Kicked out of another atheist Facebook group!!!Wonder if Jennifer White had anything to do with it.Tuesday, March 29, 2016 - got kicked out of Arizona FreeThougt, or Freethought Arizona??? Looks like I got kicked out of another Facebook atheist group. That group was either Freethought Arizona, or Arizona Free thought. I wonder if Jennifer White had anything to do with it. Jennifier White is the atheist who seems to be attacking me because I am a Libertarian and think it's wrong for the government to throw people in prison who have consensual sex. I was also kicked out of Freethought Phoenix or is the Phoenix Freethinkers. Again I wonder if Jennifer White was behind that. Same goes for the HSGP Facebook page. Same goes for the FFRF Facebook page at ASU. Jennifer White seem to be angry with my statement that "It's wrong to put people in prison for having consensual sex". And by that I mean it's wrong for the government to put an 18 year old kid in prison who has consensual sex with a 17 year old. Jennifer White a Freethinker???Jennifer White a Freethinker???Well she is a freethinker if you consider freethinkers to be atheist. But according to these folks she is not a freethinker because she has a closed mind.
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Will they murder me???People that hate homeless people are stalking me.I wonder if they will try to murder me. Elizabeth Johnson from Arizona 'Baby Gabriel' case arrestedIf you ask me Elizabeth Johnson was railroaded by the Arizona police. This happened before I was on Facebook, and I have posted a number of articles about her case on listservers.While I do like Elizabeth Johnson, I really don't like her lawyer, Marc Victor. Marc Victor's law firm owes me $3,000 from a case they won for me. I doubt if I will ever see a penny of the money Marc Victor's law firm owes me. I was dumb enough to use Marc Victor's law firm for my lawyer not once, but twice. Don't worry, I know I made a mistake twice, and I will never use Marc Victor or any of his alleged Libertarian lawyers again. Maps of MexicoMaps of Mexico in 1810 & 1821Maps of Mexico in 1810 & 1821
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Cops terrorize Deb StairsSounds like the local cops are terrorizing Deb Stairs.Deb Staires needs court support. Her court date is April 5th at 9 am, div. 2 Maricopa Medical Center, Desert Vista Campus, 570 West Brown Road, Mesa Az. Cellphone Gun???New gun folds up to look like a cellphone |
New gun folds up to look like a cellphone? A Minnesota company is making national headlines for a gun that's not even on the market yet. It brings a whole new meaning to the term "concealed carry." The weapon is designed to look just like a cell phone. It's about the size of a Samsung Galaxy and it even has a clip to wear it on your belt like a dad. Called Ideal Conceal, the gun is a double-barreled .380 caliber pistol that folds up to look just like a smartphone. Creator Kirk Kjellberg has a concealed carry permit and said he got the idea when he was walking through a restaurant and a young boy saw his pistol. His Minnesota company plans to have a prototype by the end of May for the NRA's annual meeting in Louisville and to sell the guns for $395 later this year, according to the website. "The idea for Ideal Conceal follows the present-day demand for handguns that people can carry on a day-to-day basis, in a manner that makes carrying a gun easy to do. From soccer moms to professionals of every type, this gun allows you the option of not being a victim," the website reads. Phoenix Police installing surveillance cameras on telephone poles?? |
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Phoenix Police
surveillance devices
on telephone and power poles??
Body camera videos of Mesa police murder won't be releasedIf a civilian had been videotaped murdering a cop you can almost certainly bet the police would have released the video.But when a cop is accused of murdering a civilian we discover the the cops, prosecutor and judge don't release the video?? Since when has a PROSECUTOR ever been concerned about a person getting a fair trial??? Jerry Cobb, a spokesman for the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office, said the videos were quite graphic. Before the judge's ruling, he expressed concern that publishing them could unfairly prejudice the defendant’s chance of getting a fair trial. U.S. spent $86 million on plane never flownThe "War on Drugs" ia government welfare program for the military industrial complexThe "War on Drugs" is government welfare program for the military industrial complex???The "War on Drugs" is a government welfare program for the military industrial complex. Just like the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. U.S. spent $86 million on plane never flown The Drug Enforcement Administration and Pentagon spent a combined $86 million on a surveillance aircraft for planned operations in Afghanistan that never left the ground, a Justice Department review found. President Obama agrees that drug abuse is a MEDICAL problem, not a CRIMINAL problemBut President Obama continues to order his DEA thugs to treat drug abuse as a CRIMINAL problemLooks like President Obama agrees with RAD or Relegalize All Drugs, that drug abuse is a MEDICAL problem, not a CRIMINAL problem.President Obama could tell his DEA thugs to quit arresting people for victimless drug war crimes and order all drug abuse to be treated as a MEDICAL problem, not a criminal problem. But sadly Obama doesn't want to cut into the jobs programs for DEA thugs. Texas man murdered by Mesa police was begging for his life???Texas man murdered by Mesa police was begging for his life???A witness and a transcription of officer video footage describe Daniel Shaver saying “Please don’t shoot me” and “Please don’t shoot,” just before an officer later identified as Philip "Mitch" Brailsford fired his service weapon. The only thing that surprises me about this case is the crooked cop who murdered the guy was charges with murder. Crooked cops routinely murder innocent civilians and rarely get more then a slap on the wrist for it. Usually the only time a crooked cop gets charged with crimes is when he pisses off his bosses, and that is pretty rare. Safety pin leads to felony charge against protesterSafety pin leads to felony charge against protester at Arizona Legislator.This is complete BS. But sadly this is how the police and criminal injustice system routinely operates. Cop take trivial petty things and change them into felony charges. one state trooper searching the man was pricked by an open safety pin that was hanging out of the left side of Mcrae’s shorts [which the cops used as a lame excuse to charge the man with aggravated assault on an officer, a felony charge.]I suspect the cops were also being bullies and arrested the guy not because it was needed but to prove they are big tough manly cops who can kick the sh*t out of anyone they want to. Some witnesses did not believe Mcrae’s arrest was necessary or justified, according to various social-media accounts. Reminds me of some people with closed minds I knowWhy does this photo make me think of Jennifer White???
