Some images of Bayer heroin cough syrup (jarabe de heroina) and cocaine (cocaina) back when they were legal and you could buy them at any store that sold drugs. One of the Spanish language newspapers had an article with some photos on this so I decided to post some of these images of herion and cocaine back when they were 100% legal and any 10 year old kid could buy them at a drug store. Most of these drugs were made illegal in the USA at the Federal level when the US passed the 1914 Harrison Narcotics Tax Act. Marijuana wasn't made illegal until 23 years later when the 1937 Marihuana Tax Act was passed. Around 1969 or 1968 both the 1914 Harrison Narcotics Tax Act and the 1937 Marihuana Tax Act were declared unconstitutional in the trial of Dr Timothy Leary. And both have been replaced with a new Federal law, which I'm sure is just as unconstitutional as the old 1937 Marihuana Tax Act and 1914 Harrison Narcotics Tax Act. Illegal drugs used as remedies back when they were legal. I have seen this in English articles a number of times saying that Hitler was a speed freak who was strung out on meth. And that Sigmund Freud was a cocaine user. I used Google translate to convert the article from Spanish to English. Hitler was a speed freak or meth addict? Adolf Hitler era un gran adicto [de metanfetamina]. I think that the government schools also give the kiddies meth of attention deficit disorder. I think that drug is Adderall which is amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. Freud was a cocaine user? or cocaína as this article calls it? El padre del psicoanálisis [Sigmund Freud] defendía su utilización como estimulante, anestésico y afrodisiaco, y además se recetaba para problemas digestivos, asma y alcoholismo. What drugs have been used as a remedy? By the late 19th century, heroin syrup was relieving coughs. Its discoverer, chemist Felix Hoffman, noted that it had very good anesthetic properties and heroin replaced morphine until 1910, when it was banned for addiction. Synthesized in 1919 by a Japanese chemist, methamphetamine was used by soldiers who wanted to stay alert and overcome fatigue during World War II. Adolf Hitler was a great addict. In hospitals, the drug in pills was indicated for epilepsy, attention deficit and depression. Cocaine was very popular in the 19th Century, and was even recommended by Freud. The father of psychoanalysis defended its use as a stimulant, anesthetic and aphrodisiac, and was also prescribed for digestive problems, asthma and alcoholism. Several laboratories of the time made cocaine remedies, from tonics to pills for tooth pain. Among other drugs that were used as a remedy was opium. Extracted from the seed of the opium poppy, it is still used as an anesthetic in chronic pain. But, a hundred years ago, his therapeutic goals were a mystery. The syrup Mrs. Winslow, for example, was indicated to calm down hyperactive children. In turn, pure opium vapor, boiled in a pot, served as an inhalation for asthmatics. ¿Qué drogas ya fueron utilizadas como remedio? A fines del Siglo 19, el jarabe de heroína aliviaba la toz. Su descubridor, el químico Felix Hoffman, notó que tenía muy buenas propiedades anestésicas y la heroína sustituyó a la morfina hasta 1910, cuando fue prohibida por generar adicción. Sintetizada en 1919 por un químico japonés, la metanfetamina era utilizada por los soldados que querían mantenerse alerta y vencer la fatiga durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Adolf Hitler era un gran adicto. En los hospitales, la droga en pastillas era indicada para las epilepsias, el déficit atencional y la depresión. La cocaína era muy popular en el Siglo 19, e incluso fue recomendada por Freud. El padre del psicoanálisis defendía su utilización como estimulante, anestésico y afrodisiaco, y además se recetaba para problemas digestivos, asma y alcoholismo. Varios laboratorios de la época fabricaban remedios a base de cocaína, desde tónicos a pastillas para el dolor de dientes. Entre otras drogas que eran utilizadas como remedio, estaba el opio. Extraído de la semilla de la adormidera, aún es utilizado como anestésico en dolores crónicos. Pero, hace cien años atrás, sus fines terapéuticos eran un misterio. El jarabe Mrs. Winslow, por ejemplo, era indicado para calmar a niños hiperactivos. A su vez, el vapor de opio puro, hervido en una olla, servía como inhalación para asmáticos.