Homeless in Arizona

Articles on Legalizing Marijuana

Here is an interesting idea for a conspiracy theory.



Here is an interesting idea for a conspiracy theory. I don't have any evidence to support it. But it has a remote possibility of being true. And when you talk about the money, it's financially feasible.

In this Facebook post from around August 17, 2016 Dave Inman claims that AZfmr or Arizonans for Mindful Regulation didn't have even close to the 120,00 signatures that Jason Medar claimed we had.

Just how did Dave Inman come up with that statement?

Is Dave Inman just a lose cannon flapping his mouth because he wants to keep the Safer Arizona 2018 initiative off the ballot because he doesn't want it to interfere with the monopoly the MPP or Marijuana Policy Project initiative will create???

Or perhaps did the folks at MPP create hire Jason Medar and had him create the AZfmr initiative to prevent a RAD or Relegalize All Drugs initiative from getting on the ballot???

And Dave Inman has insider knowledge that the AZfrm campaign didn't get the 120,00 signatures Jason Medar claimed it did?

And there is lots of circumstantial evidence that it COULD be true.

Remember that the AZfrm campaign shut down 2 months early. Was that intentional to keep it from getting on the ballot, and defeating the MPP initiative?

Remember how the AZfrm folks negotiated for MONTHs with the MPP people. Again was that intentional to delay the chances of AZfrm getting enough signatures to get on the ballot. I suspect if the AZfrm campaign had started months earlier they could have gotten on the ballot.

While the RAD campaign didn't get any where near enough signatures to get on the ballot, things would have been different if RAD had 200 people collecting signatures like the AZfrm campaign did.

And if those 200 people had been getting signatures from day one, RAD could easily have been on the ballot.

I know a number of people said with 20/20 hindsight that they wished they had supported the RAD campaign instead of the AZfrm campaign.

And of course when you are talking about the hundreds of millions of dollars that the people will make if the MPP initiative passes it's financially feasible that the MPP folks did this to shut down the RAD campaign.

And of course I suspect that if MPP passes, they want to keep the Safer Arizona 2018 initiative from passing.

The Safer Arizona 2018 initiative will cause their hundreds of millions of dollars in profits to disappear over night if it passes.

Dave Inman -  an interesting conspiracy theory.


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