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The police get a cut of the money they steal with photo radar bandits???Let's me get this straight!!! The cops get a cut of the money they steal from people with these photo radar bandits???The money [from the photo radar bandits] pays for school resource officers, police body cameras, the K-9 officer program, police vehicles and equipment [school resource officers are cops who are paid big bucks for the do nothing job of baby sitting grade school and high school kids. Yea, cops get paid $25 to $50 an hour to baby sit school children in our government schools, or public schools. That's an outrageous waste of our tax dollars]Any time the cops get a cut of the money they steal you can be almost certain that they will abuse the law and steal money from innocent people to benefit themselves. Roberts: Helen Purcell must resignI'm kind of confused on why all these people tried to vote in a Presidential Primary Election where their votes are non-binding and don't count.If you ask me the political parties, i.e. the Greens, Democrats and Republicans should pay for these elections and put them on, because the elections are just non-binding popularity contests. [My party, the Libertarian Party doesn't participate in the elections for that reason]. But still if the government is going to hold phoney baloney elections that don't count, they still should be held in a decent way where people don't have to stand in line for 5 hours to vote. The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (Denny Barney, Steve Chucri, Andy Kunasek, Clint L. Hickman, and Steve Gallardo) and Maricopa County Recorder Helen Purcell f*cked things up royal by allowing this to happen and all should resign. Maricopa County Recorder Helen Purcell came up with this asinine plan and it was approved by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (Denny Barney, Steve Chucri, Andy Kunasek, Clint L. Hickman, and Steve Gallardo), so they are all guilty as hell. FBI hacks into terrorist’s iPhone without AppleI don't know if the FBI actually broke the security on the Apple iPhone, or if this is just a lie from the FBI to convince people they are invincible.But either way I wouldn't leave a record of anything I did illegal that could be later hacked by the government. If you going to do something illegal, don't leave a record of it on the internet or on some computer or cell phone where it can be later hacked. Remember the government has almost unlimited resources and if the don't like you, they can literally spend millions of dollars to f*ck you over. Phoenix New Times supports the phoney baloney MPP law to legalize marijuana???Phoenix New Times supports the phoney baloney MPP law to legalize marijuana ???The article claims that the New Times isn't taking a position on which legalization initiative is betterbut when you read thru the article it sure sounds that the Phoenix New Times supports the phoney baloney MPP initiative to legalize marijuana and is against the AZfrm initiative. I wonder if the Phoenix New Times has a financial motive for supporting the MPP initiative? Will the MPP initiative generate more advertizing ads in the New Times with a small cartel of 160 or less businesses who have a government monopoly on growing and selling recreational marijuana in Arizona??? That's opposed to the 1,600 retail marijuana stores the AZfmr initiative will allow. I wonder why the New Times doesn't do a side by side comparison of the the AZfmr initiative to the MPP initiative? When you compare the MPP initiative side by side with the AZfmr initiative the AZfmr initiative kicks the living sh*t out of the MPP initiative. If the Phoenix New Times did a side by side comparison, I suspect a lot of people would be asking that their signatures be removed from the MPP initiative they signed, under the false impression that it fully legalizes marijuana. Also I suspect if the New Times did a side by side comparison of the MPP vs the AZfmr initiative we would have a lot of people going out of their way to sign the AZfmr initiative. And volunteering to help AZfrm defeat the MPP initiative. Just my highly biased opinion on the issue. Marijuana bust halts Easter egg huntIn every state in the nation we need a RAD type initiative to legalize marijuana.If we are going to legalize marijuana we gotta do it the RIGHT way and completely LEGALIZE marijuana. As long as we have these stupid investor driven initiatives that give monopolies on selling recreational marijuana to a few special interest groups and put anybody that cuts into their profits into prison we are going to have the drug cartels and all the problems that go with them. We need to pass a RAD or Relegalize All Drugs like initiative which completely legalize marijuana and treats marijuana like potatoes or tomatoes. Jonas sings a song on taxesJonas sings a song on taxes
The government isn't going to overthrow itself!!!!What the hell are you waiting for??? The government isn't going to overthrow itself!!!! |
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Buying booze in Arizona may soon get easier for MillennialsStupid laws, smart government crooks???A lot of people wonder why the idiots in government pass silly laws like these.The first thing to realize is the elected officials who pass these laws are not "idiots" but rather crooks. The second thing is it's usually about $$$ money $$$!!!! A 16 year old kid who gets his driver's license is forced to pay the state of Arizona $25 for a license that is good until the kid turns 65. With the current silly law, the state of Arizona gets to force the 16 year old to shell out another $25, 5 years later when he turns 21 if he wants to be able to drink. Don't think of it as a silly law, think of it as armed robbery by our elected officials. They know what they are doing. They are not stupid morons. They are very smart thieves. Victimless Crimes???Why does that make me think of Jennifer White???Maybe it's because she seems to think I am a pervert for saying it's wrong to lock people up in prison for consensual sex acts!!!! F*ck you Jennifer, you are a big time hypocrite.
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How Christianity changed the world — and how its decline impacts America![]() As religious nut jobs usually do, Len Munsil twists the facts around, ignore facts when convenient and makes up lies. Judge Randall Warner - F*ck those public records laws.Judge Randall Warner - F*ck those public records laws.My view is is you are using government property to do something, such as in this case where Bob Stump was using a government phone to sent text messages, then anything you do on it should be available to the public under the public records laws. Sadly Judge Randall Warner seems to want to keep what elected officials do using government property secret from the public. Judge Randall Warner ruled Bob Stump's text messages don't have to be released Mexicans torch Donald Trump effigyMexicans torch Donald Trump effigy during annual Easter eve celebrationsWho would you build if you had to make a monster of mythical proportions? An evil equal to a biblical scourge? A traitor to be burned in effigy whose fiery demise would cleanse our corrupted souls? In Mexico, that would be Donald J. Trump. (J for Judas?) |
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.04 is legally drunk? FAA making mountains out of molehills?Making mountains out of molehills???? Probably.When DUI was first invented the legal standard across the US was pretty much .15, which is really drunk for most people. For me that is about a 6 pack of beer. Due to the Federal government bribing state governments with $$$ money $$$, now the legal standard is .08 in most of the USA. For me that is a little over two beers and I'm really not drunk at that level. According to the FAA .04 is the limit for airplane pilots, and for me that's probably one lousy beer which certainly isn't drunk or even slightly intoxicated. FAA rules state that “no person may operate or attempt to operate an aircraft” within eight hours of having consumed alcohol or “with a blood alcohol content of 0.04 percent or greater.”I certainly don't think drunks should be flying planes, but at .04 a person certainly isn't drunk or even close to being drunk. Gun grabbing atheist ACLU Democrat woman spreading lies about me???This cartoon remembers me of a problem I am currently having with an atheist, gun grabbing ACLU woman who is a heavily involved in the Democratic Party who seems to hate me because I am a Libertarian.The woman seems to be slandering my by twisting my words around and accusing me of being a p*d*ph*le. I have always thought that all victimless crimes should be legalized. And one of those victimless crimes is statutory rape where an 18 year old who has consensual sex with a 17 year old can be thrown into prison for decades. I think that's complete BS!!!! I have said a number of times that I think it's wrong for the government to throw people in prison who have consensual sex. I believe this woman is twisting my words around from the above statement which says I think consensual sex acts should be legal and claiming that I think it's OK for a 60 year old man to rape a 2 year old baby, under the guise the baby consented and didn't say NO. I have never said that, and I don't agree with that. But I think that's the BS this hateful atheist gun grabbing Democrat woman is telling people about me. And this lady isn't a dummy either. She is a wealthy college educated socialite. Sadly, just getting a college degree doesn't give you any common sense.
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Fri/Sat March 25, 26 - Bike light stolenSome *sshole swiped one of my bike lights on either Friday night, March 25 after 7 pm, or Saturday morning, March 26 before 6 am.I parked my bike at Starbucks and when I came back the light was gone. I have two lights on my bike so that if the batteries die on one, I can turn the other one on and avoid being shaken down by the pigs for not having a light. Can I identify the light??? Damn right!!!! First it's one of those lights you get for free at Harbor Freight or buy at the dollar store for a buck. I got this one at Harbor Freight for free. I think. I used to carry it around in my pocket and quarters would always get stuck in front of the LEDs so I put some dimples on the metal that holds the plastic in to keep quarters from getting stuck on the lenses. I think, but I am not positive that the batteries in it are the ones I buy at the Dollar Tree also. AAA batteries that look like this (AAA, not the AA ones in the photo:
Gail Powers kicks us out of the NASCAR races???Kicked out of the NASCAR races for circulating petitions to legalize marijuanaThe official line is that Gail Powers ordered us kicked out of the NASCAR races at PIR or Phoenix International Raceway because we were circulating petitions to legalize marijuana.Personally I suspect that the members of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Department asked or encouraged Gail Powers to kick us out because they don't want us to legalize marijuana because that will cut into the "War on Drugs" which is a full employment jobs program for cops.
Gail Powers kicks us out of the NASCAR races???Kicked out of the NASCAR races for circulating petitions to legalize marijuanaThe official line is that Gail Powers ordered us kicked out of the NASCAR races at PIR or Phoenix International Raceway because we were circulating petitions to legalize marijuana.Personally I suspect that the members of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Department asked or encouraged Gail Powers to kick us out because they don't want us to legalize marijuana because that will cut into the "War on Drugs" which is a full employment jobs program for cops.
