copyrighted?
- Federal publications can't be copyrighted?
- Federal articles can't be copyrighted?
- Federal web sites can't be copyrighted?
- Federal books can't be copyrighted?
- Federal newsletters can't be copyrighted?
- U.S. publications can't be copyrighted?
- U.S. articles can't be copyrighted?
- U.S. web sites can't be copyrighted?
- U.S. books can't be copyrighted?
- U.S. newsletters can't be copyrighted?
- 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs prevents the US government from legalizing drugs
- Barack Obama signs Executive Order 12425
- Obama grants unprecedented powers to Interpol on U.S. soil
- Executive Order 12425 gives diplomatic immunities and privileges to Interpol Police
- Monica Lewinsky is back: Says Clinton lied
- Sawedoff Shotguns
- Sawed Off Shotguns
- United States v. Miller
- U.S. v. Miller
- US v. Miller
- Take the 5th dummy
- Why you should never talk to the polic
- Why you should always take the 5th
- Movie on why you should never talk to the police
- Nivue on why you should take the 5th and refuse to talk to the police
- Supremes rule on 2nd Amendment
- Dick Anthony Heller v Washington DC
- Heller v Washington DC 2008
- District of Columbia v. Heller
- Northwest Ordinance
- drivers license not needed
- drivers license not needed for private driving
- drivers license needed only for commercial driving
- Original meaning of the Constitution
- Original intent of the Constitution
- Book - Restoring the Lost Constitution
- meaning of the Commerce Clause
- Andy Barnett's book "Restoring the Lost Constitution
- Supreme Court says 5th Amendment expires in 14 days!
- Supreme Court flushes the Fifth Amendment down the toilet!
- 8 States require you to believe in God to hold office
- 8 States require you to believe in God to be an elected official
- Torcaso v. Watkins You can't be forced to beleive in God to hold a public office or be an elected official.
- Supremes Flush 5th Amendment down the toilet
- Supremes say you ain't got no Fifth Amendment right unless you ask for it!
- Berghuis v. Thompkins - you ain't got no 5th Amendment rights!
- Supremes rule against Chicago gun ban
- Supreme Court guns: 14th Amendment protects the 2nd Amendment
- Supreme Court guns: The Slaughterhouse Cases
- Supreme Court guns: D.C. v. Heller
- Supreme Court guns: McDonald v. Chicago
- Using a fake Social Security number is NOT identity theft!
- Using a fake SS number is NOT identity theft!
- Flores-Figueroa v. U.S., 08-10
- 1963 U.S. Supreme Court Brady v. Maryland - cops who are liars
- 1963 U.S. Supreme Court Brady v. Maryland - police officers who are liars
- "Stop and frisk" a quick and illegal way to bust drug users
- Using Terry v Ohio to flush the 4th Amendment down the toilet
- Montana gun law
- can dead people testify in a criminal trial
- Violating "terms of service" is a Federal felony!!!
- violating TOS is a Federal felony!!!
- Communication Assistance for Law Enforcement Act
- 1994 Communication Assistance for Law Enforcement Act
- Telephone switch wiretap law
- Telephone switch wire tap law
- 1937 Marihuana Tax Act
- Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 replaced the 1937 Marihuana Tax Act
- Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 replaced the 1914 Harrison Narcotics Tax Act
- Controlled Substances Act replaces the 1937 Marihuana Tax Act
- Title II of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 replaces the 1914 Harrison Narcotics Tax Act
- Title II of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 replaces the 1937 Marihuana Tax Act
- Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970
- Controlled Substances Act (CSA)
- Title II of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act
- Do States or the Fed have the right to control immigration? Or both?
- "American Passage: The History of Ellis Island" by Vincent Cannato
- Bayer Heroin
- Heroína Bayer
- El Vino Mariani
- Mariani Wine - Cocaine laced wine endorese by Papa León XIII
- I will vote for YOUR pork if you vote for MY pork.
- Bend over and open your wallet! Congress passes Universal Health Care!
- Brown skin is "probable cause" that your guilty of the crime of terrorism! At least that's what the Federal govenrment thinks!
- No more stun gun fun for cops?
