Here is the URL I found this on and the associated text:¬if_t=like¬if_id=1466265057775564
I think Stuart Krone is the guy Kevin Walsh called Stu K.
Stuart Krone Have you considered joining Modern Atheist?
Like · Reply · 1 · 21 hrs
Mickey Jones I will check it out right now.
Mickey Jones I just tried to join them.
Stuart Krone No you didn't :-) We're a meetup group based loosely in Scottsdale AZ. I don't see your pending request in our queue.
Mickey Jones The reason I pick on the folks at HSGP (Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix), AU-GP (Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Greater Phoenix), FFRF (Freedom From Religion Foundation, Phoenix Chapter) and Secular Coalition for Arizona is because they are here in Phoenix.
Sadly all of the groups have common members who are also big time DEMOCRATS and members of the Arizona ACLU.
All four groups seem like they are arms of the Arizona Democratic Party whose intent is to push the agenda of the Democrats.
Three of the groups HSGP (Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix), AU-GP (Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Greater Phoenix), FFRF (Freedom From Religion Foundation, Phoenix Chapter) are always bashing Republicans at their meetings.
I have never heard them bash Libertarians like me, but I suspect they do it behind my back.
Also while most atheist groups love to say let's using logic and reason when talking about God, they seem to resort to censorship when you say anything their Democratic leaders don't like.
I suspect I was kicked off the HSGP Facebook page because every time Jennifer White would post an anti-gun article I would post a pro-gun article.
Also I would post articles against U.S. Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema who is a gay, atheist Democrat. And that may have been another reason I was kicked off.
U.S. Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema has pretty much sold out the atheist crowd, the gay crowd, the anti-war crowd and the marijuana crowd. But I suspect the folks at HSGP love her because even though she has pretty much sold everybody out she is a DEMOCRAT.
Mickey Jones Stuart Krone - I clicked on it again. Did that get thru?
Stuart Krone And that is why I helped start Modern Atheist!
Stuart Krone
Modern Atheist
Modern Atheist is a fun, exclusive group filled with positive conversationalists and…
Mickey Jones It shows up as "The Modern Atheist", rather then "Modern Atheist"
Like · Reply · 7 hrs
Stuart Krone
Stuart Krone Oh, that's just the facebook page. We don't use that too much. We function as a meetup so that we can go and do things as a group.
Like · Reply · 7 hrs
Mickey Jones
Mickey Jones Well, let me try and find your group on meet up. I would also like to attend.
Like · Reply · 6 hrs
Mickey Jones
Mickey Jones OK, I joined. But I used a different email address.
Like · Reply · 6 hrs
Stuart Krone
Stuart Krone You have to use a real name to join and make your meetups public. We've had a problem with some questionable people in the past.
I think Stu K. is the Libertarian guy I met at the meetup with Kevin.
Mike, I went to my account and looked up Modern Atheist. Apparently it's based in Scottsdale, and four organizers are listed, three of whom I know, and two of whom you've met. The two we've both met are an Ashkenazi-descended couple from New York City who go by the screen names Dr. Lisa and Stu K. I think they're in their early 50's. Stu is bald, and Dr. Lisa has long orange-brown hair. We met them both at the southeast valley PAMG atheist meetup sponsored by Holly. I had to laugh when I read that the group was "politically moderate." The last time I attended a meetup with them, Stu was spouting such extreme Libertarianism that he professed to believe that private property owners have a right to shoot down airliners flying over their property without permission. Maybe it was just an act and he's a hypocrite. The third organizer whom I know, but I don't know if you've met, is named Tim. He was also involved with Holly's PAMG group, but he didn't go to the southeast valley meetups that we attended. I only met him once, when I went to a meetup in Deer Valley in late December 2014. He's a young man with some kind of disability that impedes his walking. I don't know a whole lot about Tim's politics, but he did exclude me from attending a meetup in November 2015 based on my being a racist, and that exclusion led to my exclusion from the whole PAMG. I don't know if this is just some side group or if these people had some kind of falling-out with Holly. The site claims it is an "exclusive group," so maybe they thought Holly was letting in too many of the riff-raff. The site also claims it's for "professionals," so excluding you may have been an act of class snobbery (and by the same token I probably would not be welcome if I applied even without Tim's presence). Apart from that Stu and Dr. Lisa might have associated us and not wanted you because I gave you a ride to a meetup they attended. I never insulted either of them, but they might have perceived me as an anti-Semite because I expressed doubt about the Holocaust in their hearing and because I contradicted Stu's narrative about gun control during the Hitler administration. Another possibility is that you were excluded for lack of a current photo. That's one of the site's requirements. They might also be confused that you use the name Val Ramos. Anyway that's what I know about those people. I hope it helps. --Kevin Walsh "The south Korean pro-American traitorous forces advocating the theory of 'multiracial society' are riffraffs who have not an iota of national soul, to say nothing of the elementary understanding of the view on the nation and social and historic development." --Rodong Sinmun, 27 April 2006
Saturday, June 18, 2016. I wonder if Jennifer White is the cause of this. Your request to join Modern Atheist has been declined Meetup June 18, 2016 10:06 AM (32 minutes ago) Your request to join Modern Atheist was declined. If you'd like to follow up with this group's Organizers, contact them here: Don't fret, Val Ramos! There are over 247,165 groups on Meetup with 2,726 groups near Scottsdale. You can join another Meetup Group and meet up with real people who share your interests. * Click here to see the 2,726 Meetup Groups near Scottsdale:
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