Yazzie is force to do community service at religious jointYazzi told me he was being forced to do his "community service" jail time at the Grace Thrift Store, which is a Christian joint.Complain it's a vioaltion of the 1st Amenendmetn to do work at religious places Key Pad LockersKey Pad Lockers????Police unions love the "War on Drugs"Police unions love the "War on Drugs" for the jobs it creates for cops.Border Patrol union: 10 miles of Arizona border unmanned for 2 days. The police unions are one of the causes of the insane "War on Drugs" In this cases the Border Patrol police union would love to use the "War on Drugs" as a lame excuse to hire more Border Patrol cops to fight the unwinnable "War on Drugs". The police unions are not trying to make us safer. The police unions only goal is to create more jobs for cops, and raise more union dues for the union bosses. The Democrats love to blame the Republicans for the insane "War on Drugs", but the Democrats are also the cause of the "War on Drugs". And we all know the Democrats are big supporters of the police unions that constantly push the "War on Drugs" to hire new union members, which in turn make the union leaders wealthy. U.S.: New CDC Guidelines Instruct Pain Doctors Not To Test For THCLong-awaited guidelines on prescribing opioid medications for pain, from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, instruct physicians not to test patients for THC and its metabolites.Mike Ross - Letters to the EditorHere are some letters to the editor from nut job Mike Ross.Medical experts call for global drug decriminalisationMedical experts call for global drug decriminalisation.An international commission of medical experts is calling for global drug decriminalisation, arguing that current policies lead to violence, deaths and the spread of disease, harming health and human rights. Montini: D-Backs greed: No runs, no hits, one BIG errorThe Arizona Dbacks want almost $200 million in corporate welfare from the citizens of Maricopa County????The way this works is first Arizona Diamondbacks CEO Derrick Hall makes the outrageous demand to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors that the taxpayers of Maricopa County shovel him almost $200 million in corporate welfare or he is going to take his marbles and move else where. (Well $187 million in corporate welfare to be exact). How millionaire owners of professional sports teams shake down the taxpayersArizona Diamondbacks CEO Derrick Hall wants $187 million of MY money!!!!Another letter to the editor from Mike RossHow millionaire owners of professional sports teams shake down the taxpayers for $187 million in corporate welfare Dear Editor: So the Arizona Diamondbacks want almost $200 million in corporate welfare from the taxpayers of Maricopa County???? The way this works is first Arizona Diamondbacks CEO Derrick Hall makes the outrageous demand to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors that the taxpayers of Maricopa County give him almost $200 million in corporate welfare or he is going to take his marbles and move else where. Next the taxpayers of Maricopa County are outraged and write letters complaining to the politicians that they are tired of giving their hard earned tax dollars to the millionaire owners of professional sports teams. The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors reacts the same way, saying they have already given the Diamondbacks millions and that the Arizona Diamondback don't deserve even one more penny of the taxpayers hard earned money. Of course now things get interesting. Next the Arizona Diamondbacks give the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors a big fat "bribe". I'm sorry, did I say big fat "BRIBE"? I meant a big fat campaign contribution. Magically the minds of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors change overnight and it's no longer $200 million waste of money,but a $200 million investment for the citizens of Maricopa County. The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors unanimously approve the $200 million in corporate welfare to the Arizona Diamondbacks. The taxpayers get ripped off again!!!! Sadly that's how politics works. Mike Ross ADOT - Arizona Department of TransportationADOT websites
ADOT websites of PRIVATE business that provide DMV servicesMPP signature pass themselves off as AZfrm signature collectors???There are two initiatives in Arizona dealing with legalizing marijuana.The AZfmr or Arizonans for Mindful Regulation and the MPP or Marijuana Policy Project initiative. The AZfrm initiative actually legalizes marijuana, while the phoney baloney MPP initiative creates a government monopoly for the 85 or so medical marijuana dispensaries and gives them a monopoly on growing and selling recreational marijuana. The signature collectors for the AZfmr initiative are all volunteers and are paid NOTHING. The signatures collectors for the MPP initiative are paid pimps and get a dollar for each signature collected (that's what I'm told). I suspect because when the initiatives are compared side by side it's easy to pick out the MPP initiative as a piece of garbage, the folks that circulate the MPP petitions have been passing themselves off as AZfrm petition circulators. In these photos this guy who is a MPP signature collector seems to be posing as a AZfrm signature collector by wearing a Safer Arizona t-shirt. Also note the bogus sign which claims the MPP initiative actually legalizes marijuana. These photos were shot at the Arizona Department of Motor Vehicles in Tempe at 1703 East Larkspur Lane in Tempe. This same MPP signature collector was also spotted at the Cheba Hut wearing a Safer Arizona t-shirt. I'm not sure if this guy works for Petition Partners or not. But a good number of the signature collectors who are collecting the MPP signatures work for Petition Partners.
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San Jose Police say "F*ck Body Cameras"S.F. Public Defender criticizes Alameda County deputies who allegedly beat suspect with batonsExpecting crooked cops to turn on their body cameras when they beat the living sh*t out of people they hate is just as silly as passing a law requiring bank robbers to wear body cameras to document their bank robberies."It is also disturbing that none of the 11 deputies involved turned on their body cameras. I do not believe that is a coincidence, but an attempt to cover up their misconduct. Former DEA agent supports recreational marijuanaEx DEA agent Finn Selander is a pretty smart guy because he knows the "War on Drugs" is a dismal failure and can't be won.Sadly Finn Selander hasn't done his research on the two marijuana initiatives in Arizona and supports the phoney baloney MPP or Marijuana Policy Project initiative. If Finn Selander had done some research he would realize the MPP initiative doesn't actully legalize marijuana and instead creates a new cartel of "recreational marijuana drug dealers" which will be handed over to the current cartel of "medical marijuana drug dealers". The only way Arizona voters can legalize marijuana the right way, and end all the crime associated with the failed "War on Drugs" is to support the RAD or AZfmr initiatives to legalize drugs. While neither of these articles mention the phoney baloney MPP "Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol", in an editorial called "My Turn" in today's Friday, March 25, 2016, Arizona Republic titled "Why ex-DEA agent backs legalization of marijuana", Finn Selander says he supports the phoney baloney MPP initiative to legalize marijuana. Maybe Jason Medar should take Finn Selander to lunch and show him why the phoney baloney MPP initiative will make things worse rather then better. Bother of the following two articles have the usual lies about the "War on Drugs" from drug war nut jobs Yavapai County Attorney Sheila Polk and Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery. Justice Department defends illegal DEA wiretapping.Justice Department defends illegal DEA wiretapping.Sadly the government pretty much uses the unconstitutional "War on Drugs" to justify every illegal act they do. So you think the system is working and can be fixed??? Sorry folks the system is broken and it's broken beyond repair. I suspect if George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were alive today, they would consider the current American police state thousands of times worse then they petty tyrant called King George that they overthrew in America. What Satanists plan to say in Scottsdale City Council prayerScottsdale also seems to want to run the Satanists out of town. In violation of both the Arizona and US Constitution.Scottsdale Mayor Jim Lane said officials are working to "find a clean path, one that is legal," that could block the group. Of course Scottsdale Mayor Jim Lane seems to think it's OK to shove Christian prayers down our throats, because after all the Christian religion is the ONE TRUE religion. "We're not in the business of entertaining an invocation that makes a mockery," Scottsdale Mayor Jime Lane said.Look, I am an atheist, but if we are going to flush both the Arizona and US Constitutions down the toilet and allow prayer in government meetings, we should allow any all all religions to say their prayers. Arizona Diamondbacks want more of our tax dollarsArizona Diamondbacks want more of our tax dollars.This is pretty much a standard part of the baseball game where the billionaire owners of professional sports teams screw the taxpayers out of of billions of dollars in corporate welfare. After the billionaire owners of a baseball team shake the taxpayers down for millions or billions in corporate welfare they come back a second time and demand more money. You might want to view the original article, because it has a PDF file of the letter Derrick M Hall, the CEO of the Diamondbacks sent to Maricopa County. This insulting letter won't do the trick. It will be followed by a BRIBE to the Maricopa County Supervisors which will do the trick. Did I say BRIBE? I'm sorry, I meant campaign contributions. Phoenix finds buyer for downtown Sheraton hotelAnother reason we need the 2nd Amendment.If the people are well armed and the members of the Phoenix City Council were afraid of angering the public they would have never traded bribes, oops, I mean campaign contributions for this deal which screwed the taxpayers of Phoenix out of $29 million to $42 million dollars. But don't tell that to the gun grabbing Democrats at the ACLU. Not only did this deal screw the taxpayers of Phoenix out of $29 million to $42 million, I suspect it put a lot of small hotels out of business who couldn't compete with the government subsidized Phoenix Sheraton