Homeless in Arizona

Charles Lee Lesher - You were kicked off because you were a total ass


If you ask me the atheists at HSGP or Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix call themselves humanists because they consider themselves more moral and ethical them the rest of us.

But this guy comes off as a real jerk.

Charles Lee Lesher You were kicked off because you were a total ass. You proved you were louder, more obnoxious, more asshole than anybody on the page. Goodbye and good riddance. You proved you were an ass. Nothing more. Have a great day.

Mickey Jones I guess if your not a Democrat who supports gun control your an *ss.

Charles Lee Lesher It's spelled ass. Get some balls. And no, we welcome discussion. You don't know how to discuss. You lecture. Besides that, you're never wrong. I have unfriended you. I can't take your bullshit any longer. Now nobody will be paying any attention to you.

Charles Lee Lesher You were kicked off because you were a total ass. You proved you were louder, more obnoxious, more asshole than anybody on the page. Goodbye and good riddance. You proved you were an ass. Nothing more. Have a great day. Jennifer White and the other gun grabbing, atheist Democrats at HSGP (Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix), AU-GP (Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Greater Phoenix), FFRF (Freedom From Religion Foundation, Phoenix Chapter) and Secular Coalition for Arizona.

Charles Lee Lesher You were kicked off because you were a total ass. You proved you were louder, more obnoxious, more asshole than anybody on the page. Goodbye and good riddance. You proved you were an ass. Nothing more. Have a great day. Jennifer White and the other gun grabbing, atheist Democrats at HSGP (Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix), AU-GP (Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Greater Phoenix), FFRF (Freedom From Religion Foundation, Phoenix Chapter) and Secular Coalition for Arizona.


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