First and most important is my desire that that the
government doesn't get any of my stuff.
Nada, nunca, zippo, zero, nothing.
I have been terrorized, robbed, beaten and abused
most of my life by government tyrants and I don't
want the government to get any of my stuff when I die.
Sadly under Arizona law the state of Arizona will get most
of my stuff unless I say otherwise.
And here I am saying otherwise.
I don't want the government to get any of my stuff when I die.
A long time ago when I lived in Tempe I made my will out
to my brothers and sisters.
Back then they were poor and I was rich.
Now they are all rich and they don't need my money or stuff
so I am not leaving my money or my stuff to them.
Now I don't know this for 100% sure, but I suspect my
Christian nut job bother Tom and my Christian nut job
sister Jean have stolen hundreds of thousands of dollars
of my money and I want to make certain that neither
Tom or Jean get one cent of my assets.
I suspect both Tom and Jean are phoney baloney Christian hypocrites who brag to the world that they are good honest law abiding Christians when in realty they are just common thieves who robbed their homeless brother blind.
A big F*CK you to both of those hypocrites.
Of course now I am just a penniless homeless bum and of
course I don't have anything to give anybody.
On the other hand if my brothers and sisters, execpt for Tom or Jean want any of the
personal property I leave behind they can have it.
That is mostly computer books, tools and clothing and
other stuff like that that isn't valuable.