Hotel. And cost a lot of large hotel as lot of money when customers stayed at the government subsidized Phoenix Sheraton Hotel instead of their hotels. [Note the article estimate the taxpayes got screwed out of $29 to $32 million. And when you throw in the $10 million the city of Phoenix is GIVING the buyer of the hotel, that will bring the losses $39 to $42 million. Bend over folks you been screwed by the royal government rulers on the Phoenix city council] Bill targets local governments that violate state lawIn theory this sounds like a great idea.But in reality I think it's just Senate President Andy Biggs creating publicity for himself pretending he supports the rights of the serfs he rules over. Our government masters rarely if ever punish crooked or incompetent state, county, city or employees or other government agencies who violate our Constitutional rights. In fact just a few minute ago I posted an article how 13 Arizona Department of Correction employees who had been raping prison inmates got away with a petty slap on the wrist. Something that if one of us serfs had done we would have been sent to prison for decades. That article was titled No jail for 13 people charged in inmate sex crimesIt was written by Craig Harris and published in the Arizona Republic on February 1, 2016 'Party on grass': Billboard pitches marijuana legalization to golf fansI support legalizing marijuana 100%. Hell, I support the RAD plan to legalize ALL drugs 100%.But I don't support the bullsh*t phoney baloney law from MPP or the Marijuana Policy Project to legalize marijuana. The BS "Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol", is a big LIE and doesn't regulate marijuana like alcohol. Instead it creates a monopoly on recreational marijuana for the 85 or so medical marijuana dispensaries that currently have a monopoly on growing and selling medical marijuana. And the phoney baloney "Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol" has numerous felony charges to throw anybody in prison who cuts into the lucrative monopoly the 85 or so medical marijuana dispensaries will get on selling recreational marijuana. Ask marijuana lawyer Tom Dean if you don't believe me. Tom Dean thinks that if the law is passed by the people, it will result in more people being arrested for victimless marijuana crimes. Montini: Sex crimes against inmates? No big deal…Sounds like this law is a violation of the Arizona Constitution's "Equal protection" clause and also of the "Equal Protection" clause in the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution.Montini is referring to this blurb in another article which I posted today which says: "Arizona's Victims’ Bill of Rights, which became part of the state Constitution 25 years ago, guarantees victims the right to be heard at any court proceeding. But the law does not apply to inmates — even if they also are crime victims.That was in an article titled No jail for 13 people charged in inmate sex crimesI posted that article earlier this morning The bottom line is if you are a cop that haves a gun and a badge, or are a prison guard you can rape any woman you want and not worry about being punished. I guess free sex with any woman is a job perk that only folks in law enforcement enjoy. Distrust of Chicago cops helps drive Emanuel's low approval on crimeThe good news is only 1 out of 5 people in Chicago are stupid enough to trust the police!!!!I suspect a much higher percent of people in Phoenix are dumb enough to trust the police. Just my opinion, no facts to base it on. Website blocked by Tempe, not blocked by PhoenixBefore the Feb 2016 NORML meeting I went to the Phoenix Library and noticed my Chander Police website was not blocked by the Phoenix Censors.The web site was blockd at the Tempe Library. Hypocrites on Phoenix City Council vote to prevent Satanists from saying prayers at Phoenix City Council meetingsLooks like the members of the Phoenix City Council are a bunch of sleaze bag government tyrants who want to use their position of power to shove the Christian religion down our throats.If these sleaze bag criminals on the Phoenix City Council had any ethics they would honor both the Arizona Constitution and US Constitution and now have any prayers at the Phoenix City Council meetings. But if they are going to flush both the Arizona Constitution and the US Constitution down the toilet and allow Christian prayers at their meetings they should allow prayers from ANY religion including these Satanists. It's time to throw these bums out of office. Bills would limit access to public records in ArizonaThe Arizona Public records law is already a "toothless law" which the government doesn't enforce. If your refused public records your only recourse is to PERSONALLY sue the government entity that f*cked you over.There is a phoney baloney "public records ombudsman" office, but they are also a worthless government agency that can't help you get your public records. All they can do is ask the agency to supply you with the public records. And if the agency refuses their only recourse is to write a letter to the governor saying the agency refused to comply with your public records request. Now the *ssholes in the Arizona Senate want to water down the already worthless public records law even more. The *ssholes are Rep. Eddie Farnsworth, R-Gilbert and Sen. John Kavanagh, R-Fountain Hills. Phoenix approves sale of downtown Sheraton hotelPhoenix City Council screws taxpayers out of $45 to $50 million in Sheraton Hotel deal.I originally conservatively estimated the taxpayers would be screwed out of $28 to $42 million. A lot of people like to call the members of the Phoenix city council incompetent morons who couldn't run a business if they had to. Personally I dasgree. Sure I hate those *ssholes, but they are not stupid morons. I think they are very smart crooks who used their position as elected officials to screw us out of the $45 to $50, which probably went to special interest groups that bribed them. Did I say bribed, I am sorry, I meant gave them campaign contributions. Gov. Brown gives cities more time to restrict or ban pot farmsThis is why we need a RAD or Relegalize All Drugs like law to forbid the government from taxing or regulating marijuana.And for those of you folks who trust the MPP o Phoenix International Raceway violates our Constitutional Rights!!!!On Friday, March 11, 2016 and Saturday, March 12, 2016 we had our Constitutional rights violated at Phoenix International Raceway (PIR) by the thugs from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office and Gail Powers who is Director of Guest Services at Phoenix International Raceway (PIR).Stacy had rented a spot to park the Cannabus at the Phoenix NASCAR races at PIR (Phoenix International Raceway) over the week for March 8 thru 13 in 2016. I think Stacy paid almost $200 to rent the spot. Because we had signs up that said "Sign here to Legalize" |
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Not only did the cops kick us out they violated our civil rights and erased the videos were were shooting of the police raid and threaten to falsely arrest us if we exercised our legal rights to video tape the police.
PIR Has Sheriff Joe's goons with the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office violate our Constitutional RightsOn Friday, March 11, 2016 and Saturday, March 12, 2016 we had our Constitutional rights violated at Phoenix International Raceway (PIR) by the thugs from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office and Gail Powers who is Director of Guest Services at Phoenix International Raceway (PIR).Stacy had rented a spot to park the Cannabus at the Phoenix NASCAR races at PIR (Phoenix International Raceway) over the week for March 8 thru 13 in 2016. I think Stacy paid almost $200 to rent the spot. Because we had signs up that said "Sign here to Legalize" |
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Not only did the cops kick us out they violated our civil rights and erased the videos were were shooting of the police raid and threaten to falsely arrest us if we exercised our legal rights to video tape the police.
Doctors told to avoid prescribing opiates for chronic painWhile this article isn't about marijuana, it shows how the insanity of the "War on Drugs" has taken over the American medical system. We need to stop having uneducated jackbooted DEA thugs telling doctors how to run their businesses.And of course if marijuana were legal, many people could use marijuana instead of opiates. But the thugs at the DEA still have their heads stuck up their *sses and claim that marijuana has no medical uses. Sadly it sound like the DEA would rather have 100 sick people be in pain if it prevents one junky from abusing opiate drugs. Let's face it the DEA and the police have f*cked up America's medical system royally. We need to let DOCTORS make medical decisions for their patients. Not jackbooted DEA thugs who have a financial interest in the war on drugs. While this article is about the CDC, I suspect a lot of their rules are influenced by input from the DEA. 2 L.A. City Hall staffers arrested on suspicion of DUI2 Los Angeles City Hall staffers arrested on suspicion of DUI.More of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our religious leaders, government masters and police??? Sky Harbor: Suspicious package briefly closed checkpointYou don't have to be a psychic to predict what was in the "suspicious package" that closed down Sky Harbor Airport.It's almost always some guys dirty laundry , forgotten bagged lunch, or some other silly thing. The cops probably took the suspicious package out to the desert and blew it up. And as they always do discovered it was some guys dirty laundry or forgotten bagged lunch. And then they will give us the line they always do of "Better safe then sorry".Hey these TSA guys do they best they can to try and convince the public that they deserve the big bucks they are paid. People will remember the bomb threat for years, but most folks will never hear that some guys dirty socks closed down Sky Harbor Airport for an hour. Let's face it, H. L. Mencken got it right with his quote of: "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. State drone laws could clash with federal drone policyState drone laws could clash with federal drone policy.Learn how to use Microsoft game controllerLearn how to use Microsoft XBOX game controller so I can play with drones.Learn how to use Microsoft game controller so I can play with drones. It's OK for cops to be dopers???Arizona police board relaxes policy on recruits' Adderall useArizona police board relaxes policy on recruits' Adderall useIt's OK for cops to be dopers??? That's how the AZ POST or Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board feels. If you ask me, drugs should be legal for EVERYONE, not just cops. I think the government schools, or the public schools as most people call them routinely hands out Adderall to "problem children" to shut them up and make them behave. The government seems to have a double standard on drugs. What Michael Nowakowski's LGBT comments say about usI'm not the only one that thinks that Phoenix City Councilman Michael Nowakowski is a double talking hypocrite. Joanna Allhands also seems to think that.Where's the tolerance for homophobic Michael Nowakowski?Donald Appel doesn't seem to have figured out that Phoenix City Councilman Michael Nowakowski is a double talking hypocrite who will say anything to get your vote.And while Donald Appel doesn't seem to understand the hysteria caused by a video of Michael Nowakowski I certainly do. I wouldn't vote for anyone who thinks that the government should treat gays as second class citizens. Nor would I vote for anybody who wants to use the government to shove their Catholic religion down my throat
