Homeless in Arizona

Articles on Legalizing Marijuana

David tries to poison me with some really, really hot chilli


David tries to poison me with some really, really hot chilli David has only offered me food once when I was doing work for him at his house. And that time I think he intentionally tried to poison me by giving me some really, really hot food. David didn't know it, but I eat food as hot as you can eat it. I eat a lot of very hot food from India and Thailand. What David did was give me some veggies with some very, very, very hot chilli oil on them. I was kind of surprised by hot how it was, because I didn't think normal people ate food that hot. I suspect David was surprised because it didn't kill me. Hell, he was probably surprised that it didn't even bother me. In fact, I though it was kind of tasty whatever he gave me. Sadly that's the only time the cheap bastard offered me food at his house. David did say his mom was from India. I guess that's why he likes hot food.


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