- Appeals court ruling could limit police use of Taser stun guns
- Science Found Wanting in Nation’s Crime Labs
- Police crime labs rubber stamp what the cops tell them to say
- Police crime labs use shoddy scientific practices
- Federal Bureau of Investigation fingerprint identification methods are faulty
- FBI fingerprint identification methods are faulty
- Defense lawyers seeking to discredit forensic procedures and expert witnesses in court
- You don't have any 5th Amendment rights around the FBI
- FBI flushes 5th Amendment down the toilet
- Homeland Security flushes 5th Amendment down the toilet
- Is it illegal to talk to extraterrestrials?
- Is it illegal to talk to little green men from outer space?
- U.S.C. 14 § 1211 makes it illegal to talk to extraterrestrials?
- Article Title 14, Section 1211 of U.S. Federal Code: Forbidding Contact With Extraterrestrials?
- Fed's used Predator B drone in the "War on Drugs"
- Fed's used Predator B drone in the "War on the Constitution"
- Fed's used Predator B drone in the "War on the American People"
- Murder charges against Jared Loughner for the attempted murder of Gabrielle Giffords
- Supreme Court rules to ban bullet proof vests for convicts
- Alderman v. United States, 09-1555 on bullet proof vests for convicts
- Supreme Court rules to ban bulletproof vests for convicts
- Alderman v. United States, 09-1555 on bulletproof vests for convicts
- Supreme Court rules to ban body armor for convicts
- Alderman v. United States, 09-1555 on body armor for convicts
- Supreme Court rules to ban bodyarmor for convicts
- Alderman v. United States, 09-1555 on bodyarmor for convicts
- Obama - F*ck the FOIA
- Obama - F*ck the Freedom Of Information Act
- Wolfswinkel sues Sheriff Joe and Maricopa County for civil rights violations
- Wolfswinkel sues Sheriff Joe and Maricopa County for civil rights violations
- Is powdered aluminum illegal under Federal law?
- Montana gun law
- Cops want to jail you but your not a criminal? No problem! Your mentally ill!
- Cops want to jail you but your not a criminal? No problem! Your an alcoholics (in Alaska)!
- Arizona State Trust Land
- Arizona State Trust Land
- Arizona Medical Marijuana
- Arizona Medical any Illegal Drug
- Arizona Public Record Laws - A.R.S 39-121
- Arizona Freedom of Informatin Act A.R.S 39-121
- Arizona Public Record Laws - ARS 39-121
- Arizona Freedom of Informatin Act ARS 39-121
- Arizona public records ombudsman
- Arizona public records helper
- can dead people testify in a criminal trial
- Arizona Legal Notice
- Concealed Carry
- Ricky Duncan's Concealed Carry Stuff
- Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board
- Arizona Prison Guard Standards and Training Board
- Arizona Police Officer Standards and Training Board
- Standards for Arizona cops
- Standards for Arizona prison guards
- If your car is towed they can't force you to pay to get it back
- 1984 - Capson vs. Superior Court (139 Ariz. 113, 677 P.2d 276) If your car is towed they can't hold it hostage and force you to pay to get it back
- Alan Korwin on ARS 13-3108
- Alan Korwin on A.R.S. 13-3108
- Alan Korwin on Arizona Revised Statutes 13-3108
- Alan Korwin on Arizona Preemption
- Alan Korwin on "A political subdivision of this state shall not require the licensing or registration of firearms or ammunition"
- Alan Korwin on FOPA
- Alan Korwin on 18 USC §926
- Alan Korwin on USC 18 §926
- Alan Korwin on Sarah Palin
- Rule of law erodes further in Maricopa County
- Maricopa County Sheriff's detention officer Adam Stoddard
- Clint Bolick
- Sheriff Joe Arpaio
- Judge Gary Donahoe
- Maricopa County Sheriff's detention officer caught looking through papers in a defense attorney's file
- Goldwater Institute
- Administrative Order No. 2004-122
- Administrative Order Number 2004-122
- Administrative Order No. 2004 122
- Administrative Order Number 2004 122
- Maricopa County Administrative Order No. 2004-122
- Maricopa County Administrative Order Number 2004-122
- Maricopa County Administrative Order No. 2004 122
- Maricopa County Administrative Order Number 2004 122
- Maricopa County Court Administrative Order No. 2004-122
- Maricopa County Court Administrative Order Number 2004-122
- Maricopa County Court Administrative Order No. 2004 122
- Maricopa County Court Administrative Order Number 2004 122
- You are subject to search when entering Maricopa County Court House
- New Times lawsuit against Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas
- New Times lawsuit against Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas
- New Times lawsuit against Dennis Willenchik
- New Times lawsuit against Dennis Willenchik
- New Times lawsuit against Dennis Willencheck
- New Times lawsuit against Dennis Willencheck
- Decoding legal citations in a lawsuit
- Looking up legal citations in a lawsuit
- Hit and run accidents
- $5 trillion freon mistake
- 5 trillion dollar freon mistake
- Five trillion dollar freon mistake
- Arizona State Trust Land
- Arizona law that required you to tell the cops your name
- Arizona law that required you to tell the police your name
- Arizona law created out of Hibel V Nevada
- Arizona law ARS 13-2412 created out of Hibel V Nevada
- Arizona Equal Protection Clause
- Can the Equal protection clause of the Arizona Constitution be
used to force the government to allow anyone and everyone the right to
smoke marijuana after the passage of Prop 203? Read more.
