Doctor Elaine Niggemann reminds me of the folks at MPP or the Marijuana Policy Project.
It sure sounds like Doctor Elaine Niggemann wants the government to give her a monopoly on providing medical care and to prevent nurses from cutting into her lucrative business of being a doctor. The creeps at MPP conned the public into giving them a monopoly on growing and selling medical marijuana and now they want to con the public into giving them another monopoly on growing and selling recreational marijuana. And of course both MPP and Doctor Elaine Niggemann use the same line of BS in asking for their monopolies which is NOBODY else on the planet is qualified to do what they do. My opinion on this is f*ck Doctor Elaine Niggemann and f*ck the Marijuana Policy Project.
My Turn: It's dangerous to give nurses more power Elaine Niggemann, AZ I See It 4:25 p.m. MST February 18, 2016 My Turn: As a doctor and a registered nurse, I can say that nurses don't have enough training to expand services. I am concerned about legislation -- Senate Bill 1473 -- being proposed to expand the scope of practice of nurses in Arizona. Having been a nurse and a physician, I am worried for patient safety if this legislation becomes law. I am a board certified cardiologist who practiced in Scottsdale for 26 years and am now on the faculty at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix. I am a Registered Nurse as well. I also served as an Army nurse for five years. I spent a year in Vietnam as staff nurse and head nurse of a surgical ICU/burn unit, and of surgical wards. After Vietnam I earned my master’s degree in medical surgical nursing at the University of California-San Francisco. Even with this advanced education, I was reluctant to see patients independently due to my concern about not knowing enough and fear of inadvertently harming a patient. That’s when I decided to try to get into medical school. I wanted to know more and do more with it as safely as possible. As a nursing major at Arizona State University, we took abbreviated, one-semester science courses. To simply apply to medical school, I had to complete two additional full semesters and two summer sessions of the science classes I did not have as a nursing student earning my Bachelor of Science in nursing. When I went to medical school with a very strong clinical background, the required sciences, and a master’s degree in Nursing, I still learned so much. I learned parts of the body that I didn’t even know existed! A cardiologist completes four years of medical school, three years of internal medicine residency, and three-plus years of a cardiology fellowship – more than 10 years total after the minimum of a Bachelor of Science degree. As a faculty member, to prepare medical students for the hard work they will experience in their postgraduate training, I share with them that the hard work as an Army nurse in Vietnam was nothing compared with being an intern. In Vietnam, we worked demanding 12-hour shifts, 5½-day weeks for the 12-month tour. Sixty-six hours a week would have been a light schedule as an intern. Besides four years of medical school, three to seven years of postgraduate training (residency and fellowship) are intense, demanding, and long. The training provides many, many learning opportunities not available in other health professions. I have the utmost respect for good nursing care and recognize advanced practice nurses as a part of the health-care team. Nevertheless, having been through the educational programs and training of both professions, I can unequivocally attest that nursing, even advanced practice nursing, does not have the education and training to safely expand their scope of practice as proposed by SB 1473. I urge our legislators to defeat SB 1473. Elaine Niggemann is a board certified cardiologist who practiced in Scottsdale for 26 years and is on the faculty at the University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix.