Homeless in Arizona

Abortion-restriction attempts short on facts, science

  I really don't like the people at the Arizona ACLU because they are gun grabbers and want to flush the 2nd Amendment down the toilet. But in this issue they are right. It's wrong for the government to flush a woman's right to have an abortion down the toilet.

I also have a problem with Jennifer White because she seems to have been trying to censor me for my support of the 2nd Amendment. Interesting the ACLU claims to support the 1st Amendment, but then wants to shut up anyone that they disagree with.

Jennifer White it the wife of the guy who runs the Arizona ACLU.

Jennifer White is also involved with a number of Arizona atheist groups like HSGP, AU-GP and FFRF.

In those atheist groups I suspect she has been involved in censoring me.


Letter: Abortion-restriction attempts short on facts, science

Alessandra Soler 10:03 p.m. MST May 14, 2016

No matter how many times Senators Nancy Barto and Kimberly Yee justify their restrictions on abortion access by repeating that they want to protect the health and safety of women, it will never be true.

They want to outlaw abortion. They are disguising their true goal with a health and safety pretense in the hope that it will allow their unnecessary abortion restrictions to survive judicial review. Indeed, with every law they pass that restricts abortion access, they actually put a pregnant women’s health and safety at greater risk.

Fortunately, two of their most recent attempts at this ruse – an attempt to mislead women on the facts of medication abortion and an anti-science effort to restrict the availability of medication abortion – were indefensible even with the cover of a health and safety rationale. That’s why the Legislature was forced to repeal them.

A woman who has decided that an abortion is right for her and her family ought to be able to get the care she needs without interference from politicians. Legislators need to leave these decisions where they belong: with women, their families and their doctors.

— Alessandra Soler,

executive director, ACLU of Arizona, Phoenix


Homeless in Arizona

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