First drugs don't cause crime, the laws against drugs cause crime.
Second a good number of the drug overdoses and deaths are caused by the laws against drugs. If drugs were legal people would have access to drugs of a know quality and that would reduce the number of over doses. People would also have a better knowledge of how a given drug would affect them, and again that would reduce overdoses. Third the laws against drugs only benefit the people involved in arresting, jailing and sending people to prison who commit victimless drug war crimes. And that includes Sheriff Joe, who is one of the biggest *ssholes in the world. Sheriff Joe is wrong with his statement "Drugs destroying our nation”. Drugs are NOT destroying our nation. The laws making drugs illegal are destroying our nation. And *ssholes like Sheriff Joe who enforce the laws against drugs are the people responsible for destroying our nation.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio gets heat for Prince tweet Ed Masley, The Republic | 11:45 a.m. MST April 22, 2016 Why did the Raw Story website post a story called “Prince died — and Sheriff Joe Arpaio had to be an (expletive) about it?” It seems the sheriff took to Twitter yesterday to use the developing story that Prince allegedly was treated for a drug overdose before he died as a means to celebrate his own drug-rehab program in local jails. No, really. This is what Raw Story says he originally tweeted. “Condolences to family of Prince, who allegedly died of overdose. Just celebrated 20 yrs of drug rehab in my jails. Drugs destroying our nation.” He later deleted that tweet but not before Raw Story grabbed it. Then he changed the wording from "died of overdose" to "was treated for a drug overdose days ago." After 13 hours, nearly 200 people have liked the sheriff's Prince tweet but plenty of others have taken to Twitter to call him out on the insensitivity of using Prince's death to brag about his own accomplishments. One person called him a sociopath while others used words we can't get away with sharing here. Here's a sample of the fallout.