Homeless in Arizona

US Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema Strategy to Destroy the Islamic State

  Kyrsten Sinema's Strategy to Destroy the Islamic State

Back when I knew Kyrsten Sinema she was an anti-war protester.

Looks like US Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema has sold the anti-war community out and now supports the military industrial complex.

US Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema has also sold out the marijuana community when she tried to slap a 300%, $900 and ounce tax on medical marijuana for her police union friends. .

US Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema has also sold out the atheist community. She refuses to admit that she is an atheist and instead on her congressional web page pretends she is a Christian without a church.

I'm not gay, but the gay people I know tell that US Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema has also sold out the gay community.

Looks US Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema is an equal opportunity hypocrite and has pretty much sold out out everybody she know.

This is a junk mail that US Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema sent me today.


Strategy to Destroy the Islamic State

Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Dear Friend,

I recently joined Congressman Adam Kinzinger to introduce a bill requiring this and future Administrations to develop a comprehensive strategy to destroy the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). The Comprehensive Strategy to Destroy ISIL Act of 2016 directs the Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State to provide Congress details on a strategy to destroy ISIL and its affiliates.

This strategy must include details on how the United States will deploy its military strength in the Middle East, assist the humanitarian crisis that exists in ISIL-controlled territory, and prevent ISIL from gathering strength again. It also directs the Director of National Intelligence to brief Congress on how the United States can undermine ISIL recruiting efforts in the Middle East and around the world.

ISIL is a clear and serious threat to the United States and our allies. Coalition forces have recently succeeded in recapturing some ISIL-controlled territory, but terrorist attacks like those in Paris, Brussels, Istanbul, and elsewhere are a tragic reminder that the fight against ISIL requires a global strategy.

I regularly hear from Arizonans who feel concern for their families’ security and the safety of our fellow Americans overseas. The Comprehensive Strategy to Destroy ISIL Act of 2016 is a commonsense solution to ensure the United States maintains strong leadership in the fight against international terrorism.

I came to Congress to put partisanship aside and get things done. Hardworking Arizona families deserve a federal government that puts their safety and security first. I will continue to work with my colleagues in both parties to destroy the terrorist threat abroad and ensure our security at home.

I am honored to serve in Congress on behalf of Arizona families like yours. As your representative, I always appreciate hearing from you on current topics and issues affecting you and our community. If there is an issue that matters to you, please let us know by clicking this link or calling our Phoenix office: 602-956-2285. Be sure to stay connected through our Facebook and Twitter accounts, and let us know how we can be of service.



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