Homeless in Arizona

Think the Mexican cops are crooked???

American cops are just as crooked as Mexican cops!!!

  Afraid to go to Mexico because you think the Mexican cops are crooked.

Well lot's of Mexicans living in the USA, don't think, but KNOW that American cops are just as crooked as any Mexican pig can be.

And of course those of us who live in the Phoenix area know that Sheriff Joe is one of the most corrupt cops in the nation. I am sure Sheriff Joe will put any crooked Mexican cop to shame.

Every week in the 10 or so free Spanish newspapers and magazines I read you will see a number of ads like this which say.

Did the cops steal your car?
We can help you recover it.
That's my translation, the Spanish is a bit politer and says:
Te quito tu carro la policia?
Nosotros te ayudamos a sarcarlo.
Did the cops steal your car? We can help you recover it. Te quito tu carro la policia? Nosotros te ayudamos a sarcarlo. Think the Mexican cops are crooked?? American cops are just as crooked as Mexican cops

Here is the full ad:

Did the cops steal your car? We can help you recover it. Te quito tu carro la policia? Nosotros te ayudamos a sarcarlo. Think the Mexican cops are crooked?? American cops are just as crooked as Mexican cops

Stealing cars by the police in Arizona has become a big business. If you get stopped by the cops for a number of trivial traffic violations, Arizona law allows the cops to steal your car and you can't get it back unless you give them a bunch of money.

I suspect if George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were alive today they would consider the modern American police state thousands of times worse then that petty tyrants King George which they over threw in the American colonies.


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