Homeless in Arizona

Articles on Legalizing Marijuana




https://www.facebook.com/groups/1702250226691326/permalink/1797914033791611/ Safer Arizona 2018 Board Secret Group David Stephen Wisniewski created a poll. MOTION TO REMOVE MICKEY JONES FROM THE BOARD AND DEMOTE TO GENERAL VOLUNTEER. MINIMUM 60 DAYS Mickey Jones has been a great asset to our volunteer force in the past and is a great addition to our campaign present and future. He is a wonderful signature gatherer and a joy to be around in the field. However due to behavioral issues that have manifested over the past several months when any sort of regulation is proposed I am motioning to demote Mickey Jones with my itemized justification. Motion to remove Mickey Jones from the Safer Arizona Board Of Directors, demote him to General Volunteer, and disregard his tracking program unless Mickey can agree to let us use it despite being demoted: Justification: Mickey Jones has repeatedly publicly lied about our initiative, our intentions, and criticized our efforts to the point that many of us have had to engage in damage control in attempt to minimize the disinformation he has put out about our campaign. Some examples of this are as follows. 1.Mickey accused Safer Arizona of trying to create a monopoly and being a prettier version of Prop 205 multiple times publicly causing online hysteria forcing many of our board members to engage in damage control. This public out burst has given our campaign bad optics hand had harmed our effort. 2. Mickey accused our initiative of allowing “the government to pass zoning regulations for marijuana businesses” to the point of zoning them out of existent when in fact the initiative read the opposite and ensured no cannabis specific zoning ordinances could be imposed. Once Alex and I read the initiative one on one with Mickey at the Tempe Library Mickey admitted that no changes needed to be made to zoning. This public out burst has led to additional damage control, given our campaign bad optics, and had harmed our effort. 3.Mickey Jones admitted to deliberately halting his effort on his tracking software because he believed Tom Dean was turning our initiative into Prop 205. This intentional delay of our campaign has set us back at least a number of weeks and has caused harm to our campaign. 4.Mickey threatened our campaign and attempted to undermine our voting members by refusing to complete his tracking program until the initiative was changed to meet his standards. This action shows a lack of respect for our organization, our board, and our cause. 5.Mickey more recently has publicly lashed out against our board for not authorizing the sales of cannabis with in 1,000 feet from a school in order avoid federal enforcement via the cole amendment. 6.Mickey has now started a false narrative that I have called him racial slurs in personal messages seemingly in order to begin demonizing me. 7.Mickey repeatedly attacks our board decisions that he chooses not to participate in publicly. 8. Mikey repeatedly attacks our volunteer attorney Tom Dean perpetuating on the false narrative he is trying to turn our initiative in to a version of Prop 205. Although many of us agree with many of Mickey's ideas fundamentally we know that many of his suggestions are perceived as too extreme by the main body population in todays age and would likely cause enough damage to cause our initiative to fail if left in. This is why as of now 8 of 12 of our board members voted to follow Tom Deans guidance on the remainder of the initiative. Due to these issues I believe Mickey Jones is unfit to be a leader and voting member in our campaign and that he should be demoted to a better suited position as a General Volunteer. In regards to his program. If it works correctly, it appears that it would significantly save us time in processing petitions however we can still run our campaign with out if. If Mickey can agree to cooperate as a general volunteer and still provide his program, it would be ideal. If not, we will adjust fire and continue mission. What this would mean the following but not limited to: 1. Mickey would be removed from board exclusive communication. 2. Mickey could voice his opinion but would not have any voting powers. 3. Mickey will be removed from having campaign email access. 4. Mickey can still come to all meetings and collect signatures if he chooses. 5. Mickey can still participate in IT assistance if he chooses. 6. Mickey can still be included in all public groups if he chooses. 7. Mickey would be eligible to return to the board after 60 days if nominated, seconded, and voted in by our board. MOTIONED BY: David Wisniewski SECONDED BY: Robert Clark


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