Here is an email I just got from MPP or the Marijuana Policy Project about a party for their phoney baloney initiative to legalize marijuana.
It's Thursday, July 7 at Fate Brewing Co. South (1312 N Scottsdale Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85257) from 7-10 p.m. It's nice to know what the enemy is doing.
Sarah Holyhead Dear, Supporter, Thanks to generous financial support from people like you, dedicated volunteers, and a super-charged campaign team, we are days away from completing our signature drive to place an adult use marijuana legalization measure on Arizona’s November ballot. You’re invited to help us celebrate! Please join us on Thursday, July 7 at Fate Brewing Co. South (1312 N Scottsdale Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85257) from 7-10 p.m. Come meet the campaign team and other supporters, and learn how you can help us make history. RSVP to me, Sarah, at or 424-226-8314. In just over four months, voters could make marijuana legal for adults in Arizona. This single change would put an end to the nearly 10,000 annual arrests of adults for mere possession of marijuana. It would also raise millions for K-12 education – in a state that’s currently ranked 47th in the nation in education! And that’s just the beginning. Take a look at how marijuana legalization has benefitted Colorado: In 2015 alone, the state generated more than $135 million in tax revenue from marijuana sales, more than $35 million of which is earmarked for local public schools. Colorado now boasts the fastest growing economy in the United States. Unemployment in Colorado is at a six-year low. Since legalization took effect, the state has seen declines in violent crime, traffic fatalities, and teen marijuana use. Please get involved and help us win. Click here to make the most generous donation you possibly can. (And if you’ve already given generously, thank you!) Also, be sure to reach out to me at or 424-226-8314 to RSVP for the July 7 event. We hope to see you there. Thank you for your support. Together, we can build a better Arizona.
Sincerely, Paid for by the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol, sponsored by Marijuana Policy Project, YES on I-08-2016, with major funding from: the Marijuana Policy Project, an out-of-state contributor, the Marijuana Policy Project Foundation, an out-of-state contributor, Arizona Grassroots Dispensary, and Urban Greenhouse.