Arizona Legislature makes revenge-porn bill its first priorityArizona Legislature makes revenge-porn bill its first priorityIf you ask me the law sounds UNCONSTITUTIONAL. So free speech that p*sses off a former lover is now a FELONY. Sadly the Arizona ACLU doesn't agree. The ACLU seems to have become a wing of the Arizona Democratic Party and supports the agenda of the Democrats, not the Constitution. Gov. Doug Ducey signs bill banning ballot collectionGov. Doug Ducey signs bill banning ballot collectionA lot of people laugh when they hear the line: If voting made a difference they would make it illegal.But it's true. In this case the Republicans are effectively making it illegal for some Democrats to vote. On the other hand I suspect the Democrats as just as much as sleaze bags as the Republicans are and would pass a similar law if they had the majority control. Even though I am not a FELON, I can't vote in Arizona since the they passed a law requiring you to have a government issued photo ID to vote Suspected I-10 freeway shooter in Phoenix serves $10 million claimEvery since I started reading articles about the arrest of Leslie Allen Merritt Jr., I suspected he was being framed by the Arizona DPS. It's nice him to file the claim against the state of Arizona.And remember that outrageous bullsh*t like this happens ALL the time to innocent people. All you have to do is look at how the cops are arresting medical marijuana patients for bogus violations of Prop 203 or Arizona's Medical Marijuana Act. Leslie Allen Merritt Jr. files $10 million claimEvery since I started reading articles about the arrest of Leslie Allen Merritt Jr., I suspected he was being framed by the Arizona DPS. It's nice him to file the claim against the state of Arizona.And remember that outrageous bullsh*t like this happens ALL the time to innocent people. All you have to do is look at how the cops are arresting medical marijuana patients for bogus violations of Prop 203 or Arizona's Medical Marijuana Act. What's your share of the National Debt???What's your share of the National Debt???Currently the National Debt is $18.8 trillion dollars.What's your share of it. Currently there are about 319 million people in the USA. If you divide the $18.8 trillion dollar US national debt by the 319 million current population of the USA you discover that every man, woman and child in the USA owes $59,248for their share the national debut. Since most of the time only adults earn money and only adults pay taxes what's the average American adult's share of the National debut. Let's assume that half of the population is adults. In that cause every adult's share of the national debut is $118,495What's your families share of the National Debt. That mythical American family of four people, mommy, daddy and two children owes $236,990toward the National Debt. Now the National Debt isn't all the money Uncle Sam has promised to pay out. When you throw in Social Security and a number of other things Uncle Sam has promised to give us the money Uncle Sam owes swells to around 4 times the National Debt. In that case 4 times the $18.8 trillion figure is about $75.2 trillion dollars. Now let's redo the math with that $75.2 trillion figure number. Every man, woman, and child in the USA owes $235,736toward that $75.2 trillion figure. Every adult in the USA owes $471,473towards that $752 trillion figure. And every one of those mythical families of 4 owes $942,946toward that $75.2 trillion figure. Personally I think Uncle Sam and all the crooks in the US Congress have robbed me blind and screwed me. I disagree with anybody that says I owe the US government $235,736 for stuff the US Congress has purchased in my name. The Emperor Wears No ClothesIf you are not aware of the history of the "War on Drugs" or the history of the "War on Marijuana" by the American government this is one of the books you should definitely read.The Emperor Wears No ClothesYou can get a free copy of the book at this link |
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Phoenix Councilman Nowakowski – hypocrite or faithful?In addition to being a homophobic jerk Phoenix City Councilman Michael Nowakowski also seems to want to use the government to shove his Catholic religion down the throats of the rest of us.I-10 shooting report: 1200 pages, 5 fast factsEvery time I see an article about Leslie Allen Merritt Jr. there seems to be more evidence that he is being framed by the Arizona DPS for a crime he didn't commit.The police seem to want to frame Leslie Allen Merritt Jr for a series of freeway shootings. But a lot of evidence seems to say it would have been impossible for him to have committed the shooting. For example, the gun the cops claim to have been used in one shooting was in a pawn shop at the time of the shooting. Government is a disease masquerading as it's own cure |
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Government is a disease masquerading as it's own cure Robert LeFevre Asking government to fix government is ... |
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Asking government to fix government, is like asking cancer to cure cancer.
And like cancer, government is an illness that eventually kills the organism that it infects. Cops come up with lame excuses on body cameras!!!Huntington Beach Police can come up with a lot of lame excuses on why they shouldn't wear body cameras!!!I suspect if bank robbers, rapists or arsonists were asked to wear body cameras they would have the same complaints that the cops have against wearing them. Orange County prosecutor attacks defense attorney??? |
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Orange County prosecutor
attacks defense attorney???
If you can't frame the defendant with a jail house snitch, beat his lawyer up??? Phoenix Councilman Michael Nowakowski a clone of Governor Ev Mecham???Phoenix Councilman Michael Nowakowski sounds like Arizona's goofy governor Ev Mecham!!!!Back in those days, Arizona's goofy Governor Ev Mecham refused to talk to reporters who wrote negative things about him. Like Phoenix Councilman Michael Nowakowski, Arizona's goofy Governor Ev Mecham thought gays were 4th class citizens too. Arizona's goofy Governor Ev Mecham was booted out of office when he was recalled, indited and impeached. Michael Nowakowski will say anything to get your vote.Phoenix Councilman Michael Nowakowski - typical lying politician who will say anything to get your vote.First Phoenix Councilman Michael Nowakowski gets caught on video saying that gays are fourth class people. Now Phoenix Councilman Michael Nowakowski is saying it was just a minor misunderstanding - his words had been misconstrued. And of course - please vote for me, I love gays. F*ck Phoenix Councilman Michael Nowakowski, he is a lying hypocrite. 'NJ Weedman' claims police are unfairly closing his pot templeIf we are going to have religious freedom people should be allowed to do any of the nutty things religious people do. As long as they don't initiate force or fraud against another person.While I think ALL drugs including marijuana should be re-legalized, I certainly don't think marijuana has any supernatural properties. I also find it outrageous that the Trenton police are using zoning laws to force his "church" to close at 11pm. If there is some supernatural marijuana deity, I seriously doubt the dude closes shop at 11pm. I have said many times that government is the cause of the problem, not the solution to the problem. Ed Forchion, or the NJ Weedman seems to agree with that: "The police are creating the problem, I am not creating the problem," he said. Cognitive DissonanceCognitive dissonanceSometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence the works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called "cognitive dissonance". And because it is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that doesn't fit in with the core belief. Frantz Fanon |
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Using the Big Dipper & North Star to find directionsI am not sure of the exact details on this, but it looks like that based on the season of the year, you can use the Big Dipper and the North Star to figure out the which way east and west is!!!!
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10 Crazy Ways Our Ancestors Got High10 Crazy Ways Our Ancestors Got High.I suspect a lot of religious beliefes are related to the effects of these drugs in primitive societies centuries ago when the users thought that hallucinations were caused by the gods rather then chemicals. Government Litter BugsNine out of 10 objects orbiting the Earth are rubbishNext time a cop gives you a lecture or a ticket for littering remember this.9 out of every 10 things in space circulating the Earth are garbage left there by, you guessed it, government litter bugs. Roberts: The two faces of Michael Nowakowskimichael_nowakowski_hates_gays.html#dos It seems a good time to ask the obvious question: Will the real Michael Nowakowski please stand up?In 2013, the Phoenix councilman supported the city’s non-discrimination ordinance, which among other things allows transgender people to use the bathroom of their choice. More recently, in an undated meeting with clergy at city hall, Nowakowski lamented these times in which we live. “I never thought I would see the day that men and men would be married," he said. "Or where people were allowed to go into the same bathroom as my daughter. This world is changing, and it’s time for us to take the leadership and change it back to the way it should be.” And the way the world should be is …. what, councilman?
