Homeless in Arizona

Articles on Legalizing Marijuana

Alex is not being truthful about the zoning laws



Alex Gentry is NOT telling the truth here:

Alex Gentry There is no crime of growing within a 1000 feet of a school. That's false. There are two misdemeanors for an adult 21 years of age selling to anyone under 21. The zoning laws are the exact same laws that every business has to deal with. We didn't give any permission to zone cannabis business in anyway different from any other business. Simple societal norms here.
Mickey Jones

Page 2 - 3-3702 G - Commercial grows, home gardens and cannabis sales [marijuana sales] are not authorized within 1,000 feet of a school

Mickey Jones

Footnote 7 Page 2 - 3-3705 A - Cities, towns and counties may enact reasonable zoning regulations that limit the land use for commercial grows, home gardens, and businesses engaged in retail sale and wholesale of cannabis [marijuana] [And note the word reasonable is not defined]

safer_arizona_alex_gentry_2017_05_07_010.JPG - Alex is not being truthful about the zoning laws

safer_arizona_alex_gentry_2017_05_07_011.JPG - Alex is not being truthful about the zoning laws


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