Homeless in Arizona

Gun Grabbers

For some reason this remindes me of ACLU, Democrat Jennifer White!!!!

  The people that are trying to take away our guns are planning on keeping theirs. Makes me think of ACLU, atheist, Democrat gun grabber Jennifer White. I know Jennifer White from HSGP (Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix), AU-GP (Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Greater Phoenix) and FFRF (Freedom From Religion Foundation).  
The people that are trying to take away our guns are planning on keeping theirs. Makes me think of ACLU, atheist, Democrat gun grabber Jennifer White. I know Jennifer White from HSGP (Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix), AU-GP (Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Greater Phoenix) and FFRF (Freedom From Religion Foundation).


Homeless in Arizona

Homeless In Arizona counter is screwed up