Phoenix Councilman Nowakowski denounces LGBT rightsPhoenix City Councilman Michael Nowakowski is a double talking homophobic jerk???Phoenix City Councilman Michael Nowakowski is facing a firestorm of criticism after a video surfaced online Tuesday showing him objecting to same-sex marriage and transgender people being allowed to use the restroom of their choice. Voters recall Guadalupe mayor in food-stamp fraud caseVoters recall Guadalupe mayor Rebecca Jimenez in food-stamp fraud case.More of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our religious leaders, government masters and police??? Tempe Mayor Mark Mitchell loves "Taxation without Representation"Tempe Mayor Mark Mitchell, Chandler Mayor Jay Tibshraeny and Lake Havasu City Mayor Mark Nexsen are all big lovers of "Taxation without Representation".In this letter to the editor the Arizona Republic failed to mention that Mark Mitchell is the Mayor of Tempe, Jay Tibshraeny is the Mayor of Chandler and Mark Nexsen is the Mayor of Lake Havasu City. All 3 of these government tyrants seem to favor "taxation without representation" and want the state of Arizona to tax the krap out of you and give the money to them, rather then have their city governments tax you for the money they want to spend. If we are going to have taxes, the elected officials that spend your money should also be the ones who vote to pass the taxes. That way you can throw the bums out of office when they tax the krap out of you. Last time I posted a negative article on my Facebook page about Tempe Mayor Mark Mitchell I think he had some of his thugs from the "Friends of Mark Mitchell" come by my Facebook page and leave some insulting remarks where they called ma an "*sshole". Well Tempe Mayor Mark Mitchell, I feel the same way about you. I am sure if George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were alive today, they would also think that Tempe Mayor Mark Mitchell is an *sshole for wanting to have taxation without representation. Big John - Sunday, March 6, 2016On Sunday, March 6, 2016 Big John, whom I don't know his last name asked me to copy some files and save them to my computer.They included both images and audio files. He also wanted me to save his stuff in my locker for him. I copied the images to my computer. They all seem legal and are photos of stuff in his neighborhood. I didn't copy the audio files to my computer because I could not find them on his phone. When I was in the restroom and came out he had his phone hooked up to my computer, and may have been trying to copy stuff. I was afraid that he would copy something illegal to my computer and frame me. That's why I wrote the notes on my hand and on a piece of paper. Big John later emailed me copies of the audio files, which I have not listened to. I wouldn't let Big John store his stuff in my locker because I was afraid he might plant something illegal and have the police frame me. I know Big John had been arrested for a victimless marijuana crime and was afraid the cops were asking Big John to plant something on my computer or in my locker so the cops could frame me. Prescott City Council Votes to Oppose Recreational MarijuanaSounds like it's time to vote the tyrants on the Prescott City Council out of office.Well except for Steven Marshall. The bums on the Prescott Valley City Council that need to be thown out of office are:
Setting up websites!!!!Here is a blurb on what you have to do to set up websites!!!!Phoenix Global Marijuana March
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Steele Indian School Park
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Arizona Republic loves Sheriff Joe ArpaioArizona Republic demonizes anybody that runs against Sheriff Joe???The Arizona Republic is out to get Sheriff Joe's enemies???
But when you read the fine print, all Joe Rodriguez did was have consensual sex with a woman who worked for him. While that's not very ethical, it's certainly isn't a crime. And despite that mistake, I would vote for Joe Rodriguez any day of the year over Sheriff Joe. Sadly most cops are crooks, but even if that is true of Joe Rodriguez he is a lot less of a crook then Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Sadly it seems that the Arizona Republic loves Arizona's worst criminal, aka, Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Police murders are always OKMarcus Kennedy gets railroaded for accidental deathSo when the police "accidentally" murder a person it's OK. The police rarely even get a slap on the wrist for these "accidental" murders which are always justified by the police who investigate themselves.On the other hand when a civilian "accidentally" kills a person the civilian gets 5 years in prison for an accident. Marcus Kennedy story that he accidentally dropped a gun, and the gun went off killing his friend accidentally is believable. The standard line that we always get from the police that they thought the unarmed person had a gun and that they feared for their lives and had to kill the person always has sounded like bullsh*t, and is bullsh*t. Folks if you think about that long enough you will correctly realized that the police and government are our enemies. Marcus Kennedy should NOT be in prison for this accidental death. The police who routinely murder innocent unarmed civilians, usually innocent unarmed Black civilians should be rotting in prison for their crimes against us. Supositorios vaginales de marihuana para aliviar cólicos menstrualesSupositorios vaginales de marihuana para aliviar cólicos menstruales.¿Sufres dolores fuertes por tu periodo? Entonces esta podría ser la mejor solución para ti. Conoce más sobre esta nueva tendencia Marijuana to relieve menstrual crampsMarijuana to relieve menstrual cramps.Do you suffer severe pain for your period? Then this could be the best solution for you. Learn more about this new trend. Nokia 105, celular favorito de ISIS para fabricar bombasNokia 105, celular favorito de ISIS para fabricar bombas.Este teléfono les gusta a los terroristas porque es resistente y muy económico. El Nokia 105 de Microsoft es un teléfono celular extremadamente económico: cuesta nada más $20. Medianamente resistente al agua y a prueba de polvo el 105 ha sido fabricado para ser duradero. Nokia 105 cell phone - Favorite of ISIS to make bombsThe Nokia 105 cell phone is a favorite of the ISIS to make bombs.Terrorists like this phone because it is tough and very economical. The Nokia 105 Microsoft is an extremely economical cell phone: it costs around $ 20. Razones por las que no es bueno utilizar brasierRazones por las que no es bueno utilizar brasierWhy bras suck!!!Here are a few good reasons why woman should NOT wear a bra.Lying Los Angeles Police Officers"Brady List" from the Supreme Court decision Brady v. Maryland.Cops never lie or commit perjury. When they do it, they call it "testifying".Of course if we lie in court we will be slapped with felony perjury charges. When cops commit perjury or "testilying" as they call it they rarely get a slap on the wrist for their crimes. Here in Arizona it's a crime to lie to police. But I believe a number of Supreme Court cases have said it's OK for the police to lie to us serfs. Last there is a nationwide list of crooked cops who lie and frame people, it's called the "Brady List" from the Supreme Court decision Brady v. Maryland. Sadly most of the cops on the "Brady List" are still employed as police officers. 8 Poisonous Foods We Commonly EatMore of the old Marijuana is safer then ....OK, Marijuana is safer then1. Lima Beans Report slams Juvenile Hall for filthy conditions and poor leadershipA new county report on Los Angeles County's Central Juvenile Hall depicts it as a leaderless operation with "unacceptable" and "deplorable" conditions similar to a "Third World country prison."'Just Say No' anti-drug campaign helped define Nancy Reagan's legacy'Just Say No' anti-drug campaign helped define Nancy Reagan's legacy.'Just Say No' anti-drug campaign helped define Nancy Reagan's legacyTelling children to "Just say no" to drugs is just as silly as those abstinence campaigns which tell kids to "just say no" to sex.When it comes to sex and drugs, kids need facts and education. Not cute politically correct government slogans that say sex and drugs are bad, bad, bad. Sure I advocate legalizing all victimless drug crimes and legalizing all consensual sex acts. But I also realize that kids need to be educated on sex and drugs to help them make the safe right choices. Sadly our government masters that run the government schools, or public schools are most people called them seem to want to stick their heads in the sand and not talk about sex or drugs in a rational logical way. No guns on Phoenix buses???Maria Hyatt, Phoenix Public Transit Director, piles the BS high and deepMaria Hyatt, Phoenix Public Transit Director, piles the BS high and deep.Maria Hyatt gives me a crock of BS on how the signs that ban guns on Phoenix buses don't really ban guns. Another double talking government bureaucrat lying thru her teeth. I am sure the purposes of these signs are to convince the public that guns and weapons are not allowed on Phoenix Valley Metro buses.
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Mandatory ASU $75 a semester fee goes to the athletic department???Hmmm... a mandatory $75 a semester fee for ASU students that goes to the athletic department???The mandatory ASU student athletic fee, instituted with support from student government, is $75 per semester.The Arizona Constitution says universities must provide education as free as possible. Sounds like ASU has flushed the Arizona Constitution down the toilet on this which says: Section 6. The university and all other state educational institutions shall be open to students of both sexes, and the instruction furnished shall be as nearly free as possible.Let's face it government is mostly about $$$ money $$$ and government is a rip off. When I went to ASU I was p*ssed off about the mandatory fee, which you had to pay for the Student Recreation Center, which very few students used. Mesa police officer 'in shock' from second-degree murder chargeSadly a lot of police officers think they have a God given right to murder the serfs they rule over.Mesa Police Officer Philip "Mitch" Brailsford seems to think he should be allowed to murder any unarmed person he sees. Elected officials do the best they can to prevent you from sending them emailsIn this rant the members of the Phoenix City Council seem to doing the best they can to make it as difficult as possible for you to send them emails.
