Homeless in Arizona

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Wicked Witch Wins
It\'t to boot U.S. Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema out of office - 
                    She tried to slap a 300 percent, thats a 300%, $900 and ounce tax on medical marijuana 300%
It\'t to boot U.S. Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema out of office - 
               She tried to slap a 300 percent, thats a 300%, $900 and ounce tax on medical marijuana

Center for Arizona Policy
Let's turn Arizona into a Christian Theocracy!!!!

Vote the way Cathi Herrod tells you to and Arizona will soon be a Christian theocracy. Just like the world was during that wonderful time period called the Dark Ages. Heretics will be burned at the stake, and adulterers will be stoned to death!!!

CAP - Center for Arizona Policy  - Cathi Herrod, Kathy Herrod, Kathi Herrod

Center for Arizona Policy
Let's turn Arizona into a Christian Theocracy!!!!

Vote the way Cathi Herrod tells you to and Arizona will soon be a Christian theocracy. Just like the world was during that wonderful time period called the Dark Ages. Heretics will be burned at the stake, adulterers will be stoned to death and woman who disobey their husbands will receive 50 lashes at the whipping post.!!! Remember Jesus loves you.

CAP - Center for Arizona Policy  - Cathi Herrod, Kathy Herrod, Kathi Herrod

Chinese Characters & HTML entitites
麻 hemp, marijuana
大麻 大麻 marijuana, hemp, literally big hemp or big marijuana
四百二十 四百二十 Four hundred twenty, four hundred two ten (twenty), 420,
四二零 四二零 420, four two zero
零 0, zero
二 2, two
四 4, four
十 10, ten
百 100, one hundred

It's Time to DUMP
Kyrsten Sinema!!!!

It\'t to boot U.S. Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema out of office - She tried to slap a 300 percent, thats a 300%, $900 and ounce tax on medical marijuana

Kyrsten Sinema tried to kill Arizona's Medical Marijuana Act by slapping a 300%, $900 an ounce tax on medical marijuana.

Kyrsten Sinema has got to go!!!!


Homeless in Arizona

Homeless In Arizona counter is screwed up