Homeless in Arizona

Articles on Legalizing Marijuana

JP Holyoak sounds like a hypocrite

  Let's face it the phoney baloney MPP initiative to legalize marijuana is all about $$$ MONEY $$$.

In this article JP Holyoak sounds like a hypocrite. JP Holyoak seems to criticize company for using the "War on Drugs" to make themselves rich. Of course JP Holyoak is using the "War on Drugs" or more specifically the "War on Marijuana" to make himself rich with Prop 205.

I think JP Holyoak is the owner of a medical marijuana dispensary. If not I believe he runs one.

When I saw him speak at ASU he gave us what seems like a laughable line of BS and claimed he had NEVER smoked marijuana until AFTER he got his medical marijuana dispensary.

He also claimed to support completely legalizing marijuana, much like the RAD initiative does. Of course the RAD initiative wouldn't make him a billionaire, like the phoney baloney MPP initiative will.


Roberts: Guess who will line their pockets if Arizona legalizes marijuana?

Laurie Roberts, The Republic | azcentral.com 6:49 a.m. MST September 9, 2016

A new poll shows that a voter initiative to legalize marijuana for recreational use in Arizona is going to be a nail-biter.

The chairman of the campaign to legalize marijuana seems upset that a Chandler pharmaceutical company has kicked in $500,000 to defeat Proposition 205.

J.P. Holyoak, chairman of the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol, seems to think that INSYS Therapeutics’ donation was prompted by its pocket.

More specifically, by a desire to keep said pocket chock full of profits.

INSYS sells an opiate spray used by cancer patients to relieve pain.

"You have a company using profits from the sale of what has been called 'the most potent and dangerous opioid on the market’ to prevent adults from using a far less harmful substance," Holyoak said, in a prepared statement.

A drug company opposing a law to legalize recreational marijuana in order to protect its business. Shocking.

How is this any different?

Certainly nothing like marijuana companies writing and funding a law to legalize recreational marijuana in order to grow their businesses.

Holyoak’s group has raised just over $3 million – most of it coming from the national Marijuana Policy Project or from local medical marijuana businesses that stand to corner the market should Arizona voters approve Prop. 205.

Most of the rest comes from other businesses in the marijuana industry. Like, say, Arizona Natural Selections, the marijuana growing business founded by Holyoak. Arizona Natural Selections contributed $35,000 in its quest to pass Prop. 205.

It makes sense that the money to bankroll Prop. 205 would come from the marijuana industry. There’s big money to be made and the people who wrote Prop. 205 made sure that existing medical marijuana dispensaries would be first in line to make it – by getting first dibs on opening the limited number of pot stores that initially would be allowed.

Just as it also makes sense that the money to oppose Prop. 205 would come from the drug industry (alcohol, too).

Yet when I look at who's giving to what, I see a variety of interests ponying up for the anti-Prop. 205 campaign.

As for the pro-Prop. 205 campaign, I see only one industry trying to get you to vote yes.


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