Homeless in Arizona

Fri/Sat March 25, 26 - Bike light stolen

  Some *sshole swiped one of my bike lights on either Friday night, March 25 after 7 pm, or Saturday morning, March 26 before 6 am.

I parked my bike at Starbucks and when I came back the light was gone.

I have two lights on my bike so that if the batteries die on one, I can turn the other one on and avoid being shaken down by the pigs for not having a light.

Can I identify the light???

Damn right!!!!

First it's one of those lights you get for free at Harbor Freight or buy at the dollar store for a buck.

I got this one at Harbor Freight for free. I think.

I used to carry it around in my pocket and quarters would always get stuck in front of the LEDs so I put some dimples on the metal that holds the plastic in to keep quarters from getting stuck on the lenses.

I think, but I am not positive that the batteries in it are the ones I buy at the Dollar Tree also. AAA batteries that look like this (AAA, not the AA ones in the photo:


aaa batteries in the light - probably Sunbeam alkaline batteries -  Some *sshole swiped one of my bike lights on either Friday night, March 25, 2016 after 7 pm, or Saturday morning, March 26, 2016 before 6 am. Starbucks

aaa batteries in the light - probably Sunbeam alkaline batteries -  Some *sshole swiped one of my bike lights on either Friday night, March 25, 2016 after 7 pm, or Saturday morning, March 26, 2016 before 6 am. Starbucks - Free lights from Harbor Freight, which cost $1 or in this case $5 or $4.99 to be exact

Some *sshole swiped one of my bike lights on either Friday night, March 25, 2016 after 7 pm, or Saturday morning, March 26, 2016 before 6 am. Starbucks

Some *sshole swiped one of my bike lights on either Friday night, March 25, 2016 after 7 pm, or Saturday morning, March 26, 2016 before 6 am. Starbucks


Homeless in Arizona

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