I was cleaning up my stuff and found these old photos I shot around 10 or 15 years ago.
I went to a huge Latino march in Phoenix and brought a sign that said on one side Chinga Bushand on the other side Fire the INSChinga Bush means F*ck Bush in Spanish. The Spanish speaking people in the crowd liked it a lot. And I got a lot of comments from them. The Phoenix pig on the left stole the sign when I set it down for a second to take some photos. So you are seeing photos of a Phoenix Police Officer who is an armed robber. He put it in the bumper of his cop car which I also took a photo of. That march was a lot of fun. It was the largest march in the history of Arizona. It went down Grand Avenue from 19th Avenue, to downtown Phoenix and then west on Washington or Jefferson to the Arizona State Capital on 19th Avenue. I put all those photos on Arizona Indy Media, but that web site was taken down a few years ago. This is how the criminal thugs on the Phoenix Police "protect and serve" us. These pigs don't "protect and serve" us, they treat us like an occupying army.
I guess that's why so many of us hate the police. Most of them are just armed thugs who are above the law. I suspect some time in the future the people who are being who are being oppressed by these criminal thugs will rise up and over throw the government and these b*stards will be strung up from street lights where they belong.