David Stephen Wisniewski from Safer Arizona uses a number of these to "prove" is incorrect assumptions" This is from Gary in New York on the Atheist Libertarian listserver. https://www.logicallyfallacious.com/tools/lp/Bo/LogicalFallacies Just came across this website, with a book to sell, but a lot of it just given in the website. I thought it very elucidative to our discourses. Top 25 Most Common Fallacies, with links: Ad Hominem Appeal to Common Belief Appeal to Faith Ambiguity Fallacy Anonymous Authority Argument by Emotive Language Argument from Ignorance Begging the Question Biased Sample Fallacy Equivocation Failure to Elucidate False Dilemma Hasty Generalization Magical Thinking Moving the Goal Posts Poisoning the Well Prejudicial Language Questionable Cause Red Herring Reductio ad Hitlerum Slippery Slope Special Pleading Strawman Fallacy Weak Analogy Wishful Thinking |