Homeless in Arizona

Articles on Legalizing Marijuana

Is AZfmr going to make it in 2016?

How goes RAD and any news on if AZfmr has enough signatures? As all the news talks about is the mpp initiative
RAD (Relegalize All Drugs) really doesn't have enough signatures to do anything.

But I use RAD to push the way things SHOULD be.

A large minority of people agree with me. Maybe we can get people behind it in 2018. The problem is going from a large minority of people that agree with RAD to a majority of people that agree with RAD.

The good guys at AZfmr (Arizonans for Mindful Regulation) have over 100,000 signatures, I think about 110,000.

That's opposed to the bad guys at MPP or Marijuana Policy Project.

And sadly if AZfmr makes it we are barely going to slide by.

Jason Medar has been secretive lately with the numbers and I think that secretiveness means we are in a bad position.

We need around a total of 152,000 valid signatures by July 7. And that's VALID signatures.

People have said we need 200,000 signatures to make the ballot to make up for all the invalid signatures that we have.

To meet the 152,000 number we will need 40,000, which is about 4,000 signature a week, every week till July 7. That's doable.

To meet the 200,000 number we will need 90,000 signatures, which is about 9,000 signatures a week. That might be doable but to me it sounds very unlikely.

Unless we have lots of luck at the PIMA county fair I don't think AZfmr is going to make it. Let's hope I am wrong on that.

The only reason I support AZfmr is because the MPP initiative is so BAD. I think the MPP initiative will actually make things worse then the current laws against drugs. Tom Dean the marijuana lawyer seems to think that too.

My concerns are it create several government and private bureaucracies that live off of the marijuana money and taxes.

Next time around those government and private bureaucracies will fight tooth and nail to prevent us from repealing the MPP law because it gives them big bucks.

And they will use those BIG BUCKS they get from marijuana sales to finance their fight.

The AZfmr initiative sucks for a number of reason.

It creates a 10% tax on marijuana.

It creates some government bureaucracies, and it regulates marijuana like liquor.

It has a lot of criminal penalties for marijuana which are misdemeanor and a few penalties for marijuana which are felonies. It sucks too, but not as bad as the MPP initiative.


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