Homeless in Arizona

Are they going to murder me???

  Are they going to murder me???

First they ARE STALKING ME. They leave twigs, sticks and rocks to tell them where I have been sleeping. That is TRUE.

What they do is leave a big rock or a tree branch with thorns where I sleep. That why if I come back a second time and sleep there they will know I was there because I moved the rock or stick.

I think it was on Saturday when I saw the guy at the vacant building. Was he placed there to spy on me? That's when I found that new spot to sleep.

I went there on Easter Sunday in the daytime to check the new place out and found a few more new places.

On Monday, March 28, 2016 I noticed some bicyclists on top of a mountain that appeared to be spying on me. That was when I went to my new spot to sleep the second time.

They got off their bikes and shined their flashlights toward me.

I also noticed a parked car with a guy in it that appeared to be spying on me. He replaced the other guy on the chair who seems to be spying on me.

Then yesterday on Wed, March 30, 2016 I went back to that place I sleep where I left my flashlight.

There I noticed that big 1/2 iron rebar where I sleep. I wonder if somebody placed it there so they could use it to murder me at night? I hid it in those apartments so they couldn't use it to kill me. Oddy the 1/2 inch iron rebar was not a straight stick but a stick bent into a right angle.

Then I wondered if people were following me. I thought naw, that would be impossible. Well, unless they were riding bikes on the mountain.

Then I noticed bikes on the mountain following people.

In a little while they came down off of the mountain to near where I was.

Then as I was starting to go to sleep in a new place I noticed some people in golfer clothing with flashlights come up looking for me. Did the bikers on the mountain top call them with a cell phone and tell them where I was?

The quickly left and hid under the tunnel.

I wonder were they going to kill me.

Then as I left the area I noticed that car slow down and check me out.

They live in the houses on the hill???

I think I figured out who those guys on bicycles are??

On top of the hill there are homes, which you can't see from below.

I think those people live in the homes on top of the hill.


Homeless in Arizona

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