I know Jennifer White from AU-GP (Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Greater Phoenix), HSGP (Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix), and FFRF (Freedom From Religion Foundation).
While all of those groups are technically open to anybody that is an atheist, the groups seem to be mostly composed of Democrats, who also seem to hate Republicans. While I am not a Republican I am a member of the Libertarian Party and Jennifer White seems to hate me for that reason. I joined the groups because I think it's wrong to mix religion and government. I suspect most of the people in the groups hate me, not because I am an atheist, but because I am not a DEMOCRAT like them. I have dropped out of all three groups because the seem to be hostile to anybody who isn't a Democrat. If the groups would have explained from the beginning that they are composed of Democrats who don't want to socialize with anybody who isn't a Democrat I wouldn't have wasted my time joining the groups.