- Prop 203 - Arizona Medical Marijuana
- Filing a claim against the State of Arizona
- Filing a claim against an Arizona County
- Filing a claim against an Arizona city
- Filing a claim against an Arizona government entity
- Sheriff Joe doesn't have to file a claim against Maricopa County
- Filing a claim against Maricopa County
- article
the lawyers for Sheriff Joe, who is suing Maricopa County say that if
Sheriff Joe had to file a claim it would interfere with his right to sue
the county.
- Maricopa County Judges sue Sheriff Joe Arpaio for civil rights violations
- Maricopa County Judges sue Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas for civil rights violations
- Judge Wilson lawsuit suing Sheriff Joe Arpaio
- Judge Schuerman lawsuit suing Sheriff Joe Arpaio
- Judge Donahoe lawsuit suing Sheriff Joe Arpaio
- Judge Wilson lawsuit suing Andrew Thomas
- Judge Schuerman lawsuit suing Andrew Thomas
- Judge Donahoe lawsuit suing Andrew Thomas
- Judge Wilson lawsuit suing Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas
- Judge Schuerman lawsuit suing Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas
- Judge Donahoe lawsuit suing Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas
- Fed's used Predator B drone in the "War on Drugs"
- Fed's used Predator B drone in the "War on the Constitution"
- Fed's used Predator B drone in the "War on the American People"
- Is powdered aluminum illegal under Arizona law?
- Marc Victor's Business Card
- Marc Victors Business Card
- Victor & Hall Business Card
- The back of Marc Victor's business card
- The back of Marc Victors business card
- The back of Victor & Hall's business card
- Brady List" 400+ police officers who are not credibile on the witness stand in Arizona
- "Brady List" which contains 400+ police officers who may have credibility issues on the witness stand in Arizona
- "Brady List" - Corrupt cops
- Corrupt police officers in Arizona who lie on the witness stand
- Mark Victor's Business Card
- Mark Victors Business Card
- Victor & Hall Business Card
- The back of Mark Victor's business card
- The back of Mark Victors business card
- The back of Victor & Hall's business card
- DUI software must be given in Pima County
- Firm must disclose DUI software
- Firm must disclose DUI software of Intoxilyzer 8000 machine
- CMI must disclose software of Intoxilyzer 8000 machine
- Judges can't ban cameras in courtrooms
- The Keating Five
- The Keating 5
- Charles H Keating Jr
- Senator Dennis DeConcini
- Senator John McCain
- Senator Alan Cranston
- Senator John Glenn
- Arizona State Archives Records get new home
- Check out Arizona State Archive Records
- Is requiring your car to have a license plate a violation of the 5th Admendment?
- Is requiring your car to have a license plate a violation of the Fifth Admendment?
- Are gasoline taxes a violation of the Northwest Ordinance
- Are vehicle registration taxes a violation of the Northwest Ordinance
- Are vehicle license taxes a violation of the Northwest Ordinance
- the word Arizona not visible on your license plate is another lame excuse for the cops to pull you over
- Cops "arrest their way to solutions"
- Government forces their help on homeless people who don't want it!
