Last night at the PCC board meeting Michelle yelled a lot and behaved exactly like David claims I act, disrputing the PCC meeting. That meeting was Tuesday, March 28, 2017 at George & Dragon on Central & Indian School in Phoenix. She even said that if she is elected President of PCC, she will make it something like a part of Safer Arizona. And of course that means I will almost certainly be treated as a 3rd class citizen. ---- Here are some comments from my notes. Michelle is yelling and screaming at me while saying I'm interupting the meeting. Michelle is one of the people that claim I intereupt Safer Arizona meetings, which I deny. She didn't like it w hen I say she was part of Dave's gang. And yes, I raised my voice. But I was attacked. Eric says let's keep Safer Arizona out of PCC. I think that's a good idea. But sadly Michelle doesn't seem to feel that way. Nobody would address why the last election where I was won with a unaminous vote was invalid. I think we agreed that we would declare the election valid, say I was elected President. And then I would resign to make thing better. Tell Eric my story. Talk to Alex |