Emails shew new light on Michael Nowakowski ControversyHow do you spell crook in Polish - Michael Nowakowski???On the other hand I suspect Phoenix Councilman Michael Nowakowski will be giving us the old Nixon line of "I'm not a crook". Freethought Arizona Censorship???Sounds like a lot of atheists have closed minds?When posting in the Freethought Arizona group, please refrain from posting articles or discussion regarding "consensual" sex with minors. Should you post regarding this topic, you will be removed from the group. Thanks. Raymond Tomlinson, inventor of modern email, diesRaymond Tomlinson, inventor of modern email, died. Nancy Reagan also died. But who cares???Phoenix illegally bans guns on Valley Metro buses![]() Maria Hyatt gives the Phoenix taxpayers a crock of BS on how the signs that ban guns on Phoenix buses don't really ban guns. So the sign which appears to ban guns and knives doesn't really ban guns and knives???? What a crock of lies from this government bureaucrat at the city of Phoenix. On Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 1:24 PM, Maria Hyatt wrote: Mr. Jones: |
Imaginary laws in Phoenix Parks.More of those imaginary laws that the city of Phoenix uses to run homeless people out of Phoenix Parks.
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Scott Henderson - Tempe Amnesty InternationalScott Henderson AI - Local to Global JusticeI had another unpleasant experience with Scott Henderson, Tempe AI or Tempe Amnesty International and the Local to Global Justice event at ASU or Arizona State University on Saturday, February 27, 2016.A little over two years ago I volunteered to help Scott Henderson put on a fund raiser for Tempe Amnesty International at Kiwanis Park in Tempe. Instead of thanking me for putting in my valuable free time Scott Henderson attacked me, ripped the shirt off of my back and accused me of stealing it. One of Scott Henderson's other volunteers gave me a volunteer t-shirt and a volunteer arm band which I wore while taking photos for his partner Rick Johnson who used the photos I shot from the previous year event on the AI web page. Instead of thanking me for putting in my free time, Scott Henderson accused me of stealing the t-shirt and literally ripped it off my back. He also ripped the arm band off of my arm. Scott Henderson didn't use the word, "stealing", he accused me of "taking" his stupid t-shirt. Kind of like a cop at Wal-Mart would use the word "taking" to accuse a shoplifter of stealing something. Scott Henderson has never apologized for treating me like a common criminal and unjustly assaulting me. And I doubt if Scott Henderson ever will apologize. Needless to say as long as Amnesty International continues to let thugs like Scott Henderson run their local chapter I will not support AI. Needless to say, Scott Henderson is lucky to be alive. Normally I carry a gun, and if I thought Scott Henderson was threatening my life I would have killed him. Legally and justifiably. Bullies usually don't pick on people and I suspect Scott Henderson is like that. I suspect if I was carrying openly, instead of concealed Scott Henderson would have been like most bullies and looked for an unarmed victim to attack. I suspect Scott Henderson is also a gun grabber who wants to take our guns away from us. Most bullies are. They would prefer everybody to be an unarmed person they can victimize without fear. I wonder if Scott Henderson has been spreading lies about me to cover us bad deeds. The folks at Scott Henderson's Tempe AI booth avoided me like the plague. Perhaps that's something Scott Henderson should think about before he unjustly attacks the next person who seems to be unarmed. Is the person carrying a concealed weapon. You know Scott Henderson, just because your are twice the size of your victim, like in my case, armed people can defend themselves pretty well, even armed people like me who are half your size. Some articles on legalizing marijuana in ArizonaHere is the very first article on legalizing marijuana.Here are some articles on legalizing marijuana in Arizona. And here are some more articles on legalizing marijuana in Arizona. 5 Unconditional Demands On Legalizing MarijuanaHere is a list of 5 unconditional demands we need to make in any petition that attempts to legalize marijuana in Arizona.Facebook Test AreaI used this url which is facebook.html to make test images for my facebook web pages.Falsely Arrested by Chandler Police - Friday, October 17, 2014 7:50 am to 8:10 amHere is the UTube video which I uploaded about my false arrest in Chandler this morning between about 7:50 am and 8:10 am. are the key words which I put as tags on the video: Falsely arrested by 4 Chandler, Arizona Police Officers on Friday, October 17, 2014 - Two of the piggies were Ariel Werther #649 and Joshua Cohen #629. The other two pigs refused to give me their name or their card. I was falsely arrested about 7:50 am to 8:10 amTwo of the cops that falsely arrersted me gave me their business cards. They are: Ariel Werther badge number 649I will put more on that false arrest by the Chandler Police Department on this link.
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Arizona DUI implied consent law WAS NOT RULED unconstitutional
No DUI charges for marijuana metabolites in ArizonaWhen Prop 203 which is Arizona's Medical Marijuana Act was written it specificly says that medical marijuana patients can not be arrested for DUI because they have marijuana metabolites in their body.Despite the fact that Prop 203 specicaly says a medical marijuana patient can't be arrested for DUI because they have marijuana metabolites in their body, the police not wanting to end the "War on Drugs", which is really a "jobs program for cops" have continued to arrest medical marijuana patients for DUI when there is no evidence whatsoever that they are driving stoned, solely because they have marijuana metabolites in their body. According to this article the Arizona Supreme Court says those arrestes are unconstitutional and that the police must stop arresting medical marijuana patients for DUI simply because they have marijuana metabolites in their bodies. A new place to stayI found a new place that I might be able to sleep in.I have been by it a number of times and I never noticed it before. It's up north along a diagonal road that runs between Calle Norte & Calle Este.
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Friday night - All those kids with flash lightsflashlights_torchers_kids.html flashlights_torchers_kids.html It was Friday night and there were all those kids with flashlights and torches.Those kids scared me. Were they out to get me??? Passwords Changed - Feb 27, 2016Here is a link to the details about how I changed all my passwords on Feb 27, 2016.I collect signatures for MPP while wearing Safer Arizona t-shirtFor the record the MPP or Marijuana Policy Project's phoney baloney initiative to legalize marijuana in Arizona is 99% about creating a monopoly for the 85 or so medical marijuana dispensaries so they can screw us with $300+ an ounce rip off prices.The MPP initiative leaves intact numerous felony charges in the Arizona law for victimless marijuana crimes. The MPP initiative claims to treat marijuana like alcohol, but that's a big lie. We don't throw people in prison with felony charges for having 7 beers, like they will for having over 5 grams of marijuana concentrates, or for growing 7 plants. The MPP initiative will allow a maximum of 160 recreational marijuana stores, and we suspect that if it passes it will only give the existing 85 or so medical marijuana stores, recreational marijuana licenses. On the other hand the initiative which Safer Arizona backs, which is the AZfmr initiative will actually legalize marijuana. It will allow up to 1,600 recreational marijuana stores. Most of the crimes in the AZfmr initiative are be petty misdemeanors, with a $300 fine, as opposed to the numerous FELONY charges in the MPP initiative. The AZfmr initiative isn't perfect, but it's thousands of times better then the horrible MPP initiative.
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Marc Victor's law firmsVictor & HallMarc J Victor P.C.Attorney for Freedom![]() I hope that I can prevent you from making the same mistake I did. When it comes to talk Marc Victor's law firm is fantastic when it comes to shoveling the talk. Marc Victor loves to tell you his law firm is a freedom fighting Libertarian law firm.