- Supremes say Bill of Rights null and void when cops make honest mistakes
- Illegal search not illegal if cops made an honest mistake
- Bill of Rights null and void when cops make mistakes
- Supreme Court prosecutors can't be sued!
- Supreme Court Gives Absolute Prosecutorial Immunity
- Photo radar speed traps unconstitutional
- Andrew Thomas says photo radar speed traps unconstitutional
- Reasons why photo radar speed traps are unconstitutional in Arizona
- Arizona HB-2380 makes it a felony to put any information about a cop on the internet
- HB-2380 makes it a felony to put any information about an Arizona cop on the internet
- Arizona HB-2380 makes it a felony to put any information about a police officer on the internet
- HB-2380 makes it a felony to put any information about an Arizona police officer on the internet
- EVerify to expire
- EVerify to be renewed
- E-Verify to expire
- E-Verify to be renewed
- Guns in post offices
- Guns are NOT illegal in post offices
- Alan Korwin exposes the lie that guns are illegal in post offices
- 18 USC § 930 - guns in post offices
- Arizona cops entrap California man to have sex with imaginary girl
- Sama Yegan gets a year in jail for asking an imaginary girl to have sex with him on the internet
- Arizona cops use internet to entrap people across the world and jail them in Arizona
- Brown skin is "probable cause" that your guilty of the crime of terrorism! At least that's what the Federal and State thugs in Arizona think!
- Sheriff Joe Arpaio takes the 5th Amendment
- Sheriff Joe Arpaio takes the Fifth Amendment
- Sheriff Joe Arpaio can't recall
- Sheriff Joe Arpaio can't remember
- Sheriff Joe does what any good criminal will do - Sheriff Joe takes the 5th and refuses to answer prosecutor questions!
- ASU threatens to sue Chandler microbrewery over name
- Sun Devil Ale is illegal
- Sun Devil Beer is illegal
- ASU threatens to sue San Tan Brewing Company for using name Sun Devil Ale
- ASU threatens to sue San Tan Brewing Company for using name Sun Devil Beer
- Nut job Sensors Russell Pearce wants sensors in airports to call the narcs when planes land
- Russell Pearce lobbies for government pork for Quantum Technology
- 180 Phoenix police, fire officials earn more than $100,000 each
- 87 Phoenix police sergeants make more than $99,000 (over $50/hr)
- Where do most of your city taxes go? To pay for the police state!
- Arizona Lawmakers sell State Capital to a pawn shop
- Arizona House & Senate members sell State Capital buildings to a pawn shop
- Arizona State gets $735 million in sale-leaseback deal by selling State Capital and other buildings
- 527 Phoenix employees earn $100,000 or more
- 527 Phoenix employees earn 7.4 percent of the salaries Phoenix pays out
- 527 of Phoenix's 14,343 employees earn $100,000 or more
- An average Arizona worker makes $34,335, while the average city of Phoenix employee makes $57,000
- An average city of Phoenix employee makes $22,665 more then an average Arizona worker
- Arizona Clean Election law is unconstitutional!
- 12 years to rule Clean Election Law Unconstitutional - The system doesn't work!
- Cops lie about having "probable cause" to search safe for drugs?
- 2 arrested in Ariz. after pot found in safe
- Court allows lawyers to fleece clients
- Cops rarely held accountable for photo radar tickets
- Police officers rarely held accountable for photo radar tickets
- New law stacks elections in favor of more taxes and laws
- New law stacks elections in favor of military employees
- New law stacks elections in favor of government employees
- New law stacks elections in favor of bigger government and more taxes
- Western Union forced to pay cops to violate it's Constitutional rights
- No Constitutional rights for drug dealers in Arizona
- No Constitutional rights for dope dealers in Arizona
- No Constitutional rights for money launderers in Arizona
- No Constitutional rights for Western Union in Arizona
- DARE is a jobs program for over paid cops
- DARE is a jobs program for over paid police officers
- DARE is a failure when it comes to cutting drug use
- D.A.R.E. is a jobs program for over paid cops
- D.A.R.E. is a jobs program for over paid police officers
- D.A.R.E. is a failure when it comes to cutting drug use
- It is illegal for Barnett Lotstein to have a government car
- It is illegal for Barnett Lotstein to have a Maricopa County car
- It is illegal for Andrew Thomas to give Barnett Lotstein to have a government car
- 70 percent of the Phoenix budget goes to cops and firemen
- Cities' timetables vary on saving public records
- Concealed carry soon to be legal for anyone in Arizona
- Arizona's racist SB 1070 law requires ID or you go to jail
- Mesa to require motel owners to check ID for the cops
- Can you get a DUI on bicycle in Arizona?
