From this article it sounds perfectly acceptable to write a law that exempts certain items from from the Arizona state sales tax. Such as marijuana.
Farley wants to put an expiration date on all the goodies that have been exempted from the state sales tax, with a little help from industry lobbyists.
Roberts: Looking for $2 billion, Arizona? Here it is... Laurie Roberts , The Republic | 6:05 a.m. MT Jan. 25, 2017 As our leaders assault the sofa cushions in search of loose change, Sen. Steve Farley thinks he knows where we could find a spare $2 billion or so to fund public education. It’s a pretty simple idea really. Farley wants to put an expiration date on all the goodies that have been exempted from the state sales tax, with a little help from industry lobbyists. Farley has this idea that we should periodically review tax exemptions and at least consider whether it makes sense to continue carving out the hundreds of loopholes that have left the state’s tax code looking like a hunk of Swiss cheese. Like I said, pretty simple, yet a non-starter every time Farley has brought up the idea. Exemptions cost us $12 billion “We’re hemorrhaging over $12 billion a year from our revenues for tax exemptions that never come back and get reviewed,” Farley told me. “It’s about time we reviewed them because a lot of them do nothing for our economy except for bleed revenues that otherwise would be spent on our schools.” And so comes Senate Bill 1144. The bill would impose a sunset on all sales tax loopholes. After eight years, each exemption would go away unless it is brought back for debate and renewal. In other words, no more hiding the little gifties that are made to the industries that can hire the most persuasive lobbyists. According to the Arizona Department of Revenue, the state’s 333 exemptions to the sales tax cost us $12.2 billion in 2015. (See report here, starting on page 60.) Of that, nearly half is due to the fact that we don’t tax services. We also don’t tax groceries or medical supplies. None of that is likely to change. But I wonder. Would industry as we know it collapse if we imposed a sales tax on soft drinks or horse vitamins? Would our economy be cast adrift if we forced airlines to pay a tax on those free peanuts they hand out? If we taxed Lottery tickets? Or college football tickets? Are these exemptions justified? We tax 3-inch pipes but not the 4-inch ones used by Southwest Gas and certain other companies. We tax chainsaws but not if they’re being bought by a “qualifying business” to thin the forest. We tax the lunch you buy at the mall but not at a rodeo. You pay a sales tax on magazines, unless you’re buying Arizona Highways. You pay a sales tax on shampoo unless you’re the Marriott or the Hyatt. Is that justified? Under Farley’s bill, lawmakers would have to at least consider the question. “I’m sure we could find $2 billion out of that $12 billion that we could (use to) reduce the sales tax by a penny and increase our revenue for schools by a billion dollars and have a win-win for everybody except for the folks who hire high-priced lobbyists who get tax breaks for themselves,” he said. Farley’s bill will get a hearing on Feb. 1, which is no small feat for a Democrat. Senate Finance Chairman David Farnsworth, R-Mesa, is co-sponsoring Farley’s bill, though for different reasons. “He would like to free up money for more social programs and my motive would be to free up the money so we could eliminate the personal income tax,” Farnsworth told me. In order to go anywhere, Farnsworth said Farley’s bill will have to be amended. Rather than requiring a vote to continue tax breaks, the bill will be changed to require a vote to eliminate the tax breaks. “I’m confident that some of them will be found that need to be eliminated,” Farnsworth said. So am I. But I’m less confident about our leaders’ ability to stand up to the lobbyists who put them there. The loopholes, that is. And sometimes … the lawmakers, too. |