Homeless in Arizona

Articles on Legalizing Marijuana

DEA runs quarter page ad in Arizona Republic



In the Friday, October 21, 2016 issued of the Arizona Republic I was surprised to see the DEA or the Drug Enforcement Administration run a on fourth page ad on page 8A of the newspaper asking people to turn in their unused drugs and expired prescription drugs to DEA collection points.

Sounds like a huge waste of our tax dollars.

Just a day or two before that the DEA also ran a large display ad on the FRONT page of the Arizona Republic asking people to so the same thing.

Again sounds like a huge waste of our tax dollars.

I wonder if US Congresswoman Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema had anything to do with this???

US Congresswoman Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema likes to pretend that she is or legalizing marijuana, but she routinely supports the police state and routinely votes to help here police friends.

Back when Kyrsten Sinema was a member of the Arizona legislator, not her current job in the US Congress, she tried to slap a 300%, $900 an ounce tax on medical marijuana for her police union buddies that routinely support her.

That' 300%, $900 an ounce tax on medical marijuana would have driven up the price of medical marijuana in Arizona to $1,200 an ounce, effectively bankrupting many medical marijuana patients and for all practical purposes repealing Arizona's medical marijuana law.

Needless to say US Congresswoman Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema is pretty well hated by the Arizona marijuana community.

Here is a link to the DEA ad that ran the day before on the front page of the Arizona Republic

DEA runs quarter page ad in Arizona Republic on Friday, October 21, 2016

DEA runs quarter page ad in Arizona Republic on Friday, October 21, 2016

DEA runs quarter page ad in Arizona Republic on Friday, October 21, 2016


Here is another DEA ad which was run on the front page of the Arizona Republic 3 days earlier on October 18, 2016.

Drug Enforcement Administration or DEA ad on front page of the Arizona Republic on October 18, 2016

Drug Enforcement Administration or DEA ad on front page of the Arizona Republic on October 18, 2016

Drug Enforcement Administration or DEA ad on front page of the Arizona Republic on October 18, 2016


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