- Can you be bused for DUI on bicycle in Arizona?
- You don't need to prove your a citizen to register to vote in Arizona
- Court voids Arizona voter registration law
- Court voids Arizona law on voter proof of citizenship
- Gonzalez v. Arizona, 08-17094, Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals (San Francisco)
- Proposed Medical Marijuana rules drafted by the Arizona Department of Health Services as a result of Arizona's Prop 203
- Article on Medical Marijuana rules drafted by the Arizona Department of Health Services as a result of Arizona's Prop 203
- Murder charges against Jared Loughner for the attempted murder of Gabrielle Giffords
- Arizona Supreme Court says profane rants are not illegal
- PDF of lawsuit suing Youngtown
- Ex-police chief sues Youngtown, cites civil-rights violations
- Cops identify wrong guy in Chandler Mall shooting
- Police identify wrong guy in Chandler Mall shooting
- Arizona knife control laws
- Arizona, the Second Amendment and Knifes
- Arizona, the 2nd Amendment and Knifes
- Wolfswinkel sues Sheriff Joe and Maricopa County for civil rights violations
- Wolfswinkel sues Sheriff Joe and Maricopa County for civil rights violations
- Copy of proposed medical marijuana rules from the City of Chandler, Arizona.
- Copy of proposed medical marijuana rules for Chandler, Arizona on Arizona Indy Media.
- Complaint filed against Andrew Thomas by the state of Arizona
- PDF Complaint filed against Andrew Thomas by the state of Arizona
- Lawyers can help people set up medical marijuana businesses
- Lawyers won't be disbarred for helping people with medical marijuana businesses
- Members of the Arizona Senate can't be arrested
- Members of the Arizona House can't be arrested
- Royal Arizona government rulers can't be arrested
- Arizona Representatives can't be arrested
- Arizona Senators can't be arrested
- Valley Metro Light Rail
- Valley Metro Light Rail Rules of Conduct
- Valley Metro Light Rail English Rules of Conduct
- Valley Metro Light Rail Spanish Rules of Conduct
- Valley Metro Light Rail Rules of Conduct are different for English and Spanish Speakers
- Arizona requests for computer files that are public records
- Arizona Supreme Court require governments to give computer documents requested via public records requests!
- Arizona requests for public records - computer documents
- Hate Groups
- If you don't love the government your a hate group
- State constitutions usually give us much more protection then the Federal Constitution
- State constitutions usually give us much more protection then the US Constitution
- State constitutions usually give us much more protection then the U.S. Constitution
- Gun control by the IRS on your 1040 form?
- Judge says a Social Security number can't be required to buy a gun
- Arizona DUI blood test requires warrant or consent
- Photo radar is all about revenue
- Monkey photo radar
- Arizona ID Theif
- Arizona V Johnson - Supremes flush 4th
- Arizona V Johnson - another Terry V Ohio
- Are guns allowed on Tempe Light Rail
- Are guns allowed on Phoenix Light Rail
- Are guns allowed on Mesa Light Rail
- Are guns allowed on Valley Metro Light Rail
- Are guns allowed on Valley Metro Buses
- Are guns allowed at ASU Valley Metro Light Rail stations
- Are guns allowed at Arizona State University Valley Metro Light Rail stations
- Government is the cause of the problem, not the solution
- In Gilbert, Arizona government is the cause of the problem, not the solution
- Tempe Police compile secret dossiers on people that make complaints!
