Homeless in Arizona

What's your share of the National Debt???

  What's your share of the National Debt???

Currently the National Debt is

$18.8 trillion dollars.
What's your share of it.

Currently there are about 319 million people in the USA.

If you divide the $18.8 trillion dollar US national debt by the 319 million current population of the USA you discover that every man, woman and child in the USA owes

for their share the national debut.

Since most of the time only adults earn money and only adults pay taxes what's the average American adult's share of the National debut. Let's assume that half of the population is adults.

In that cause every adult's share of the national debut is

What's your families share of the National Debt. That mythical American family of four people, mommy, daddy and two children owes
toward the National Debt.

Now the National Debt isn't all the money Uncle Sam has promised to pay out. When you throw in Social Security and a number of other things Uncle Sam has promised to give us the money Uncle Sam owes swells to around 4 times the National Debt. In that case 4 times the $18.8 trillion figure is about

$75.2 trillion.
Now let's redo the math with that $75.2 trillion figure number.

Every man, woman, and child in the USA owes

toward that $75.2 trillion figure.

Every adult in the USA owes

towards that $752 trillion figure.

And every one of those mythical families of 4 owes

toward that $75.2 trillion figure.

Personally I think Uncle Sam and all the crooks in the US Congress have robbed me blind and screwed me.

I disagree with anybody that says I owe the US government $235,736 for stuff the US Congress has purchased in my name.


Homeless in Arizona

Homeless In Arizona counter is screwed up