Both of my cases were with Marc Victor's old legal firm Victor & Hall.I have also had one bad experience with Marc Victor's new law firm Marc J Victor P.C.In Marc Victor's old firm I dealt with both Marc Victor himself and Marc Victor's old partner Mark Hall. And of course I wouldn't recommend either of them to anybody. Unless you base your results on talk. In that case both Marc Victor and Mark Hall delivered fantastic results.
grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab thograb tgrab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email hose articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email rticles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 PIXLR image editor - Free like GIMPOnline web based image editor like GIMP or PhotoShop - pixlr - is a cool online image editor that is like GIMP or PhotoShop which is online and you can use for free.The image editor is pixlr will allow you to edit local files or images on your computer. It will also allow you to edit images on websites. I have not played with it a lot, but it's definitely nice when I don't have a copy of GIMP or PhotoShop on the machine I am using. You are required to report murders to the policeI should sue the police over this law which says that you are required to report murders and other deaths to the police.I would be terrified to report a murder to the police because they would probably attempt to blame it on me if I did report the murder. The same goes for reporting the discovery of a dead body. If I found a dead body I would be terrified to report it to the police, again because I would be afraid the police would blame the death on me. Sue the government over these laws1) They have passed several laws that require you report crimes and dead bodies. Sue over them. Those laws are almost certainly a violation of the 5th Amendment (self incrimination) and 13th Amendment (slavery).2) The law requiring taxi drivers to take drug tests. Despite Prop 203 which says in ARS 36-2802 that medical marijuana patients can't be busted for DUI because of marijuana metabolites in their system, the cops are arresting medical marijuana patients for DUI per ARS 28-1381 But Prop 203 which is Arizona's medical marijuana law in ARS 36-2802.D, clearly says if you are a medical marijuana patient you can not be arrested for DUI because you have marijuana metabolites in you body: ARS 36-2802.D Operating, navigating or being in actual physical control of any motor vehicle, aircraft or motorboat while under the influence of marijuana, except that a registered qualifying patient shall not be considered to be under the influence of marijuana solely because of the presence of metabolites or components of marijuana that appear in insufficient concentration to cause impairment. 3) Law that limits light rail fare to 5 cents or is that 25 cents or a quarter. Where was that photos shot at????At this web site they will use the GPS metatags embedded in you photos to tell you the location that your photo was shot at.Most modern cell phones will allow you to record the location of any photos you shoot by embedding meta tags which contain the GPS location the photo was shot in the photo's files. Will some people, like those phony baloney libertarians, David, Ernie and Mike will accuse me of giving this information to the cops, I am sure the cops already have this information and know how to extract the GPS information from you photos. A few months back software billionaire John McAfee made the news on this issue when he was a fugitive and was releasing photos to the media. Some hacker took the photos and extracted the GPS information and determined that John McAfee was lying about the location he claimed the photos were shot at. Tempe City Logo???Check out this cool city of Tempe logo I found!!!!! |
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Tempe Town Lake causes nothing but problems for local residentsThe Tempe Town Toilet causes nothing but problems for local Tempe residents according to this article.Messy yard cops shake down Tempe barber Dan Armijo![]() Dan Armijo runs Nash’s Valley Fair Barber Shop which is over on Southern and Mill Avenue at 115 E. Southern Ave in Tempe. Hey Dan Armijo, I would come by your shop and get a haircut, but hell, I haven't gotten a hair cut since the early 1990's. I don't need a hair cut any more then you need a jackbooted messy yard cop at your barber shop. Jack Lowell's got a peace sign in his front yard![]() I suspect it is driving the Tempe messy yard cops nuts. My WillOK, in case I get run over by a truck, or killed by government goons here is a copy of my will.Spanish language magazines & newspapersThese are the free Spanish language newspapers and magazines I read every week.Spanish Ordinal NumbersOne, two three, uno, dos, tres. First, second, third, primero, segundo, and tercero. OK here are the Spanish Ordinal Numbers.Libertarian Party Platform April 5, 2011This is the Libertarian Parties Platform which I copied on April 5, 2011 from this site Table of Contents for Homeless in ArizonaA toc for Homeless in Arizona?Anne Mardick - Universal Atheist Event Web SiteHere is a blurb about when I was talking to Anne Mardick about doing an atheist web site to list atheist web events around the planet.Marc Victor Friend Barry CooperHere is an alleged friend of Marc Victor named Barry Cooper.Barry Cooper is an ex-narcotics agent who used to arrest people for victimless drug war crimes. Marc Victor - FacebookMarc Victor FacebookThe Hand NotesThe Hand NotesI am a rock? | ||||
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I am a Rock
More articles on Kyrsten SinemaSome previous articles on Kyrsten Sinema.Here are some other articles on Kyrsten Sinema - Kyrsten Sinema. 1 2 3 4 If you love taxes and hate guns you will probably love Kyrsten Sinema. If you think most people are too stupid to run their own lives and that most people need a government nanny to tell then how to live you will probably get along with Kyrsten Sinema real well. If you think that marijuana should be effectively illegal by taxing the krap out of it you will probably love Kyrsten Sinema and her proposed 300 percent tax on medical marijuana.
![]() Some old links on Kyrsten Sinema 1 2. 3. 4 5 6 7 8. 9 10 11 Andrew Myers - Arizona Dispensaries AssociationProp 203 - Arizona Medical Marijuana Act![]() Ernest Hancock - Self Proclaimed LibertarianErnie Hancock - Self Proclaimed LibertarianDavid DornScott Henderson Tempe Amnesty InternationalGlasses PrescriptionHere is a link to my glasses prescription. Use to get dirt cheep mail order glasses.Auto Insurase for MexicansHere is a link to a place that I can get auto insuranse for my car. A lot of Mexicans love this place because they won't jack you around. Plus they will give you ccheep auto insuranse.Julie Smith works for the Phoenix Police - She is on FacebookJulie Smith works for the Phoenix Police!!!!I just discovered that one of my Facebook friends is a cop that works for the Phoenix Police. Here name is Julie Smith and here is a photo on her Facebook page which says she works for the PhoenixPolice. The photo I found on her Facebook page says she is a Detective with the Phoenix Police. She works with the LGBTQ Liason and Gay Camp. While in this case it is pretty obvious that Julie Smith is a cop you should assume that ANYBODY you meet on the Internet is a cop. And for that reason you should NEVER, NEVER, NEVER mention any thing illegal on the internet, even if it is a victimless crime that hurts NO one. |
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No Shopping Carts Allowed In Phoenix ParksI suspect there is a mean spirited *sshole who is a high ranking official in the City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department who hates homeless people and will do anything either legal or illegal to run the homeless people out of the parks in the City of Phoenix.I have discovered that somebody in the city of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department has been spending our tax dollars to post signs that cite and imaginary laws that doesn't exist and use it to run homeless people out of Phoenix Parks. Oddly this isn't new, my Libertarian friend Ricky Duncan discovered a number of other signs in Phoenix Parks which cited imaginary laws which the tyrants in the Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department were using to terrorize people they dislike. Here is a list of all those parks in the City of Phoenix which have imaginary laws posted in them to run homeless people out of Phoenix Parks. Note I have expanded the full list which includes other cities such as Tempe and Guadalupe which also have imaginary laws posted in their parks. James Wood - Atheist running for U.S. CongressJames Wood - Atheist Gun Grabber for U.S. Congress |
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James Woods
gun grabber
running for Congress.
I will usually vote for an atheist any day of the year over a religious person, because I know they won't be passing laws forcing their religion on me. A long time ago I sent James Woods a message on Facebook asking for his position on the "War on Drugs" and on legalizing marijuana. I was kind of p*ssed because he never responded to my message. Since James Wood didn't respond to my message I suspect he is one of those politicians who will try and keep REAL positions secret he thinks it will cause him to lose your vote. I call those people hypocrites. I don't know if James Wood is a hypocrite or not. But he never responded to my questions, so I am guessing he is a hypocrite. I also think that James Woods is against the Second Amendment and wants to take our guns away from use. He mentioned something along those lines at either a Phoenix Freedom From Religion Foundation meeting or a Phoenix Americans United for Separation of Church and State (Phoenix AU) meeting. An just because James Woods has sun glasses on in this photo, it doesn't mean he is a druggie. James Wood is blind. U.S. Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema is the only other atheist I know in govenrment. I am not too happy with her either because when she was a member of the Arizona legislator she tried to flush Prop 203 or Arizona's Medical Marijuana Act down the toilet by slapping a 300% tax on medical marijuana. That attempt failed. U.S. Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema says she supports decriminalizing marijuana, but I think she is lying because of the tax she tried to slap on medical marijuana. I used to know U.S. Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema when she was an anti-war activist, but it looks like she has sold out the cause since she got elected. While she talks like she supports the little guy she consistently votes to support the police state and military industrial complex. U.S. Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema is also a big time gun grabber who would love to flush the 2nd Amendment down the toilet. Jennifer WhiteAnne MardickMike FranklinPat SchwindOther Stuff 1Other Stuff 2Other Stuff 3Other Stuff 4 |
What happened was the court ruled the cops can NOT force you to take a blood, breath or urine test.
But they can still suspend your drivers license if you refuse to take the test.