- The Brady List - a list of cops who are known to be liars
- The Brady List - a list of police officers who are known to be liars
- lame excuses Sheriff Joe uses to stop Mexicans
- lame excuses Sheriff Joe uses to round up Mexicans
- lame excuses Sheriff Joe uses to deport Mexicans
- Rep. Kyrsten Sinema is for gun control
- Using a fake Social Security number is NOT identity theft!
- Using a fake SS number is NOT identity theft!
- Flores-Figueroa v. U.S., 08-108
- Bizarre behavior by Scottsdale Police!
- GOP official Brett Mecum may avoid court in speeding case
- Brett Mecum may avoid court in speeding case
- GOP official may avoid court in speeding case
- Brett Mecum
- Photo Radar Revenue - Big City Shakedown
- Photo
Radar Revenue - Some cities will pretend you have been served with the
photo radar ticket if the process server can't find you
- Photo
Radar Revenue - If you don't respond to a photo radar ticket your
driver's license will be suspended - even if you were not served with
the ticket and don't know about
- How a very small minority of police officers use their voting power to force their police state on the rest of us
- How a very small minority of cops use their voting power to force their police state on the rest of us
- Guns now legal on Arizona college campuses?
- California Medical Marijuana Laws
- Cops don't like being held responsible for their actions!
- Cops don't like being forced to prove they are not criminals!
- The Big-Spending, High-Taxing, Lousy-Services Paradigm
- Cops can search your cell phone and computer without a warrant
- California Medical Marijuana Laws
- Arnold Schwarzenegger Gets Caught Parking Porsche Illegally
- An interesting article in Fortune on medical marijuana
- Is pot already legal
- A perscription to use marijuana for $200 in California?
- Michael Jackson death ruled a murder
- Michael Jackson overdose death ruled a murder
- Michael Jackson overdose ruled a murder
- Cops and prosecutors lie all the time to frame innocent people and send them to prison.
- Cops never lie! Cops never plant drugs! Cops never commit perjury!
- Illinois to allow people to carry concealed weapons?
- Kansas no longer issues duplicate vanity licese plates
- Montana gun law
- Ohio police need a search warrant to search your cellphone
- Ohio police need a search warrant to search your cell phone
- Off duty cops allowed to park illegally?
- 10 year old terrorist suspended for bringing peppermint oil to school
- Child suspended for bringing peppermint oil to school
- Off duty cops allowed to park illegally?
- Lame excuses in NYC for taking people guns
- Jay walkers can't have guns in NYC?
- New York City bans guns with lame excuses
- Mexican gun laws
- Mexican 2nd Admendment
- Mexican Bill of Rights
- Mexican 5th Amendment
- Mexico’s 24 most wanted traffickers
- Mexico’s 24 most drug dealers
- Mexico’s 24 most dope dealers
- Mexico’s 24 most narcotics traffickers
- Mexico decriminalizes small-scale drug possession
- Mexico legalizes drugs
- Mexico legalizes “personal use” of drugs
- Mexico decriminalizes drugs
- Mexico decriminalizes “personal use” of drugs
- lame excuses Sheriff Joe uses to stop Mexicans
- lame excuses Sheriff Joe uses to round up Mexicans
- lame excuses Sheriff Joe uses to deport Mexicans
- Mexican President Felipe Calderón's drug war has killed more than 14,000 people
- Is Mexican President Felipe Calderón's drug war really a military coup?
- Is President Felipe Calderón's drug war really a way for the military to get a cut of the drug profits sold to the USA?
- Swiss banks will snitch on American tax evaders
- Switzerland breaks with tradition on tax evasion
- Argentine court throws out jail time for marijuana smokers
- Brazil, Uruguay, Colombia and Portugal also on the path of decriminalizing drugs!
- Brazil, Uruguay, Colombia and Portugal also on the path of decriminalizing drugs!
- Brazil, Uruguay, Colombia and Portugal also on the path of decriminalizing drugs!
- Brazil, Uruguay, Colombia and Portugal also on the path of decriminalizing drugs!
- legal stuff to talk about for pat
- Scent Lineups - Junk Science?
- Feds are busy closing public lands and keeping the public out!
- Bernard Madoff's computer programmers busted!
- Bernard Madoff's computer programmers arrested!