Homeless in Arizona

The English word faggot means "a bundle of sticks"

  Back when Europe was ruled by the Catholic Church being gay was a capital crime and gays were executed by burning them at the stake.

When the Catholic church murdered people for the victimless crime of being gay, first they were tied to the stake.

Next a few "bundles of sticks" or firewood are thrown at their feet. These "bundles of sticks" or firewood are used to burn them to death. A cruel sadistic punishment for the victimless crime of being gay.

The English word "faggot" originally meant a "bundle of sticks". And it still does mean a "bundle of sticks" when used in England.

Because gays were burnt to death using a "bundle of sticks" or "faggot" the word "faggot" because a slang word for gay people.

In English the orginal meaning of the word 'faggot' was a bundle of sticks used for firewood. Because Christians and the Catholic Church consided homosexualtity to be a capital crime gay people were executed by burning them at the stake and faggot because a derogatory term for gay people

In English the orginal meaning of the word 'faggot' was a bundle of sticks used for firewood. Because Christians and the Catholic Church consided homosexualtity to be a capital crime gay people were executed by burning them at the stake and faggot because a derogatory term for gay people

In English the orginal meaning of the word 'faggot' was a bundle of sticks used for firewood. Because Christians and the Catholic Church consided homosexualtity to be a capital crime gay people were executed by burning them at the stake and faggot because a derogatory term for gay people



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