Homeless in Arizona

Cristofer Pereyra - Use the government to force his Catholic values on us???

  It sounds like Cristofer Pereyra wants to use the government to force his Catholic values on us at the point of a government gun.

Sadly it's folks like Cristofer Pereyra who brought us the insane and unconstitutional "war on drugs", to help shove Christian values on us at the point of a government gun.

I suspect Cristofer Pereyra also wants to use the government to make it a crime for gay folks to exist. Mainly because the Catholic Church pushes the Bible's agenda that being gay is a capital crime.

We have to keep America a secular country which religion and church are kept separate.

Sadly a lot of atheists also want to force our science values on Christians at the point of a government guns.

I know atheist groups that like HSGP (Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix), AU-GP (Americans United for Separation of Church and State), Secular Coalition of Arizona and FFRF (Freedom From Religion Foundation) want to force their atheist values on Christians using the gun of government.

They want to force Christians who think vaccines are the tool of the devil to get vaccines at the point of a government gun. They also want to force Christian businesses who think contraceptives are a sin to pay for contraceptives used by their employees. That's BS if you ask me.

Even though I am an atheist and agree with their science values, I think it's BS to force those values on Christians using the point of a government gun.

Jennifer White is involved with all of those groups and she seems to hate me because of my Libertarian views, and my view that church and state should be truly kept separate.


My Turn: Helping Hispanics reverse the effects of broken homes

Cristofer Pereyra, AZ I See It 5:36 p.m. MST May 10, 2016

My Turn: Hispanic and religious leaders in Grupo Valores Familiares work to support families. Join the cause May 14.

It’s time to invest in our families.

For the last several months, an important group of Latino community leaders, as well as religious leaders from the largest faith groups in the Hispanic community, have been gathering. These include evangelicals, Mormons and Catholics.

The reason?

They are concerned about the alarming deterioration in the health of the most important institution in society, the family.

United by what they share in common, their values, they call themselves Grupo Valores Familiares (Family Values Group), or GVF. Among them are some of the most influential people in Arizona's Hispanic community.

Divorce, single parenting are hurting kids

What do they want?

They would like to reverse, as much as they can, the terrible harm the family has suffered in the last several years. We are talking about wounds that have their source in the increasing rate of divorce (statistics show 50 percent of marriages in the United States end in divorce) as just one of the major problems.

To the issue of divorce, we can add the fact that many couples with children simply are not getting married anymore. Because of that, there are too many homes without the strength and commitment to success that only the marriage of their parents provides children. Too many children are growing up raised by only one parent, be it mom or dad.

Not having a model to learn from, out-of-wedlock births have a clear effect on the increased rates in promiscuity and teen pregnancy. All of that leads to more abandoned single mothers and more irresponsible fathers.

Related to these is every other problem that affects the Hispanic community: school dropout rates, depression, drug addiction, prostitution, just to mention a few.

Have we reason enough to worry?

Join the cause on Saturday

If you agree that there is a need to invest more resources into defending and promoting the family, you are a perfect candidate to join this movement.

Your chance will come 10 a.m. Saturday, May 14, at the state Capitol lawn for the opening ceremony of the 1er Festival Internacional de la Familia (1st International Festival of the Family). There will be a short ceremony that will include prayer and brief remarks for the family. After the ceremony, a festival will take place at the ASU Preparatory Academy School at 735 E Fillmore St. in downtown Phoenix. This will be a celebration with music, food and family entertainment.

GVF hopes this will be the first in a series of efforts to promote family values in the Hispanic community.

But this isn’t the only way to participate. First, and above all, GVF invites everyone to:

invest in his or her own family; spend time with their children; and work on their marriage. We don’t often realize how much we can benefit society by simply having a healthy and strong family. #PhxEsFamilia #VivaLaFamilia

Cristofer Pereyra is director of the Hispanic Mission Office at the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix. Email him at cpereyra@diocesephoenix.org.


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