Homeless in Arizona

Articles on Legalizing Marijuana

Sheila Polk and Seth Leibsohn are liars???



I think that Jean Nelson of Scottsdale is trying to politely say that drug war nut jobs Sheila Polk and Seth Leibsohn are liars in that editorial they wrote a few days ago in the Arizona Republic.

Of course anybody who has read the editorial that Sheila Polk wrote where she said 62 children died in Arizona because of marijuana abuse knows that Sheila Polk is a liar who will says anything to keep the "War on Drugs" going.

While I am against the phoney baloney MPP initiative to legalize marijuana, I an for completely legalizing, not just marijuana, but all drugs.

The phoney baloney MPP or Marijuana Policy Project initiative is mostly about making billionaires out of the owners of the existing 85 or so medical marijuana stores by giving them a second monopoly on growing and selling recreational marijuana.

Letter: Are we reading the same pot initiative?

Jean Nelson 4:40 p.m. MST July 21, 2016

The Leibsohn/Polk Op-Ed column ("Recreational marijuana? The price is too high") states in part that under the initiative to legalize marijuana "showing up for work impaired by marijuana would be shielded from discipline until the commission of an act of negligence or malpractice" and "any driver with a blood alcohol content over 0.08 percent is legally drunk. The Arizona law would prohibit a THC limit from ever being set."

The petition text published on the initiative website states, "This chapter does not require an employer to allow or accommodate the possession or consumption of marijuana or marijuana products in the workplace and does not affect the ability of employers to ... enforce workplace policies restricting the consumption of marijuana ... by employees.”

And "This chapter does not authorize any person to engage in and does not prevent the imposition of any civil, criminal or other penalty on a person for: ...operating, navigating or being in actual physical control of any motor vehicle ... while impaired by marijuana or a marijuana product.”

Are Leibsohn and Polk perhaps referring to a different initiative, or am I misreading the text?

— Jean Nelson, Scottsdale


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